June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Quick question? Has anyone else been told they have an anterior placenta?
It's when the egg implants on the belly side of the uterus as opposed to the back side of it. It is apparently quite common and the point when the placenta is attached can migrate as the uterus stretch and end up on the posterior (more normal) side.
I wonder if this is why I am not showing at all as it seems a possible explanation (not that i look forward to having a big bump - i am getting married afterwards so I want to have as little weight to loose as possible!)

In terms of not showing- it's not normal to show this early with a first. I'm barely showing and I'm 16 weeks- I do have a tiny bump but it is much bigger in an evening, so I know some of it is still bloat. So I don't think that the placenta position has much to do with it, only the uterus position. xxx
Hey broodybelle im like that too. I've developed a wee rounded bit at the front but by the evenings when the bloat has set in i look way bigger but come morning its gone down again. But im still really proud of my round tummy now. Ive posted 2 pics the first one is 12 weeks (that i posted not so long ago) and the second was taken yesterday at 16 weeks. I defo think this is my real bump starting :happydance:


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Hi everyone, hope you are all having a good weekend!!
Euronova - I didn't show until about 20 weeks with my first pregnancy, and I am still not showing alot now and this is my second. I wouldn't worry about it hun.

TrAyBaby - That is definitely a bump starting!! Gorgeous x
Hey all,

How is everyone today?? You all having a nice weekend?

I am on day 4 or 5 (can't remember) of coming off my anti-depressants and i'm starting to REALLY struggle now.....I know what to expect from the last time i did this and i had the worst dizziness and disoriantation and shooting "zap" type sensations in my head so i shouldn't be too surprised but it is really really getting me down :-(

Haven't done a single bit of Christmas shopping yet or written any Christmas cards yet. Spent the last 2 days and nights on my bum watching crap on the tele which has made me feel really lazy and lethargic.

I have become really really moody and aggressive and short tempered etc too. Went swimming this morning coz wanted to try and feel better (and also have been feeling like a fat heffalump....again caused by mood swings) but literally everyone from reception to changing room to pool was getting right on my nerves. I was swimming too fast for the slow lane so was up someones arse, then swapped into fast lane and then someone was up my arse and then this guy overtook me (fair enough as i wasn't fast enough for the fast lane!) and his stupid heel when he kicked out caught me in the side and i was so angry coz i was thinking if that had been a few inches over he would have got me right in my baby tummy....ggrrrrrr!

I'm fed up with the house being a shit tip, i have too many clothes but none of which fit me and i hate them all anyway coz they are shit and i am supposed to be out at a friends tonight but i am too dizzy and woosy to go.

So so so so so so so so so sorry for the rant....I could literally go on forever....I mean my MIL is amazing and dunno what i'd do with out her (she does cleaning, washing ironing etc....i am usually VERY VERY grateful) but just this week she took a dress that was out coz i was gonna wear it but didnt and she washed it and it didn't need washing! I also went ot put a towel away and couldn't open the drawer coz she had literally RAMMED too many sheets, pillowcases etc in the drawer that it wouldn't open and close properly...that made me PROPERLY mad!

Sorry again,....was gonna stop then but didn't!

I feel like i have the worst PMT but a million trillion gazillion times worse....

Pplease please please can someone tell me i will start to feel better soon????????

Thanks all of you for putting up with me :-(
PS Traybaby - lovely cute little bump on gorgeously slim body and lush red hair!

Jealous? Moi???
Finally (because i think i am burning my rice i put on 10 mins ago)....on a positive note I'm having a lovely baby (fuck knows how i'm gonna cope with a friggin baby as well!!)
and I am 17 weeks today! 3 weeks to go til scan day!!!

Oh and i'm a friggin onion!! (could they not have picked a better vegetable than an onion??)....typical.....may explain why I have been crying all day :-(


Sorry that the withdrawal symptoms are so bad. At least there is a reason for it and the extreme symptoms should start to get better however if you are coming off anti-depressants then it is never going to be perfect if they are still being used to stabilise your moods.
I wish I had a MIL who lived nearby and did my cleaning and washing- that would be amazing! :thumbup:
Try to focus on the positives as much as you can and remember why you are doing all this. When the baby comes you won't have time to think about how you're feeling as you'll be so wrapped up in the baby. My midwife said that previous mental health issues had no bearing whatsoever on my likelihood of suffering with PND which made me feel better.
I don't know the ins and outs of why you have been on anti-d's in the first place but sometimes if it's a hormonal imbalance then pregnancy can help with that. So maybe you will be better than whilst you were on them, once your body adapts. :shrug:
My personal experience of anti-d's was that I hated them- I didn't get the extreme lows anymore but nor did I ever feel really happy. It was like living in a zombie state. I came off them almost straight away and sought counselling for why I was feeling that way in the first place- the medication was masking the underlying issues. That was 5 years ago now and I've not had any depression since. I know how horrible it can be and how irrational it makes you. As hard as it is, you're doing the right thing by exercising because of the increase in serotonin levels.
Well done for being brave enough to come off them in the first place and we're all here for you whenever you need to rant, vent or moan. :hugs:
Firstly abi :hugs: and yay on being an onion!!

Coming off anti'ds really isn't a pleasant experience, especially when you are preggers!! I had them when I suffered with AND and PND and felt the same as you when I came off them! I also had CBT which helped me alot, have you tried this or counselling? I am not sure how long you have been on them for, think you have mentioned that it has been a while? I was on mine for just over a year and weaned myself off them too quickly. But thankfully I haven't suffered since. Obviously I am getting the same anxious feelings I got when I was pregnant with Grace, but I am learning to talk to hubby about it which I completely didn't before.
Anyway I know it is really hard, but try and get positive, plan for something for you to do tomorrow so you get up and ready and get out of the house. Sitting indoors will only make you dwell on things and make you feel 100 times worse, maybe go out and buy yourself something if you can, and get hubby to cook you a nice dinner (or get a takeaway!!) You will be amazed at how much better this will make you feel, even if you just go out for a walk!
I know this is probably all easier said than done, but I hope it helps :hugs:
Hey Abi just found you on FB woooo

OK folks so this is it TOMORROW AT 6PM is MY GENDER SCAN eeeeeeeeeeeeeek. My OH is taking me out to dinner straight after then i have my one of my works christmas night out, so will update as soon as i can but for now would anyone like to take a wee guess as to which team im on. My OH thinks girl and im swaying that way too but still not made up my mind.

Thanks for playing xx


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Hi everyone!

Been a busy weekend here, so not had time to catch up! Has everyone got me on fb by the way? Here's my profile if anyone wants to add me, just let me know your username x

My 17 week bump!

Grew a lot from 16 weeks don't you think??

Hey Abi just found you on FB woooo

OK folks so this is it TOMORROW AT 6PM is MY GENDER SCAN eeeeeeeeeeeeeek. My OH is taking me out to dinner straight after then i have my one of my works christmas night out, so will update as soon as i can but for now would anyone like to take a wee guess as to which team im on. My OH thinks girl and im swaying that way too but still not made up my mind.

Thanks for playing xx

No science behind it but I'm going to say boy just because you're saying girl.
Hope it goes well and that baby plays ball so that you can find out.
My 17 week bump!



Definitely grown in a week. Can't wait to have a proper bump, although as the parents at school haven't been told yet, I'm relieved I haven't got more than can be hidden by a baggy top!
My DH has been feeling sick all weekend (not actually been sick) and has moaned so much about it! Did point out that I felt like for 3 months and was still expected to go to work everyday, go out for meals and cook - even though it was the last thing I felt like doing. I then got accused of not being sympathetic! This from the man, who whilst wonderful, keeps saying the horrible line everytime I mention a symptom "Well you were the one who wanted to get pregnant- it's self inflicted." Grrrrr

I know it's horrible feeling sick (think we can all sympathise on here) but he isn't being sick so what's the big deal!? I am a hard faced witch at times and will definitely need to learn to be more sympathetic when my child is ill but he is a fully grown adult!

When I felt the same last weekend and put it down to pregnancy (despite having been nausea free for the last few weeks) I was still expected to go out shopping all day in Manchester and then out for an evening with his work colleagues. All I want him to do is come to the school carol concert so that he can help me carry heavy stuff and he is too ill to do it.

Rant over. Sorry!

Oh and is anyone wants to find me on fb despite my rant then it's:

Broodybelle thanks for the add... you really look familiar?! And you're not too far from me either. I can't figure it out, but I'm sure I've seen you before somewhere!
Hi all hope your ok. yey for 15 weeks x
I never seem to have time to update or reply but i do try and keep up. I think my bump is trying to pop and even the i haven't felt real movements my belly has been looking odd at times lol.xx
Quick one from me. Hope everyone is doing okay. 15weeks today woohoo I am an orange i think
I thought I had popped, but then logged a lot of bathroom time yesterday, and it turns out it was mostly poo baby... A little bit of a bump though! My stomach has been doing lots of achy stretchy pains the past few days, so hopefully about to show! Would be fun to have at least a little bump for Xmas...
Hi all :wave:

We did the Facebook announcement this evening. I was going to wait a bit longer but my OH is so impatient, he did it today ao I had to go along with it. We got loads of nice congratulations and comments so it was OK.

I'm not showing yet but my jeans are starting to become a bit tight. It's too soon for maternity clothes though so I don't know what to wear :shrug:

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