I'm RARing too! I just painfully typed a huge post on my iPad and then hit 'previous thread' instead of post and lost it. Boo. I'll try to recreate.
Mei - your little one is a fighter! You need to come up with some good, tough survivor names...
Beautiful scans, ladies! So fun that our blobs are becoming babies!
AFM - plug your ears (or close your eyes) if you're not into potty talk... I have not had #2 since last week's poonami. And I've gone all day today with no vomiting (first day in 5 weeks!!) - I mean, I'm on meds, but usually I still get sick a time or two. So I'm having a dinner of a fruit smoothie, some shredded wheat, and some fresh fruit. Come on out! We'll see if it works. Took a lovely 2 hour nap this afternoon, and managed to work almost a full day. Things are looking up! Also, my mom lands in an hour - yay!
For those who are spotty, I usually never have acne issues. But since Sept. my face has been a straight pepperoni pizza. I found this face wash for preggos on maternique.com by Belli and IT WORKS WONDERS! I'm clearing up for the first time in months after just 3 days.
OK, I think that's everything I wanted to share. Stupid fat fingers!