Angel, maybe it's the hormones, but for some reason your post made me tear up! Oh hormones... and hehehe mini Blake, that's cute! She definitely is, stubborn little booger.
Vegas, the shower tip was pretty much the best thing ever! I stayed in there until the hot water ran out, and will likely go back in again at some point. It felt amazing! I ended up searching for the heating pad, which isn't as nice as the water but doesn't run out, lol. If I could figure out a way to strap it to my back and extend the cord wherever I walk I'd be all set... the heat plus standing is so much better than just the heat alone!
Thanks Jasmine!
Jen, it is a great place! The midwives are great. There's one we connect with better than the other, but both are awesome. The one we connect with better is the one on call right now.
Please don't feel weird posting here! We are always happy to hear from you and to be here for you. I'm sorry things aren't going the way you had hoped

I really wish there was something we could do... a collective power to help you make that baby! And collective power to give your doctor a swift kick in the ass to get you that referral.
AFM, been pretty stuck with the contractions today. Almost all day been 10 minutes apart. We went to Walmart to grab a few things but mostly for a place to walk around and try and get them going (it's cold and rainy outside, unfortunately). It got them to 8 minutes apart. She's never coming out!
Been feeling nauseous already, too, which is making it that much harder. I'm not used to being nauseous; had nausea in the first tri but otherwise I don't experience it often so I never know how to handle it.
And his mom is starting to annoy me today. She keeps calling to check on me, which is fine, but she's been pestering him about me going in for a pelvic exam to see how dilated I am. She doesn't seem to understand that it's not necessarily going to mean anything. She's also commented multiple times on the pain just getting worse / epidural etc. Very encouraging << complete sarcasm
Overall I don't feel too completely terrible so far. The nausea is getting to me worse than the contractions at this point. And the frustration with how long this has taken so far! When do people actually start counting time as having been in labor? Couldn't possibly be from the first labor contractions because then I'd be hitting 68 hours in about 10 minutes and that would be crazy.