Thank you everyone!! Yes I saw how that read,actually. So 'labor and delivery' is just the name for the hospital ward where pregnant ladies go for anything health related after 20 weeks. But I typed it like "I was in in labor and delivery" which DOES sound bad.
Not much they can do for the pain other than by me watching my diet REEALLLLY carefully. I was given a few Vicodin and that got me through Saturday but today I'm just on Tylenol and still feel sore ALL OVER. Like my body has been through a war!!
In good news, we had our 24 week growth scan and echocardiogram today. Baby is measuring well - she weighs 1 lb 9 0z! She is in the 60th percentile for her belly/stomach but only 20th percentile for her head. I was like 'ummm does she have a tiny head?!?!' and the MFM doc was like 'no, no, that's still normal' but I'm picturing a chubby tummy and tiny head. The average of all of her measurements put her at 23 w 5d and they are happy with that.
Baby Girl would not coooperate for her echo so they have try again at 28 weeks! She was curled up in a wee ball and kept her arms and hands over the her chest and face so they didn't get all of of the shots they needed. I was going back in at 28 weeks for another growth scan, anyways.
Obviously I'm very happy, I'm just so out of it still.
Oh and for who asked, it IS possible for it resolve itself I think...or at least keep the attacks fingers crossed.
PG good luck!!! I have my test this week. I remember getting it all done with arm blood last time as well. Glad you got a nap in!
Squig, I am a right mess about movements as well. I feel like I spent my day thinking about them. I could tell from my ultrasound today I'm still not feeling everything, though. Like even when she was putting her feet in her mouth and kicking my placenta I didn't feel it. So we are probably still only feeling big movements. A lot of it is placenta placement and body shape and I'm carrying quite low, have anterior placenta, previous baby belly chub, etc. I was in L &D getting monitored a few times with my son as it is better safe than sorry but after spending all night in the triage room I don't fancy it much again soon.