June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

My booking in was at children's centre. Had to fill in a questionnaire about my health, family health and previous pregnancies and stuff then just went through that at appt really. She took bloods and tested urine too.

I have a bt digital monitor, think its the 500? Can't fault it, can hear her breathing if I listen hard enough! I've heard lots of mums saying the sensor mats have driven them mad and falsely gone off and given them a heart attack!

As for nursery furniture I just got a basic cot and mattress from a local nursery shop, a normal size wardrobe so it lasts longer and a changing table in the sale from babies r us. Didn't spend all that much and we didn't need anything else. My mum bought the my jungle family set from mothercare like curtains, rug, cot set, etc and that's been lovely although we've not used the blankets as she uses sleeping bags!
afternoon everyone,

hope we are all well, big hugs to those still suffering with m/s.

abi, i'm well jealous you get to have a scan tonight, im sure everything will be perfect, cant wait to hear all about it later on and see a pic if you can upload. try not to look on the internet as all you will probably find is bad stories, the only reason they seem common on here is because more people who have normal pregnancies tend not to go on forums, an awful lot of my friends never have. so the majority will be those seeking help and reassurance or those ltttc.

as for nursery furniture, we are only getting the cot with the changing table thing that goes on the top more than likely from babies r us or mamas and papas, just going to get a normal chest of drawers and mod housing has built in wardrobes so dont need anything else.
for lighting im just going to get one of these - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gro-Light-Intelligent-Ceiling-Night-Light/dp/B00166B0SS
my friend has one and they are fabulous, she still uses it now her little boy is 2.

well only 11 days until my scan, getting excited now its not far off single figures. finding it very hard not to google stuff too, but try and look for things to buy instead. i think i might be having a girl at the moment, but 2 people think i will have a boy. although with hubster having worked on the radar for so many years its very likely we are not be able to have boys as the radiation alters the little swimmers, obviously not guaranteed but will have to wait and see. going to be weird not finding out with so many nowadays doing so, people just keep assuming we will do and keep asking when we will be finding out. i think id need some sort of incentive for pushing it out, plus be a lovely surprise for hubby to find out for us at the birth. also my friends who are midwives always say those who dont know are all the more excited about it and the families also. those who know are a bit like well so and so is finally here, as everyone already knows the names etc, and people arent so excited. obviously personal preference but there are so few nice surprises in life, awaiting another 7 months isnt too long i suppose.

me and hubster are off down south to spend the weekend with his family for the yearly get together, think thats going to be a bit strange not being able to join in the wine escapades this time, also with having to go to bed earlier and outside for a walk after eating. his cousins are going to be very excited so will be nice to tell them. one very good thing though, at least i will get a comfy seat and not have to scrabble for space on the floor, got to use it to its advantage sometime i suppose :)
Oh and I did get my notes at booking in... I think mine are green though!
Jelly youre very patient waiting to find out the sex! I'm way too impatient. Also I don't need any incentive to push baby out, last time I was just like "get it out of me now!!" Lol
I'm going to be team yellow to , my pregnancy notes are green to x
hahaaa! yeah i have watched too many youtube videos of births now which has proper freaked me out also.

I feel REALLY silly for going for this scan now....i'm like why didn't i just wait like everyone else but i have seriously become obsessed that something is wrong.
Jellytots - you are SOOOOOO right about only really hearing horror stories....its true you can find anything on the internet if you really want to and because i am working from home today and can go on the internet without anyone looking over my shoulder i am looking way too much!

Oh well, it's booked now i may as well go and enjoy it! I probably feel silly coz i don't feel as stressed about it but i only don't feel as stressed because i know i will find out today.

I just really really really hope my news is good news later!

I'm gonna go googling for nursery furniture and wallpaper now instead!
:wave: all,

Abi enjoy your scan later... Dr google can be our own worst enemy, like u said U can find anything if u want to, and we are more likely to google for negative than positives. I am sure everything will be fine for you.

Gemini I have previously had booking appts at home, but like others have said thigs seem to vary depending upon what area you are in. I have always had my grren note prior to booking. Then booking involved family history, previous preg details, my health history and boods and urine test. I think they say plan for it to take between 1 and 2 hrs, but mine have never taken that long :wacko: THey will also go through when u will be seen through your pregnancy, and what will happen at each appt (or at least they did with me :) )

I have had my scan date through, and it is not until 14th Dec, when i will be 12+6 days... seems like an age away, but I am sure it will come around befre I know it.

Anycahce of my details being added on pg1 EDD 21st June TIA xxx
Hi ladies,

Reading about all your NHS stories and getting jealous! lol I am going private (as I am covered by my French insurance) and still waiting for my gynea to tell me what the next step is!!!
I had my bloods and a first scan at 6 weeks but just want to get started with my OB and be able to book my 12 weeks scan and do any other blood test I need to do!
Anyone going or has gone private in London before? Any recommendation of which hospital to choose?
Ugh. Went to bed last night feeling miserable, and woke up the same. Already got sick twice, and it's only 9! Don't think I'll go to work today. This week is supposed to be the peak, right?? Then it gets better?
awww cricket you poor thing....i really hope you feel better soon,

I'm not sure when it's supposed to peak but i think around 10 weeks or so? You shouldn't have much left (although not sure if Emzy will agree??)

Get yourself back to bed and call in sick or whatever you need to do to look after yerself! xxxx
Hi ladies,

Reading about all your NHS stories and getting jealous! lol I am going private (as I am covered by my French insurance) and still waiting for my gynea to tell me what the next step is!!!
I had my bloods and a first scan at 6 weeks but just want to get started with my OB and be able to book my 12 weeks scan and do any other blood test I need to do!
Anyone going or has gone private in London before? Any recommendation of which hospital to choose?

Hey hun - sorry haven't got private in London before i'm afraid so can't help there!! Don't be jealous of the NHS....we'll be all jealous of you!
How come you have French Insurance? Are you French? Ah bonjour et bienvenue !! Sorry if you have already told us all of this....i'm really quite forgetful!

Anyone else got baby brain yet? I haven't but i'm kinda looking forward to getting it! So i can have an excuse for being a ditzy blonde if nothing else!

One of my best friends is pregnant and an HR manager and she has been doing payroll every months for about 7 years. Since she got baby brain she has managed to process the CEO of the whole company as a leaver!!!! Luckily she realised before pressing the authorise button which would have generated his P45!!!!!!

Too funny about the CEO lol... i am blonde too... so that's my excuse most of the time!!

Yes I am French, I voluntarily pay for French national insurance (on top of NHS) and I took a french private insurance too (called mutuelle). It's very expensive but also very much worth it!
I cost me about £150 a month but i get free dental cost, free contact lenses, free glasses every year, i can see any specialist I want without being referred and I get about £5k just for the birth (hospital fees etc... £10k if i have a C-section).
I need to find an OB that is within my consultation limits (£175 per consult) but I am entitled 1 visit per month after 4 month, plus the scans etc...
It's a great insurance and it's already paid for itself 3 times over with the fertility testing I had to do before taking clomid. Currently I see a French gynea and I wish I could find a french private OB... but I doubt it will be possible as the only one is in the portland and they do not have a neonatal unit if something goes bad with the baby so you would end up separated.
it's kind of hard to have the choice as you only have yourself to blame! every situation has it's advantages! Also i would love to get my baby packs etc... but i doubt i will get one!
Oh man...just lost the meds I took. Not sure what to do as I took the max dose. Probably some of it was absorbed, but definitely just tasted some coming out. Guess I'll wait a few hours and then take a half a pill if it's still bad??
Cricket I feel completely miserable as well. Sickness still going strong here and I feel like crap. I have lots of mouth ulcers and feel completely run down, I just feel awful. I constantly feel exhausted and am continuously throwing up whatever's in my stomach, even if there is nothing in there! I am still trying to eat as it's better to throw up something than retching and throwing up bile, so I think I'm keeping at least some food and drink down as although I am sick so many times a day, I am not always completely emptying my stomach. I know how you feel hun, I just feel miserable :( I just rang into work for my 3rd week in a row and they sounded really annoyed. Last week my boss was on the phone asking me to ask the doctor if I'd be back in this week and if there are any adjustments they can make to get me back in sooner... I thought like what?! I asked the doctor and he said, no, I am just too sick to work right now and he can't see me going back for another couple of weeks. So I told this to my boss and she sounded really pissed off. So that's made me feel even worse. As if I like being confined to my house being sick! I'd love to be well enough to work, as then I'd be able to get on with the rest of my life as well!

As for your tablets, I wouldn't take any more until you're meant to as you may have absorbed some of them x
aww man im having some serious pressure on both sides of my abdomen today. I keep prodding my whole stomach to see if its getting any firmer and i think it is. Just above and to the sides of my pubic bone it feels a little firmer, still a little squiddgy but definately getting firmer eeeeeeeeeeeeek i cant wait till i get a bump
Oh man...just lost the meds I took. Not sure what to do as I took the max dose. Probably some of it was absorbed, but definitely just tasted some coming out. Guess I'll wait a few hours and then take a half a pill if it's still bad??

Ok so I am really slow coz reading this i thought you mant you had actually lost the meds (like they'd gone down the back of the sofa or something!!!) then i twigged what you ACTUALLY meant!!!

Cricket I feel completely miserable as well. Sickness still going strong here and I feel like crap. I have lots of mouth ulcers and feel completely run down, I just feel awful. I constantly feel exhausted and am continuously throwing up whatever's in my stomach, even if there is nothing in there! I am still trying to eat as it's better to throw up something than retching and throwing up bile, so I think I'm keeping at least some food and drink down as although I am sick so many times a day, I am not always completely emptying my stomach. I know how you feel hun, I just feel miserable :( I just rang into work for my 3rd week in a row and they sounded really annoyed. Last week my boss was on the phone asking me to ask the doctor if I'd be back in this week and if there are any adjustments they can make to get me back in sooner... I thought like what?! I asked the doctor and he said, no, I am just too sick to work right now and he can't see me going back for another couple of weeks. So I told this to my boss and she sounded really pissed off. So that's made me feel even worse. As if I like being confined to my house being sick! I'd love to be well enough to work, as then I'd be able to get on with the rest of my life as well!

As for your tablets, I wouldn't take any more until you're meant to as you may have absorbed some of them x

Emzy - does your boss know why you are off sick??
What a stupid woman.....i hate it when they say stuff like "well how long before you will be better"....like how the hell am i supposed to know!!!! Stupid twats! Like you say, it's as if she thinks you want to be at home feeling like crap.

Hope it's not too much longer tho!

PS.....2 hours to go and i need a poo with anxiety.....
Too funny about the CEO lol... i am blonde too... so that's my excuse most of the time!!

Yes I am French, I voluntarily pay for French national insurance (on top of NHS) and I took a french private insurance too (called mutuelle). It's very expensive but also very much worth it!
I cost me about £150 a month but i get free dental cost, free contact lenses, free glasses every year, i can see any specialist I want without being referred and I get about £5k just for the birth (hospital fees etc... £10k if i have a C-section).
I need to find an OB that is within my consultation limits (£175 per consult) but I am entitled 1 visit per month after 4 month, plus the scans etc...
It's a great insurance and it's already paid for itself 3 times over with the fertility testing I had to do before taking clomid. Currently I see a French gynea and I wish I could find a french private OB... but I doubt it will be possible as the only one is in the portland and they do not have a neonatal unit if something goes bad with the baby so you would end up separated.
it's kind of hard to have the choice as you only have yourself to blame! every situation has it's advantages! Also i would love to get my baby packs etc... but i doubt i will get one!

Wow that is expensive! But if it's helped you get to where you are now then i guess it is worth it!!

Would never have guessed you're French - your English is amazing! I lived in France for a year (3rd year of uni) and my french is terrible!! I think i was pretty good when i lived there but that was 10 years ago and I can barely ask for a menu in a restaurant now!!

I hope you find the solution to your problem hun.....that's a really different challenge but a difficult one nonetheless!

Right....I'm off to drink a litre of water ready for scan !!!!

I got home just after 3 and cannot stop being sick, my hip (right side) kills and I'm mentally and physically exhasued. Feeling really down, sat and cried into my lunch as. I couldn't bear to eat it.
Just want DH to come home and hug me. X
emma sorry your feeling so bad :hugs:

is anyone getting bad pains with there boobs? mine is even worse if im outside and its cold.. omg its horrible they feel so sensitive and sore..

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