Hey y'all....so i got home and used the doppler and got a strong reading of 144bpm......does that mean it's my bubs???
Abi, one of my babies is always measuring in the 140s, so I think that's a perfectly normal heart rate -- I doubt you're getting a reading on something else.
Thanks girls, i am ok, I am just a bit of a hormonal wreck today, just anything got me worried, even like work things or the weather... just had one of those days where every little thing seems completely overwhelming!
Hopefully i will wake up tomorrow to that very elusive glowing energetic pregnant woman we are all supposed to be in second try
I have been hoping to be a glowing energetic pregnant woman for weeks. I don't think it's coming.
I don't want to sound like a complete grump, but I don't feel good most of the time, and I am just passing the time between now and delivery. I know this is my last pregnancy, so I'm kinda sad that I'm wishing it away... I just can't get comfortable.
My uterus is pretty high, couple of inches above my belly button. I couldn't even feel it at this stage with Holly, too much fat in the way ha ha!
Do you get extra snot when you are pregnant?! As I've got this cold and I've had it for over a week. Holly has had it and it's gone but I'm still sooo snotty it's unreal!! How much snot can one person produce!?
I tried feeling for my uterus, but I have a lot of extra padding around it.
I am completely drowning in snot. I think my bad cold is gone, but the snot is still an issue.
ugggg yesterday i had such a shitty day my poor DF actually wanted to take me to the hospital yesterday. I just had a really off day. I think because im so exhausted my body just couldnt function yesterday. I couldnt breath properly, or get comfortable. I wriggled around whenever or where ever i sat or laid down. I had extreme craps like period pains, just felt really off. Thankfully i feel better today and i did get a bit more sleep last night. My hips only woke me up a few times. I have my midwife appointment on monday so gonna speak to her about it.
But my stress for today is i have a dentist appointment in 2 hours and IM BRICKIN it, I HATE THE DENTIST. I always have panic attacks in the waiting room and am in floods of tears by the time i sit in the chair. My doctor usually gives me a valium precription before i go but i obviously cant do that this time. And i really have to go as i have a broken tooth

i hate this i hate this i hate this. Then i have to go to work straight after boooooooooo
Sorry you haven't been feeling great. And I hope the appt. went well, I know it's not ideal to have to go in when you can't take anything to help you relax.
AFM, just had my 20-week anatomy scan today. All organs are looking good, and babies are growing. The ultrasound center in the hospital wants to see me every other week, to check my cervix, but I have been able to hold them off to do monthly appointments instead. And I just found out that they want to see me weekly in the 3rd tri. That is crazy! I mean, I am supposed to go to doctor appointments and ultrasound appointments and still work? I understand they want to check my cervix, but I have never had a natural delivery. My cervix probably doesn't work.
Twin A is 13oz. Twin B is 11oz. I hope my doctor is happy with the results, I don't know what to think as far as sizes -- just hoping that they are thriving in there and they'll be as big as possible when it's time to be born!