******june babies******

Oh Linn I would love to see her! Shall I PM you with my facebook details? xxx

pm me your email address and I will add you! I will then PM (on facebook) the girl who runs the group and ask her to invite you from my friend list!
You will find me Hett on Linn's fb, so request me 2 xx
Linn........you poor thing! I have had this cold for weeks now too, but is not as bad as you, just annoying and snivelling xxx sending you a huge hug babe xx
I agree mini boden for boys is fab, also gap is good for boys. The cheeper shops seem to have the horrid nasty cartoon's on, which is fine when they are older and into something, but I don't like it either.
I had crab claws for starter last night and then steak, chips and garlic mushrooms. All at home, and I always have my steak rare! As long as it is good quality steak. Can't eat it when it is well cooked as it takes the taste away and becomes chewey.
Abi had a fab day yesterday at her party. Will pop picks on fb later. Can not believe she is 3 now...... My baby grew up too quick.
Also dd1 lost her first tooth yesterday at school, she was so proud. The tooth fairy remembered at 3 am........... Phew! Can you imagine if I had forgotten! She ran into the bedroom this morning totally over excited.... Bless xxx
Right essay over.
Have a fab weekend everyone XXXXXXXX xxx
hey ladies, nobody ever seems to be around to chat when I come on here! Thought I would say hi and congrats to all those who are now viable!
I can't believe we are nearly ready to move up to third trimester - it has gone so quick! Just think this is our last move now before we have our bubbas! woo hoo! I am so excited. We have so much going on before then though - I have exams to sit and we are buying a house and hoping to move in before she is born. I know from experience that trying to move house and breastfeeed at the same time is just impossible!! I am trying to get as prepared as possible, but I know it will be cutting it fine, as the house we were going to buy fell through, so we are now having to find another - gutted as I had already moved all the furnature in in my head!!! silly me.
Well at least I am not bored I guess - would be terrible if I was just sat around waiting like when I was pregnant with my son. I actually have a life now, so this pregnancy is flying by!
Is anyone nervous about the first few months? I have no probs being mum - I love it, but I know with my first, my life just seemed to grind to a halt. People didn't seem to interested in doing anything after the first few weeks whent he novelty died off, and with no work etc and hubby working I found myself sat at home thinking "How did this happen?!!" Don't get me wrong, being a mum is the most amazing feeling is the world, but trying to motivate myself to go out and do things with a newborn baby on my own was really hard. There just seemed to be too many hours in the day and I would find myself thinking "how on earth do I fill the next ten hours when I know I will have to do the same again tomorrow and the day after that?" I am probably just being silly, but I can't help but feel nervous.
It seems to be fine for dads, they do the deed then dont have to cope with any of the pregnancy discomforts, nor any of the drastic changes to their body, then they miss out on all the labour pains and swan off back to work and to their mates and their lives afterwards. What they don't seem to understand, is that being at home alone all day every day with a newborn is not one big holiday - it can actually be really isolating. God I hope I am not scaring any first time mums out there!
I might look into the mum and baby groups to widen my mummy friends circle. Friends without children are great, but they dont seem to understand what its like.
Wow that was a long message! Sorry about that girls - feel loads better for having said all that though!
Hope you are all well!
OOH p.s Linn I love your T.shirt! You have the most perfect bump!

95 days to go!!!! :happydance:
Emma I have sent you an invite for a friend request (I think! If it doesn't work let me know!)

I will have a look in Gap and i love love love Boden. V.expensive but they are doing 10% off and free p&p at the mo so I might get one or 2 bits.

I have my 4d scan booked for 13th March :) Anyone else getting one?

angelbaby - I know what you mean about it going quick, I hope the final tri doesn't drag!
hey ladies, nobody ever seems to be around to chat when I come on here! Thought I would say hi and congrats to all those who are now viable!
I can't believe we are nearly ready to move up to third trimester - it has gone so quick! Just think this is our last move now before we have our bubbas! woo hoo! I am so excited. We have so much going on before then though - I have exams to sit and we are buying a house and hoping to move in before she is born. I know from experience that trying to move house and breastfeeed at the same time is just impossible!! I am trying to get as prepared as possible, but I know it will be cutting it fine, as the house we were going to buy fell through, so we are now having to find another - gutted as I had already moved all the furnature in in my head!!! silly me.
Well at least I am not bored I guess - would be terrible if I was just sat around waiting like when I was pregnant with my son. I actually have a life now, so this pregnancy is flying by!
Is anyone nervous about the first few months? I have no probs being mum - I love it, but I know with my first, my life just seemed to grind to a halt. People didn't seem to interested in doing anything after the first few weeks whent he novelty died off, and with no work etc and hubby working I found myself sat at home thinking "How did this happen?!!" Don't get me wrong, being a mum is the most amazing feeling is the world, but trying to motivate myself to go out and do things with a newborn baby on my own was really hard. There just seemed to be too many hours in the day and I would find myself thinking "how on earth do I fill the next ten hours when I know I will have to do the same again tomorrow and the day after that?" I am probably just being silly, but I can't help but feel nervous.
It seems to be fine for dads, they do the deed then dont have to cope with any of the pregnancy discomforts, nor any of the drastic changes to their body, then they miss out on all the labour pains and swan off back to work and to their mates and their lives afterwards. What they don't seem to understand, is that being at home alone all day every day with a newborn is not one big holiday - it can actually be really isolating. God I hope I am not scaring any first time mums out there!
I might look into the mum and baby groups to widen my mummy friends circle. Friends without children are great, but they dont seem to understand what its like.
Wow that was a long message! Sorry about that girls - feel loads better for having said all that though!
Hope you are all well!

angelbaby I know exactly what you mean, it was like that with my DD, I worked many hrs until I was 36 weeks pregnant and then I was really lonely at home with her and then I moved this year and now things are a lot better. Once you moved you can look for your local childrens or sure start centre and you can take your DS there for play groups, I go with my DD nearly every day now, I know everyone there (although they are not my friends there's always someone to talk to) and it is good to get out of the house, I will be able to bring the baby there too as most groups are from 0-4 anyway. So maybe it will be easier if you find a play group for your DS there will be other pregnant ladies there and you can get together with your LOs!
Emma when DD was a baby I always said I will never buy her clothes with horrible peppa pig on... and now she got loads and I will buy her the stuff, as she loooooves it and there's nothing better than to see her soooo happy cause she is wearing a peppa pig tshirt. And I think the peppa pig stuff in next is not too bad. I don't find the clothes from tesco and asda much cheaper than for example next but I don't like it. The clothes in boots are ok as well but must say I mostly buy next stuff for DD and very few items from h&m, monsoon, boden, gap! what are you doing if you're having a boy? I bet you got loads of girls clothes. I got anything up to size 12-18 months only.. DD is so small!
Linn is your LO going to share the same room as your DD? I'm not sure when to start doing our nursery! I am definitely waiting until our 4d scan to make 100% he is a he as we got a gender scan at 16+3 so quite early! It was pretty obvious he is a little boy (I thought) and the sonographer seemed quite certain immediately, but I have heard stories!! I just can't wait to do the nursery, esp after seeing piccys of Lili's!!! Its just stunning!
Evening girls - well E&L & I had a lovely meet up yesterday, they left us talking after the tearoom closed until they were locking up!!!! Think they figured it was easier than ejecting 2 pregnant women who had a lot to gas about!!! CJ wish you were nearer too hon :flower: hope your yoga retreat is going well, the steak would keep me going! My prenatal yoga DVD has arrived so will try that tomorrow, also the nursery carpet is down and looks great! Apart from now everthing baby related has been dumped in there!

Hett, we have been buying from Debenhams, Next and Gap - I do most of mine online as I love the girls clohtes but find it hard to get excited about boys stuff! I am on Linn's facebook too feel free to add me, think I'm the only Marie? Linn can you ask for me to be added to the June babies group too please - I think I tried to PM the organiser a while ago and have heard nothing so this has reminded me.

Had a lovely lunch with the uni girls, and I held a real live 6 month old baby today at lunch she was gorgeous! Even though she did sick up a little on me lol - cannot believe how heavy she was, need to do my upper body strengh building Davina dvd! Going to friends for dinner shortly so have to get ready now - I have a weekend of eating out and being cooked for as at my brothers tomorrow night for dinner too!

Have a great evening all, hope the cold's ok Linn.

hett - we only have 2 big bedrooms, so they will share for a while but not yet. the baby will sleep in our room and then when the baby is sleeping through they will have our bedroom (it's very big) and we will take dds room! we had 4 bedrooms until last summer but I was soooo unhappy where we lived that I am over the moon with the house we got now!! we will move again in a few years anyway until then they will share. DD asked me yesterday if we could go to the hospital so the baby could come and sleep in her big girl bed with her and play with all her toys :cloud9: hope she will still happily share her room next year!!

i bet your nursery will be gorgeous too. i did dds twice so ok not doing one this time, next summer we will do their shared room and i still get to do our bedroom ready for baby!
Delilah I will add you on fbook! Thats where we have been getting most our bits from too! I have really been hunting and have found some lovely boy bits - including lots of bits from The Little White Company and Mini Boden! (V.expensive, so only getting one or 2 bits from these companies!)
So glad you had a lovely meeting with E&L! Have a lovely dinner tonight! You are so busy :)

I am at home nursing my poorly OH all weekend after his op! Its nice though as its an excuse not to leave the house much and just nap. My parents got us lots of food in but he has no appetite at all so I am devouring it all! Its all bits we would never buy on our weekly shop, lots of treats and goodies! Had some amazing ginger cake and icecream for my pudding after supper!

Linn I think it is lovely to share a room. My sister and I shared up until we were about 9 and 7 (there was another spare bedroom in the house but it was so nice to share!) I think and we loved it! We are so close now!
Linn..... That's what I said Hun. I hate the cartoon bits on t-shirts for babies, once they get into something then you have no choice. DD2 is into pepos pig as well and has some fab pj's with it on and a few t-shirts as well. She has just discovered fireman Sam as well, and got a few toys for her bday, so I know have a few boys toys for the first time ever! Bless her.
Delilah and e&l glad you met up and had fun xxx I am looking forward to a meet up soon. Linn.... We must sort out April Hun, will fb chat you next week as weekends are just hectic for me xx
right night time for me ladies XXXXXXX
I got it hun! We got some Peppa Pig books too and she wants me to read the same one 10 times in a row :wacko: Ok lets talk on Facebook next week. xx
Marie and Trinity I can ask he lady on facebook to add you.. but then it's up to her! Will PM her later... I'm in such a bad mood this morning cause I was craving some German food for breakfast which we don't have :( How ridiculous but now I don't want to eat anything else and I'm actually sulking!!
Haha Linn, i know what you mean about the food. I can get intro right grumps if I don't eat what I really fancy! What was it you wanted?

I have cleaned the kitchen and lounge and then took OH to doctors as he is still v.poorly, yet more tablets for me to remind him to take!

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!
Thanks Linn

All our rainforest stuff has now arrived and so has my Summer Mothers bath support, very happy with it all :thumbup:

I will have to wash all his clothes again because my friend told me last night it has to be washed in non-bio - whereas I only have bold 2 in 1....

Going to my brothers for dinner now so will try and check in later, I have my 25 week mw appt tomorrow at 1pm as well.

Hope your Sunday's are going ok, and your OH gets better Hett

Trinity I tried to look up your email and its not giving me anything on FB


oh my word what a weekend!!!

had a awful drive over to meet Delilah, ended up meeting a little later than planned but was brill. That Tearoom was nice wasnt it D??? will have to remember that one.

had takeaway at my parents which was yummy scrummy. went shopping with my mum o sat morning for a few bits for the baby. got told off by her....i lent some friends all of DD2's baby/first clothes as they were having a really hard time. and they up and moved without returning them, so i have othing apart from special bits i kept. my mum didnt know so hadnt bought anything cos she thought i was set up.....she told me off for not telling her i was worrying about buying it all etc etc etc. oh well.

got the train to my friends. i was gonna sit at a table seat so i could do some bits of planning etc but couldnt get the bump behind it!!! that was a surpirse as i didnt think i was that big yet lol. so had to move but a 3 hour train journey is just not fun when you can move the seat at all to get comfy. prob not gonna do that again if i dont need.

had dinner out with my friend at a chinese buffet, yum yum, and then went to see Leap Year at the cinema which was a nice film. nothing special but nice and chilled. after hours of chatting with her and her hubby i got to bed about 2am hehe

and then today hubby came and met us and we went to Ikea and lunch out and home.
so that was my weekend, sorry its an essay and well done if you have read it lol.

hope you are all well and i will do my best to catch up. xxxx

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