June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

The hungover feeling is horrible. I dont really have that anymore but its been replaced with being sick 8-10 times a day :( I'm soo run down I have a mouth full of ulcers!
I think I would rather just not feel sick or be sick at all. I've tried telling myself I don't feel sick and that has the opposite effect to the one desired :lol:

Everyone thinks I'm having a boy because I'm not sick much, but I still think girly! Anyone else got any feelings on what they're having? I was wrong with my first, I thought she was a little boy :lol:
I havent really gotten sick..mostly just nauseas if i don't eat right away in the morning, when i drink apple juice and during taking my prenatals (i take the gummies ones). I haven't had my 1st prenatal appt yet..i don't see my ob/midwife until the 16th..so i dont know how much folic acid i should be taking? my reg. multivitamin has 400mcg in it..is that enough? or should i be taking more?

Here in the UK, Pregnacare has 400ug of folic acid which it says is the recommended level.

I am taking the Pregnacare Plus Omega-3 one. If you are taking prenatals, they should have the recommended dosage in them I would have thought.
I thought boy before but I've changed my mind. I think I'm having another girl! The sickness has been exactly the same, just started a week later!
^ I thought boy at first but now I think maybe I'm telling myself girl so I'm not disappointed if it's another girl, even though I wanted another girl I think I now want a boy.......... God I love these hormones!! I really don't mind what it is...... Well normal non-hormonal me doesn't!! :(
I'm taking 5mg of folic acid, but only because I have to.
ok, thanks ladies! im starting my promise stages prenatals later tonight!
I've been told to take 800 mg of folic acid. My doc also said that's how the sickness goes away...two day on, two days off, one day on, three days off. I was ok today kind of, but now feeling exhausted and pukey. Lovely wedding anniversary, eh?!
I remember last pregnancy I would have 1 day of symptoms, 2 days of nothing and so on x
Oh my word, the sickness is bad this morning :( and I stupidly agreed to look after my friends toddler this morning, so I have 2 noisy toddlers and I'm being horrendously sick... fantastic!
I'm thinking boy for us. I guessed right both times before...this time not as sure as I was then but still sensing boy!
I was thinking girl for a while but now I think another boy as my symptoms have gone away only sore boobs and tiredness and this is how I was with Ollie.
And oh Emzy it must be awful to be that sick.
As I say not many symptoms here just sore boobs and tiredness havent had as much nausea as I have been having only get it on a night and if I am really hungry. I have my booking appt today so it will start to feel more real and will get my scan date through in a week or so.
I'm thinking a boy this time. I had no sickness at all last time and this time I feel super sick! I'm a raspberry today :happydance: have known for 4 weeks and 4 weeks today until my scan, so hopefully it will go quick!
hi all, sorry i havent been around. this thread moves sooo fast. all is well here , my avatar pic is my 8 week scan. saw heartbeat so everything is going ok. got 12 week scan on 2nd december, a day before caleb is 2. I think this pregnancy is going so quick.
My consultant says i will probably have c-section because it is safer due to pre- e before .
Hope everyones ok xx
Everyone sounds so happy! I know there's the ms but all so positive at the moment it's so lovely x

I keep changing my mind as to what I think I'm having. My symptoms have been the same with every pregnancy so that's no indicator for me. I usually get a feeling around 14 weeks which I think is when baby gets it's bits so guess that makes sense!

Have a great day all xxxxx
Morning everyone and a special one to those of you feeling sick still.

Emzy...what were you thinking offering to look after another toddler??? are you crazy? Sounds mental without the sickness nevermind sickness of your scale! I REALLY hope you start to feel better soon! Did it let up after the first tri last time? Have you managed to get any meds that work for you without making you drowsy yet?

Awesome that theres a few of us with scans at the same time! I am having HORRIBLE doubting feelings though now and i heard about sthg called a blighted ovum so i googled it and was on the internet for about an hour trying to understand more about it - I have freaked myself out into thinking that is what i have got. You still get all the symptoms and yet most people don't find out til their scan. So now i literally can't wait for the scan and am so so scared that i will see nothing :-(

I just don't know how common it is and whether you would know or not. I haven't felt pregnant for weeks - other than when i puked on week 8 (once) and then felt slightly nauseous a few times i have not felt sick at all (the weekend was a little white lie to excuse myself from the hen do!)

My only symptoms are sore boobs, tiredness and headaches (like a bad hangover but without the sickness).....i'm sure we all prob feel a little bit the same but i can't stop thinking about it :-(

Oh and considering i'm weaning myself off my anti-depressants i don't feel very emotional or mood swingy or anything??

I have REALLY bad acne tho.....

Soz for the dampner but needed to get that off my chest! xoxoxoxoxo
I'd speak to your doc about coming off the anti-depressants Abic. It sounds like a good idea but any medication changes should be overseen by a doc in pregnancy just in case.

How early do dopplers work? I'd feel so much better once I've heard or seen the heartbeat.

Very excited today, not only is it Monday so my blueberry has become a raspberry, but I've finally got my booking in appointment. It is my last day off work though, I'm almost decided to tell my boss tomorrow, just due to the ammount of time I'm going to be off for the checkups and the 3 hour scan and obstetrician team appointment at 12 weeks.

As regards the weight gain I'd put on 4lbs by week 6, but now I've lost them again and 2 friends. I just don't feel like eating, and when I do its tiny portions. I'm really having to force myself, and I'm drinking a lot of milk and fruit juice to get some vitamins and calories into me that way, where usually I just have fizzy water. DH couldn't quite believe it the other night when he came home and found half a bread roll still in the packet - I knew I couldn't eat it all so only made half a sandwich but he found this baffling!

I also have a really defined bump, which is a bit odd. I did have a pretty flat tummy beforehand, but it's really noticable on a morning before I've eaten or drunk anything to puff it out a bit more.

I think boy here... but every time I talk about it with DH I keep calling it 'she'. I'm not sure if this is because my baby book only refers to a female baby, or if my subconcious is rooting for team pink.
Morning everyone and a special one to those of you feeling sick still.

Emzy...what were you thinking offering to look after another toddler??? are you crazy? Sounds mental without the sickness nevermind sickness of your scale! I REALLY hope you start to feel better soon! Did it let up after the first tri last time? Have you managed to get any meds that work for you without making you drowsy yet?

Awesome that theres a few of us with scans at the same time! I am having HORRIBLE doubting feelings though now and i heard about sthg called a blighted ovum so i googled it and was on the internet for about an hour trying to understand more about it - I have freaked myself out into thinking that is what i have got. You still get all the symptoms and yet most people don't find out til their scan. So now i literally can't wait for the scan and am so so scared that i will see nothing :-(

I just don't know how common it is and whether you would know or not. I haven't felt pregnant for weeks - other than when i puked on week 8 (once) and then felt slightly nauseous a few times i have not felt sick at all (the weekend was a little white lie to excuse myself from the hen do!)

My only symptoms are sore boobs, tiredness and headaches (like a bad hangover but without the sickness).....i'm sure we all prob feel a little bit the same but i can't stop thinking about it :-(

Oh and considering i'm weaning myself off my anti-depressants i don't feel very emotional or mood swingy or anything??

I have REALLY bad acne tho.....

Soz for the dampner but needed to get that off my chest! xoxoxoxoxo

All of your symptoms are symptoms and you have loads! I have never has ms it's only a symptom it's not mandatory to a healthy pregnancy nor and indicator of not having a BO.

I had a BO and you would not know you had one based on lack of symptoms alone it is the same as being pregnant with all the normal symptoms.

Try to relax honey. We are all I think worried but scans are just round the corner. xxxx
Hey DT - thanks for your words hun....i decided to sod it and although my scan is only 11 days away i have booked a private scan for tonight! I'm just not sure if OH can get back to leeds in time so it's touch and go whether we'll go or not......

Morning guys,

Had a lazy weekend spent on the sofa feeling sick with dh looking after me!! I have had the hangove feeling now since week 6 and haven't been sick once.

Well done on the pram Emzy how exciting! And Laura on finding the heartbeat how amazing!

Abi I think we all probably have moments where we feel worried I know I do but like DT said scans are only round the corner :hugs:

I know everyone is so happy on here at the moment, but I am having real trouble with mood swings. I think where I feel sick all day long and look like rubbish I am finding it hard to smile and be happy. It makes me feel so guilty because I am so happy to be pregnant. Anyone else feeling like this? xx

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