June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

I feel sick everytime i even start to feel hungry so I also carry bisucuits and crackers round with me all the time!

Has anyone elses nips and boobs changed other than size? I am expecting veiny boobs and dark nipples but so far I have started to get really veiny bits at the side and the nipple end is quite dark and a teeny bit crusty (soz TMI?) they also look a bit bruised and those areola or whatever they're called feel normal but the actual nipple skin itself (not the titend) is going a bit lumpy!

I carried around Saltines and Gatorade all weekend. I was trying to change things up a bit so I could get rid of the diarrhea, and I think it is starting to work. But yes, the worst is when I feel hungry.

My breasts have changed like what you're describing. The crustiness is your body getting ready to produce milk. Mine didn't get too crusty until the end with my other pregnancies. But it is totally normal.

SO...just had convo with DH re should we get a doppler....

Me: so I'm thinking we could get a doppler to hear baby's heart beat
DH: no f**king way
Me: why not? it'll be cool to hear the HB in between scans
DH: coz you're a f**king nightmare and you will go on and on and on about something being wrong and make yourself sick
Me: Fine. Well I may just secretly get one anyway.
DH: Do that and i'll bend you over, spank you til you come and send it back to whence it came.

At that point i pmsl and kinda admitted defeat......

:rofl: Your DH sounds like mine! I have never had a Doppler and I expect this to be my last pregnancy so I don't think I'll get one. Plus, I heard it's harder to know what's going on with twins, which will probably mean I'll get more scans so they're sure they're getting both heartbeats. So if the doctors aren't able to figure it out, I won't even try.

Sorry for delay ladies! Here are my scan pics, I have to ring the hospital tomorrow to get my scan date bought forward as I am 12+1 today!!!

We told the kids last night, they were jumping up and down a screaming and talking to the baby, it was wonderful!

Any nub guess gratefully recieved! 4d scan pics in next post xxx

Love the scan pics! I have to say, based on the skull shape, I'm totally guessing a girl for you. My boys looked much different during their scans so I have to agree with the others. Girl!

Abic I really didn't want to get a doppler either, as I didn't want something else to worry about! But now everyone is making me want one!!! lol

I felt ok today so me, DH and Holly went for Sunday lunch at the local pub. When we came out, I was extremely sick 3 times on the pavement in front of people. I was sooo embarrassed. OK, so maybe that wasn't such a good idea :(

DH took another bump pic today, thinks my belly's grown again! What do you reckon? 11 week 5 day bump/bloat x

I know, it is hard to not get a Doppler when everyone is getting so excited about hearing their babies!

Sorry you got sick out in public! I am sure that was very uncomfortable! :hugs:

I think your bump is looking bigger. Yay for a growing baby!

ooo all these scans make me excited. Mine is tomorrow afternoon!!! Wish me luck!

Good luck tomorrow, can't wait to see pictures!

You have to watch it Gemini it's very cute, try this...

We don't have that commercial here, and it definitely made me tear up!

I missed a lot today, but it was a busy day. I have been feeling a little better over the weekend, and had some yummy food. I have got to try to get some work done this week, I have to renew my license at the DMV, and I have my first OB/GYN appt. on Thursday.
Hi everyone :wave:

Is it normal for nausea to be inconsistent? I've only actually thrown up twice, but I am feeling nauseous regularly.

And my boobies are so sore. My OH had a feel yesterday and I actually squealed in pain - he won't be doing that again any time soon :haha:
I have rung antenatal today to tell them I was bought forward a week, so instead of my NT scan being 24 Nov it is now...

Tomorrow! at 9.40! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If they agree with the measurement i shall change my tickers tomorrow! xxx

LittleBird, you are so good with your replies!

Hi i'm louise, yes that is totally normal xxx
aww dt im massivly jealous of you right now. I had my booking in appointment nearly 3 week ago, today i am 11 weeks (and a lime yay!!!!) but still have not had a date through for my 12 week scan. So i just rang my hospital scanning department to query this and was told that because they are so busy right now that my name is in 'the system' and that it will probably be nearer 13 weeks or 13 & 1/2 weeks before im seen. I have to ring back on friday if i still have not received my card through about the date grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I dont think i can possibly wait another 2 weeks to see my bubba. Plus i wanted to go public after my 12 week scan now that has to wait another week. Not a good start to my monday morning :(
Yes Louise that is what I am like have never been sick just nauseous thought it had gone completley but was awful last night I had to go to bed as was just feeling sick all the time.
dt thats great news.
I love the John Lewis advert it does get me emotional I have been very emotional just lately crying at most things. Have also been very snappy with OH had to apologise this morning as I was horrible to him yesterday and he had done everything for me.
DT that's wicked news!!!

Me, Emzy and Jellytots have ours on Friday!!! All at the same time too!!! Weird!
I can't wait...like literally can't wait to come out to the world!! It will be so hard coming back to work Friday afternoon as I will have huge grin on my face but thinking i will hold out til after my holidays to tell work....first day back 30th November and I will be just about 14 weeks then!

Hows everyone feeling today?

I am having a VERY VERY tired day...once again up 3 times in the night....the annoying thing it feels like theres tons of wee to come out but then you end up having a trickle and you think why the hell did i get up for that!!
Morning!! I'm really tired today aswell, could sleep all day!!
Yay dt that's great news! I'm an Olive today, which means 3 weeks until my scan :happydance: I STILL haven't heard anything about who my midwife is or when I will have a booking in appointment, i'm abit peed off because I am considered high risk and it doesn't seem they see it that way!!xx
Abic im like that too, up so many times in the night for a wee but its only a trickle!!

Sooo excited for scan on Friday!!!
babyd i feel your frustration too. Im high risk as well and still waiting for my 12 week scan date........im 11 weeks already grrrr
Omg I just watched the john Lewis advert and bawled my eyes out! Awwww! I cried the first time I saw the last one too!
TrAyBaby it's so frustrating isn't it!! I had my scan date through literally straight away, they surely can't be that busy!! Where I live, they sort out your scan and then work your booking in appointment around that and it is usually at 8 weeks, I have already rang them once so don't want to make a massive fuss and keep ringing!
Emzy I know, I have cried every time it has come on!!x
I cried at this one too, although I think the current one will make me cry more!!

OH NO i'm not sure if i have seen the JL advert.....may have caught a glipse of it...is it the one with the x-factor lot singing on it?
I think i am too tired and grumpy to cry over something like that at the minute.
My lovely sweet side has been replaced with evil short-tempered ratty bitch from hell. I feel like i have the worst PMT and feel fat, spotty and like a total mess. Everything makes me look fat and so to compensate I just keep eating crap.

I want a McDonalds for lunch but i have persuaded my colleague to come to BHS with me for their infamous Christmas panini! I am taking to buying people lunch etc to make up for my curtness!

Off to see the girls tonight for tea and have decided (after long chat with DH) to tell my girls tonight! DH is going to tell the respective OH of the girls (as we're all friends together) tonight so that he gets to tell his boys and I get to tell my girls! There's only 3 of them and I will tell everyone else at the weekend!

Still no news from Espacey or JellyTots???

ALso - Emma1985 hasn't been on here for a while?

I think i am gonna go find somewhere for a nap..........can't believe how tired i am. Still have headaches too. This totally sucks!
Oh by the way....

I had the weirdest dream last night whereby my baby was growing inside my tummy but at the same time I could SEE it in the HAND of my DH and my friend! It was WEIRD. Basically their skin on the palm of their hands was really transluscent and when i looked I could see yolk sac and baby wriggling and then these 2 eyeballs which were at the side of the hand which was like where the eyes of my baby were growing!! It was properly weird and really freaked me out!!!
morning ladies hope every one is well :D

wow i bet you were freaked out.. they do say pregnancy dreams are the oddest, i keep getting weird dreams then forgetting them when i wake :dohh: but i know they are weird if you know what i mean

the cramps and sore back seemed to disappear yesterday but i feel like my tummy has popped abit? i dunno how to describe it.. its like the pain was from my uterus trying to stretch its gone all hard now so odd..

one day til 9 weeks :happydance:
OK, i feel like i need to have a massive whinge, so here goes.
I can barely walk from this SPD brought on by the fact im seriously double jointed. I look like a granny, and the physio says there isnt much that can be done, and that it will only get worse, Judging by how much movement is in my hips already, im probably likely to end up on crutches at least.
I feel constantly exhausted, i woke yesterday at 8.30, was back in bed by half 10, woke up at half 3, went to bed at half 10 last night and didnt wake up till this morning - and felt tired, how i am meant to be able to work full time 12 hours a day, when i need that much sleep, i dont know.
I had problems with my heart that became apparent, i was aware i had hole in the heart as a child and it mended itself, but as i was recommended to be on beta blockers in Jan, i am now being passed to consultant care for that.
I have already had one Kidney infection, since having pain for the last week passing water, i assumed it was another UTI, and was put on more antibiotics, turns out it isnt a UTI, its thrush that has spread to my urethra. WHICH, they said only an oral treatment will work for, which i cant take, so i have to suffer with feeling like my pee tube is falling out. Not only that, but ive given it to OH, so BDing is well out of the question, plus it hurts my pelvis too much, so wont be long before he gets a little annoyed (not that he would say)
I have to see an occupational therapist as requested by my work, as in total i have appointments for doctors (flu jab, urine/thrush infections etc) physio, heart specialist, smoking cessation (which this stress is making increasingly difficult) Midwife, Scans, all of this when ALL appointments are near my home, a total of 80mins drive when NOt in rush hour, away.
Add to that, sickness that comes and goes, and gets me sent home unpaid from work as the MEN dont like the sound of heaving, feeling like i could fall asleep evertime i go for an extremely painful pee, TBH, its left me feeling like im just not cut out for all this :( making me think that my body taking it so badly is an indicator that i wont be instinctively good with my child. :(

Sorry for the rant. Just dont have anyone else that can understand even the tiniest part of what its like! xxx
Oh Gemini :hugs: you are having a tough time of it aren't you! To be honest, that is exactly how I felt in my last pregnancy, I had a really awful time of it and as a result had ante-natal and post-natal depression (not because I didn't bond with Grace, but the complete opposite where I was constantly worrying!!) I felt like complete crap all the time and was signed off work, so felt completely alone! I didn't talk to anyone about how I was feeling which made it alot worse. So I would say make sure you talk to people about how you are feeling, try and get help around the house ect, and rest!! and pamper yourself! I am really trying to have a positive attitude this time around, and hopefully will be ready for whatever comes my way. Can you and OH get away somewhere together? Even if just for a weekend? It will give you something to look forward to and give you a nice break. And you WILL make a wonderful mother! :hugs:
gemini im so sorry honey that you are having a tough time but as babyd says make sure you talk to people about your feelings and remember that we are all here for you too so rant away.

Ok so after my very unproductive phone call to the scanning department i have decided not to wait another 2 possibly 2 & 1/2 weeks for my scan. Im 11 weeks today, i want my scan now!!!! So i've booked a private scan for saturday when i'll be 11+5, if all is well im going public the next day as it will be my mothers birthday :)
sending you hugs gemini hope you feel better soon.
I keep been woken up by sickness then when I cough afterwards it really hurts. I am mainly eating fruits which I suppose is good for me better than chocolate epsecialy for my diabetes.
Any one else finding the weeks flying by, i cant believe 1/4 of the time has flown by. Im starting to go through calebs baby grows/sleepsuits i have and i couldnt believ it when I had 30 sleep suits and 20 baby grows. so will only need clothes and the other things need. Cant wait to start buying. xx

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