That's exactly what I was like yesterday mummummum! Today I have just been to the super market and filled a trolly no problem! Hope she hasn't moved
The ladies in asda today were super lovely, she asked if I had long left and when I said I was due yesterday she insisted I didn't lift a finger, she packed my shopping and got somebody to take it and load my car! I felt like a celebrity
Thanks lisaloo
I had my show this morning but I just don't feel like she is engaged today!
I also have another sweep on Monday so I'm praying hard that I go before then.
I had my first sweep on Wednesday and was told my body is all ready to labour and I was 1cm, she said the sweep was a good one, that really got my hopes up but so far not happening!
Hello everyone, My baby is here (39weeks + 1 day.) weighs 8.12lbs labur lasted 1hr and 35 mints. so happy she is here. all the best to you all.
Hello everyone, My baby is here (39weeks + 1 day.) weighs 8.12lbs labur lasted 1hr and 35 mints. so happy she is here. all the best to you all.
Hello everyone, My baby is here (39weeks + 1 day.) weighs 8.12lbs labur lasted 1hr and 35 mints. so happy she is here. all the best to you all.