Congrats Danielle!
On bfing, I promise it does get better, but if you really aren't enjoying it and baby doesn't settle well supplementing is a great idea. I gave LO 2 bottles so far about an ounce each time on days 3/4 because my milk wasn't in well and she was Hungry! I honestly love bfing and it's funny because in my family and my community most people bottle feed, so I am looked at like that hippie girl who still thinks its cool to nurse in public, lol.
Either way I think it's awful when people judge you for your decisions as a mother. You should do what's best for you and your family and not worry about all the on lookers telling you it's wrong. My LO sleeps on her side *gasp* she is way more comfortable and sleeps for a long time. I am next to her most the time and I can hear her breathe, so I am comfortable with it. I lay her on her back in the bassinet, but in my bed she's a side sleeper