******june babies******

Another girl Emma? My princess has 150 bpm ;) I hope the snow stays off for you. How bad is it right now? It's not snowing here..

CJ I think it's great that you are staying so active and fit whilst pregnant. We have a little home gym with treadmill, cross trainer and sauna and I haven't used any of it in months. Think I'm going to be a big unhealthy slob by the end of my pregnancy!
I've had a salad, grapes, apple and then blew it with THREE mince pies.... OMG!

CJ good today thanks, all seems fine - I applaud you for resuming your exercise regime. Like Lili I have a home gym in the garage and we have a treadmill at the back of the house which I do use but have also neglected. I have been moaning to Paul about my 10lb weight gain in a month and he said "instead of eating and talking about it just get back on the treadmill" :dohh: Hello!!!! I dont need him to tell me what I know lol. Will do this weekend though determined that I will not balloon with food... they said I cant run with the stitch but can power walk and walk on an incline :thumbup:

Emma, I hope all goes well for tomorrow and you manage to make it - I'm in Manchester and no snow here yet just very cold.

Tonight's job is writing out all my Christmas cards!

Urgh, I am feeling so sick tonight. Taking anti-biotics for a UTI and they seem to be upsetting my tummy :( Just as I was starting to feel better!!!! :dohh:
Oh nightkd, I sympathize! I'm back on nausea meds, and still throwing up despite them :-( I'm wondering if I have a symptomless urinary tract infection that is contributing to symptoms though...
I have an anti-nausea patch behind my ear (wore it for our flights over here) but it doesn't seem to be doing much!!! Maybe it's worn off now, but it didn't help much with nausea on the flights anyway!! :dohh:

I didn't have any clear symptoms with this UTI, have just been peeing...slightly regularly, but it's difficult to tell if it's pregnancy related or UTI related!

What nausea meds are you on?

Thanks everyone. It is snowing here and has been for the last hr!! They say the east of the country will be really heavy snow storms tonight!! They say 20cm will fall.............GREAT!

Lili............they say that anything over 140 is prob a girl, we shall see xx
Oh Lili how exciting buying all that stuff... don't buy it all now or you will end up being bored at the end of your pregnancy when there is nothing left you need... that was my problem, I had it all before I was 20 weeks. How boring I already got everything this time but will get a new moses basket and crib in the new year and a new bouncer :) And then clothes if I'm having a boy!

I been shopping today as well, got some fab gifts for my little princess... she will be sooo happy! And it ended up a bit more than we planned but now I really won't get anymore (yea right) otherwise I will need a new house for alll her toys!

I'm just having some cheese on toast with jalapenos and then making pizza later :) I'm starving today.. you don't wanna know what I have already ate, thats where my bump comes from by the way!
I had only put on 2lb....................Grrrr......................Come on bump!!!! GROW x
I will let you know how much I put on tomorrow after I saw my midwife at 10.. I really hope she will find the heartbeat.. I know silly to be worried, I don't really have reason to think anything is wrong!

I think it's a boy for Emma, as it is the first time she is feeling sick during pregnancy!
Oooooooh that would be different!!! We shall see xxxx
I think you are having a boy, you seem to have a boy bump xxx Whens your gender scan??? Must pop it in my diary xx

lol xx
My bump looks the same like with DD :) We shall wait and see... my scan is on 18th January same day as Lilis so I won't make a ticker, can look at hers! And then got another one on 29th January just to make sure! Emma I think it's a boy for you cause my mum she felt sick with me but not with my brother so for you it must be the other way round!
Yeh Linn I wondered about that.. If I buy it all now what will I do at the end? Haha. I'm sure I'll always find something to buy though ;)

I'm putting on weight rapidly, like 1lb a day or something! Haha.. I can afford to though since I lost a lot at the beginning and I am not even back at 9 stone yet.

I've felt a bit sick today too and wondered if it was my antibiotics for UTI nightkd.. it is one of the side effects, also thrush, and I am getting that too :( Get rid of one problem and gain another!

I've felt a bit sick today too and wondered if it was my antibiotics for UTI nightkd.. it is one of the side effects, also thrush, and I am getting that too :( Get rid of one problem and gain another!


What anti-biotics are you on? I'm taking nitrofurantoin and the leaflet has like a whole page FULL of possible side effects :wacko: :dohh:

I forgot about the thrush factor! Hopefully I can avoid that! My mum swears by sticking live yoghurt up there..... :lol:

Hey girls

Well still in hospital but got seen to by a specialist today who confirmed its deffo a boy in there! He was very thourough and upped my painkillers and gave me something to help relax the muscles as he thinks its just bad stretching................and so far its working!!

If i still feel better in the morning they will let me go home .........yey!! sooo dont want to be here any longer.

The german/polish lady im sharing a room with seems very poorly and has shut the curtain so now i cant watch tv or even look out of the window! good job i have my laptop and dongle!! going to try and sleep soon whilst watching a few episodes of friends.

x x x
That is great news Tash, hope you feel good in the morning :)

Nightkd they are Cephalexin, think the side effects are probably similar to yours :( I can't wait to finish them. I have to take 4 a day too and I keep forgetting :lol: I never used to be like this! :lol:

The Dr gave me some Canesten cream to use for the thrush. I hope you don't get it. Not nice :(

My iphone tells me my baby is now as big as a turnip. :lol: I really don't know how there can be a turnip in my belly and it still be flat like this? Come on bump!! :)
Lili all antibiotics make you feel sick, always take them with plenty of food! They are a really good cure for the constipation though :haha:

oh yeah I always found more stuff to buy but lots of it didn't get worn or used so it was a waste of money in hindsight... now I am a lot better as I already got my DD I rather buy the necessary stuff and spend the rest on her. After today I can't wait for xmas now, she will be soooo happy! I am sure she will love her gifts so much. She asked if she can buy a teddy for the baby for xmas, so cute so I told her santa was bringing all the presents but she could buy one for the baby's 0 birthday so she was happy :) I got her lots of baby annabell stuff which the baby will bring her when it comes home from the hospital I just so can't wait!!!

Lili I still want to see your bump pic, I don't want to know how much weight I put on. I threw up loads but didn't lose weight in the beginning at all!
The heart rate thing is another old-wives tale! My little girl's heart beat is consistantly between 130-140 and my friend is expecting her 3rd boy all of whom had heart rates around 150 during pregnancy!

I don't know how I've managed to gain so much weight despite nausea and throwing up still now? Maybe it's water retention? Mind you I don't throw up chocolate, so it still could be fat accumulation :)

I don't have a urinary tract infections, just looked at my results on the hospital's online system. One advantage of being a doctor in the hospital where I am followed! Now wishing my AFP results come in soon so that I can stop worrying about spina bifida :-(

I'm leaving for the Dominican Republic in 10 DAYS!!!! Hopefully I still fit in a few of my 15 bikinis... :blush: If not I'll have the perfect excuse to buy yet another few! Looking forward to lounging in the shade by the beach, sigh... It was -20'C again today and getting colder by the day...

Tash, great news hun about you feeling better :hugs:
Ah CJ you are so lucky :) You didn't put on much weight! xxx
Ah CJ you are so lucky :) You didn't put on much weight! xxx

But I did! 10 lbs already, and 8 of it was in first tri. Everywhere I'm reading you're not supposed to gain in first tri and if so, only 3-5 :-( Lili, at this rate I'm also gaining 1 lb per week since the last 2 weeks...

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