June Jitterbugs- 2013, 51 babies born 27 boys, 24 girls (145 on the Way)

yayyyy i just got my 2-3 on a digi i saved!!! :-D

YEY its amazing seeing those numbers increasing isnt it x x

Also thought we could do a little question and answer so we can get to know each other??

Name: Melissa
Age: 24
Location: Manchester UK
Due date: 7th June 2013
Child number: 3
Hoping for a boy/girl: either I have one of each right now! Girl would be lovely though as DD has the biggest bedroom so could share with her

Your turn! Feel free to add an questions on :D

Due Date, 9th June
Child number,3
Hoping for, Either I have a boy and a girl so they will each be wishing for it to sway their way so they can outnumber the other haha! but i am happy with either x

For those ladies out there having morning sickness, I know a lot of you are happy to have it, but if it starts to mess with you too much acupuncture is proven to allieviate the symptoms. It can also help with headaches if you find you are getting pregnancy headaches, and boost your energy levels.

I have been having acupuncture weekly for about 3 months now. Although I don't enjoy having it done, I do feel amazing compared to what I used to.

Thanks for the suggestion i hadnt even considered it for MS, I did get some of those Travel sickness bands that i now know from reading the info, work on accupuncture pressure points! :thumbup:

Right, you buy a red cabbage and boil it for 10 to 15 minutes. Save the water and let it cool. Then add equal amounts off the water and pee to a glass. If it turns red or pink it means boy if it's purple it means girl. It has a 50/50 chance of being right!! Just thought it would be fun to see the results and if it's right.

Always good for a bit of a giggle! Have to make sure the hubby doesnt think i am making soup or veg stock tho haha!!!!

Hey Ladies
I woke early hours with a bad stabbing pain. I was bent double it hurt that much. Only lasted for a few mins and I put it down to wind. I was nearly in tears at first though as I really thought I was loosing my baby.
Not felt 100% all day though as still had alot of twinges (more than what I have been having any other day)

Big hugs hunny x I had some soreness and deeper pains yesterday,it certainly does scare you doesnt it x hope ur ok now x

We've announced already. We weren't going too, but couldn't wait! lol.

How do I join the facebook group?

Omg, I am in so much pain. My bits ache so much, it's feels like i've been kicked in them, and it hurts to walk. It's not as bad as yesterday but still pretty bad. Anyone else got this or am I just weird? lol

Oooo is there a facebook group?????? Anyone wanna help me find it lol
My bits are sore too, and as crazy as it sounds i have felt twinges in my cervix and have been aware of it feeling like its changing.

we have already announced to everyone (which is only really family but we have a huge one) i know that if anything were to happen which im 99.9% sure it wont everyone will be very supportive ,thats what family is for are they not? everyone is super ecxited over here except my mother who seems to think i am "stupid and should abort the baby like i shouldve with the first" ... i will go on to say although DH and i are 20 we are finacially stable , married and already have a 3 year old together. best of luck to all of you h&h 9 months for us all!

Lovely to have a big family share in your womderful news i think, i have told my parents and siblings. and my closest friends. My husband is in the military and away a LOT during this next year so will miss a lot of my pregnancy. hes away at the minute for the next 4 weeks, he has been away for almost two weeks so we only just managed to get our conception window in before he left. :happydance: i felt it was important to have people to turn to that knew if i needed them x Sorry to hear your mothers opinion, i am sure she thinks she is giving you the advice she thinks best but she will come round and see you are happy and doing the right thing.

MORE sickness for me today, got my travel sickness wristbands and been sucking on ginger lozenges to try and settle it but its been horrendous! managed a little bit of dinner this evening tho and so far so good :thumbup:

Hope everyones had a good day x :hugs:

already getting wonderful advice and starting to recognise people and get to know you all! Heres to a very happy and healthy pregnancy journey for us all x
just found out we are due june 12, 2013!!! Not going to tell anyone until december 1 :) so i will need tons of support on here to keep it a secret
Name, Nicole
Due Date, 12th June
Child number,3
Hoping for, a boy!!! we have two little princesses- time to add a cute little man to the family. We might stop at 3 kids- but you never know!!
Hi ladies,
Can I join in just got my :bfp: I'm soooooooo happy and due June 15th all going well.
Just a little about me im 31, this will be baba no. 2 I have a beautiful son, he's almost 1 and I've been married almost 2 years to a fab guy
Ha ha mercy2, would be funny for oh to think it's a soup or something. Will do it when i'm 6 weeks. Chinese gender calculater says boy so we'll see.
I woke up an hour ago. Fell asleep on the sofa at 6pm for 2 hours. Exhaustion got the better of me. I don't feel better though.
mercy2 ... i hope she does but chances are she wont ... she loves my son but has told me often since i was pg for him that i shouldnt have had him ...she doesnt undertand how i could be happy being a stay at home mom doing "nothing with my life" we dont have much of a relationship my grandmother is more of a mom to me than her and neither myself nor my grandmother can understand why shes such a b!tch lol for example i asked my mom to walk me down the isle along with my step dad at my wedding and she told me she couldnt because there was no way she could give me away when he didnt want the wedding to happen in the first place ...sorry for the rant i just dont understand how a woman could treat her child that way. i try everyday to make sure i have a better realationship and that i am a better mother to my child than she is to me :) so i suppose its for the best she just makes me a better person and parent !!
aw hun, i feel for you completely. its so hard having an unsupportive parent but like you say, it can give you that drive to be a better parent yourself. as long as youre doing what you want to do and youre happy, stuff everyone else!! :hugs:

I've brought my laptop to bed, i have nooo energy at all... i need to do my CV though. I'm looking for a christmas temp job to get a bit of money to help out DH with bills and christmas presents. The thing is, i can only do weekends because i cant afford childcare for DS but i also dont want to work in a shop (i get swelling and super bloat if im on my feet too long)... think i'm expecting the impossible from this job search!
Name: Maeghan
Age: 20
Location: Ansonia, Connecticut
Due Date: June 13th
Baby #: 2:happydance:
Preference: Either would put me over the moon, but it would be nice to have a girl since we already have a son! But another son would be lovely as well, I just want a healthy and happy baby!

Haven't told anyone about the pregnancy yet except my mom and stepfather. Mom wasn't to thrilled about it,however she is coming around to the idea, but I'm in a stable home of my own, have been in a great relationship for almost 5 years (Dec.22) and we're engaged to be married. I can take care of myself and children so I don't really care about others opinions about my babies! I will probably announce when I get my scan done on the 25th Of October. If something happens, which I hope it doesnt, we'll just have to make that announcement as well!
Ha ha mercy2, would be funny for oh to think it's a soup or something. Will do it when i'm 6 weeks. Chinese gender calculater says boy so we'll see.
I woke up an hour ago. Fell asleep on the sofa at 6pm for 2 hours. Exhaustion got the better of me. I don't feel better though.

ooo might have to do the chinese gender thingy online and see just for fun x

mercy2 ... i hope she does but chances are she wont ... she loves my son but has told me often since i was pg for him that i shouldnt have had him ...she doesnt undertand how i could be happy being a stay at home mom doing "nothing with my life" we dont have much of a relationship my grandmother is more of a mom to me than her and neither myself nor my grandmother can understand why shes such a b!tch lol for example i asked my mom to walk me down the isle along with my step dad at my wedding and she told me she couldnt because there was no way she could give me away when he didnt want the wedding to happen in the first place ...sorry for the rant i just dont understand how a woman could treat her child that way. i try everyday to make sure i have a better realationship and that i am a better mother to my child than she is to me :) so i suppose its for the best she just makes me a better person and parent !!

Things like that in life hun, make you a better momma x u sound like u are doing briliantly, and i am sure one day she will look at your family and it will suddenly click that she was very wrong all along x x
All these new BFPs! I love watching them roll in :) June is going to be a busy month!!
Hi ladies!

Wow I have a lot to catch up on since I didn't log in yesterday.

Well I had my second beta blood test yesterday and just got the results back now.

4w1d (14 dpo): hcg = 170
5w1d (21 dpo): hcg = 3700

I just used the Beta hcg Doubling calculator on Countdown to Pregnancy, and it said my Beta doubling time is 35.55 hours.

Does anyone know if this is normal?

Thanks xxx :flow:
The average doubling time is 48 hours. You're doing fantastic. Congratulations on them fantastic numbers.
So I had my early scan this am and totally shocked I am pregnant with TWINS!!!! One is measuring 6w3d and the other at 6w1d. Saw the flickering of both their little hearts. I cant believe it!! I am in complete shock. I havent even been able to tell my husband because he is teaching classes at work all day. I have no idea how he will react

:happydance: CONGRATS on your twins! That's amazing xxx

Hey ladies!!

Lots gone on today ! Congrats in the twins jewel baby!!

I had my bloods taken today. My hcg was 96.7 and my prog was 33.3. According to the charts I see the prog is the higher side of normal & the HCG is lower than the norm (100). I am 4w+1.

Do you think this is ok?? Not sure if the HCG is too low?? I have read 100-200. Hopefully can rpt it on Friday & get a clear double! My tests are getting darker & still say pos but I am still so scared!

Thanks for all advice/positive thoughts in advance!


JuneMummy, I read that at 4w, hcg should be 50 or above, so according to that you're at a good level :flow:

My boobs have been swollen and really tender. I have been woozy, but not sick until this morning when I was in the shower trying to think of what I should eat for breakfast. I started gagging at the thought of food and ended up dry-heaving, then again when I brushed my teeth. It didn't last long, though.

An an aside- is this a busty chicken? It's terrifying. > :holly:

LOL!!! Busty chicken! It is quite terrifying.

Lots of blood now :-( lower back pain. I'm just numb right now

:hugs: So so sorry TrueBlue. :cry: Thinking of you xx

Wow there are so many June babys its so great, Most of you will be giving birth at the beginning of Summer but for me I will carry all Summer and June will be winter for me...

Me too - fellow Kiwi! :) :hugs: Our house is freezing, a bit worried about having a newborn in the middle of winter with no sufficient heating.

Hi guys thought it join you. I got my bfp on a cb digital conception indicator Monday which said 3+ and a fr test confirmed it yesterday morning. My last period was 17th August but I have quite long cycles (38-40 generally but it varies) and didn't temp or anything so I'm not really sure how far gone I am. I have input it into one of these calculators and based off my last period it's 6 weeks but I'm not sure . This would be my first , can you tell lol?. My symptoms I would say are mood swings- im quite tearful , I have had the odd cramping and one spasm mon morning(but I was crying). And aching in my back. ATM no morning sickness but I do get queasy when I'm hungry and im hungry alot quicker. My main symptom(up until this morning but I lay on my side last night and didn't wear a bra) is sore nipples. I'd assumed af was on the way but it's worse than they would be usually. They ache and my nipples are so sore. All my partner has to do is touch them and I'm nearly in tears. Plus I have shooting pains from the nipple a few times.

Is anyone else absolutely terrified it's so early?. My mum contacted the surgerys receptionist yesterday and they said the doctors don't to urine tests for preg anymore. But she'd give the midwife a call. Is this normal? I thought I'd have to have a blood test at least?. In my heart it hasn't sunk in. I keep thinking that I'll go down there and they'll say there's nothing in there , that it's just a fake pregnancy. And I am so so scared with every ache it's a mc. I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life. Everyone's so happy(family) I don't want to lose it or find out there's nothing there.

I'm the same as you Ghost - also very terrified. Yesterday I started getting light stabbing-type pain over and over in a really specific place in my abdomen. It keeps freaking me out!!! Also the same as you about being tearful - I wanted to cry last night when I watched X Factor as I felt so heartbroken for the people who got sent home! Lol.
Those numbers are wonderful nzjade!!

BTW, is it me or is anyone else feeling extremely happy lately. It feels so great to feel this good this time around! My last two pregnancies, I wasnt feeling as good and I contribute some of my stress at the time to it! But I just thought I'd share with you all my feelings today! :happydance:
Hi ladies!

Wow I have a lot to catch up on since I didn't log in yesterday.

Well I had my second beta blood test yesterday and just got the results back now.

4w1d (14 dpo): hcg = 170
5w1d (21 dpo): hcg = 3700

I just used the Beta hcg Doubling calculator on Countdown to Pregnancy, and it said my Beta doubling time is 35.55 hours.

Does anyone know if this is normal?

Thanks xxx :flow:

Doubling every 48 hours is average. You're doing great!:happydance:
Nzjade~ LOL about the Fear Factor! I've been getting teary about the most ridiculous things on TV the last 3 days. I can't even count how many times tears filled my eyes and I'm pretty sure I would be embarrassed if anyone saw me :blush:
Those numbers are wonderful nzjade!!

BTW, is it me or is anyone else feeling extremely happy lately. It feels so great to feel this good this time around! My last two pregnancies, I wasnt feeling as good and I contribute some of my stress at the time to it! But I just thought I'd share with you all my feelings today! :happydance:

Yeah I'm also feeling really happy, and terrified at the same time, but mostly just happy. Feel like breaking into a :happydance: spontaneously :)

I have a funny story for you ladies which may make you feel better if you are bloated like me:

I went to the dentist yesterday for a check-up and clean after getting my wisdom teeth removed 6 months ago. Anyway, I noticed the dentist had her little x-ray things sitting there ready to use. I said "no x-rays please, I'm 5 weeks pregnant". The dental assistant must have only heard the word 'pregnant' but not '5 weeks', and said "Oh I thought you were, I didn't want to ask though in case I put my foot in it. How many months are you?"

MONTHS!!! Lol - so I said "5 weeks". Awkward!! Sooo funny, I told my OH and he thought she was really rude. But I just laughed and explained I am very bloated and it's true I do look about 4 months gone at the moment!
Those numbers are wonderful nzjade!!

BTW, is it me or is anyone else feeling extremely happy lately. It feels so great to feel this good this time around! My last two pregnancies, I wasnt feeling as good and I contribute some of my stress at the time to it! But I just thought I'd share with you all my feelings today! :happydance:

Me too!! Before today my fiance has been telling me that he can't tell what mood i'm in. Have been so scared and worried over everything. But today i'm on cloud 9. Don't get me wrong, i'm still worried but i'm so happy right now.

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