June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Congrats on the scans ladies!!! :happydance:

Hope you feel better soon Abi! :hugs: try not to worry, I know it's easier said than done I'm the ultimate worrier!!! :haha: xxx
Ahh abi, sorry you're gonna have to go through SPD! Just rest as much as you can hun and make the most of not having a little person to run around after! :hugs:
OMG yeah i can't imagine this SPD thing but worse AND a toddler!!

I don't think mine is TOOOOO bad just yet (certainly no where near you or Emzy, gosh that sounds awful) but am gonna keep a close eye on it and rest my un-parted legs in the hope it doesn't get any worse!

Harri - I know it's so hard not to worry isn't it? I am in work still but as soon as i get home i wanna use the doppler.....i know that when i'm getting it out the box my heart will be racing tho just in case!

I've already told myself that if i hear soemthing at between 130 - 160 BPM then it could be bubs but may not be too (no idea what else it could be but they do say not to assume that because you hear something that could be the HB to assume it is the HB as it could be something else.....)

ALSO if i can't find anything I will tell myself that it's coz bubs is in a weird position and no wonder i can't hear it!

So....is there any point in getting the doppler out? Will i really feel reassured if i hear the 155 or whatever bpm???

ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr why is this all so stressful and worrying?

I'm gonna have my first bath in my new house tonight (my new house being the one we bought in june 2010...still feels new!)
OMG yeah i can't imagine this SPD thing but worse AND a toddler!!

I don't think mine is TOOOOO bad just yet (certainly no where near you or Emzy, gosh that sounds awful) but am gonna keep a close eye on it and rest my un-parted legs in the hope it doesn't get any worse!

Harri - I know it's so hard not to worry isn't it? I am in work still but as soon as i get home i wanna use the doppler.....i know that when i'm getting it out the box my heart will be racing tho just in case!

I've already told myself that if i hear soemthing at between 130 - 160 BPM then it could be bubs but may not be too (no idea what else it could be but they do say not to assume that because you hear something that could be the HB to assume it is the HB as it could be something else.....)

ALSO if i can't find anything I will tell myself that it's coz bubs is in a weird position and no wonder i can't hear it!

So....is there any point in getting the doppler out? Will i really feel reassured if i hear the 155 or whatever bpm???

ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr why is this all so stressful and worrying?

I'm gonna have my first bath in my new house tonight (my new house being the one we bought in june 2010...still feels new!)


I also had a one off terrible pain, it was after swimming breast stroke kick. I rested for 3 days and it's all gone. But I now know that i can potentially get a problem. I am very careful now to bend my knees and pull my abs in when i try to pull or push something (i.e. hoover) and i try to make sure i don't spread my legs too much getting out of bed or out the car etc..
I will also try to learn to do breast stroke with a normal leg kick or just swim on my back.... or slowly doggy paddle lol
Hopefully you will be much better too once you rested!
Going for pregnancy yoga tonight! I hope that will help, and will definitely mention the issue there.
Congrats on the scans!

Sorry it seems like it's SPD Abi, I really hope it doesn't get too much worse for you. My tip would be to not push through pain as it really does make it 100x worse in the long run. If something hurts, stop it. Unfortunately, I can't do that any more, as I can't exactly not push the pram or pick Holly up!!

My SPD has been so so bad today. I don't know what that physio woman did to me, but it's so much worse now!! I decided to go to town to get a few bits and omg I regretted it, I could barely walk by the time I got home. The pain in my back and bum cheeks is awful and my leg kept going from under me. Fortunately I had to pram to lean on, otherwise that could have been embarrassing!

On the plus side, I got a few bits of baby Evie today! I got the Avent newborn starter kit for £10 in Morrisons- bargain as normally £25 and you get 4 bottles (2 small, 2 big), a dummy, a bottle brush and 2 spare teats. I also started to stock up on nappies and wipes and got 3 packs of Sainsbury's wipes for £2.50 and 3 packs of Huggies newborn nappies for £2.47 each! I also got Holly some clothes, shoes and a colouring book, can't have her being left out :)
Also I forgot to add that I was watching baby Evie kicking me in the bath last night! She was really going for it and kicking up a storm in there, I could see the kicks as well as feel them :cloud9:
evening, sorry i havent been on in ages, not had the chance to get on the pc or laptop since i last visited. not had a chance to catch up yet on all of the posts i have missed, but hope you are all doing well and everyones scans have gone well, congrats to those who have found out if they are team pink or blue, or even been good and stayed yellow like me :)

in the office we have a weekly weigh in for those wanting to maintain/lose weight. well i thought i would give in and see, and i have put 8lb on since the two weeks before xmas, bearing in mind i lost half a stone after finding out its really just like putting that back on with not having m/s anymore. although i have been quite naughty and had a thing for cake and ice cream the last few weeks. its not too bad a weight gain is it?

one thing i wanted to ask you guys advice on is this leg/groin pain im getting. ive had it the last few days or so and is on my left inner thigh the most, sometimes on my right. i do sleep with my dream genii pillow between my legs at night as normally i have always slept with the duvet bunched up and my leg/knee across that, but hubster was moaning cos i was stealing it all as using extra to support my tummy. a couple of nights ive tried to sleep with my legs together to see if it was the pillow causing it and helped a bit but still hurts getting up from being sat down and when walking about afterwards. seem to be waddling a bit everywhere too lol. does it sound like ive just strained something or should i make an appointment to go see my doctor? i dont see the midwife til the 14th when im 24 weeks so wondering if i should just put up with it before then. ive tried the horror of googling it but all i keep getting is spd explainations and stuff about your crotch hurting too, which mine normally doesnt unless ive been sitting relaxing on the sofa with my legs apart lol. well if anyone has any ideas im grateful for any info/help.

well, i will try and catch up a bit before obem starts tonight, hubster has gone to play volleyball with the lads on base so got the telly and laptop to myself tonight so making the most of it (and my box of milk tray and tub of creme egg ice cream) :D

Sounds like lots of people starting with the dreaded SPD! Jellytots it could either be groin strain or the start of SPD. SPD is really common but doesn't always get really bad (I'm just unlucky) BUT getting treatment asap is the best thing to do. When I was pregnant with Holly I just left it for ages and didn't get to see a physio til 34/35 weeks, at which point they said it was a bit late to do anything! I'm sure that's why it's so bad this time, as I let it go on so long last time, so have a word with your midwife or gp x
Sounds like lots of people starting with the dreaded SPD! Jellytots it could either be groin strain or the start of SPD. SPD is really common but doesn't always get really bad (I'm just unlucky) BUT getting treatment asap is the best thing to do. When I was pregnant with Holly I just left it for ages and didn't get to see a physio til 34/35 weeks, at which point they said it was a bit late to do anything! I'm sure that's why it's so bad this time, as I let it go on so long last time, so have a word with your midwife or gp x

thanks chick, will see if i can get an appointment with the doctor next week then. although im wondering whether i should just wait and see the midwife as i live on base im registered with the raf doctors, and not sure if they see a huge amount of pregnancies etc with most of the trainees on camp being boys with the trades they are. suppose worth giving it a go as they might surprise me lol. my new job involves authorising the training courses for the forces nurses, doctors, dentists etc so you kinda see a pattern of what courses they have done and what experience they mainly have of civvy nursing etc if they were qualified before joining up.

oo just remembered i havent posted a bump pic on here yet, here is my 22 week one from saturday just gone.


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Hopefully it isnt spd jelly, I had it bad last time but it doesn't seem to be getting that bad this time, I was signed off on bed rest from 24 weeks so I think I am doing ok so far! I second what emzy said and see your doctor asap for referral to physio x
hey guys sorry for not being on more but im just SHATTERED, im still struggling too get a good nights sleep from my hips, so whenever i come home from work i just seem to zone out on the sofa. Hope everyone is well.

Babyd congrats on your scan and team blue, dont worry about the measurements, im sure the specialist will put your mind at ease when you see them, after all it was just 1mm out of the normal range :)

Abi dont worry about your little girl im sure in a few weeks time when you feel her ALL the time you'll be worring that she is moving too much :haha:

AFM - well folks i have a wee favour to ask, i know i may have mentioned this a few times but my sister is heavily pregnant and will literally give birth anyday now and it just sucks that we live 800 miles apart so we only see each other every few months. Well anyway when i was at her's for christmas my fiance took a pic of us comparing our bumps (i think i did post it here too, cant remember) well she has entered the photo into Bounty's Bump of the Month competition. So please if you are a Bounty member please log in and vote for us. Ill post the link here too.

Ok im off to see if i can get comfy enough for a wee nap on the sofa. Take care out there you lovely mamas xx

hey guys sorry for not being on more but im just SHATTERED, im still struggling too get a good nights sleep from my hips, so whenever i come home from work i just seem to zone out on the sofa. Hope everyone is well.

Babyd congrats on your scan and team blue, dont worry about the measurements, im sure the specialist will put your mind at ease when you see them, after all it was just 1mm out of the normal range :)

Abi dont worry about your little girl im sure in a few weeks time when you feel her ALL the time you'll be worring that she is moving too much :haha:

AFM - well folks i have a wee favour to ask, i know i may have mentioned this a few times but my sister is heavily pregnant and will literally give birth anyday now and it just sucks that we live 800 miles apart so we only see each other every few months. Well anyway when i was at her's for christmas my fiance took a pic of us comparing our bumps (i think i did post it here too, cant remember) well she has entered the photo into Bounty's Bump of the Month competition. So please if you are a Bounty member please log in and vote for us. Ill post the link here too.

Ok im off to see if i can get comfy enough for a wee nap on the sofa. Take care out there you lovely mamas xx


Thanks hun :) have been worrying today but trying to put it to the back of my mind. I will vote for you as soon as I get on the computer, great pic!x
Hey y'all....so i got home and used the doppler and got a strong reading of 144bpm......does that mean it's my bubs??? I mean i think it is but aren't there other things you can pick up on the doppler (placenta/cord etc) that i could be picking up?

Feel loads better than i did earlier and feel more reassured (i think) but think the doubt in my mind is that element of uncertainty around whether that actual was the baby's HB!

It was a rapid HB sound the same as in the midwife office but just not sure?

anyone got any advice?
hey abi, sounds exactly like the heartbeat, my flumps was 142 when i last heard it so sounds about right chickadee and nothing to worry about. if it was the placenta its more of a wooshing noise, you would be able to tell the difference.x
hey guys sorry for not being on more but im just SHATTERED, im still struggling too get a good nights sleep from my hips, so whenever i come home from work i just seem to zone out on the sofa. Hope everyone is well.

Babyd congrats on your scan and team blue, dont worry about the measurements, im sure the specialist will put your mind at ease when you see them, after all it was just 1mm out of the normal range :)

Abi dont worry about your little girl im sure in a few weeks time when you feel her ALL the time you'll be worring that she is moving too much :haha:

AFM - well folks i have a wee favour to ask, i know i may have mentioned this a few times but my sister is heavily pregnant and will literally give birth anyday now and it just sucks that we live 800 miles apart so we only see each other every few months. Well anyway when i was at her's for christmas my fiance took a pic of us comparing our bumps (i think i did post it here too, cant remember) well she has entered the photo into Bounty's Bump of the Month competition. So please if you are a Bounty member please log in and vote for us. Ill post the link here too.

Ok im off to see if i can get comfy enough for a wee nap on the sofa. Take care out there you lovely mamas xx


Thanks hun :) have been worrying today but trying to put it to the back of my mind. I will vote for you as soon as I get on the computer, great pic!x

Hey babyD....again caught up in my own woes and totally forgot about the measurement.....i can imagine how much this will be playing on your mind and worrying you but i guess you have to take comfort in the fact that the Dr didn't seem to be concerned and like Tray says its only a little out of the range. Is there anyone else you can speak to about your worries or to get some reassurance? I would be trying to speak to someone else just to understand what it all means. DONT whatever you do start googling it tho as you'll find all sorts and every possible scenario!

I know i'm not one to tell peeps not to worry as i am so bad myself but try your best and talk to someone and hopefully it;ll help ease your concerns a little? xxx
Thanks Jelly!! I think i just want reassurance all is ok!! (as we all do of course!)

Firstly I am PROPERLY jealous of your evening snacks! Creme egg ice cream?? didn't even know you could get that!

Secondly your suspected SPD sounds exactly what i was moaning about earlier today....came on yesterday evening and was horrid today and even made me cry :-(

I called the midwife coz i was worried and she told me just to rest and keep legs together!!

Unfortunately she didn't recommend me sitting on the sofa for the rest of the the week with ben and jerrys or anything but hey ho!

I would defo call the midwife if you're worried but i would guess they'll tell you the same....i defo got reassurance from hearing everything is ok from a medical professional tho!
Thanks Jelly!! I think i just want reassurance all is ok!! (as we all do of course!)

Firstly I am PROPERLY jealous of your evening snacks! Creme egg ice cream?? didn't even know you could get that!

Secondly your suspected SPD sounds exactly what i was moaning about earlier today....came on yesterday evening and was horrid today and even made me cry :-(

I called the midwife coz i was worried and she told me just to rest and keep legs together!!

Unfortunately she didn't recommend me sitting on the sofa for the rest of the the week with ben and jerrys or anything but hey ho!

I would defo call the midwife if you're worried but i would guess they'll tell you the same....i defo got reassurance from hearing everything is ok from a medical professional tho!

oh yes reassurance is defo a big help with things no matter who its from, but i defo wouldnt worry about that heartbeat :)

the creme egg ice cream is in tescos at the moment on offer, think it was £2 for the tub just a bit bigger than ben and jerrys.

thats good your midwife just said to rest, if its similar to what you have had the last few days then i will just make sure i take it easy too.
Just watching Obem . I've got some we sticks because of my diabetes and I'm currently showing trace of protein. Not at hospital for another 2 weeks but will keep eye on it and ring me if I keep getting it , kinda scares me hoping I can make it to 38 weeks this time. Baby wriggling about lol it's so wired . Because I may have baby in may its scary to think in just over 3 months baby will be here x x x
hey guys sorry for not being on more but im just SHATTERED, im still struggling too get a good nights sleep from my hips, so whenever i come home from work i just seem to zone out on the sofa. Hope everyone is well.

Babyd congrats on your scan and team blue, dont worry about the measurements, im sure the specialist will put your mind at ease when you see them, after all it was just 1mm out of the normal range :)

Abi dont worry about your little girl im sure in a few weeks time when you feel her ALL the time you'll be worring that she is moving too much :haha:

AFM - well folks i have a wee favour to ask, i know i may have mentioned this a few times but my sister is heavily pregnant and will literally give birth anyday now and it just sucks that we live 800 miles apart so we only see each other every few months. Well anyway when i was at her's for christmas my fiance took a pic of us comparing our bumps (i think i did post it here too, cant remember) well she has entered the photo into Bounty's Bump of the Month competition. So please if you are a Bounty member please log in and vote for us. Ill post the link here too.

Ok im off to see if i can get comfy enough for a wee nap on the sofa. Take care out there you lovely mamas xx


Voted! :thumbup:
Yay! we just got back from our scan, and we are team Pink!!!!!!!!! I am so very excited. It was a good appointment as my husband,mom, and even Kenna (Barely got out of school on time) got to be there. Looks like i will be having another long legged lil girl as her leg bone is measuring a week and a half further than my due date. Kenna was the same exact way, and her ped expects her to be some where between 6' and 6'2''. Maybe i have a couple models on my hands, or sport stars:) Babies heartbeat was 142 and i have gained half a pound since november, now hoping i can maintain that for a few more weeks untill you really start to pack on the weight at the end.

Hope eveeryone is doing well :)

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