So I was in tesco, went to the loo with that wet feeling and there's some blood. On the tissue, do I investigated further and couldn't find any near my cervix....panicking now. What should I do?
First thing to do is: RELAX. I know it's almost impossible to do (which is why I've been a freak about wanting to see my numbers double...)
I spotted at 3dpo. Didn't spot on 4dpo. Then spotted all the way through 9/30. I got my BFP on 9/27 at 12dpo, and at 10dpo a BFN. I emailed my Dr. asking if I should be concerned about the spotting and she said No. To ignore it for now. If you have pain/cramping or are soaking a pad in an hour that is something to contact them about, something to be concerned about. My spotting was weird and was always there in the morning and would taper off over the day. The 27th, 28th, 29th I passed these clumps of CM that were blood tinged. Scary. I soaked them in water and as the blood went away they turned into cloudy CM. No tissue or anything. Yesterday at work I spotted once. I tried to see if there was more and nothing else was tinged with blood. I had a TINY clot, seriously a millimeter or so. I POAS last night (check out the pictures on page 94 or 95) on an IC and the line is SO much darker than it was before.
Spotting in the first trimester, while not "normal", is very common. It can happen after you have sex or anything like that as your cervix is a lot more irritable. Even straining on the toilet can leave you with some spotting. Mine happens for no reason, or so I think. Another reason for spotting is a fluctuation in hormones which pregnancy definitely is.
My spotting was always pink... sometimes bright pink, sometimes salmon color. Or a brownish color. Yesterday is was pink, but I think the spotting was actually blood tinged CM from that clot.
I'll be back later. Electrical company had a planned outage for a few hours while they fix underground stuff, I'm on someone else's internet and my battery is dying.
Keep your head up Gemini... and, contact your health care provider, while it can be nothing, they should still know!