June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

V day is 24 weeks hun. And as for the MATB1 tell them they are wrong!! They can give it to you any time after 21 weeks. As you are required by law to give it to your employer by 25 weeks (for SMP purposes), they are required to give it to you before then. It says it on the actual MATB1 certificate, that it can be issued after the 20th week of pregnancy has been completed, but for some reason I have had to argue to get it before 25 weeks both times!! It's ridiculous!
Euronova- I was 65kg at my booking in appt which is 10st2 and last time I weighed myself I was 10st9lb but that is on my own scales at home so I have put on 7lb.

Emzy- Your physio sounds very painful hope they can get it sorted a bit for you and give you some relief. Yes I agree about running after the LO'S it doesnt give you chance to sit and think about being pregnant where as with Ollie I was sat around waiting :haha:

dt- That changing unit looks great and a great price. I dont need one but great for 1st time Mums that need everything.

Redrose- Oh shame they dont have it in Mothercare in Ireland thats rubbish. I had my pram with Ollie bought at 20weeks as there was an offer and didnt want to miss it then also had clothes and things but I did wait till about 27weeks before getting more and more things, i havent bought anything yet apart from 1 little pink outfit.

Abic- I thought V day was 24weeks last time I took my V day as 24 weeks anyway.
Speaking of maternity leave, when you send in your MATB1 and come to do your letter, this site is really helpful:


It's a personalised thing that tells you how much smp you will get, what date you have to tell your employer by, what dates you will be on maternity leave, etc and at the end it prints a letter for you to send to your employer.
V day is 24 weeks hun. And as for the MATB1 tell them they are wrong!! They can give it to you any time after 21 weeks. As you are required by law to give it to your employer by 25 weeks (for SMP purposes), they are required to give it to you before then. It says it on the actual MATB1 certificate, that it can be issued after the 20th week of pregnancy has been completed, but for some reason I have had to argue to get it before 25 weeks both times!! It's ridiculous!

Thanks Emzy....I was really pissed off coz the Dr's receptionist told me TWICE that they would get the midwife to sign my form for me on 2 weds in a row (after 20 weeks) and then i got told when i saw the actual midwife appointment that i'd get it at 25 weeks.....i will be 25 + 4 by the time i get it which will make it basically 14 weeks notice which as you say is not enough time! I feel angry and peed off about it but what can i do???? GGGGRRRRRR!

BTW....i'm soooooo sorry about your SPD physio hun.....that sounds horrendous and can't imagine how painful that must have been for you.....hopefully it's gonna be worth it though? xxxxx
Abi I would ring them back and say as you are required by law to give the form to your employer by 25 weeks, they have to give it to you before then. As I say, on the MATb1 itself, it says something like 'not to be issued before the 20th week of pregnancy has been completed' or something, so they can give it to you after 21 weeks. I don't know what the midwives problem is, surely they know that everyone has to give it to their employer by 25 weeks by now?! As if you don't give it to your employer by 25 weeks, they can refuse to pay you maternity pay.

And thanks hun, hopefully it'll be worth it and it'll do some good! It hasn't helped yet, in fact it's worse today but she said it would be. So we will see!
From HMRC website:


MAT B1 - Maternity Certificate
MAT B1 is the medical evidence given to the employee by the doctor or midwife showing the expected date of confinement (childbirth). Evidence is acceptable if it is signed from the start of the 20th week before the EWC.

The employee must produce medical evidence of the date the baby is due, usually the MAT B1, but the employer can accept other medical evidence providing it shows the date the baby is due.

dt- That changing unit looks great and a great price. I dont need one but great for 1st time Mums that

Abic- I thought V day was 24weeks last time I took my V day as 24 weeks anyway.[/QUOTE]

V day is 24 weeks. X

Lol or 4th time mums that sell everything thinking they wont have anymore babies!

@LittleBird: Congrats on the two boys! And I agree, however I find it is a little easier to connect with baby if he has a name. At least that is how I feel. And we finally managed to compromise. OH is choosing the middle name and I am choosing the first name, and as you can see I have already chosen :D

@gemgem: Thanks :) Definately am feeling a lot better now.

Well, have decided on Felix for our little boy. Will have to start buying things for him soon but it still feels a little bit unreal that everything turned out okay after the whole touch-and-go pregnancy. Got to find that double pram! (Nathaniel still isn't walking... but he is sooo close!)

Oh that lovely MatB form. Midwives here won't give it till 24 weeks so I understand the predicament. I don't actually need it but OH's work insist they won't give 2 weeks leave unless they see MY form. Annoyed me last time and still annoys me now as I don't work there. Ah well will have to just grit my teeth and do it again.
Anyone not putting on much weight? I have put on about 2kg/5 pounds so far... I definitely have a bump now although it is definitely still one of those bump that doubles as the day goes on and has shrunk quite a bit in the morning.
I just get worried about the scan in 10 days... i just hope little one is growing like it should! I am not all that hungry and even if i definitely eat more than usual, i tend to struggle to eat much in the evening with all the bloating.

I am right around 4lbs. but I definitely started out heavier than I should have been. My weight was completely out of control with the miscarriages and the fertility medications. I actually started out heavier than I had been when both of my older boys were delivered! Embarrassing, but true. So part of me is happy that I'm not gaining weight like crazy now, because I know it would make me even more uncomfortable. But at the same time, my babies are coming early and I know that it's important for them to grow before they're born. So I'm worried. Currently, they're both close to the 50th percentile for size, but my OB/GYN says that they'll drop off the curve at some point. Hopefully I'll know more about their sizes after Friday's ultrasound. It seems like so much is affected by their size, like how well they sleep at night, and how easy it is to breastfeed. I nursed both my older kids, and I planned to do the same for these LOs, but breastfeeding is not always easy, and I am scared of an uphill battle!

Emzy - is V day at 24 weeks and 6 days??

Reason I'm asking is coz i asked for my MATB1 form for work and the midwife told me that they can't give it to me coz a baby isnt viable until 24+6 and so that the earliest they can give it.....so does that make V-day 24+6 then?????

I always heard 24 weeks was V day. I was thinking about that because there are a lot of ladies on this thread getting close to that point now! I still get scared from time to time, because I still have over a month to get there, but it's a big milestone and I'm really happy for everyone who's getting close! It makes everything seem so much more real, especially when dealing with PAL and all those fun emotions.

@LittleBird: Congrats on the two boys! And I agree, however I find it is a little easier to connect with baby if he has a name. At least that is how I feel. And we finally managed to compromise. OH is choosing the middle name and I am choosing the first name, and as you can see I have already chosen :D

Well, have decided on Felix for our little boy. Will have to start buying things for him soon but it still feels a little bit unreal that everything turned out okay after the whole touch-and-go pregnancy. Got to find that double pram! (Nathaniel still isn't walking... but he is sooo close!)

I'm so glad that the two of you worked something out with the name. And I have to say, Felix sounds so cute! It is going to get more and more real each day, and I think by the time he arrives he'll already feel like he's been part of the family forever. You know, it took a little while, but my two older sons are so close now. Once they start playing together, it will be such a fun experience. I can hardly stand to separate them for any amount of time, because they miss each other so much. DS1 spends more time in school for now, and DS2 talks about him the whole time he's gone.
Hi girls,

Hope everyone is ok this morning? Emzy - hope things are easing up a little (not sure how long it will take for the physio to start working???) - i really hope you feel better soon tho hun coz it must be so miserable having all that pain. I think i may have the start of some SPD and it's killing me so i can't imagine how much pain you must be in.
Babyd - how is yours these days? Glad you had fun at disneyland hun but sounds very tiring! And stupid woman on the bus too!

AFM....well i am working myself into a right state....after i felt bubs move on Sunday night i havent felt a thing since! i keep reminding myself that baby is so small still and that i have anterior placenta etc but i just don't understand why i haven't felt anything??? Have been awake all night worrying about it and keep getting scenarios in my head of what could have happened in there...i am so tired from not sleeping and my headache is making a comeback and i just wanna be off work now coz it's really stressing me out :-( Sorry for moaning but i just feel so on edge and i don't know who else i can talk to about this stuff. My tears are welling in my eyes as i type (i have loads of mascara on so hope i dont properly start crying).....

I'm sure i will just feel silly if everything is ok but while you feel this immediate and panicky sense of worry, nothing feels like its gonna be ok :-(
Morning girls!
Well we are back from the scan and we are team :blue: :happydance: We are sooo happy! But we were told that the gap between the front ventricles of his brain are 11mm wide when the normal range is between 1 and 10mm and it can sometimes mean spina bifida - the sonographer didn't seem worried at all as the spine and the back ventricles were normal, so I am trying not to worry to much. We have a scan with the consultant on the 13th so she will check it over then.
Emzy - your physio sounds so painful, hope you are feeling ok today!x
Congrats babyd on team blue! :blue: Bet Grace will be so excited for a little bro!!

Abi why don't you give your midwife a call? Everything is sure to be fine, as when you first start feeling baby it takes a while to feel them every day, especially with an anterior placenta, but if it's making you worry then call her, just for peace of mind x

Thanks for asking about the physio, it's been 10x worse since the physio but she did say it would be for a couple of days, so I'm really hoping to see an improvement soon!
Abic- Try not to worry about movements as you have your anterior placenta and regular movements arent supposed to be counted until 28 weeks. Sometimes if I am busyin about I dont feel her move. But as Emzy says if your worried give the midwife a call for reassurance.

Babyd- Yay on team blue one of each.
thanks girls...have just called the midwife (she only works Weds) and she's gonna call me back BUT i know she will just tell me that it's normal....i don't know why but i just don't understand that it's normal to feel such a strong movement and then nothing :-(

I just went to get something off the printer and my inside leg pain has just made me double up in pain and i burst out crying....i am gonna ask the midwife about that aswell.....i really hope it's not gonna be SPD coz what you girls are suffering just sounds awful :-(

Euronova - i think it was you that said you had pain at the top of your legs on the inside bit of your legs from doing breast stroke...the pain/area you described is exactly the same kind of pain that i am experiencing too.

Emzy - I called HR and explained that I couldn't get MatB1 til 25+4 and they were fine with it and just told me to send it as soon as i receive ti. I have the lady's name and the calls are recorded so hopefully will all be ok!

BabyD - congrats on the scan hun....that's lovely that you'll have one of each :)
Sorry.....I was too caught up in me me me to comment earlier but I'm chuffed for you! x
Abi is the pain in your groin? Like a sharp pain? x
Thanks girls, sorry abi I was also caught up in me me me mode to reply to you!! I am really sure it is nothing to worry about, and I hope your midwife calls you back to put your mind at rest. I couldn't believe how much the baby was moving at the scan and I couldn't even feel it! The sonographer said they are surrounded by so much fluid at the moment and are still only tiny that it will be a few weeks yet before feeling regular movements. I also really hope your pain isn't SPD but also ask your midwife or go to your gp. Mine is starting to get painful now, but nothing compared to how Emzy is feeling, I may go to gp to get referred to physio, as the waiting list is usually about a month...let us know as soon as you hear from your midwife hun xx
Abi is the pain in your groin? Like a sharp pain? x

Soz this may be TMI but the pain is like where the 'outer lips' are in the bones underneath the skin and then shooting down legs???

It's as if i've done the splits and snapped the bones/ligaments around that area??
Yep I'm afraid it does sound like spd to me hun, although it could be just groin strain. I'd tell your gp or mw about it if it doesn't ease off as the earlier you get physio the better with spd x
Hi all :wave:

We had our official anomaly scan this morning and everything is absolutely fine! My placenta is still anterior which explains why my movements are still sporadic (I felt nothing at all yesterday). We are still Team :yellow: At one point she zoomed in to have a look at the heart and I could see baby opening and closing it's mouth lol. My picture is totally rubbish though, you can hardly make out a baby at all, it looks like clouds :haha:


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Congrats Louise and well done for staying team yellow!! Dunno how you team yellow lot can stay so strong!

AFM - i eventually got a call back from the midwife who told me that (as i thought/predicted) there's nothing to worry about movement-wise as this is my first baby and just because i felt something 2 days ago doesn't mean i'll feel something everyday now....she said they often don't ask women to start monitoring movement until as late as 32 weeks so at 23 weeks its still early......of course i pretty much knew all of this but i think i just needed a midwife to tell me that!

Re the pain, she told me it is spd and that i need to avoid doing any activities that would cause me to spread my legs:blush: !!!

She reassured me it's not harmful, just annoying and painful and that i need to just keep an eye on it....i'm seeing her 2 weeks today so she will assess the situ then and refer me for physio if it's getting worse. I was planning on going swimming tonight and have even bought a new maternity cozzie but as i can only do breast stroke then that rules swimming out. It hurts to walk so i guess i'll be sofa bound for now! (I can actually do front crawl...i even had private front crawl technique lessons as i was (for about 3 minutes) thinking of entering a triathlon) but it's really hard work and my heart rate goes off the scale!

I guess i could get a float and just kick up and down but i may look a bit special so may not aswell!

Thanks as always for your help and support everyone.....i still don't feel 100% unworried but before i was REALLY panicky and worried and now i have a niggling worry.

I'll be getting the doppler out as soon as i get home tho...............

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