******june babies******

Oh Lili I hope you can get sorted at the doctors! He should refer you to a urologist! Esp if the UTIs are recurring!
Lilli i had a uti for most of my pregnancy with DD1 hun. i spent most of it on antibiotics. and she was fine when she popped out. xxxxxxxx
Delilah, i have the angel sounds one and have heard the hb from 11 weeks, but i can not hear anything without the gel xx

Lili i hope you get your uti sorted hun, how horrid for you xxxx
Yay, 16 weeks today!!!!

Sorry I've been MIA, it's been a crazy weekend. I'm thoroughly exhausted and stuffed like a Christmas turkey from over eating. All our events were great fun though!

Lili, hope you feel better soon!

Delilah, delighted that your procedure went well and that you're back to your normal routine!

Emma, so glad you made it to your grandmother's funeral despite the snow!

DH hid the weight scale yesterday. I feel strangely relieved... No time to exercise all weekend, and this week will be out of the question as well. I'll try to eat healthier after the holidays, kind of pointless right now!

I still have gifts to wrap, and need to bring the car into the shop to install the snow tires: there is no way we're going to the snow belt area without them! Ottawa, Canada's capital city and where my family lives, has tons of snow already. Looking forward to it! I'm from Northern Canada, and for me, Christmas is NOT Christmas without snow, I find it really hard in Southern Ontario where I now live, to get into the Christmas spirit without the snow...

Oh and girls, I have to say, I LOVE maternity tights!!!! I think I may never go back to regular tights, even after baby! I found the most amazing maternity clothing shop, I'm a totaly convert now! SOOOOOO much more comfortable! Jeans with a panel will be my next purchase :)

Hope everyone is feeling great/better!!! :hugs:
CJ.................I got your card today xxx Has anyone got mine yet?? I think my postman eats the post around here!

I am starting to feel a bit better over the last few days..........so i really hope this is it for me now!! I hope everyone else is feeling a bit better, would be awful for us not to enjopy all the food and things at Christmas! I have done all the Christmas shopping, and also got Sainsbury's to deliver the essential heavy bits for me!! Bliss xx However i bet there is something that i forget!!

I had a bump last night girls.............was so pleased with it, but when i got up this morning it had gone!! My oh said it mad have ben the amount i ate............Hmmmm i fear he may have been right xxx I will take a pic after Christmas lunch for you, will hopefully re-appear xxx

CJ, i read throught the posts AT LAST and i now realise why your oh took the scales away...........Good for him!! You are carrying a beautiful baby girl who needs you to eat well, and unfortunately that means putting on weight for her!! It is so easy to loose after as i am sure you will be committed to it!! Just not too committed hey hun xxx I did it in 3 months after first dd, and breast feeding helped as your motabolism is higher then xx

Right am now going to play with my beautiful girlies, i love the holidays when i get to have them all to myself all day!!
14 june 2010 cant wate im over happy our first baby ah . . . Find out if its boy or girl :)
Emma, so glad you received it! Have not received yours yet. You know what? My bump is a lot more obvious at night, I guess after a full day of frequent meals and snacking it also reflects your gut being full!

Thanks Em, I know that I have to gain weight for baby girl, I'm just alarmed at the ease and speed with which it is happening... To be honest I've not really been eating healthy, using pregnancy as an excuse to indulge which I know is not necessarily the right thing to do! You're right, it'll come off easily enough. I do count on breast feeding for 6 months, as long as that works out for me! I need to hide all my size 0 clothes and only allow it to resurface at least 3 months after giving birth :)
Good for you hun xxx You sound on top of it all!! xx

Welcome littlegoth666, only you can decide weather to find out the sex hun. There are mixed reviews about it, just do whatever you feel is right xx
CJ your pregnancy is an excuse to indulge! I'm glad you didn't exercise all weekend too much exercise is not good for you and baby! And good DH hid them scales, I don't even own any scales anymore!! You will lose all the weight after the pregnancy, I'm sure :)

Emma I want to see your bump!

mmmmhhhhhmm I just made hotdogs and had them and cause that simply wasn't enough Im now also having a chicken cesar baguette :) I got an excuse all I had all day was 2 slices of toast and then I have been out shopping.

:hugs: to my lovely bump buddies xxx
Thanks girls, I'm at the doctors now waiting. Could not get an appointment all day and then he called me and said he will see me as an emergency. He's gonna give me different antibiotics I think!

Thanks E&L that makes me feel better :) it's so worrying when you read utis cause premature labour, it really scares me. I just want it gone!

Freeeezing isn't it? First time I've been out today and it's bloody chilly!
Oh Lili......I hope they get it sorted for you hun xxxxx

Linn, when and if my bump appears again i shall take a pic for you xxx
lili, glad he decided to see you!
linn, i would have been crazy shopping as well but they already have a boy so i guess they wouldn't have to get too much new stuff for another one.
cj, glad you are ok and i gained almost 70 lbs in my first pregnancy and they were all gone by the time DD was 3 months... so far only gained 2 but blaming that on me having been sick for so long (still feeling it most of the time but not throwing up all the time anymore).
Lilli...yes it can but if you and doc are on top of it i think things should be ok. Kidney infections can be more of a prob hun. UTIs are comman cos your tube from bladder to outside world get squished or kinked by baby hun. keep an eye on it and keep in touch with your doc. DD1 was born bang on her due date hun so i couldnt have done better if i tried lol. xxxxxxxxx

Edit: just thought....cranberry juice is very good apparently at keeping borderline UTIs at bay. if you dont like the juice i know you can get it in capules from places like holland and barret. xxx
Hi all

Just stopping by to say hi. Hope everyone is ok.


I got another 7 days of antibiotics for the UTI, same ones I have been taking! Said he is not happy to prescribe any others as these are the safest in pregnancy!

The midwife was right, the 'spots' on my belly and legs are not just bad skin, he says I have prurigo of pregnancy! I have ointment to use for now and have to go for bloods to test my liver function, thyroid.. and whatever else!!

Another blood test :( and more shit to worry about! If I have a healthy baby at the end of this I will be gobsmacked and forever grateful. I want to go to sleep and wake up in June.
Lilli...yes it can but if you and doc are on top of it i think things should be ok. Kidney infections can be more of a prob hun. UTIs are comman cos your tube from bladder to outside world get squished or kinked by baby hun. keep an eye on it and keep in touch with your doc. DD1 was born bang on her due date hun so i couldnt have done better if i tried lol. xxxxxxxxx

Edit: just thought....cranberry juice is very good apparently at keeping borderline UTIs at bay. if you dont like the juice i know you can get it in capules from places like holland and barret. xxx

Thanks hun, I am going to keep on top of it. As soon as I think one is appearing I will be straight the Drs!

At the minute anything but water burns like crazy, he said my sample was really acidic, but once this has gone I'm gonna stay on top of the cranberry and make sure I have a glass every single day. Thanks for reassurance I think that's what I need, I'm such a worrier! :hugs: :hugs:
aw lilli....you sound like you are having the same crappy pregnancy i had with DD1. worst 9 months of my life lol. i lost 3 stone cos i couldnt eat anything.....didnt know i had gallstones untill 2 weeks after i had her. it will get better hun and you will forget it all when you see your little lady. just keep plodding. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

like i said you can get capsules you swallow...that might help your stomach a little better than juice. trust me this is my 3rd and the worry doesnt get any easier lol. you will be fine just drew the short straw of crappy preg hun xxxxx
I'm feeling so sick and horrible tonight, just had to throw up and now I'm feeling really hot and ill... OH even has to make the dinner! This nausea is killing me :cry:

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