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June Jitterbugs- 2013, 51 babies born 27 boys, 24 girls (145 on the Way)

Had a midwife apt yesterday and 2 weeks ago, baby's head was 3/5 engaged. I mentioned this to her and asked if it was fully engaged yet and she said it probably wouldn't until I'm in labour coz if it engages anymore we'd be able to see it.
Does this mean anything to you? I didn't ask questions just accepted what she said, just thought it was strange.

Fully engaged means the head is literally pushing through the cervix. The most a baby will be engaged prior to labour is 4/5. It was a little unfair of her to make that comment though as that's obviously not what you meant by fully engaged.
I had a sweep today so hopefully it works. Nothing so far!!

Good luck! Was it awful? My SIL said it was and it makes me nervous for them to suggest one if I carry on!

Had a midwife apt yesterday and 2 weeks ago, baby's head was 3/5 engaged. I mentioned this to her and asked if it was fully engaged yet and she said it probably wouldn't until I'm in labour coz if it engages anymore we'd be able to see it.
Does this mean anything to you? I didn't ask questions just accepted what she said, just thought it was strange.

Never heard that before! I have read that it's not unusual for second, third etc babies to engage during labour rather than before, and to move in and out of the pelvis. As I understood it they can go to 1/5 engaged though. :shrug:

It was a bit uncomfortable but it only took about a minute to do it so its wasn't too bad. I just had period like cramps as she was doing it.
Had a midwife apt yesterday and 2 weeks ago, baby's head was 3/5 engaged. I mentioned this to her and asked if it was fully engaged yet and she said it probably wouldn't until I'm in labour coz if it engages anymore we'd be able to see it.
Does this mean anything to you? I didn't ask questions just accepted what she said, just thought it was strange.

Fully engaged means the head is literally pushing through the cervix. The most a baby will be engaged prior to labour is 4/5. It was a little unfair of her to make that comment though as that's obviously not what you meant by fully engaged.

Thank you, makes a lot more sense than when she said it!:dohh:
Congrats cottleston, For twins thats especially amazing!....Get better soonest and start to loose the baby fat coz of double boy demands:)
DD is having her nap and I am now timing the back pain and bump tightenings I've been having since 9am. I had some last night but managed to sleep. Woke up with them this morning. Occasional pain low down when walking with them too.

I have my MW app at 2 so I'll see what happens and if they stop by then I'll ask her.

I'm torn between calling L&D and wasting their time (and feeling stupid) and waiting too long and not making it there in time. :shrug:
Mummum - if your never sure call them, even just to put your mind at ease
Mum - oooo exciting. Definitely sounds like 'something' is happening for you! So how often are the pains happening?

I had a dr appt yesterday and he said in his notes it said that I was having contractions on the monitor when I was checked in for my induction with my first pregnancy... that was at 39+4. And until he said that, I didn't know they had been verified contractions! I remembered that day wondering if they WERE contractions and didn't even time them because couldn't tell. We'd gone about our day, knowing we'd go in that night to sleep at the hospital and get induced in the middle of the night. Well, apparently I went into the hospital having contractions already and dilated like 3 or 4 cm.
Ok so my dr wants to set up an induction for Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of next week. An elective induction because he says the baby is ready and cervix is ready and he'll be GONE after Wednesday. ARgh. I know there are those that are against elective because of threat of c section and wanting to wait for baby to be ready. I'm not so concerned about that because my last delivery was an induction and it was textbook... but I did want to go natural... mainly to try and progress on my own as much as possible since that allows body to produce endorphins I think? To help counteract the pain? I read the body does that when it goes into labor as a natural pain relief, but won't if pitocin is used because it doesn't know to do it then.

Anyway, so I'm hoping my baby decides to start the labor process THIS weekend!!! Dr appt Monday morning to check my progression. Not scheduling anything else beyond that right now. Maybe I'll go into labor at 39+4 naturally like I did with my first baby! Hopeful! My dr REALLY wants to be the one to deliver me... small town and I've never met the other dr but he's been around a loonnnng time and is really old and I'm not confident I'll like his methods! I know people that used to see him for their checkups and they switched to my dr because that dr is bound to die or retire soon!
I agree with pp's mum call them that's what they are there for!

Libby: good luck with whatever you decide I live in rural Iowa and know how it goes to just have a couple docs to choose from! Hopefully babe won't force you to decide and he'll just come on own!!!
I had a big cry yesterday with hubby because I'm soo tired of being pregnant. I'm feeling really down today. My house is a mess and I can't get up any motivation to clean and I'm just sad :(
Well it fizzled out to nothing. Had mw and they'll let me go over
In fact, i'll be 40+1 at my next mw app.

Baby is still 4/5 engaged and measuring fine. No pre-e signs. So at least all is ok. Just have tk wait some more!
I had a big cry yesterday with hubby because I'm soo tired of being pregnant. I'm feeling really down today. My house is a mess and I can't get up any motivation to clean and I'm just sad :(

We are in the same boat! I feel exhausted and can't get anything done! DH works from 830 am until 11pm and is also too exhausted to help, can't blame him. He is home tonight at 6:30 pm so I am hoping to get some help
Asked for a sweep today and even though my doc is usually against everything and even said it won't help, she agreed. She said I am still to thick and closed to perform one and it was pretty uncomfortable with her trying. I am hoping just trying starts something a moving and I might have DH try in a few days
Im so tired at the minute too. My sleep last night was interupted by really strong tightenings that actually woke me up plus the trips to the toilet! Ughhh!
6 more days to go and my little man will be here so i keep thinking its not long to wait!!!
I'm going to my growth scan this afternoon to see if baby is growing too big - please please let baby be average. I really don't want to start sweeps next week. First day yesterday I didn't get tightenings or feel uncomfortable.
Hang in there ladies not long now and you'll have prize in your arms!

Good luck jelly hoping for good news for you!

I have induction today and have slept maybe 2 hours It's going to be a long day I'm fraid :/
Hang in there ladies not long now and you'll have prize in your arms!

Good luck jelly hoping for good news for you!

I have induction today and have slept maybe 2 hours It's going to be a long day I'm fraid :/

Good luck with the induction xx
Hang in there ladies not long now and you'll have prize in your arms!

Good luck jelly hoping for good news for you!

I have induction today and have slept maybe 2 hours It's going to be a long day I'm fraid :/

Good luck honey x

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