June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Hooray Abi- glad your little lady made her presence known. My little monster is super active, especially when I'm at work- which is terribly distracting when trying to teach a lesson however I'm sure I'll get used to it. Every movement is still so exciting (because they don't hurt yet...).

Our crib arrived today and we have just assembled it. It is sitting in one of our spare rooms- looks a bit odd at the minute, but sure once we've got lots more baby things it will look less out of place. DH thought I was mad for wanting to put it up this early but then went along with me and my bubble of excitement.

Lovey bump Emma. Hooray for your scan on Weds Louise.

Hi girls. We've had the scan and everything is great with baby. He/she was very well behaved and she was able to check all of the anatomy in double quick time.

I will upload a picture (they always seem to come out huge, so apologies if that is the case and it's also fuzzy because I took a picture of the photo with my phone camera). Baby is sucking its thumb. We also saw it opening and closing its mouth to swallow which was cute as it looked like it was singing (I'm a classically trained singer, so ever hopeful baby will inherit my vocal talents rather than hubsters!). :haha:

My placenta is still slightly low, which is obviously what caused my bleeding earlier on, and so I get to have another scan at 32 weeks to check if it has moved up or not- so hooray for getting to see baby again and prayers that it will move out of the way.

Gem- my baby seems to still be really sporadic with its movements- some days feel it lots and lots no matter whether I'm moving around or lying still and some days barely at all. Think it also depends on the position of the baby because it is still small enough to face the other direction and us feel no movement at all.

Was amazing to see baby again and it has made me even more excited.


Great ultrasound pic! I hope the placenta had moved by the next time!

Hey girls, really quick update as on my phone. Had my scan today and my bleed has gone! All went well even though baby was thoroughly uncooperative.

And I'm on team blue again!!

That's awesome news, Mei! Congrats on another boy!

Oh goodness, im soo very moody, but maybe because of the stuff going on :( So i started cramping really bad saturday, and started bleeding really bad(bright Red) i was so scared!! I couldn't get to the hospital or anyone because the weather was so bad that it closed the roads. So i had to sit and bleed sat and all of sunday before i could see someone, luckly the baby is still ok, i have a bladder infection that started contractions. The reason i started bleeding from contractions is they found out i have placenta previa. I am so scared.So i have to change to a high risk OB which is two and a half hours away, and i am on strict bed rest. How the hell am i suppost to take care of my three and a half year old while on bed rest??? The weather got bad again last night, so Kenna and i got snowed in at my moms. DH came and got us this morning only to have to turn around and go to work, leaving Kenna and i home alone. AHHH i can't stop crying for some reason, and i feel like a terrible mom cause i can't do anything with her really. I have never felt so very incapable. Oh, god i just really don't want to be alone right now!!

I am sorry for the rant, but i really need to turn somewhere. Any advice?

Libynon, I'm sorry, it sounds like quite a scary experience! My BFF had to be on bed rest during her second pregnancy for quite some time, and I know it was a trying time for her and her family. Please get some help if you can. Friends, family members, whatever it takes. People can get on a schedule and take turns. I know for me, sometimes it is hard to ask for help, but this is one of those times when you should accept whatever help others can give. It won't be easy to take a step back and take it easy, but it is temporary.

fb congrats i havent read that far back yet but your ticker says it all so happy for you :)

we were on team yellow but the doc told me were are having a baby girl before i got chance to say we arent finding out, oh couldnt make the scan :( so far the only scan he has seen is my emergency one.. anyway

so excited to be on team pink!

Congratulations on having a girl! Sorry they told you before you had a chance to express your wishes! I know they have asked me at every ultrasound before saying anything. I know nothing can be done now, but they need to be more careful in the future!

I have been feeling baby movements, but is second baby so I guess is the norm. I didn't feel Nathaniel until 24 weeks.

Well after the initial overcoming of joy, I am now feeling terribly sad. Bad hormones. I so badly wanted a girl, but told myself it was a boy so I wouldn't be dissapointed. Well, that seriously isn't working. I feel like everything is falling apart as OH has decided the name we chose is one he doesn't want. But he is willing to go with my original choice, which he had vetoed. And now it doesn't feel right AT ALL. It is getting me down so badly as I like things to be organised and get used to the name. Gosh, I so don't know what to do. OH is using the new name however when talking to people on the phone, he used the nickname form... which is getting me down even more.

Aw, Mei, I can understand where you're coming from! I am pregnant with BOYS #3 and 4! There was a tiny bit of disappointment right after we found out, because I know that this is my last pregnancy and I will never have a chance to raise a girl. But at the same time, your new son will bring so much into your life. I don't regret this pregnancy and my new babies and who they will be, just the missed opportunity. I think you should give yourself some time to get used to the news because it will be ok.

About names, just tell OH that it is hard to know without meeting the baby. I mean, some people like to have a name ahead of time, but I like to wait until after birth to have an official name. It is a lot of pressure to come up with a name for a person, something they'll have the rest of their life. Just tell OH you want to keep your options open.

Hey girls, I'm getting worried that I am still not feeling much movement?

Hey hun....just a quickie as i'm still working away (just had a little break to cathc up on posts!)

Anyway i have been exactly the same worrying etc about movement but it's really normal hun. I had a midwife appointment yesterday (long story but i was booked in by mistake at 22 weeks when it should have been 25 weeks!) and she listened to the heartbeat again and still haven't felt anything much...i think i MAY have felt 2 or 3 kicks but not sure if it was gas or movement.

Anyway the midwife almost laughed at me when i said i hadn't felt much and told me that it's really normal not to feel anything til around 25 weeks so don't worry chick.

In my notes it says that they don't ask us to count movements til 32 weeks! i thought it was 28 and that they slowed down at 32ish weeks but what the hell do i know!

To all you other girls.....sorry i haven't had chance to chat much lately...i can't tell you how crazy work is...had my pregnancy risk assessment, told them i'm a bit stressed out and i have too much on (my workload got greater as my colleague handed over his building portflio to me) and i had a team meeting today and was told in front of everyone that my portfolio will be increasing again by a third from 1st feb!

I can't see the wood for the trees and literally can't wait to finish work now! Think they'll be happy when i have to stay off with bloody stress :-(

Anyway hope everyone is ok and Babyd have an amazing time at disneyland!!!


I can't believe they continue piling work on after you've had your risk assessment. I do think it's hard for men and also women who have never experienced pregnancy to understand how much it affects you. Just keep standing up for yourself!

AFM, since people have been talking about movement, most of the time I can tell the difference between twin a and twin b. So that has been a cool experience. I have the 20-week ultrasound on Friday.
Hi girls!
Hope everyone is well!
Well I am back from a fantastic (but very tiring) 4 days in Disneyland! Had such a lovely time, but I am definitely paying for it now! My back, cocyx, bum, knees and groin are in PAIN!!! It was also annoying that I don't really have a visible bump because everyone just pushed into me and I even got asked by another pregnant lady if she could have my seat on the bus, I wouldn't have minded but she didn't even look that big either!!!
Abi, I'm glad you have felt baby now! I was going to say to you that I was getting worried because didn't feel baby move while when we were away, but as soon as I got into bed last night I felt them doing somersaults! I think it's just when you are busy you don't notice them at all.
Wow I am a cantaloupe now! Halfway there :happydance: have my scan tomorrow and really cannot wait, feels like we have been waiting forever!
Good luck with your scan babyd!


Sorry my posts are so short but life is so busy with 3 kids I can hardly get on here, and can never catch up on all the posts!

Hope everyone is well xxx
Pink23- I know what you mean about time flying by, this pregnancy for me seems to be going so fast than when I was pregnant with Ollie. I think its maybe cos I am running about after Ollie and dont have time to think about being pregnant. I started buying things for my hospital bag last time quiet early so I had them there I like to be prepared. :haha:

Emma- Great bump pic.

Abic- Great news about you starting to feel movement.

Babyd- Glad you had a great time in Disneyland.

Good Luck to everyone who has scans this week cant wait to see pics.
Hi girls!
Hope everyone is well!
Well I am back from a fantastic (but very tiring) 4 days in Disneyland! Had such a lovely time, but I am definitely paying for it now! My back, cocyx, bum, knees and groin are in PAIN!!! It was also annoying that I don't really have a visible bump because everyone just pushed into me and I even got asked by another pregnant lady if she could have my seat on the bus, I wouldn't have minded but she didn't even look that big either!!!
Abi, I'm glad you have felt baby now! I was going to say to you that I was getting worried because didn't feel baby move while when we were away, but as soon as I got into bed last night I felt them doing somersaults! I think it's just when you are busy you don't notice them at all.
Wow I am a cantaloupe now! Halfway there :happydance: have my scan tomorrow and really cannot wait, feels like we have been waiting forever!

have fun 2mor i hope baby behaves so you can see what your having :flower:
glad you had a good time! :happydance:
Hi Girls,

I thought I had been on and posted yesterday but looks like I didn't!!
Sorry I have missed so much and am rubbish at remembering it all!
Congrats on your scan Broodybelle, lovely pic.
Hope your feeling happier now Mei I can completely understand how your feeling but you will love that little boy so much and you can always try for a girl next time lol

I have my scan on Friday at last!!! Actually don't know how I'm going to make it through this week but sure it will be here before I know it! Nervous as just want to know everything has grown as it should and also hoping to see if we're having a girl or boy!
P.s Babyd I hope you told the pregnant lady you are pregnant yourself and didn't give up your seat?! x
gosh im really feeling ava move around alot now :happydance: she is not stop kicking me and jumping around.. ive even had a few painful hits to my sides and i think sometimes she kicks my cervix as i get a shooting pain down my lady parts.. oh can also feel them now i cant believe it! makes me so surprised every time still
:cloud9: our baby girl is getting so strong i cant wait for another 19 weeks! :)
Anyone not putting on much weight? I have put on about 2kg/5 pounds so far... I definitely have a bump now although it is definitely still one of those bump that doubles as the day goes on and has shrunk quite a bit in the morning.
I just get worried about the scan in 10 days... i just hope little one is growing like it should! I am not all that hungry and even if i definitely eat more than usual, i tend to struggle to eat much in the evening with all the bloating.
Euronova I wish I could say I hadn't put on weight!! I have put on around 11lbs now :( I'm sure all will be fine with your scan though hun I think all women are different with weight gain and each pregnancy xx
last time i checked i was i think 18 weeks i had put on about 7lbs took me ages to start putting weight on as my body was losing weight at the same rate as gain for awhile, and i lost lots at the start too.. i cant believe it but the pics of before pregnancy i look huge and and now while being preg i look slimmer i cant get over that lol!
Anyone not putting on much weight? I have put on about 2kg/5 pounds so far... I definitely have a bump now although it is definitely still one of those bump that doubles as the day goes on and has shrunk quite a bit in the morning.
I just get worried about the scan in 10 days... i just hope little one is growing like it should! I am not all that hungry and even if i definitely eat more than usual, i tend to struggle to eat much in the evening with all the bloating.

At my 20 week scan I was still at -10 lbs from before I got pregnant (as in, I lost 14 first tri and gained 4 back). Baby was totally fine...busy moving around and hiccuping and measured 4 days ahead. I've now gained a bit more, and starting to feel better about it, but it really wasn't until last week (21) that I really started to grow, and not until a few days ago that I really had a morning bump! Don't worry about eating a lot in the evening - it makes the heartburn worse! I have huge lunches and snack all day....usually just have a grapefruit or some cereal for dinner and that's enough. Just go with what your body wants!
Gemgem I am sure I posted yesterday too but my post isn't there?! Either we both have severe baby brain or something went wrong lol

Weight wise, at 20 weeks I was 7lbs up on my pre pregnancy weight, but had gained 14lbs since 12 weeks, as I had lost 7lbs in the first tri. Christ knows how much I've put on now, I really don't care tbh!! Baby weighs about 1lb now :)

Nearly V day for meeee!! Can't get over how quickly this pregnancy is going. First bean I was thinking it must be because I have Holly to run around after too. Last time all I thought about was baby, but now I have Holly to think about too.

Had my physio yesterday and all I can say is OUCH!! She examined me and I have 2 separate problems. The pain I'm getting in my hips and lower back is because my left hip is stuck in a forward position and can't move properly, hence why my leg keeps going from under me. The other problem is typical SPD, which is causing the pain at the front and in my groin. So she is trying to realign my hips so they are in the right place and once that problem has been fixed, she can start on the SPD at the front. She said she will fit me with a belt, but can't do that until the back/hip problem is sorted. She did some manipulation on my hip yesterday and OMG it hurt sooo bad and today it's worse than ever, but she said it would be. I have to go back in 2 weeks.
Thanks for that hun! I don't need another, but that is a bargain! There is a post in second tri about changing units, so I'm going to pinch that link and post it in there to share the love! x
I had a look at Mothercare.ie and can't see it on there. That's not fair!
same they only have the new ones in for 110-140 euro! damn it im gonna wait abit longer before buying it tho, as we have every we need for now, we got our buggy and cot set up.. i dont want to get all our stuff too early.. im worried we got too much too early.. :blush:
Emzy - is V day at 24 weeks and 6 days??

Reason I'm asking is coz i asked for my MATB1 form for work and the midwife told me that they can't give it to me coz a baby isnt viable until 24+6 and so that the earliest they can give it.....so does that make V-day 24+6 then?????

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