******june babies******

good morning ladies... I currently have a cat in labor in my lap and shes wanting to cuddle alot. poor baby girl. I think her tummy is going to explode before she had the kittens and now shes pushing my hands out of the way like shes telling me MOMMMY give me attention LOL....

DO you ladies ever have days where you just want friend time but have no friends around? I want to go out today and spend time with lady friends but it seems like everyone is to busy for me....

I have started getting my hospital bag packed. I am so worried about going into labor early and not having anything for my Daughter. Thankfully I will be getting some money back from taxes and I will be able to buy her the few things we will need.. I know I sound like a bad mother just buying the basic things we need. But right now my OH is jobless and I am not working so we really dont have the money to buy anything that wont be used on a regular bases... Anyway just rambling on about nothing... I didnt sleep well lastnight I was having heartburn and cramps. They wernt bad enough to go to the hospital and it was after we had sex... Anyway someone shut me up LOL

Also I had my glucose test done monday and ladies I promise its not that bad. It taste like really sweet cool-aid it burned my throat a little becasue I have acid reflux. Hopefully I will get good news back soon on that.

my fundal measured 25 also so it seems baby girl might be early or really big...
Linn.............yeah i though labour was bad but the actual pushing is worse!!! You are lucky you didn't have that. Both mine were back to back as well which made it worse. I don't mind the labour bit just the pushing bit is horrid!! Oh well...........there is only one thing for sure................it's gonna hurt....................hey ho!!!

Trinity...................Oh your poor cat!!! Bless her xxx
I haven't bought anything either for the baby!! I went mad first time around and never used half of what i bought!! I have loads of stuff still!! All i will get is a new matress for moses and cot and a new car seat.............thats it...............oh and some nappies and wipes!! But nothing too much, as it is just nice to get out the house when the baby is born, so can bits then!
yeah I did have that Emma, I was pushing for 5 (!!!) hrs and nothing happened and then I got my spinal ready for a c sec but had her with forceps in the end! I mind the labour and pushing and everything that will make me feel like I want to die but it will all be worth it and all forgotten as soon as we meet our babies :)

I'm not getting much either Emma, just a crib and moses basket, car seat and pushchair for when I travel back home, got a proper pram which I don't want to take on the plane. And of course a few clothes :) I have been good so far and since my scan all I bought was 2 tops with matching leggins and a shirt. But I am planning on getting a few other bits, but that's just cause I love to buy baby clothes! I got plenty from DD.
good morning ladies... I currently have a cat in labor in my lap and shes wanting to cuddle alot. poor baby girl. I think her tummy is going to explode before she had the kittens and now shes pushing my hands out of the way like shes telling me MOMMMY give me attention LOL....

DO you ladies ever have days where you just want friend time but have no friends around? I want to go out today and spend time with lady friends but it seems like everyone is to busy for me....

I have started getting my hospital bag packed. I am so worried about going into labor early and not having anything for my Daughter. Thankfully I will be getting some money back from taxes and I will be able to buy her the few things we will need.. I know I sound like a bad mother just buying the basic things we need. But right now my OH is jobless and I am not working so we really dont have the money to buy anything that wont be used on a regular bases... Anyway just rambling on about nothing... I didnt sleep well lastnight I was having heartburn and cramps. They wernt bad enough to go to the hospital and it was after we had sex... Anyway someone shut me up LOL

Also I had my glucose test done monday and ladies I promise its not that bad. It taste like really sweet cool-aid it burned my throat a little becasue I have acid reflux. Hopefully I will get good news back soon on that.

my fundal measured 25 also so it seems baby girl might be early or really big...

Dont worry hun about not being able to buy everything all the baby magazines will have you believe you need. You barely use these things anyway!!
Oh it sounds like some of you have a terrible time when it comes to pushing. I must have it really easy I love it because it feels like I'm doing something and i'm only ever pushing for about a minute or two. Last time the midwife told me i couldnt possibly want to push as i was only 3cm but when she looked babies head was crowning!!! Hopefully it will be the same this time.
your lucky 3boys, my DD was back to back and her head was really big so I just couldn't get her out, she was delivered by forceps eventually and I was cut and tore really badly but it's all healed and fine now... my midwife said that my next birth can't possible be any worse than the last one and I'm having a consultant there not just a midwife so that is reassuring too!
Hi everyone, just a quick drop in before I take my plane to the North for my outreach clinic in underserviced areas... I'm SOOOO SICK still, finally called my GP for a quick appointment. She's so sweet, she saw me 1 hour later despite a full clinic day (her office is just one floor above mine) and turns out I have a full blown sinusitis so... 10 days of antibiotics :-( She also gave me some ranitidine for my very bad heartburn (wakes me up at night...). I hope that I'll feel better by Friday when I come back home and play hostess to DH's family...

Hope everyone is doing well, will try to log in from the North!!!
Hugs to everyone and Lili, still waiting to see your bump pic ;-)
CJ hope you will feel better soon, antibiotics should take effect soon!
I was getting heartburn at night too but have been taking gaviscon (I guess same as you are taking? Thick white liquid) every night before bed and I have been only waking up due to needing a wee and hipache now, fab :)
Linn, up until now I was surviving on Tums (the equivalent to Rennies I believe in the UK), going through 1 bottle every 2-3 days... The night time heartburn is so bad I've had to sleep sitting up in a chair! Ranitidine is to help decrease the acid produced by the stomach, so hopefully I will soon be able to sleep normally again. In the last 4 nights, with the congestion and the reflux, I've gotten almost no sleep :-( I'll sleep on the airplane I think!

I hope your hip ache goes away soon! I bought a body pillow and LOVE it!!! It helps a bit with my aches and pains...
good morning ladies... I currently have a cat in labor in my lap and shes wanting to cuddle alot. poor baby girl. I think her tummy is going to explode before she had the kittens and now shes pushing my hands out of the way like shes telling me MOMMMY give me attention LOL....

DO you ladies ever have days where you just want friend time but have no friends around? I want to go out today and spend time with lady friends but it seems like everyone is to busy for me....

I have started getting my hospital bag packed. I am so worried about going into labor early and not having anything for my Daughter. Thankfully I will be getting some money back from taxes and I will be able to buy her the few things we will need.. I know I sound like a bad mother just buying the basic things we need. But right now my OH is jobless and I am not working so we really dont have the money to buy anything that wont be used on a regular bases... Anyway just rambling on about nothing... I didnt sleep well lastnight I was having heartburn and cramps. They wernt bad enough to go to the hospital and it was after we had sex... Anyway someone shut me up LOL

Also I had my glucose test done monday and ladies I promise its not that bad. It taste like really sweet cool-aid it burned my throat a little becasue I have acid reflux. Hopefully I will get good news back soon on that.

my fundal measured 25 also so it seems baby girl might be early or really big...


Yeah, I have days like that....Especially seen as my friends are in a different country!!! :dohh::lol: Mind you, at Christmas only one really made a proper effort to see me multiple times, I haven't heard from another in ages and he didn't bother to reply to me when I asked if we could meet up (the friend who made the effort and the one who ignored me were both my best friends in secondary/highschool! :shrug:)... I just enjoyed going shopping with my mum! Especially once we found out the sex of LO and she was buying all the pink stuff for us!! :) My close friends are boys and although they wouldn't have minded going baby shopping (one came with me for a day out, he's training to be a paediatric nurse and his mum is a childminder, so he's my most informed baby-shopping buddy! :lol:) I wouldn't have got much done and not enthusiastically, lol!!

I'm going to start writing up a list of stuff to pack in my bag at least...I'm busy doing my birth plan atm!! Our taxes are going towards the birth itself (we're not insured)... Buying basic stuff is the way to go! As a newborn she won't need much anyway, no point buying lots of fancy clothes because she'll just grow out of them... I've got some newborn vests etc I can probably spare a few if you find yourself needing any? And I've got LOADS of scratch mits, so I could send you a pair or two? You've probably already organised this stuff, lol, but if you do need anything just PM me... I seriously have a LOAD of first size stuff and a lot of it only goes up to like 9lbs...DH and I were well into the 8lbs when we were born!! :dohh::lol: (though reading on in your post we could both end up with bigger babies anyway!! :rofl:)

Urk... I don't really like Kool Aid that much... :lol: Did they offer flavours? I probably should've asked at my lab, but it didn't sound like they had a selection.....Oh man, I am just not looking forward to it. I have issues drinking WATER first thing in the morning, let alone some icky sweet syrup!!! :nope: Plus the taking blood on top of that, I know I'm going to be getting woozy with the first one, then on a sugar high with the second :dohh:

Sorry, I'm rambling now, LOL.

I think I am the only crazy one not worried in the least about the labor. Jacob is my 5th baby and I have been total of 12 hours in labor so far with pushing lasting minutes each time. I am so lucky to be built for it being nearly 6 foot tall and large frame.

I have had the glucose test already and my sugar levels are normal my doctor wants the test re done in a month so I hope it will still be normal. I had GD with my third baby but none of the others. its not a bad test and as far as I know the only flavor of the drink is orange some are carbonated and some are not but no other flavor. I prefer the carbonated as it dont taste as sweet.
CJ yeah I think gaviscon is the same as Rennie. My hips are annoying but it's not unbearable.. what's getting worse is the pain between my legs when I'm walking. Will be speaking to my midwife about it on Friday. I hate no being able to play as much with my DD, she keeps wanting me to play football with her, bless her!
Sweetniss I want to push for minutes as well, sounds good to me! Hope it will be easier this time :)
So does everyone have this glucose test done then? Or is it just in the US.. It hasn't been mentioned to me.

Sorry I've not got a bump pic on yet! I have taken one just not uploaded. I think my weight is spreading out around the middle a lot, I feel huge but I'm tiny compared to Linn.

Hoping to see your bump pic soon Em :)

Got a wedding on Saturday and still not got an outfit, I'm really struggling! :( I seen a nice dress online but it's maternity so would I order my normal size? Am I even big enough for maternity yet? Argh!!!

Hope your flight has gone well CJ, I get heartburn so bad at night too xxx
It's routine to have the 1 hour in the US for everyone, as far as I understand it. And in the UK it's on risk basis...if you're higher risk then you'll be referred for a test. :)

I think I am the only crazy one not worried in the least about the labor. Jacob is my 5th baby and I have been total of 12 hours in labor so far with pushing lasting minutes each time. I am so lucky to be built for it being nearly 6 foot tall and large frame.

I have had the glucose test already and my sugar levels are normal my doctor wants the test re done in a month so I hope it will still be normal. I had GD with my third baby but none of the others. its not a bad test and as far as I know the only flavor of the drink is orange some are carbonated and some are not but no other flavor. I prefer the carbonated as it dont taste as sweet.

I'm looking forward to labour!!! :thumbup::D As long as I can do what I want. I had a dream that there were these women trying to control my/other people's minds...so I ran to DH's high school (though it could well have been the hospital I'm looking to give birth in..) to get him and tell him....my music teacher was there for some reason.... :shrug: Anyway, I think that was one of those 'anxiety' dreams; I'm worried I won't be allowed to be in control of my labour. =/ If I can have it as planned, I'm ready and raring to go!

I read that there were flavours available in some places, orange, cola or...something else!! =/ Hadn't heard about carbonated, that makes it sound more like a drink than...uhhh...sweet slime? :lol: Maybe I'm imagining it all wrong...I'd just worry it'd make me gassy and acidy - which is the main thing that makes me puke/want to puke now...

So does everyone have this glucose test done then? Or is it just in the US.. It hasn't been mentioned to me.

Sorry I've not got a bump pic on yet! I have taken one just not uploaded. I think my weight is spreading out around the middle a lot, I feel huge but I'm tiny compared to Linn.

Hoping to see your bump pic soon Em :)

Got a wedding on Saturday and still not got an outfit, I'm really struggling! :( I seen a nice dress online but it's maternity so would I order my normal size? Am I even big enough for maternity yet? Argh!!!

Hope your flight has gone well CJ, I get heartburn so bad at night too xxx

In the UK it is not routinely done, only if you have a history of diabetes in the family for example and then if you have too much sugar in your urine they will also do one. I think some of us here are having it maybe they know more? I did not have one with my DD!

Can't wait to see the bump pic, Lili a maternity dress should be fine I would get it in your regular size. If you get a fitted one it will not matter if you're not so big yet, it will fit anyway. Why don't you get 2 sizes if you're not sure and return the on the one that doesn't fit.
I'm struggling for a dress atm too, for our Valentines weekend (which will be at the end of February) AND I'm looking for lingerie...but I'm not very big yet, so maternity doesn't fit, but regular stuff feels uncomfortably tight... =/

Thanks Linn, I'm gonna get two sizes and send one back :) xx

yep nightkd, that's how I feel! I think I'd rather have either a huge bump or no bump, but being 'in between' is making it really difficult for clothes at the min. God I wish I could just go in my pjs!! :haha:
yep nightkd, that's how I feel! I think I'd rather have either a huge bump or no bump, but being 'in between' is making it really difficult for clothes at the min. God I wish I could just go in my pjs!! :haha:

I know, right? That is just what I was about to say...would be so much easier to just go from 'normal' to having a big bump...!!

I've been keeping an eye out for loose fitting dresses - eg ones that come in under the bust, but have a loose flowing skirt section...it's pretty difficult to search for "dress that has space for bump, but isn't maternity" though!! :haha:


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