Morning everyone and a special one to those of you feeling sick still.
Emzy...what were you thinking offering to look after another toddler??? are you crazy? Sounds mental without the sickness nevermind sickness of your scale! I REALLY hope you start to feel better soon! Did it let up after the first tri last time? Have you managed to get any meds that work for you without making you drowsy yet?
Awesome that theres a few of us with scans at the same time! I am having HORRIBLE doubting feelings though now and i heard about sthg called a blighted ovum so i googled it and was on the internet for about an hour trying to understand more about it - I have freaked myself out into thinking that is what i have got. You still get all the symptoms and yet most people don't find out til their scan. So now i literally can't wait for the scan and am so so scared that i will see nothing
I just don't know how common it is and whether you would know or not. I haven't felt pregnant for weeks - other than when i puked on week 8 (once) and then felt slightly nauseous a few times i have not felt sick at all (the weekend was a little white lie to excuse myself from the hen do!)
My only symptoms are sore boobs, tiredness and headaches (like a bad hangover but without the sickness).....i'm sure we all prob feel a little bit the same but i can't stop thinking about it
Oh and considering i'm weaning myself off my anti-depressants i don't feel very emotional or mood swingy or anything??
I have REALLY bad acne tho.....
Soz for the dampner but needed to get that off my chest! xoxoxoxoxo