June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

hey peeps, soz ive been off the radar, been helping parents decorate their house most evenings and havent had a chance to get on!
My gender scan is on friday, incredibly excited!!!!
ill update the front page, lol, mind you ive still got due dates to add, but we dont seem to hear from anyone other than the regulars!
cannot believe we are finding out sexes! havent we come far!!! congrats ladies!
Ive had a few adds on fb, but i dont recognise the names, if its any of you lovely ladies, let me know! xx
thanks for all the replies. Im totally over the moon. My OH really wanted a girl and i secretly did too. On FB im Tracey Thomson just so you recognise me from the friend requests xx
Anyone else feeling like there's a needle in their cervix?

Morning ladies, I hope you are all well?

It is so exciting that we are getting to our anomoly/gender scans! :happydance:

Personally I haven't had my scan date through yet :shrug: and when I phoned about it the other day the call handler said they dont have a precise date against my name but it should be week of 4th Jan??

Has anyone else experienced this? I have my 16wk MW appointment tomorrow so will seek some clarification then, it is just odd because I got 12wk scan date through so early
id ring them up just incase i had to ring up to get my 12 week scan lol

my next scan isnt til the 25th of jan.. but im kind of glad as david has a formal thing for uni like a prom type thing but for college, so i gotta get all dressed up and its the day after so ill be able to relax a little knowing ive see baby the day before :)

ladies i dunno if you have seen the thread in 2nd tri but someone asked if anyone is gonna have a drink over xmas.. now to me that sounds crazy.. im for one totally against any drinking what so ever during pregnancy... i couldnt believe how many people said they would have a drink xmas day.. :wacko:
Gemini- Good Luck for your gender scan on Friday its so exciting how quickly gender scans and things are coming round.
Cliqmo- I would give them a ring I got my scan date when I came out from my 12 week scan so got it straight away so I would give them a ring.
Redrose- Your 20week scan is the same day as mine 25th Jan.
Also about having a glass of wine at xmas I am not totally against it at all when I was pregnant with Ollie I had a couple of glasses of wine on special occasions 1 glass with lemonade at my OH's birthday and 1 glass at my cousins engagement so am not against it I probably wont at xmas cos I couldnt face it. I know some people have strong opinions on it but everyone has there own thoughts on it.
I'm 25th jan to yey x
I would love a drink of baileys over Xmas but won't . I'm not a big sinker anyway think its just because I can't lol x
Hello everyone!

OMG what a friggin emotional car-crash I am at the minute! I have been keeping up with you all but have been feeling far too grumpy/angry/aggressive/destructive to write anything as really didn't want to bring the mood down!

Firstly...Traybaby....CONGRATULATIONS hun....that is awesome news and i'm so so pleased for you! Can't believe we're at that stage already....almost half way there and feels like it's only just started!

To everyone who replied to my angry posts....THANK YOU! I am really really really struggling and to be honest at the moment i can't see a light at the end of this tunnel at the moment. I am considering going back for more counselling but the last lot i had was rubbish and by the time i get an appointment i will probably be past this stage (here's hoping!)

I was really hoping to enjoy being pregnant but everyday without fail I convince myself something is wrong. I really don't know what to do with myself half the time and i think the worrying about it is making things worse. I have felt no flutters or anything yet and I know i'm only 17 + 3 but lots of people say they felt something from 16 weeks. Maybe i have felt something but not realised.

If I could afford it i would just go get another scan but I have learned (through previous CBT) that doing that is just like feeding the addiction in a way. Same reason I haven't bought a doppler coz i know it's just feeding my addiction.


Sorry girls....don't mean to bring the thread down :-(

I went onto anti-d's in May 2009 for depression and one of the symptoms was a fuzzy head/disturbed vision problems. I was on them for 18 months then came off (ironically) as I knew i was gonna try and conceive. I went through 3-4 weeks of hell withdrawing off them then was fine for 4 months. In that 4 months we were trying to get pregnant but I then started having really erratic cycles (12 day period) and gaps between periods of up to 75 days! At the same time the fuzzy head and vision problems came back which i automatically associated with depression. I WASN'T depressed tho at this time....i have counselling, was on CBT waiting list but i felt great in myself and the grey cloud i would always have had disappeared....until 4 months after coming off the anti-d;s.

I coped with the vision thing and fuzzy head for 4 months, seeing all sorts of Drs (CT, MRI, neurologist) etc and finally had an ultrasound and hormones checked as they suspected that my fuzzy head/vision thing was hormonal and perhaps i had PCOS. I went back on anti-d;s in June of this year. Turned out one of my ovaries had cysts and the other one was fine. I then got pregnant that same month (end of august) and when i found out (end of Sept) i cut my dosage right down. I kinda felt ok and then 3 weeks ago cut my dosage down again and finally came off completely last week. In the last week my fuzzy head and vision problems have returned making me miserable. The hormones and probably withdrawal I think are what's making me so angry, made worse by the fuzzy head and vision issues.

So.....that's my story and I know i should be really grateful for everything i've got because i have such an amazing and really easy life with no worries in the world, yet i find myself being angry anyway and hating everything.

I REALLY REALLY do appreciate everything i've got and please don't think i don't because i really do BUT it's like there's an evil person inside me trying to get out and i almost need to banish that person and move back to happy me again but just don't know how and whether i can :-(

Thanks for listening at my constant moaning at the moment....I promise i will try and be happier and less miserable next time!

PS.....not sure if my temprament is withdrawal from anti-d;s or whether this is just what my pregnancy is like and i have just been masking the temper all this time?!?!?!?!?
Big hugs abic. Hope things start to look up soon.
About feeling movements with Ollie I was near 18weeks before I actually felt my first flutter so dont worry about it you might just have a lazy lil baba just like Ollie was and still is now dont worry you will feel it soon.
Abi hun, it's so so hard coming off anti d's, never mind when you're pregnant, so give yourself a break :hugs: It will get better and you will get through it, but it's bound to be hard right now. When I was pregnant with Holly I had horrendous mood swings and often felt like you do, but other times I felt on top of the world. The doctor said I may have antenatal depression, but I wasn't so sure as it didn't feel like the depression I'd had in the past, so I just put it down to that's how pregnancy was for me. As it was, come 20 something weeks, I settled right down and remember feeling really calm and content, the best I'd felt in ages. This pregnancy I have had mood swings, but not anything like last time. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, sometimes pregnancy can make you feel like that anyway and add to the pot coming off antidepressants and it's no wonder you feel like you do. But you're doing great and you can recognise the 'unhelpful' thoughts which is great as you can then try to change them :)

As for feeling movements, lots of first time mum's don't feel anything til after 20 weeks, so don't worry :)
Pink/FB/Emzy....thank you so much for being so amazing girls! It's so nice to actually talk to people who understand how it feels.

Emzy....you have made me feel so much better and right now i REALLY need that so thank you so much! Everytime i get down in the dumps i'll read that and remember that actually it's understandable i feel poopoo!

FB...i probably have got a lazy baby if it;s anything like it's mama!

Thinking of asking to have tomorrow off to lay on the sofa and watch crap! I have 6 days left to take that i was gonna carry over for maternity but what's one day gonna make to 9 months off next year??
Big hugs abi! I agree 100% with what Emzy said. I felt exactly how you are describing when I was pregnant, and I felt like everyone would think I was being ungrateful but I was just sooo worried about something going wrong and that's how I felt with my PND aswell. I hate telling people that I had PND because I feel like they would think it was that I couldn't bond with Grace or didn't love her but it was the completely the opposite, I loved her more than anything which made it even harder!! I hope the horrible symptoms disappear for you really soon and in the meantime we are all here!x
Thanks babyd :)

I think there's people who understand or are willing to understand depression (in all it's guises) and there's people that just don't. I talk about my depression openly with as many people as i can to show that its nothing to be feared an that actually it's really common to differing degrees. It's when you get people who don't actually believe that depression exists that I really struggle and I can't be doing with those people.....there's a guy I work with and he's a genuine and really lovely, caring person. The minute i confided in him about my depression he basically told me it's all in my head and that there's no such thing and i should pull myself together and get on with it and stop feeling sorry for myself! I was genuinely shocked!! He genuinely thought that by telling me that that he was helping to pull me together! He's ex-army and I think he has a different way of dealing with things perhaps due to some of the stuff hes seen in his lifetime (probably thinks i am pathetic compared to some of the stuff that happens at war etc!). This is the same guy who's 37 year old sister literally collapsed and died in a split second from having a brain hemmorage.....he had the afternoon off work and was back in work laughing and joking the next day!....i think he just can't process grief and other emotions as well as others because of the training he's had perhaps to deal with death and war and stuff?

Anyway i know he means well but he just doesn't get it.....

....it's nice to know you girls are all there....it's one thing coming off citalopram and then the pregnancy thing too i think i have realised i need to just stop being so hard on myself!

I have a project to do which i am really struggling with and there's some really senior stakeholders who are expecting updates and progress from me but i just can't process what it is that i need to do.....I've been sat with my project planner open all morning but have done nothing as i can't figure out in my head what i need to do and what order i need to do it in! It's working with the woman i hate at work and i'm tempted to tell her to give it to someone else....of course then i have all these thoughts of "ooh yet again Abi has started something and not finished it"....yes i do that a lot but mainly boredom not coz i dunno what to do. I'm feeling really stressed out about the project so perhaps it is time for me to not worry what the boss or anyone else thinks and just worry about keeping my stress hormones at bay???
Thanks babyd :)

I think there's people who understand or are willing to understand depression (in all it's guises) and there's people that just don't. I talk about my depression openly with as many people as i can to show that its nothing to be feared an that actually it's really common to differing degrees. It's when you get people who don't actually believe that depression exists that I really struggle and I can't be doing with those people.....there's a guy I work with and he's a genuine and really lovely, caring person. The minute i confided in him about my depression he basically told me it's all in my head and that there's no such thing and i should pull myself together and get on with it and stop feeling sorry for myself! I was genuinely shocked!! He genuinely thought that by telling me that that he was helping to pull me together! He's ex-army and I think he has a different way of dealing with things perhaps due to some of the stuff hes seen in his lifetime (probably thinks i am pathetic compared to some of the stuff that happens at war etc!). This is the same guy who's 37 year old sister literally collapsed and died in a split second from having a brain hemmorage.....he had the afternoon off work and was back in work laughing and joking the next day!....i think he just can't process grief and other emotions as well as others because of the training he's had perhaps to deal with death and war and stuff?

Anyway i know he means well but he just doesn't get it.....

....it's nice to know you girls are all there....it's one thing coming off citalopram and then the pregnancy thing too i think i have realised i need to just stop being so hard on myself!

I have a project to do which i am really struggling with and there's some really senior stakeholders who are expecting updates and progress from me but i just can't process what it is that i need to do.....I've been sat with my project planner open all morning but have done nothing as i can't figure out in my head what i need to do and what order i need to do it in! It's working with the woman i hate at work and i'm tempted to tell her to give it to someone else....of course then i have all these thoughts of "ooh yet again Abi has started something and not finished it"....yes i do that a lot but mainly boredom not coz i dunno what to do. I'm feeling really stressed out about the project so perhaps it is time for me to not worry what the boss or anyone else thinks and just worry about keeping my stress hormones at bay???

My OH is ex army and is EXACTLY the same, sometimes I wonder if he has any emotions at all!
He says the same, crack on, you'll be fine. Pisses me off beyond belief!

Big big hugs. We are all here xxx
When you are depressed, the last bloody thing you want to hear is "snap out of it", "it's all in your head" or "pull yourself together". Interestingly though, all of the people who said that to me when I was going through depression have had periods of depression themselves, but have not wanted to admit that that is what it was. I think some people, especially of older generations, still see it as taboo x
When you are depressed, the last bloody thing you want to hear is "snap out of it", "it's all in your head" or "pull yourself together". Interestingly though, all of the people who said that to me when I was going through depression have had periods of depression themselves, but have not wanted to admit that that is what it was. I think some people, especially of older generations, still see it as taboo x

Definitely!!! i think you're so right and thats why i try and talk about it. Most people are really understanding but i have found that i also get treated differently. For example at work i decided to be honest with my boss and tell him i was suffering just incase it affected me at work or whatever. Although i was feeling horrendous i took myself to work every day and by his own admissions said i did a much better job than many people in our team BUT it was normal abi standard and therefore i needed to pick my game up! So basically i performed better than most in the team but he still wants to hold it against me because it wasn't as good as what he thinks i am capable of!

Thing is if i hadn't told him he probably wouldn't have even known coz i hid it so well!:shrug:
thanks hun!

how are you doing? Are you any further forward with your work situation? x
Sending you big hugs Abi :hugs:

Had my 16week appointment today and heard bubbas heartbeat, god it gets me everytime and I well up like an idiot lol That's it for me now untill my gender scan on 3rd Feb, don't know how I will make it without seeing or hearing baby. Mind you hopefully I will have started feeling him/her by then. I thought I felt a flutter in bed last night but nothing since so who knows!!
Sending you big hugs Abi :hugs:

Had my 16week appointment today and heard bubbas heartbeat, god it gets me everytime and I well up like an idiot lol That's it for me now untill my gender scan on 3rd Feb, don't know how I will make it without seeing or hearing baby. Mind you hopefully I will have started feeling him/her by then. I thought I felt a flutter in bed last night but nothing since so who knows!!

Yay!! its brilliant hearing the heartbeat isnt it!
I have my 20 wk scan on 12th January, we are not finding out the gender.

I am not feeling much either, we should be soon though, what a fab present it would be for Christmas!

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