June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Yay Stef, I am so excited for you guys!!!

Vegas, my exams always really hurt too!

Had a great time tonight at my mommy night out!
Hey girls,

Just a quick update, our baby princess was born at 12.04am, 19th November, head full of golden hair and a tiny six pounder!

Very intense 2 hour back to back birth.

Not quite sure of name yet but nearly there but she's amazing, we're smitten.

Not announced on facebook yet so sshhhhhhh x
Jas: just saw on FB. She is absolutely adorable! You must be over-the-moon happy. Hope you are able to get a bit of rest before you take her home and hope you have a speedy recovery. Can't wait to see what name you select. Again, congratulations!
Congrats Middy!! I am so happy for you, she is beautiful! Can't wait to hear more about the birth.
Vegas, are you considering a VBAC?

Angel, glad you had a good time at mommy night out, you deserve it!

Saw your update on FB Jas, she is gorgeous! Congrats!

AFM, still here... still no baby. Contractions 7-10 minutes apart all day yesterday until last night. Slept all night / morning through contractions, so not sure how they got on overnight. Trying now to time them again but having a difficult time, not sure if they're even starting back up properly again. Getting very frustrated! I've tried ball bouncing, which I'm going to go back to soon, orgasms, nipple stimulation. Read to use the breast pump for consistent nipple stimulation, but as I hadn't tried it since I bought it, I realized the bottles I have don't fit it, so I can't do that right now, at least until I get adapters, new bottles, or storage bags. So I tried using my fingers and that got really tiring really fast, although it did bring on some strong contractions so I may just do it anyway (while I'm bouncing on a ball looking like a freak?! At least I'm home alone, lol).

Any other thoughts you guys might have to get things going better?
Stef: more sex. Walking. Idk, as I've never been in labor.

And, no, I'm not allowed to try for a vbac. If I start to have contractions at all I'm suppose to go straight to the hospital.

Middy: love the name you selected. I looked up the meaning for Astrid and it said that people who like the name Astrid also like the named Eva and Charlotte (among others). Hope you have a good first night at home. When you settle in we all want to hear birth story details and what Eva thinks of her new sister.

Afm: did I mention my latest weird pregnancy ailment? My right ear is all plugged up. Dr says it's due to excess fluid and will go away once baby arrives. Strange because I am really not very swollen, unlike I was with Charlotte. Three more weeks. It'll fly by, right?
I am sure the rest will fly by for both of you!!

Sorry about your ear Vegas.

Stef, go ahead and try the nipple stimulation. I have read and been told that your hand is better than the pump anyway. You should try twisting and circular motions with your hand over them.
Stef:not sure what you read, but I read that you need to stimulate them for three hours a day for it to be effective. I believe you are suppose to break it up into three hour long sessions. GL doing that and not ending up with carple tunnel.
Vegas - that's a big no to the sex! Which is odd for me. It was just too painful. I did read the thing about one hour at a time, three times a day.

That's weird about your ear!

Angel, I did try with my hands, but Vegas is right - it gets tiring FAST.

I ended up getting the pump to work, there was something loose in it. I just held the bottles up to the shields, which turned out to be pointless; not sure if it was because they weren't sealed to it but all of the colostrum just built up inside the shields and leaked all down my stomach. It did bring on a bunch of contractions, though. I only did it for the one hour, then took a shower and started doing some cleaning I wanted to get done. Not sure what of all that helped, but the contractions have gotten much stronger. Don't want to jinx it!

And I just ordered the conversion kit for the pump to the Avent bottles for $8.52. Not too bad!
All the best Stef!

Will post my birth story soon as I can but just wanted to say thanks for the well wishes and wish Stef luck with those peski contractions!

Asti is doing good and I managed a few hours sleep x she's gorgeous x

Congratulations! ! Asti is beautiful! Can wait to hear her birth story! :hugs:
Can't wait to read your birth story Jas!

AFM, she'll be coming today, and if not today, definitely by early tomorrow, all depending on how well these contractions are progressing things.

They ended up slowing down AGAIN last night, the moment I started to rest. Woke up at 2:30 this morning from a couple of strong ones 12-15 minutes apart and they've been going since. Currently 9-10 minutes apart, which feels like it took FOREVER. Been sleeping in between so I don't get too exhausted and all I want to do is sleep... but I feel the need to shower. Can't seem to motivate myself to get off the couch to do it. Also need to eat something but food just doesn't sound too appetizing.

I'm not sure how I'm going to make it without pain relief... :wacko:
Don't even think about the epidural. You can do it. You will be in a great environment where you can move around to help the pain. You have great support in Blake and your midwife and team.
I hope it starts progressing quickly for you. Can't wait to see mini Blake!
Stef: sounds promising! My mom didn't have any pain relief for any of us and she swears by laboring in the shower while the hot water runs down your back. She said the midwife had to pry her out to deliver my youngest brother. If she can do it, so can you! Also, if your body is telling you to sleep, then sleep. If you don't feel like eating I wouldn't, just make sure you stay hydrated. Wish I had some first-hand advice for you, but I think you'll know what you need and your midwife should be able to help loads. Hope things progress quickly for you! Keep us posted.
Awww good luck Stef I'm so excited for you!
You can do it, just try to stay positive although I know I didn't but that's another story x x mini Blake ha ha xx
So much is going on!!

So excited and happy for you Jasmine!! Beautiful pics on Facebook. I think the name you chose is lovely. Its so cute that Eva insisted on Violet. Looking forward to hearing your birth story when you have some time (and energy!!)

Stef - I am super excited for you!! Can't wait to see pictures of little Sienna. I am sure you will have an amazing experience at the birth centre. It sounds like a great place!!

Angel - I am loving all the pictures of Emma on Facebook. She is so cute!! I am glad to hear that things are settling down a bit and you have been able to take some time to sleep and have some time for yourself.

Vegas - After Stef you are next!! I can't believe how fast these last months have gone. Three more weeks!! I am very excited to find out if you are having a boy or a girl. I'm sorry to hear about your ear. That is a new one. I don't think I've heard of that pregnancy symptom before.

Meli - As always I love reading Xzavier's updates. Not only are you keeping all of his fans updated but you are also creating a detailed memory log of all of his progress. One day it will be very interesting for him to read about his journey as a VIP!! I am so happy that he has been doing so well and getting bigger and stronger every day!!
AFM - Currently I am on cd 7. I go in for a follicle scan on November 26. Last month was a frustrating cycle. I had a cyst (which means that I didn't ovulate in October even though my cd 21 test indicated that I did). I suspected that I didn't since the number was so much lower than the previous months (it was 15 and I am taking progesterone supplements). I have never had a cyst before in all of the months I have had follicle tracking. My follicles were really slow developing which was also not a surprise as my prior cycle had only been 21 days from start to finish so I thought things might be a bit behind. Finally on cd 21 I ended up getting a trigger shot. Without it I don't think I would have ovulated and I would have had a really long cycle. My husband was really sick during peak bd time. We did our best but I wasn't holding out much hope. I am discouraged because since I stopped taking the Clomid things have been going back to the way they were before (no ovulation, longer cycles).

My doctor said she was going to refer us to the fertility clinic (my doctor can do basic fertility treatments but does not do IUI or IVF). It takes three months to get in at the clinic once they receive the referral. I am a bit frustrated with my doctor right now. I saw her more than a month ago and the other day I phoned the fertility clinic to see if they had the referral (and to get an idea about how long it would be before I heard from them about an appointment) and they told me they have not received the referral from my doctor yet. I talked to the nurse at my current doctors office and she said that they were waiting for my doctor to dictate the referral so they could type it up and send it in. It is in her list of tasks and she is aware (and basically that they couldn't do anything until she finished it). Who knows how long it will take but the longer it takes her to send it the longer it will take for us to get in to the clinic. I feel like I am in limbo. I try to stay positive but I really don’t think things are going to work on their own.

I find it a bit hard to post these days. There are so many positive things happening for all of you guys. I feel like I am bringing down the mood with all of my bad news and negativity. I often start to post and end up deleting it. You have all been super supportive and I appreciate it so much. I really just wish that I had some good news to report. I am so happy for all of you and I love hearing about your pregnancies and your babies. I love seeing pictures. But, I have to admit it’s a bit hard to be the only person in our group that isn’t pregnant or have a new baby. I feel a bit silly posting about follicle tracking and progesterone tests when everyone else is giving birth and taking care of babies. So keep your fingers crossed for me. This is a new month and maybe things will work this month. It would sure be a fantastic Christmas present.
Angel, maybe it's the hormones, but for some reason your post made me tear up! Oh hormones... and hehehe mini Blake, that's cute! She definitely is, stubborn little booger.

Vegas, the shower tip was pretty much the best thing ever! I stayed in there until the hot water ran out, and will likely go back in again at some point. It felt amazing! I ended up searching for the heating pad, which isn't as nice as the water but doesn't run out, lol. If I could figure out a way to strap it to my back and extend the cord wherever I walk I'd be all set... the heat plus standing is so much better than just the heat alone!

Thanks Jasmine!

Jen, it is a great place! The midwives are great. There's one we connect with better than the other, but both are awesome. The one we connect with better is the one on call right now.

Please don't feel weird posting here! We are always happy to hear from you and to be here for you. I'm sorry things aren't going the way you had hoped :( I really wish there was something we could do... a collective power to help you make that baby! And collective power to give your doctor a swift kick in the ass to get you that referral.

AFM, been pretty stuck with the contractions today. Almost all day been 10 minutes apart. We went to Walmart to grab a few things but mostly for a place to walk around and try and get them going (it's cold and rainy outside, unfortunately). It got them to 8 minutes apart. She's never coming out!

Been feeling nauseous already, too, which is making it that much harder. I'm not used to being nauseous; had nausea in the first tri but otherwise I don't experience it often so I never know how to handle it.

And his mom is starting to annoy me today. She keeps calling to check on me, which is fine, but she's been pestering him about me going in for a pelvic exam to see how dilated I am. She doesn't seem to understand that it's not necessarily going to mean anything. She's also commented multiple times on the pain just getting worse / epidural etc. Very encouraging << complete sarcasm

Overall I don't feel too completely terrible so far. The nausea is getting to me worse than the contractions at this point. And the frustration with how long this has taken so far! When do people actually start counting time as having been in labor? Couldn't possibly be from the first labor contractions because then I'd be hitting 68 hours in about 10 minutes and that would be crazy.
Jenk: aww, please don't feel that way. We are here for you! I'm sorry you didn't ovulate in October. I'd be mad too if they thought I was going to ovulate and then I didn't . I'd also be upset that my doctor promised a referral and hasn't gotten around to it. You've got to figure it's practically a form letter. Hopefully things will turn around for you soon. I know it's hard to focus on anything else, but Christmas is almost here. Are you still headed this way?

Stef: how's it going? Can't wait to hear your news.

Afm: I was shopping earlier and saw a newborn with more hair than I've ever seen on a child. I thought she was wearing a hat at first. Also, for those of who just had babies, do you still feel sore between contractions or do you feel normal? I've been having some cramping, but even when I'm not cramping I'm pretty sore. Maybe it's just gas. I'm getting my hair done tomorrow evening so nothing is allowed to happen until after that time.
Stef: we were posting at the same time. Sorry Sienna is taking her sweet time. I'm also sorry Blake's mom is being a pest. Of course you knew she would be. I think you can be in labor for days and it doesn't really count (medically) until your water breaks. Have you been in contact with the birthing center to let them know what's going on and for how long?

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