June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Good luck for tomorrow Hi I'm Louise it really will be a day of mixed emotions for you :hugs:
Lovely DVD Euronova, your better than me I can't do anything remotely technical!!!
:flower:Hi ladies,
I havent been on for weeks so now I have a few hundred pages to catch up on! Sure that wont take me too long.....:wacko:
I have had a horrible few weeks with work and wondered if you ladies had been though anything similar or had any advice. So heres my problem - sorry its a long story.

I have been suffering with work related stress for about 6 months and have been getting zero support form my employers. The doctor has signed me off more times than I can even remember and each sick note has 'ammended duties' ticked - but again this was totally ignored.
When I found out I was pregnant I informed my employer as soon as I could because I was worried about the risk of stress. Eventually my manager did a risk assessment as they are required to do and it was advised I should not be in my current role and would need to be provided with alternative work (I am a debt collector for a bank taking inbound and outbound calls so as you can imagine i deal with abuse daily)
My employer advised that they would look for alternative work 3 weeks ago, yesterday I received a call from my manager to say that there are no other jobs so I would be straight back on the phones on monday and that the risk assessment is only advisory so in other words they do not need to listen at all.

I do not believe for a minute that there are no other jobs, on my site alone there are 3 buildings each with 7 floors and this is a huge banking group there are jobs all over the country!

My understanding is that after a risk assessment if an alternative role is recommended and another role cannot be found, they would need to suspend me on full pay until another role is available.
I posted this question on a legal forum and someone said that if the risk assessment is ignored and no help is given thi sis automatically sex discrimination.

Does anyone know if I have any rights or what I can do as at the moment I feel I have no rights at all. I need to do something, I am not willing to keep risking mine or LOs health, this has been going on too long and I am beyond fed up.
Hey peeps!!

Well i think i haver also popped over night too but i'm also not sure if mine is wind or whether it's the half a tin of heroes i demolished yesterday (that' s what working from home does for you!!)

Love that name mrs c !!

thats an awesome bump can't wait to take my pic in the morning.

Aggghhhhh still really can't get my head round whether to find out or not!!! Emzy - saw your FB message about finding out....i'm literally in 2 minds!
DH and I said right at the beginning that due to Haemophilia we may HAVE to find out and which case we'll have no choice but if we didn't have to find out we wouldn't (ie leave it to fate).....soooo....maybe i should just stick by my guns and leave it to fate?? Still haven't received an appointment for the haemotologist yet so don't know if we need to find out yet or not....it's all to do with the severity of the haemophilia I think and my dad's is quite mild so thinking we prob won't need to find out the sex !!!

Emma - as I said on FB - your bump is fabulous!!! (ps happy avocado day...i particularly love your spelling of avocado...made me chuckle!)

BabyD - how is your tummy this morning? Feeling any better today?

TrAybaby.....are you ignoring my PM i sent you?? Is it just you don't wanna be my fwend :-(

ha ha ha no abi im not ignoring you, just havent got round to answering it yet, will do right now. i'm sorry im working two jobs right now so my brain is fried most of the day, esp as one of those jobs is as a teacher of 5/6 year olds x
emma your bump is beautiful

euronova WOW to you video....AMAZING
Hi all :flower:

I have my scan tomorrow morning (finally!) and my aunty's funeral in the afternoon. It's going to be a weird day :wacko:

Good luck at the scan tomorrow... sorry it will be a mixed day emotions wise... I was exhausted after my scan so I guess you will very very tired after all these emotions. Try and enjoy it as much as possible.

Played a bit with the 20 min of scan DVD I had an managed to select a few snapshots from the scan. This is my first iMovie attempts so be kind!!


i love it :hugs::hugs: baby is so cute i wish they would of let me record the scan for my oh
:flower:Hi ladies,
I havent been on for weeks so now I have a few hundred pages to catch up on! Sure that wont take me too long.....:wacko:
I have had a horrible few weeks with work and wondered if you ladies had been though anything similar or had any advice. So heres my problem - sorry its a long story.

I have been suffering with work related stress for about 6 months and have been getting zero support form my employers. The doctor has signed me off more times than I can even remember and each sick note has 'ammended duties' ticked - but again this was totally ignored.
When I found out I was pregnant I informed my employer as soon as I could because I was worried about the risk of stress. Eventually my manager did a risk assessment as they are required to do and it was advised I should not be in my current role and would need to be provided with alternative work (I am a debt collector for a bank taking inbound and outbound calls so as you can imagine i deal with abuse daily)
My employer advised that they would look for alternative work 3 weeks ago, yesterday I received a call from my manager to say that there are no other jobs so I would be straight back on the phones on monday and that the risk assessment is only advisory so in other words they do not need to listen at all.

I do not believe for a minute that there are no other jobs, on my site alone there are 3 buildings each with 7 floors and this is a huge banking group there are jobs all over the country!

My understanding is that after a risk assessment if an alternative role is recommended and another role cannot be found, they would need to suspend me on full pay until another role is available.
I posted this question on a legal forum and someone said that if the risk assessment is ignored and no help is given thi sis automatically sex discrimination.

Does anyone know if I have any rights or what I can do as at the moment I feel I have no rights at all. I need to do something, I am not willing to keep risking mine or LOs health, this has been going on too long and I am beyond fed up.

im having problems with mine hun, they are trying to make me redundant, i am looking at going to tribunal over the fact they ignored a ridk assessment i had done!
first step is to call ACAS, find the number on their website, they will give you immediate free legal advice and tell you what next steps you have.
Also, if you can get hold of any adverts for roles you feel you could do, pront them off.
morning all, hope you are all well

babyd hope you are feeling much better now

mrs c - what a lovely name and so exciting one of us has already found out :D

abi, so pleased everything went well, been thinking of you this week.

emma - lovely bump, mine seems to have popped out this week more too. can defo feel everything has moved up a lot more and can now say the bottom half of my bump has baby in there somewhere :)

we are defo not finding out and staying team yellow til they arrive. also it has been quite fun guessing, so far lots of people have guessed a girl and only 3 a boy from the scan and the heartbeat recording i have. although the recording isnt brilliant as the baby kept moving around lots. hopefully when i go to see my new midwife on monday i can get her to listen to it again.

one thing that is really peeing me off at the minute are those that ask what your birth plans are etc and then turn around and tell you 'oh well it wont be like that so you may aswell just choose an epi and c-sec'. excuse me since when did you know my medical history and how my pain threshold is. plus i know the best laid plans dont always happen, but at least i can request what i would like. just makes me really angry. yeah okay they have had a baby or two already but doesnt mean they know everything, plus its my first i dont want to be going in there petrified of what i would rather not have. if at least i make my opinions and preferences clear the midwives will do all they can to respect them. grrr! rant over.

had my leaving do at work yesterday, was a good laugh. had a nice meal and then stayed out for a few drinks. got some lovely pressies including a £40 giftcard for boots. may have to wait until the sales and get a few bits for baby that i like in there. its very strange its my last day at work here tomorrow. just seem to be quite busy the last few days sorting out the last few bits of things to clear my desk. cannot wait for my 3 weeks off though, just dreading the drive from lincoln to leeds tomorrow afternoon and praying the weather will be okay.

anyone up to anything good today?

oh also as of tomorrow i wont have telephone and internet until 11th jan at my new house, but will have limited access on my phone and when i go to the in-laws over new year i will have it for a few days on my laptop. going to miss catching up with you guys.

Dude.....you're coming to Leeds?? How come? How long for? If you have a spare hour we could meet up for a decaf somewhere??
Hey peeps!!

Well i think i haver also popped over night too but i'm also not sure if mine is wind or whether it's the half a tin of heroes i demolished yesterday (that' s what working from home does for you!!)

Love that name mrs c !!

thats an awesome bump can't wait to take my pic in the morning.

Aggghhhhh still really can't get my head round whether to find out or not!!! Emzy - saw your FB message about finding out....i'm literally in 2 minds!
DH and I said right at the beginning that due to Haemophilia we may HAVE to find out and which case we'll have no choice but if we didn't have to find out we wouldn't (ie leave it to fate).....soooo....maybe i should just stick by my guns and leave it to fate?? Still haven't received an appointment for the haemotologist yet so don't know if we need to find out yet or not....it's all to do with the severity of the haemophilia I think and my dad's is quite mild so thinking we prob won't need to find out the sex !!!

Emma - as I said on FB - your bump is fabulous!!! (ps happy avocado day...i particularly love your spelling of avocado...made me chuckle!)

BabyD - how is your tummy this morning? Feeling any better today?

TrAybaby.....are you ignoring my PM i sent you?? Is it just you don't wanna be my fwend :-(

ha ha ha no abi im not ignoring you, just havent got round to answering it yet, will do right now. i'm sorry im working two jobs right now so my brain is fried most of the day, esp as one of those jobs is as a teacher of 5/6 year olds x

Oh My GOOODNESSSSS how bad do i feel now??? so sorry hunny i know what it's like when your brain is fried....i cant imagine what it must be like holding down 2 jobs and feeling woosy and pregnant so sorry hun :)

PS my brain is also fried but mainly coz i took my last anti-depressant on Monday and i am going thru withdrawal phase now (rooooobish)

Hope you feel ok soon hun and thank goodness it's FRIIIIIDAY! xxx

PS is it snowing in scotland yet?
:flower:Hi ladies,
I havent been on for weeks so now I have a few hundred pages to catch up on! Sure that wont take me too long.....:wacko:
I have had a horrible few weeks with work and wondered if you ladies had been though anything similar or had any advice. So heres my problem - sorry its a long story.

I have been suffering with work related stress for about 6 months and have been getting zero support form my employers. The doctor has signed me off more times than I can even remember and each sick note has 'ammended duties' ticked - but again this was totally ignored.
When I found out I was pregnant I informed my employer as soon as I could because I was worried about the risk of stress. Eventually my manager did a risk assessment as they are required to do and it was advised I should not be in my current role and would need to be provided with alternative work (I am a debt collector for a bank taking inbound and outbound calls so as you can imagine i deal with abuse daily)
My employer advised that they would look for alternative work 3 weeks ago, yesterday I received a call from my manager to say that there are no other jobs so I would be straight back on the phones on monday and that the risk assessment is only advisory so in other words they do not need to listen at all.

I do not believe for a minute that there are no other jobs, on my site alone there are 3 buildings each with 7 floors and this is a huge banking group there are jobs all over the country!

My understanding is that after a risk assessment if an alternative role is recommended and another role cannot be found, they would need to suspend me on full pay until another role is available.
I posted this question on a legal forum and someone said that if the risk assessment is ignored and no help is given thi sis automatically sex discrimination.

Does anyone know if I have any rights or what I can do as at the moment I feel I have no rights at all. I need to do something, I am not willing to keep risking mine or LOs health, this has been going on too long and I am beyond fed up.

im having problems with mine hun, they are trying to make me redundant, i am looking at going to tribunal over the fact they ignored a ridk assessment i had done!
first step is to call ACAS, find the number on their website, they will give you immediate free legal advice and tell you what next steps you have.
Also, if you can get hold of any adverts for roles you feel you could do, pront them off.

Gave ACAS a call and they were so helpful, will now be going in on Monday armed to the teeth with info! Sorry to hear that you are having problems too, hope you get sorted soon Hun.
Hi Ladies :wave:

I had a few curious twitches in my belly today, not unlike the flicker you sometimes get in your eyelid/brow when you are tired- do you think this was sproglett having a wriggle?? :happydance: ...or just gas :blush: :haha:

I think that really is baby wiggles!

I have a cold which I'm fighting purely with willpower at the moment! First nativity performance to parents was today - roll on Friday when it will all be over. Then only two days left at work next week before the holidays start. Hooray!

I think I'm picking up a cold now. :( Pregnancy colds seem to last forever. And I have so much to do between now and Wednesday morning, when we leave to drive halfway across the country.

Mine did that a few days ago!!

View attachment 312125

Cute bump pic!

Played a bit with the 20 min of scan DVD I had an managed to select a few snapshots from the scan. This is my first iMovie attempts so be kind!!


Wow, that movie is very cool! Good job!

I haven't been around much, because I have been busy with work and played the piano today and yesterday for DS2's preschool Christmas program. Why is it that once I get past something stressful, my body decides to get a cold?!?!

I have packing, shopping, and cleaning to do before Wednesday, and all I want to do is take a nap. Maybe just a quick nap... :)
Quick question? Has anyone else been told they have an anterior placenta?
It's when the egg implants on the belly side of the uterus as opposed to the back side of it. It is apparently quite common and the point when the placenta is attached can migrate as the uterus stretch and end up on the posterior (more normal) side.
I wonder if this is why I am not showing at all as it seems a possible explanation (not that i look forward to having a big bump - i am getting married afterwards so I want to have as little weight to loose as possible!)
I know someone else on BnB with anterior placenta, and it did affect things like ultrasounds (less visibility). She also showed later in her pregnancy (2nd pregnancy), but that may have had more to do with the shape of her uterus.
Just a quick question...

Is anyone considering Hypnobirthing at all? Just wondered if there was a book/CD combo that anyone could recommend?? I'm definitely up for a bit of hypno but there's sooooo many resources out there it's hard to know where to start!!!
Hi all :wave:

My scan went well this morning. I was put back 2 days, so my EDD is now 27th June.

My pics are a bit fuzzy cos I couldn't get a decent pic on my phone, but here they are...


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Hey Louise! we are now only 3 days apart! Lovely pictures, it is so nice once you have passed that milestone!
Quick question? Has anyone else been told they have an anterior placenta?
It's when the egg implants on the belly side of the uterus as opposed to the back side of it. It is apparently quite common and the point when the placenta is attached can migrate as the uterus stretch and end up on the posterior (more normal) side.
I wonder if this is why I am not showing at all as it seems a possible explanation (not that i look forward to having a big bump - i am getting married afterwards so I want to have as little weight to loose as possible!)

Mine is! Mines at front and low, 2mm away from cervix at the mo!
It doesn't affect when you show though, a retroverted uterus does however, I have that too, Deffo starting to tip forwards now thank goodness, my brother commented earlier that he looks more pregnant than I do! Haha! X

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