June jewels 2018!!!!

Congrats Spiffy!!! Was that your first OB appt of the pregnancy? :)

Welcome four2five!!!! I have wonky cycles too. I was just over 5 weeks when I tested and got my BFP.

Rach, that's awesome! It will be nice to have it for Thanksgiving and family visiting. And OMG about your bladder. :wacko:
Allie, yep. And it wasn't even an OB appointment, it was just an ultrasound. I have my first OB appointment next week.
Congrats Spiffy!!! Was that your first OB appt of the pregnancy? :)

Welcome four2five!!!! I have wonky cycles too. I was just over 5 weeks when I tested and got my BFP.

Rach, that's awesome! It will be nice to have it for Thanksgiving and family visiting. And OMG about your bladder. :wacko:

Thanks! I think I'm probably closer to 6 weeks im thinking but by lmp they said 10 weeks which is why I assuming they are getting me in right away since they go off that date until the dating scan. Just praying everything is okay! I'm super anxious to see baby and find out <3
Welcome, four2five.

Great news, spiffy.

That sounds horrendous Rach, arm up to the elbow. I actually feel sick thinking about it & it didn't even happen to me!

Mom, I've heard other people say similar about fast births, & also that they're a lot more painful as the pain ramps up quickly, not gradually.

I'd love to experience Labour with a live baby (I had to give birth to my son because he died so late on so I believe I could do it), but I just don't think it will work out that way for me!
Welcome four2five :flower:

Glad the ultrasound went well Spiffy.

I was in labour for ages :dohh: all worth it in the end, contractions are a bit crappy but pushing is great.
Thanks ladies!

My first I was in labor 36 hours, my second was 24 hours and I'm praying for 12 hours or less this time!!
It's so crazy to think about labor and things like names. For the first time last night I started looking up names. Of course I'd had some swimming around my mind but I was actually looking up baby names. For instance I love the name Amelia for a girl but it's like the 5th most popular name in the UK and we like to be a bit more unique. Granted, we don't live in the UK anymore but we will probably will again before the kids are grown.

Found baby again last night on doppler....baby runs away from the doppler, it's kind of funny but also means I only do it for a few seconds at a time. I catch the hb and then it's gone and find it in another place.

How is everyone's MS?
Ouch rach does not sound like fun!

Mom I'm with you on not feeling prepared! Although I was in labour for 27 hours the hospital wouldn't let us come in because said contractions wasn't close enough, it got so bad dh called for the umpteenth time and said we are coming now, they argued but we went and my dd was born 10 minutes after arriving at the hospital. Having had absolutely no pain relief and not happening how i imagined I went into a bit of shock and I feel that really affected the first couple of hours with dd.
This time I want to have all my active pushing in the hospital and not the majority in the back of my car!!!!

Yeah spiffy great news about your scan!!! Measuring ahead as well that's such a relief
Still nauseous here. It comes and goes and I have good and bad days but most mornings and evenings are bad.
I've been thinking a little about names. It's going to be even harder the second time around I feel like because I want something that goes with DD's name (but not too much so it seems like a "theme"). And I can't imagine liking anything as much as I like hers.
We've had our names picked out for a while, it'll be Norah for a girl and Elias or Oliver for a boy :)
So today wanted an omelette allll day... made one... instant sickness! Why are our bodies so mean?! Haha!! I no longer can eat sausage rolls, jacket potatos, lasagne of omlettefs without wanting to heave!! Haha!! And all I want to eat is prawn cocktail crisps!! Haha!!
Anyone else got any foods that make them feel sick?? Xx
MS AKA all day nausea still here. Today wasn't as bad as it has been, posdibly because i took the dsy off & rested, but it's definitely still there.

Angie, things like water, chips & rice are hugely offensive to this baby! There are other foods too, most fruit is too tart, for example, but eggs are still appealing. I want bread, but i suspect it may be causing the nausea to get worse. It can also change on a daily basis. I hate first tri, pleased as I am to be pregnant!
Ooo, some scary labour stories. I'm hoping for a faster one this time as I was 4 days of slow labour, my waters broke 24 hours but my contractions still wouldn't go below 5 mins apart so I ended up being induced. By all of that the actual pushing wasn't bad at all.

I think amelia is a lovely name Allie. Elias and Norah are beautiful too Sander.

I like Rhett for a boy and Martha for a girl.
Rhett would go well with my DD as her name is Alice, from classic literature and Rhett is from a famous story too.
I think Martha and Alice match as well as they both aren't too long and are pretty traditional.

Names are exciting but so scary! You're naming a person, probably for life and all the responsibility that comes with it.

A donut made me feel sick the other day! So cruel. I'm still into fruit and carbs for me. My favourite snack is bread with butter or an apple.
Ladders - that is so scary. When I called after 1.5h after my water broke and told the my contractions weren’t even two minutes apart, they had this hesitant tone of come on by which made me feel a bit like they didn’t think I was actually in labor yet. But once I got there I think they realized I wasn’t exaggerating and I was really happy how they took care of me. I had three nurses in my room at all time. With my fast labor every contraction was worse than the one before until they couldn’t get worse and I made some involuntary noises. It was almost an outer body experience because felt like I had not much control over what was happenening. I still loved it though. My goal this time is to go in as soon as my water breaks assuming it does. I just want more time to communicate and not get there when the contractions are already so painful it takes your breath away.

On food - fruit, cereal and sweet stuff I could eat all day. I am obsessed with orange juice. What is funny is when I was younger and would be hungover I would dream of orange juice when I was drunk, so this has in a way felt like one long hungover. Foods that you can chase me with is meat or anything warm and mushy. I want cold, juicy and crunchy.

Nausea was better over the weekend and then got worse again last night and I have almost felt sick like you do when you are coming of off sth with flu like symptom. Weak, cold at times, can’t get comfortable, icky taste in my mouth and nausea. I told hubby I’m sorry I’m whining so much and hope to have my energy back soon. He has been so nice making dinner, cleaning the kitchen and bringing me food and drink if I asked for it.
It’s 8.30 and I am going to bed hoping a lot of sleep with energize me.

Names...I have a few on a list mostly girls...top two right now may be “Clara May” or “Milla June” or “June Alexis” depending on what month baby is actually born :)
Boy names I have Calvin, Milo and Lyndon. Just don’t have middle name pairings yet.
Oh and this is me after dinner. Where is this going to end?!? Showing so much faster this time and so far it is just bloat and things getting pushed up. Can’t wait for it to be a legitimate baby belly :) First day in maternity pants today! So comfy.


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Well I went in to a midwife today that we may use for this pregnancy. She said my uterus felt like I was about 8 weeks so she decided to listen with a Doppler but then couldn't find a heartbeat, of course this made me super anxious that something was wrong so she sent me down the road for an ultrasound. At first the tech couldn't find any sac but then finally found a gestational sac but it was empty. She measured and it only measures 5 weeks 1 day...she said that's too early to see a fetal pole so there's not much to do but wait and hope within a week or two that she can get an image of a baby. I'm super crampy tonight and just unsettled stomach over the whole ordeal. I still have hope everything is fine but I really thought I was at least 6 weeks if not further. My last af was Sept 15 and my normal O was anywhere between cd 26-33...not sure how those dates play a roll for dates or anything but I think I had to of O'd really really late. Still getting dark hpt's so hopefully that's a good sign. They did tell me that based on measurements my due date would be July 16th, which is my birthday <3 So I really hope this baby is okay! Looks like I'll have to stick to the July Firecrackers :wave:
Mom and PG -- Martha and Clara are on my name list as well. :) :) Have you seen the FB thread about it in our group? I'm not sure about any names at this point though.

Angie there are so many foods I can't eat - the worst is chocolate. What is WRONG with me lol? I went off chocolate last pregnancy too. Oranges, tortilla chips and pickles are my my current go-to safe foods.

Mom you look so cute!!! Awwww I can't wait to go get some maternity pants! Right now it's leggings everday. I fit into exactly one pair of my jeans still.

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