Hey all,
How is everyone today?? You all having a nice weekend?
I am on day 4 or 5 (can't remember) of coming off my anti-depressants and i'm starting to REALLY struggle now.....I know what to expect from the last time i did this and i had the worst dizziness and disoriantation and shooting "zap" type sensations in my head so i shouldn't be too surprised but it is really really getting me down
Haven't done a single bit of Christmas shopping yet or written any Christmas cards yet. Spent the last 2 days and nights on my bum watching crap on the tele which has made me feel really lazy and lethargic.
I have become really really moody and aggressive and short tempered etc too. Went swimming this morning coz wanted to try and feel better (and also have been feeling like a fat heffalump....again caused by mood swings) but literally everyone from reception to changing room to pool was getting right on my nerves. I was swimming too fast for the slow lane so was up someones arse, then swapped into fast lane and then someone was up my arse and then this guy overtook me (fair enough as i wasn't fast enough for the fast lane!) and his stupid heel when he kicked out caught me in the side and i was so angry coz i was thinking if that had been a few inches over he would have got me right in my baby tummy....ggrrrrrr!
I'm fed up with the house being a shit tip, i have too many clothes but none of which fit me and i hate them all anyway coz they are shit and i am supposed to be out at a friends tonight but i am too dizzy and woosy to go.
So so so so so so so so so sorry for the rant....I could literally go on forever....I mean my MIL is amazing and dunno what i'd do with out her (she does cleaning, washing ironing etc....i am usually VERY VERY grateful) but just this week she took a dress that was out coz i was gonna wear it but didnt and she washed it and it didn't need washing! I also went ot put a towel away and couldn't open the drawer coz she had literally RAMMED too many sheets, pillowcases etc in the drawer that it wouldn't open and close properly...that made me PROPERLY mad!
Sorry again,....was gonna stop then but didn't!
I feel like i have the worst PMT but a million trillion gazillion times worse....
Pplease please please can someone tell me i will start to feel better soon????????
Thanks all of you for putting up with me