Afternoon ladies...
Cricket - I'm so sorry about your sad news. I hope you are ok and the next few days are not too hard for you hun. Thinking of you xo
Lily - yay to be a lime!! I think the prune was the worst week simply because prunes are really wrinkly and i just don't like them!
I have to look to Emzy now as she seems to be the most ahead of all of us and I like to see what the next fruit or veggie is gonna be from her! sorry the sickness seems to have kicked in

Have you actually been sick or just feel really sick? Are you able to handle food? I feel sick everytime i even start to feel hungry so I also carry bisucuits and crackers round with me all the time!
So....still can't decide how to tell everyone ! Was at my folks this weekend (just got home and i am POOPED!!) and told my brother he's gonna be an uncle and he was dead chuffed bless him! It was quite an emotional weekend really probably just coz of all the emotions but did feel me welling up all weekend!
Went bra shopping with mum yesterday but got to the 2nd shop and got really pissed off coz it was so busy that there was a waiting list to be measured! So I just took loads of bras into the changing rooms but none of them fit (although i think i have established I am an M&S 34 G) but they didnt have the style i wanted in my size. How annoying!
I got a really nice Carriwell maternity bra which i slept in for the first time last night but its quite thin so when my nips get cold/excited ;-) i look like i am smuggling peanuts bigtime!! embarrassing!!!!! A lot of the maternity bras have the clips on for nursing and i had a go of unclipping and got really excited about breast feeding!
Has anyone elses nips and boobs changed other than size? I am expecting veiny boobs and dark nipples but so far I have started to get really veiny bits at the side and the nipple end is quite dark and a teeny bit crusty (soz TMI?) they also look a bit bruised and those areola or whatever they're called feel normal but the actual nipple skin itself (not the titend) is going a bit lumpy! Would be easier to put a photo on but you will all puke at the sight of my boobs so i wont bother!!
Hope you're all ok and welcome to the newbies! xoxoxoxo