Hello everyone!
OMG what a friggin emotional car-crash I am at the minute! I have been keeping up with you all but have been feeling far too grumpy/angry/aggressive/destructive to write anything as really didn't want to bring the mood down!
Firstly...Traybaby....CONGRATULATIONS hun....that is awesome news and i'm so so pleased for you! Can't believe we're at that stage already....almost half way there and feels like it's only just started!
To everyone who replied to my angry posts....THANK YOU! I am really really really struggling and to be honest at the moment i can't see a light at the end of this tunnel at the moment. I am considering going back for more counselling but the last lot i had was rubbish and by the time i get an appointment i will probably be past this stage (here's hoping!)
I was really hoping to enjoy being pregnant but everyday without fail I convince myself something is wrong. I really don't know what to do with myself half the time and i think the worrying about it is making things worse. I have felt no flutters or anything yet and I know i'm only 17 + 3 but lots of people say they felt something from 16 weeks. Maybe i have felt something but not realised.
If I could afford it i would just go get another scan but I have learned (through previous CBT) that doing that is just like feeding the addiction in a way. Same reason I haven't bought a doppler coz i know it's just feeding my addiction.
Sorry girls....don't mean to bring the thread down
I went onto anti-d's in May 2009 for depression and one of the symptoms was a fuzzy head/disturbed vision problems. I was on them for 18 months then came off (ironically) as I knew i was gonna try and conceive. I went through 3-4 weeks of hell withdrawing off them then was fine for 4 months. In that 4 months we were trying to get pregnant but I then started having really erratic cycles (12 day period) and gaps between periods of up to 75 days! At the same time the fuzzy head and vision problems came back which i automatically associated with depression. I WASN'T depressed tho at this time....i have counselling, was on CBT waiting list but i felt great in myself and the grey cloud i would always have had disappeared....until 4 months after coming off the anti-d;s.
I coped with the vision thing and fuzzy head for 4 months, seeing all sorts of Drs (CT, MRI, neurologist) etc and finally had an ultrasound and hormones checked as they suspected that my fuzzy head/vision thing was hormonal and perhaps i had PCOS. I went back on anti-d;s in June of this year. Turned out one of my ovaries had cysts and the other one was fine. I then got pregnant that same month (end of august) and when i found out (end of Sept) i cut my dosage right down. I kinda felt ok and then 3 weeks ago cut my dosage down again and finally came off completely last week. In the last week my fuzzy head and vision problems have returned making me miserable. The hormones and probably withdrawal I think are what's making me so angry, made worse by the fuzzy head and vision issues.
So.....that's my story and I know i should be really grateful for everything i've got because i have such an amazing and really easy life with no worries in the world, yet i find myself being angry anyway and hating everything.
I REALLY REALLY do appreciate everything i've got and please don't think i don't because i really do BUT it's like there's an evil person inside me trying to get out and i almost need to banish that person and move back to happy me again but just don't know how and whether i can
Thanks for listening at my constant moaning at the moment....I promise i will try and be happier and less miserable next time!
PS.....not sure if my temprament is withdrawal from anti-d;s or whether this is just what my pregnancy is like and i have just been masking the temper all this time?!?!?!?!?