Just got referred for IVF

hi sheri, good luck on your tww. hope the time goes very quickly for you and that it is a happy ending. i noticed you are in Australia. how did you find your clinic?
Oops only just seen your post... I live on the west coast and just went to the clinic we were recovered to which was Hollywood, they have been great so far, unfortunately we got a BFN with our first icsi :( but we have 3 Christie's and will be having a FET next month fx'd
That's referred to not recovered... Stupid iPhone!
hi sheri, good luck on your tww. hope the time goes very quickly for you and that it is a happy ending. i noticed you are in Australia. how did you find your clinic?
Oops only just seen your post... I live on the west coast and just went to the clinic we were recovered to which was Hollywood, they have been great so far, unfortunately we got a BFN with our first icsi :( but we have 3 Christie's and will be having a FET next month fx'd

so sorry to hear about your BFN. I hope you are feeling fine. I wish you loads and loads of sticky dust. You really deserve your BFP.
Hi Sheri sorry to hear about the bfn :-(
Were u ttc'ing very long before IvF ?
How are u feeling about it if u don't mind me asking?
Hope your FET goes well next month and it's great u get to try again so soon

Ladyf hope the bday party went well I can't believe that friend of yours asks u about ttc in front of others that is so insensitive some people have no idea.

Had a relaxing weekend and no bd'ing :-(
So basically I am absolutely heading for IvF . Dh has kinda lost his mojo during ov week I guess when u hear that we only have 2% Chance each month it's hard to keep the momentum
Hi Sheri sorry to hear about the bfn :-(
Were u ttc'ing very long before IvF ?
How are u feeling about it if u don't mind me asking?
Hope your FET goes well next month and it's great u get to try again so soon

Ladyf hope the bday party went well I can't believe that friend of yours asks u about ttc in front of others that is so insensitive some people have no idea.

Had a relaxing weekend and no bd'ing :-(
So basically I am absolutely heading for IvF . Dh has kinda lost his mojo during ov week I guess when u hear that we only have 2% Chance each month it's hard to keep the momentum

Dont worry too much about not BDing if you really are ready for IVF. I am just taking it easy and waiting for my IVF. It sure helps to take some stress off before the actual IVF thingy begins.
Thanks guys, af showed up on the Friday before Monday's BT & I was devastated that day & I'm still sad but in a way I'm glad it happened straight away & not a m/c a few weeks down the track...
Aleja my OH has a blood disorder & his medication to controll it is a light dose of chemo everyday in tablet form which is terrible for sperm, so we knew from the start & his first count was 1 million, though we still tried while we saved the $$$ for ivf icsi. I have 2 DD ( 14 & 11 ) from my first marriage that I conceived pretty much the first month of trying so ivf was something I never dreamed I would ever have to go through myself but it sure has made me realize how my girls are even more precious to me now than they already were...
Thanks guys, af showed up on the Friday before Monday's BT & I was devastated that day & I'm still sad but in a way I'm glad it happened straight away & not a m/c a few weeks down the track...
Aleja my OH has a blood disorder & his medication to controll it is a light dose of chemo everyday in tablet form which is terrible for sperm, so we knew from the start & his first count was 1 million, though we still tried while we saved the $$$ for ivf icsi. I have 2 DD ( 14 & 11 ) from my first marriage that I conceived pretty much the first month of trying so ivf was something I never dreamed I would ever have to go through myself but it sure has made me realize how my girls are even more precious to me now than they already were...

We really appreciate that you shared your story with us. Blessed you are to have your 2 DDs. May god soon bless you with another LO. Wishing you lots and lots of luck with FET.
hi sheri, you are so right about your daughters being precious little beings. i guess we only realise how special conceiving life is when it is hard to do so. Thanks for sharing your story about your DH . it is amazing to think that modern technology can help each one tof us to hopefully conceive no matter what the medical situation. all the best

honeycheeks- yes that's exactly right i am ready for IVf and i didn't really have much hope for a natural PG anyway...now i wish the clock would just tick over.....:coffee:
today we got a phone call from the clinic ..our first official IVF consult has been rescheduled from tomorrow to Friday:dohh: apparently the FS got called away or something. If we hadn't already met him a few times (and thought he was pretty good) I would be so annoyed right now....
hi sheri, you are so right about your daughters being precious little beings. i guess we only realise how special conceiving life is when it is hard to do so. Thanks for sharing your story about your DH . it is amazing to think that modern technology can help each one tof us to hopefully conceive no matter what the medical situation. all the best

honeycheeks- yes that's exactly right i am ready for IVf and i didn't really have much hope for a natural PG anyway...now i wish the clock would just tick over.....:coffee:
today we got a phone call from the clinic ..our first official IVF consult has been rescheduled from tomorrow to Friday:dohh: apparently the FS got called away or something. If we hadn't already met him a few times (and thought he was pretty good) I would be so annoyed right now....

Aleja - wishing you all the luck needed to make a baby. Getting your appointment postponed must be the most frustrating thing to happen. I have been counting down every day to my first appointment. Well friday isnt too far away. I am thinking of you. Update us on your appointment.

Other than counting days to my first consultation, I have been praying that AF doesnt eff up. I dont ovulate without CLomid or so, but I still hope my cycles are not disturbed, I mean i still want AF to come when it is expected, that way I wont have to deal with much mess before I nose dive into the IVF protocol, or so I think. Who knows for sure :haha:
Hey ladies
Sheri :flower: l hope you get your BFP soon.guess the 2DD you already have make you realise how blessed you are. Sending lots of baby dust your way! Fxd

Honeycheeks- yes fibroids can be nasty, wish l had started the investigations a long time ago.hope your cycles don't get messed up and Af comes right on time.

Aleja-l know sometimes Bding is just not possible when you are not in the mood. Friday is just around the corner, hope everything goes well.

Afm- l have multiple fibroids and the largest one is on the outside of the uterus. Was referred to a FS who only comes to the centre once a fortnight , so l see him next Thursday.l will ask him if l can be a regular patient so that l can go to his office when l need to. Gp requested for a repeat for my DH SA, he said we should abstain for 2 weeks?but google says if you abstain for more than 7 days the sperm won't be good. :wacko:! So l will ask the FS if that is the right thing to do. If fibroid is outside l would rather try the iui first before surgery or anything if he says it's ok. and DH first sperm count was really low, less than a million :cry:.
I got a positive opk on sat, Bd on Sunday but after the results on Monday , l just wasnt up to it. Next week feels like next year to me.

The party was ok, one lady ( acquaintance) who was at the party is 15 weeks pregnant and she has been married for 4 months. Yep! 4 months and it just happened like that! I am happy for her , but where is my BFP?????
Hey ladies
Sheri :flower: l hope you get your BFP soon.guess the 2DD you already have make you realise how blessed you are. Sending lots of baby dust your way! Fxd

Honeycheeks- yes fibroids can be nasty, wish l had started the investigations a long time ago.hope your cycles don't get messed up and Af comes right on time.

Aleja-l know sometimes Bding is just not possible when you are not in the mood. Friday is just around the corner, hope everything goes well.

Afm- l have multiple fibroids and the largest one is on the outside of the uterus. Was referred to a FS who only comes to the centre once a fortnight , so l see him next Thursday.l will ask him if l can be a regular patient so that l can go to his office when l need to. Gp requested for a repeat for my DH SA, he said we should abstain for 2 weeks?but google says if you abstain for more than 7 days the sperm won't be good. :wacko:! So l will ask the FS if that is the right thing to do. If fibroid is outside l would rather try the iui first before surgery or anything if he says it's ok. and DH first sperm count was really low, less than a million :cry:.
I got a positive opk on sat, Bd on Sunday but after the results on Monday , l just wasnt up to it. Next week feels like next year to me.

The party was ok, one lady ( acquaintance) who was at the party is 15 weeks pregnant and she has been married for 4 months. Yep! 4 months and it just happened like that! I am happy for her , but where is my BFP?????

Ladyf - I hope you get to see your doc whenever you need to and get the fibroids sorted out soon. For an SA it is definitely pointless to abstain for 2 weeks, as most of the sperm wil be too old or dead and hardly moving. The best would be to abstain for 2 days and do it on the third day. I hope the fibroids dont come in the way. Sorry to hear that your DH's sperm count is too low. I dont know how good the chances are with IUI with such low count. You might want to discuss with your doctor before you go for IUI. I hope he is taking enough supplements and has a better count on the next SA. I have everything crossed for you.

I hope you had a nice time at the party. At any social situation, it just seems impossible to avoid pregnant women. Just think of the times when we are going to be pregnant and be envied by other women...haha what an evil thought :devil: On a positive note, I am sure we are all going to get our BFPs and thats very soon.

Oh ya, and last night I had weird dreams of my first consultation with a doc at IVF centre and blah blah blah..it was not pleasant at all. I am really anxious, I just want to jump a few weeks and go into it sooooon.
Hi ladies honey cheeks I know exactly what u mean sometimes I wish I could fall into a deep sleep and wake up just in time for my first cycle:haha:
But I shouldn't complain as my appt is around the corner.
I have also been dreaming about IvF stuff too talk about having a one track mind. Gl with AF arriving
Ladyf so glad you are on the way to sorting out those annoying fibroids.
I agree with honey cheeks - 2 weeks is way too long before a SA test . My dh was told to abstain for no more than 4 days but ideally 2-3 . I hope your dh has better results for next test . My dh also got 1 million for first test & 2 mil for second one. Fs told us it was too low for IUI as they need minimum 5 million to do it and even then he gave us 14% chance success :nope:
It will be good to finally speak to your FS to ask all the questions you have.
Thanx ladies for your support, l can't think of anything else right now cause it seems like ttc is just going to get more difficult with DH SA and there is no way we are going to use sperm donor.we have decided that he abstain for 5 days , cause he is busy at work during the week. Have been doing a bit of research, it says more than 7 days is useless as the motility will be decreased. I dont even know if my doc knows what he is doing.anyway, l think after the referral and getting my DH SA we are changing the doc. He doesnt not have an idea what we are going through.even told us not to get worried cause it will happen, HOW???the count is really low.:growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:.

Honeycheeks- don't let those dreams scare you , all will be well. We are nearly in April so time is moving.

Aleja- guess you won't be able to sleep with excitement tonight for your consultation tomorrow. Praying you get the right info to start your journey. All the best.
ok ladies, i have another problem now. We live in a different country away from family and havent told them much about the doc consultations, medications, blah blah blah...
Now that it is IVF time, DH thinks I should tell my parents. I am already nervous enough for the IVF without more ppl knowing it. Telling ppl, whether they be my parents is going to make it 10 times worse for me. I am naturally an anxious person. Just the thought of having to tell ppl makes me lose my sleep. He thinks it is a big decision and it would be wrong not to tell family. But inside my mind i feel, the more ppl know the more pressurised I feel in some way, i dont know how to explain it really, i hope you can understand what i mean.
I dont know what I should do, what do you think?
Hi honey cheeks this is a dilemma that I think is common for all IvF gals . I can understand why your dh wants to share the news as it can be a great source of support if you need it but I guess for me we have decided to keep it low key .. I did tell my immediate family but only said that we might be doing IvF ... I am not going to confirm dates of cycles etc as I don't want the added pressure of them asking me how it's going etc . As it is my mum keeps asking when my next clinic appt is and I am telling her the bare minimum . Im really close to my mum but I don't want her to worry or her to worry about me . I am not going to tell any friends either ... They know we're are having issues but again I don't need any extra pressure. Plus in case it doesn't work the first cycle I don't want them to tippy-toe around us or feel sorry for us.
It's a tough one for u because u may not have support on hand but this can also be an advantage. Hope you guys come to a compromise . If you don't mind me asking what country do u live in?

Ladyf I can't wait to hear what your FS says because ur GP sounds pretty hopeless too!
Hi honey cheeks this is a dilemma that I think is common for all IvF gals . I can understand why your dh wants to share the news as it can be a great source of support if you need it but I guess for me we have decided to keep it low key .. I did tell my immediate family but only said that we might be doing IvF ... I am not going to confirm dates of cycles etc as I don't want the added pressure of them asking me how it's going etc . As it is my mum keeps asking when my next clinic appt is and I am telling her the bare minimum . Im really close to my mum but I don't want her to worry or her to worry about me . I am not going to tell any friends either ... They know we're are having issues but again I don't need any extra pressure. Plus in case it doesn't work the first cycle I don't want them to tippy-toe around us or feel sorry for us.
It's a tough one for u because u may not have support on hand but this can also be an advantage. Hope you guys come to a compromise . If you don't mind me asking what country do u live in?

Ladyf I can't wait to hear what your FS says because ur GP sounds pretty hopeless too!

Thanks aleja, I have told my mom we have problems and even if we dint tell, anyone would have guessed it by now. I am pretty close to my mom and we used to share everything, but not this one. I just dont want to involve anyone in this, i want to keep it my own thing, i dont know if that makes sense. I live with my husband in the middle east, in Qatar. Healthcare is good and subsidized here, so i dont have to compromise on anything. With more ppl i have this feeling of being under pressure to make it happen and that is a too over powering feeling. I have given my mom hints of what we were doing till the part of both tubes being blocked. I dont know how they would react to hear both tubes being blocked. Smetimes more than my parents being supportive, i fear that they might accuse me for not being able to give them their first grandchild. I might be wrong in everything i am thinking, what i cant help myself. As if handling the IVF thing wasnt enough for me. I also fear if I might have to have my tubes surgically removed before the actual IVF.

This was too much of a rant, i know, but i had to let it out.
Hi honeycheeks it's perfectly ok to rant that's what we are all here for.. To support each other. Yes I understand now why you are reluctant to share your news to your mum. It is hard enough dealing with our own infertility let alone worrying about what everyone else thinks of us. My dh probably feels like you perhaps as he doesnt want anyone to know especially because it's his male factor issues that lead us to this journey .. He wasn't too happy I told my mum the reasons but at the end of the day no one should be judged by their physiology. You didn't cause your tubal blockage so it is sad to think family may feel disappointed when it's clearly something out of your control. Hope that your family is understanding if you decide to tell them but if u have any doubt maybe your should wait a bit longer until u are ready to deal with their reactions . All the best. And you are so lucky to have access to great and fair health care in Qatar
Hi honeycheeks it's perfectly ok to rant that's what we are all here for.. To support each other. Yes I understand now why you are reluctant to share your news to your mum. It is hard enough dealing with our own infertility let alone worrying about what everyone else thinks of us. My dh probably feels like you perhaps as he doesnt want anyone to know especially because it's his male factor issues that lead us to this journey .. He wasn't too happy I told my mum the reasons but at the end of the day no one should be judged by their physiology. You didn't cause your tubal blockage so it is sad to think family may feel disappointed when it's clearly something out of your control. Hope that your family is understanding if you decide to tell them but if u have any doubt maybe your should wait a bit longer until u are ready to deal with their reactions . All the best. And you are so lucky to have access to great and fair health care in Qatar

Thanks a lot aleja.I just think i am over reacting to every little thing and it takes me a while to get used to the thought of anything i hadnt planned in my mind. I should probably work on this thing and work out what we need to do, have to do some more talking with my husband. Thank god he has been so supportive through this all. Sometimes I feel totally lost and back to square one :shrug:. This one month without TTC was suppose to be relaxing for me. And after the dammn HSG BD has been so painful, I havent even been letting DH come close, poor him.
:hugs: Honeycheeks .that's a tough one, but like aleja said don't rush into saying something that you are not ready to say.if you feel that they might judge you,l would personally keep it to myself.sometimes DHs don't really understand what we are going through ,try and tell him you will tell them when you are ready.the emotional toll that ttc has on us is bad enough you do not need any more pressure.sometimes l feel that since DH is my other half he should be my strength and l just do not want to burden my family with my worries esp about ttc cause they are just too personal & sensitive.Since you said he has been supportive ,he might not pressure you into saying anything if you are not ready.anyway,you haven't really kept them in the dark,they know that there are issues,you do not have to give them all the details.that is just my thinking.it's no ones fault that we have difficulties ttc, take your time to make the decision and do what you are comfortable with.

l feel like l can't tell my family abt DH count,l have already told my sisters about the fibroids ,so they think it's just me.my DH would be upset if l told anyone since its early days and we are still hoping the second one will be better.

aleja- my GP is useless at the moment ,he is only good at writing sick certificates when l need them for work :dohh:. let us know how your appointment goes.GL.which state are you in, if you don't mind me asking.am in Victoria,Melbourne .
hi ladyf, hey if your doc is writing the sick certificates then that is all okay then. see they come in handy sometimes! when is your next appt? I am in Sydney so we are neighbours (and friendly rivals!!)

honeycheeks, more talking with your dh sounds like a good idea. i am sorry to hear about your painful bding? what did your doc say about this? the actual HSG exam was very painful for me but afterwards i didn't notice any difference. how long ago was the hsg?

Me: well i went to the FS clinic appt and signed a bunch of paperwork. FS went through a whole lot of stuff including medications and frozen embryos etc. I will be on an antagonist cycle and he is putting me on orgalutran and elonva, two medications i have never heard of but do the same things as the others. DH had to get another 2 blood tests: karyotying and CF carrier test.

FS sounded very optimistic about everything and I am trying to cling onto this positivity.

Now this is the possible problem: its a logistical one. I may be lucky enough to start a cycle either at the beginning of April or.....June :dohh: (FS is away all of May so he cannot do the procedures- and I am not keen to have another FS do it). The April cycle depends on two things - my cycle being long enough for me to get my nurse orientation done AND for my Dh to come back in time for the egg collection as he is going away for a few days and it is around a crucial point in the cycle when my follicles will be getting ready to be triggered.
i wasn't happy with DH's trip but there is not much we can do about it now.

This is the month I am praying hard that my cycle is as long as possible ...usually it is between 33-38 days and i'd be happy with long long long......but only time will tell.:dust:

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