******june babies******

hehe its a food thread again!!! lol. and its normally you lot that start it off not me lol
Oooh, cherry pies UK stylee sounds good!! It's strange because this is America and everything is generally more greasy/sweet/fatty (eg the huge doughnut shops - I'm craving doughnuts now too!:dohh:) but the Maccy D's pies are 'healthier' seeming...like grandma baked pies...it's WRONG!!! :rofl:

I'm just going to grab a shower and wrap up before heading out into the whiteness (DH is pestering me to go for a walk in my 'first real American snow' :dohh:) will get lots of pictures!!

Ohhh have fun nightkd, wrap up warm!

I'm gonna get an apple pie too, oh and I love the mcd doughnuts!

Congrats on blue Kimberly! :)

Last night I made pancakes with sugar and lemon. I had the mix for pancake night but there was no way I could wait til Feb! They were yummy but I am rubbish at flipping them!
i thougth of having pancakes last night too but couldnt be bothered making thm at 10pm!! lol

right ladies im gonna go bath my little lady ad get her ready for bed. older little lady is sleepig at her friends for the first time EVER!!! so im a little sad about that and missing her.

later dudettes!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx
I'm always making pancakes... had some this afternoon but I like mine with raspberry jam and now I ran out :cry:
Don't talk about pancakes no more cos I'm really wanting them again! I will never get to sleep cos I will be thinking of them all night lol. I'm waiting for my apple pie now.. My OH asked why I want an apple pie cos I never get them from mcd's! I told him this evil lady on bnb told me she had one so now I want one. :haha:

What you doing tonight Linn? I'm in a great mood since it's Friday.

Does anyones baby always lie on one side of their belly more than the other? Always after I have a bath she goes in like a ball on my right side, my belly goes rock hard over there and the left side is basically flat!

Awww E&L hope you're not missing your little lady too much. How grown up sleeping out for the night :cloud9:
yeh blame me Lilli!!!!! thanks for that lol

and yeh i miss her lots. :cry:
Lili thats normal DD was always on my right side even when I was 40 weeks pregnant sometimes half of my bump was empty I made a plaster cast of my bump as well and you can see where she was lying. this baby does that too but at the bottom of my bump as its transverse and it then sometimes goes rock hard down there as well.

not doing anything much tonight, just on the net for a bit and then will watch a movie and you? I think I will make pancakes even if I have to have it with cherry jam, I'd much rather have an apple pie though :)
Ugh, just logged on to catch up with you ladie and feel like throwing up after reading all the food details :-( When will this end? I'm hungry but really have no appetite today...

We're going to buy our stroller tomorrow, we decided on the Uppababy Vista 2010 Special Edition (well that's the one I want because it's yellow!). Here's a picture.

We have a date day with breakfast in our favourite breakfast restaurant, stroller shopping, matinée movie (Avatar in 3D) and dinner out at a restaurant :happydance: Been a while... And then I'll putter around and try to work on the nursery. NO WORK THIS WEEKEND!!!! :nope:

Delilah hope you're having a blast at your awards dinner!!! So proud of you sweetie!!! :hugs:

Hope everyone else is having/had a great Friday night!!!


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CJ that's a nice pram sounds like you got a good day planned for tomorrow, hope you will be able to enjoy the food :)
I'm back and I didn't fall over!! Did have some weird American 'chav' (they're not quite chavs over here...) wolf whistle at me.... =/ And some guy honked at us in the car, so we waved at him and he flipped us off...Nice! :rofl: I also got my McDonalds!!! :thumbup: I'm just going to try and convince DH to drive to Babies R Us to see if we can try out the Chicco Cortina and maybe pick up something sweet on the way back.... :blush: I LOVE having an appetite back again. :)

Morning everybody!

Today I really needed a lie in but of course DD woke up early and OH was just snoring :(

How is everybody?

Morning girls, had a ball last night - all the press interviews went really well - I have a few photos on my camera but they are not very good - I'll post them on FB but will get some "official" ones hopefully too! The awards went really well - I was playing taxi to Paul and 2 of our friends who came with us and our table was right at the front which was fab! I went with the black shoes (6" heels lol) and a silver bag to tie into the shrug. The photos dont really do it justice but everyone kept telling me I looked blooming!!!

Lili, I love Layla - that is a really unusual but classy name :thumbup:

I have just eaten a full box of raspberry snaps - like shortbread with raspberry sugar coating and a SIX creme eggs..... I had the choc dessert last night after doing 29 days of no choc, crisps, cakes and biscuits and now I have had choc & biscuits straight after breakfast. Dont think I can trust myself to go back to eating it so I may do another month of this lol - I cant have one or 2 in moderation. I love Aunt Bessie's frozen pancakes - you just put them in the micro for 1min30 secs and smother with Nutella - yum!!!! I actually have done ok in Jan - 3 meals a day and snacking on fruit in between although some high cal meals!

Congrats Kimberley on team blue :flower:

How did you daughter do E&L's mummy? It seems so far away that our babies will be having sleepovers - did she go with a little overnight bag? How cute! Hope you're feeling better today hon.

CJ I think you should stick with your stroller choice in yellow it is fab and will look great with Zoe in :happydance: - enjoy Avator we watched it on 30 Dec and really enjoyed it - only got the 2D though because 3D had sold out :nope: but it will be amazing. I'm glad you are not working today, have a good rest this weekend. I have done about half of my accounts work, going to pop out to do some food shopping shortly and then will come back and finish off - I am determined no work for me tomorrow either!

Oh we talked about names and have one "in reserve" if we cant find anything else we like - James Norman after both our brothers, I think it has an ok ring to it and would go with our surname too - although I dont love it!!! My american SIL sent me over a book called The Pregnancy Journal - it is supposed to be THE book for moms to be in the USA, going to update it with my details I hope tomorrow!

Have a great day ladies.

Delilah I'm glad you had a fab night, saw the pictures on Facebook :)

I'm totally stressed trying to sort out this bloody house... OH doesn't want to throw anything away and he has so much crap it's unbelievable we still got a whole attic full of stuff at MIL and there is no space for anything but OH can't get rid of things, so that there would be actually some space to bring the stuff here!
Very annoying Linn - we had a big clear out in December when we moved offices but we have so much rubbish in our loft spaces, garage and spare room wardrobes.... good luck convincing him to declutter x
well it has to be done so I hope you will come round sooner rather than later! I don't have a problem with it at all I just throw stuff away if it's old or I don't like it anymore whatever... he has this need to keep everything! Pssssst...he got that from his mum :)
Were hopefully moving in the next 4 weeks. I haven't even started packing yet. Something i'm not looking forward to. We have 6 years worth of stuff to pack up. Groan.

I've just eaten a whole Easter egg. I'm just such a chocoholic. Yesterday my craving was onion rings and i ate a whole bowl of them. DH must have loved me. Lol.

We went and brought a fire-bellied toad today. So cute. It's green one side and red the other. We brought it to replace my little turtles that we sadly lost. I have been emotional all week, about losing my favourite one, so DH cheered me up by getting me some little toads.

I dunno how he puts up with my emotions. I'm lucky to have him. How are you guys feeling today?
hi ladies I am checking in my computer is out for a week or so the power suply went out so I wont be able to keep up with you all for a while

just wanted to let you know that my scan went well I am having a boy so emma if you could please update me for a blue bump.
hello ladies.
:cry: went food shopping yesterday and went splat again. got carted off in an ambulance and spent the afternoon in A&E in a hospital i didnt know with hubby and the 2 girls sat in the waiting room for hours. they have no idea what is going on with me. blood pressure fine, blood sugar 5.6 which is fairly normal. only thing they did find was blood and protein in my urine so off to the GP i go on mon as it looks like i have a UTI. but im sure thats ot the real reason for me passing out. so i dunno what to do. never had this with any other pregnancy.

Delilah, yeh she had fun. came back in a foul mood tho. she was tired surprise surprise and it all kicked off with her daddy.....im living in a war zone at the momet with them two. glad you had a fab awards night hun xxxx

forgive me for not catchig up with everyone. i couldnt sleep so thought i would just checkin. xxxx

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