******june babies******

Morning ladies,
Thinking of you Marie xx
Girls the last time i felt sick was yesterday morning!!!!! Please god let this be over!!

Had a hectic weekend, and some sad news...........my Nanny died Sunday morning and i am 4hrs away from the rest of my family, so all been a bit odd! They were together for 76yrs!! Just can not imagine how lost my grandad must be feeling :cry:

On a good note Sunday.....i had my best mates bday lunch which was great.........then we went to a kiddies carol service where santa made an appearance!! Then went for drinks last night with some girlie mates (Well i had coke!!). So not had much time to feel sad.

Got to travel down to Hapshire for funeral Fri, and i think i have sorted out people looking after the kids while i am away!

Right i am going to have a cheese sarnie in a pitta bread with Mayo. Yum xx
Emma so sorry to hear your Nan died :cry: Your poor grandad must be heartbroken! Does he have any other family near him?

Hope your sickness is over for you hun! xxxx
Thankyou sisters xx
Yeah he has my mum (was her mum) and dad 2 mins away, so that helps xx
Hi everyone!

Emma, i'm really sorry to hear about your nan, and am thinking about you and your family. :hugs:

I'm just back from my MW appointment and heard my little baby's heartbeat - it was loverly!! :happydance: but my arm is nipping from the blood test :cry: Looking forward to my scan in 4 weeks!! :thumbup:

hope you're all feeling much better this week!

Thats fab moongirl, I hope I will get to hear my baby's heartbeat on Friday, have been a bit worried! Can't wait to feel my baby moving around in there now!!!
Hi all

Emma so sorry to hear about your nan, and to hear that you're still feeling sick Linn.

I had my scan on Friday but had a hectic weekend so this is the firts chance I've had to get online. All went well, saw baby waving arms and legs, although think he/she was asleep as the scan man was jiggling my belly to get baby to move for a measurement and he/she was having none of it lol :haha: Very weird but lovely experience and now all our friends and family know so feeling much more excited. My due date was changed to 24th June, so I'd be really grateful if you could update it Emma :flower: I think I'll move over to 2nd tri a wee bit early as there is so much bad/scary news on first tri :wacko:

I haven't had any return of the sickness so far but been really tired this last week. I'd take tiredness over nausea any day though!

Hope you're all well.

Hope you're all well.
Oh Emma so sorry to hear about your grandmother... :hugs:
I'm excited to be 15 weeks today!

Have an apt with my OB tomorrow at 8 AM, which means taking the train at 6:58AM to make it into the city on time :wacko:

Still exhausted from our overnight guests this weekend, 3 ill-behaved girls ages 6, 8 and 11 who insisted on tearing my house apart while their parents lounged with beers... I felt more like a full-time nanny than hostess :cry: They are home-schooled as their mother feels schools over-discipline kids and she wants hers to develop "independance"... Yikes...

I gave in on Friday night and started my anti-nausea meds. Everyone is starting to guess girl for me, as the sickness is getting worse, not better! I feel much better on the meds, no throwing up since restarting them!!!

Hope everyone is feeling good/better!
OMG CJ who was that? I don't like it when people let their kids do whatever they like in other peoples homes. I lost some nice friends over that.. I thought they were nice but I didn't like their kids. They hit DD and the mum said oh they have to sort that out between them and I was like WTF she's 1 and they were 2 and 4! So in the end I told them I didn't want to meet them anymore if they wouldn't get their kids to behave a bit better. DD hardly ever does what I want at home but when we visit other people she behaves like an angel, and if she doesn't I will tell her!

Ah I'm still feeling sick but it is getting better. Hope you will be better soon hun!

Emma at least you got a doppler so can reassure yourself I really need to know my baby is still happy in there. Hope I will be reassured on Friday until I can start feeling it properly!

Lili not long now... tomorrow is the big day :)

:hugs: to everyone xxx
Linn, the father is one of Nathan's close friends from university, so they've known each other for over 15 years. His wife is special to say the least. Telling me what I should do (i.e. have baby sleep in our bed for 2 years, quit my job (!) to home school, breast feed for 2 years, etc...) and shouldn't do (send them to school, give them vaccines, let them eat food from the grocery store, etc...). I just blocked her out after a while, and since DH and her hubby were playing games at 11 PM Saturday night, I just excused myself and went to bed to not be stuck with her alone...

Sorry you're still feeling sick Linn, maybe you should try vitamin B6? I've heard some nausea can go away with just that?

Lili, so excited for your scan tomorrow! You'll let us know as soon as you get home, right??
OMG CJ I would not put up with that, maybe you should suggest hubby meets with his mate on their own! without the wife and kids... did you not say to her that you are old enough to decide for yourself how you will bring up your kids? Sorry but I think I couldn't have kept my mouth shut esp on the subject of vaccines, that's irresponsible to say the least. I wished DD could have had hers all early, and she had them all on the earliest date possible, so glad I didn't have to send her to nursery before. Was so scared she would het measles as a baby, here some people think it's good if their kids get them :(
Poor you... was that the girls you said they were coming on Saturday?

Just had some food and am good now, can I really not eat deli meats? I am craving salami so bad!!! And I got some here too :cry:
Yes, they were about to arrive when we were chatting...

What a waste of a weekend :-( Didn't make it to the gym or wrap my Christmas gifts because I had to "host" AKA babysit. At least I got some baking done. I feel bad for DH's friend, he's a nice guy and doesn't agree with a lot of what his wife says/does, but he can't say anything...
Poor guy... she seems to be such a nutcase! Does seem to be a waste! I would have got into trouble for what I would have said to her lol
Trust me I had to bite my tongue several times and tried to behave for DH's sake! When she said I should give birth at home I told her about all the cases of severe cerebral palsy that I've seen due to incompetence in midwives dealing with complications during at-home deliveries. That shut her up! GROWLLLL my blood is boiling just thinking of some of her comments!!!
CJ some people are a law unto themselves xx Well done for putting up with it for the sake of your OH. It is horrid when you have a couple when 1 of them is lovely and the other one you just want to strangle xx
Linn.................i eat deli meats!! Always have done with other 2 and still am!!! Hey ho xx

Now that the scan is so close I am scared!!

Of course I'll let you know, I will text Linn and Emma when I find out, can't text you CJ as it doesn't work :(

Going to the Drs in a bit.. I thought these shooting pains was stretching but they are similar to when I get a uti.. now today my wee is really burning and I need to go all the time but only a bit comes out :( Best to get it checked out I think because last time I got one it went to my kidney and the pain is BAD then!! xxxxxxxx
CJ - yeah I don't blame you mine is and I didn't even meet her... I find that so irresponsible she won't have her kids vaccinated. If one of her kids gets the measles and passes them on to a small baby :( But she sounds like she only cares about herself. I would never ever have a homebirth esp not given that my first birth was such a disaster.
Lili, for sure get it checked out! UTI's are so common in pregnancy, and the symptoms can be different from when not pregnant. I'm just waiting for my turn, usually get them every 2-3 months when non-pregnant!

Emma and Linn: I'm still eating deli meats too :)

Lili, as long as you send me an email instead of a text, I'll be happy :)!!!
Emma - salami is not cooked though, unlike ham or chicken slices so I could get toxoplasmosis which would be very bad for my baby! If I knew if I was already toxo positive then I would eat as much as I like and a rare steak.... hmmmmhhh that would be lovely! But I'm careful with salami!

Oh no Lili, that does sound like a UTI. Hope you will get it cleared with some antibiotics! :hugs:

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