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Just got referred for IVF

thank you for your response .to tell you that truth l think l might seek second medical opinion regarding this . l really do not think clomid is necessary at all since l already ovulate . l will get a referral to see another Fs next week. l haven't been having the best of luck with medical help, really dissapointing.
will talk to DH abt this , l think he will support me about getting a second opinion.

I really hope you have better luck with a new FS. I am sure your DH will support your decision to seek second opinion. I think it is better to get expert help than mess up with your already perfect cycles.
Wishing you luck, lady.
Good luck I got my BFP this week on my first go of ivf
Hi ladies
Congratulations rosamura thanks for popping in to share the good news.

Honeycheeks and ladyF thanks for your kind and rational words about that idiot acupuncturist story xx

LadyF I don't know much about clomid so what Honeycheeks said was interesting to me too .. All I know that clomid is supposed to help women with ovulation problems ... I tried to get my own FS to 'fix' my long cycles. His response was he could prescribe clomid to make them more regular but there is no point as I ovulate and with low sperm count it won't really solve the real issue anyway .
On what day of your cycle did you have the blood tests ? The cd 21 test ( if you ovulate before this date) should show an increase in progesterone so it's definitely worth doing that one. A second opinion is always a good thing but since FS is putting u on a 2 month trial it doesnt seem that long to wait and see. But ieould be much more firm after this time in getting other things in place rather than just staying on clomid fir longer.
Given your Dh's sperm count is improving that with some clomid for a shot term this might do the trick. What will FS plan to do after 2 months?
l am really confused about this clomid issue , like what aleja is saying a part. of me is saying l should just go ahead and see if it works for the 2 months since its a low dose anyway . seems like when you are on higher doses like 100mg cysts might develop, l already have fibroids so l really do not need cysts as well.
yes, Honeycheeks my Dr has no idea what he is doing and sometimes he just does not listen. l tried to explain the 2 weeks abstinence issue to him that it was not right but he twisted my words saying l was implying that you deposit the sperm in the cup and keep it for 2 weeks , of course it will be stale and old :dohh: it was pointless arguing with him, so l just let it go. his English is very good so he know what l was saying. it is really high time l looked for another Dr.l need a referral though, so l will have to be nice and just stop going there .
hi ladyf, is the doctor that prescribed the clomid the same person that suggested your DH wait 2 weeks before giving the sperm sample?? if so I would definitely seek another opinion ..he doesn't seem to be too in the know about fertility issues. is he a GP or FS?
I guess two months is not long but depends how impatient you are. Even if he is a fertility doctor some are strange in their thinking. I remember I went to a specialist about 18 mths ago and he was so blaise about my situation - he just tried to convince me to get private health insurance so he could be my Ob/gyn and deliver my future baby! i left his office thinking there is no way i wanted to see that man again!!!!

anyways whatever you decide, it is up to you at the end of the day and you will make the right choice x
Good luck I got my BFP this week on my first go of ivf

Huge congrats Ros. And thank you so much for sharing your success here.Wish you a happy journey to motherhood.
btw How many embies did you transfer?
Ladyf- if you really decide to give clomid a go, i would not discourage you. One of my frnds on the TTC forum got her BFP after 3 yrs of trying , when she did an injectible cycle and produced 4 follicles. So you might have multiple ovulatation with clomid which might increase chances of conception.
But my advise is that, if you really try clomid, make sure to find out how your body is repsonding to it. Whenever clomid is prescribed , usually you will be called in for regular u/s scans to monitor the follicular development. Make sure you ask your doc to do that. There is no point in doing a blind trial with clomid. And in the 2 months that you set aside for clomid, make sure all other tests like HSG etc are all done. If you have all the tests carried out and if clomid doesnt work too, then you know exactly what to do next without any time being wasted.

The SA discussion with your doc seemed really gross. I would have wanted to smack him and walk out of his clinic.

Good luck for a miracle BFP.
WIshing you doc dust for finding an educated FS :haha:
The GP is the one who recommended the 2 week wait for SA. And the FS prescribed clomid. I am wasting my time with these two aren't l ? Was doing a bit of googling red raspberry tea leaf can be taken until Ov to thicken the lining , am thinking if l should give clomid and that a try for the 2 months maybe it will help the eggs to mature ( l am confused , l guess you ladies have figured that out by now). 6 months ago l was impatient but now l think l am open for anything and kind of giving up...This ttc is draining! And l can't afford to take a break before l know what is really going on. my GP mentioned that if l get private health insurance l might get help faster or something like that ( seriously????). Anyway my Dh doesn't really like him so he will be ok with me finding a competent one.

Going to see the gp tomorrow and see if he can monitor the follicular development ,if not l might am l allowed to cry ladies???lol! And l try to push for the hsg.silly question -can l have the hsg done during the time l am suppose to be taking clomid cd5-9? I am going to have the blood tests although l think they are useless as l already Ov on my own . Last time they were done 7 days after my + opk.

Is it me or 14.5 is still a low sperm count but the FS said is was ok??? I feel like l am wasting my time with these people and l am being taken for a ride :growlmad: For sure l need both an educated Gp and FS ! Lol!

Praying for miracles - BFPs for us soon!!!!thank you Aleja & Honeycheeks for you responses, really appreciate.
hi ladyf, it looks like that last blood test may have been the cd21 already??!!!!
i have no idea what your GP means about private health insurance because if you are prepared to self fund then it shouldn't matter about private health. I have PHI and it doesn't cover anything with assisted conception...only day hospital stay. You will get some back with medicare too.

just a thought....you live in Melbourne, is that right? I am not sure if it's the same as is Sydney but here we have a couple of the hospitals that have state-funded fertility clinics. this is how i ended up getting all mine and DH's test done all at the same place. my Gp was also stalling things so I decided to call the local women's hospital to refer myself. the clinic i went to was staffed by proper fertility specialists and all consultations were free. In my case they were excellent and got to the bottom of the issues within a couple of months. We even the HSG was free. they even do IUI's through medicare but of course we had to be referred to IVF so we didn't use this. Just another option...maybe its worth investigating if there is similar clinics near where you are. you will just need to get your GP to write a referral letter..

and in the meantime do the clomid thing? I am not sure if a hsg can be done at the same time as taking meds but i guess they do different things- the hsg will put dye into your tubes to see if there is any blockage so it shouldn't have much to do with hormones and follicle growth.

Anyways the FS said 20 million is cut off for normal sperm but I have seen ladies get their BFP's on BB with much less so don't lose hope
Honey cheeks I transferred on day 3 1x textbook 8 cell
And 1 x six cell slightly fragmented but still good. So I had two back and now I am pregnant I am wondering how many lol
Honey cheeks I transferred on day 3 1x textbook 8 cell
And 1 x six cell slightly fragmented but still good. So I had two back and now I am pregnant I am wondering how many lol

It would be a curious wait for you to find out how many peanuts are in there. Wouldnt it be exciting to have 2. I am looking forward to 2 when it is my time. Good luck girl!
ladyf- You can do HSG on a clomid cycle. HSG is usually done on one of the days following AF and before ovulation.It does not interfere with ovulation and you can also TTC the same cycle.

I guess 14 million is still not a very good count. But I really donno how good the chances are for a natural conception with that numbers. But I know that chances with IUI are very good with anything above 10 million. So I guess things are not really bad, and is still improving. I am really hoping you can conceive naturally.

And please dont dont give up TTC. We are all here to help you and support you. You need to do the best to find out what is wrong and what works best, instead of going by guesses by lame docs.

Please please find an FS who can really help.
congrats Rosaimura!!!! twins will be great,l would want twins too but will still be grateful for one.a H&H 9 months!!!
hey ladies, i was referred here by miss honeycheeks herself (thanks by the way). i feel sort of lost in the IVF world. i am hoping that our appointment/consultation thurs. will help clarify somethings. can you ladies think of some questions that i would need to know the answers to asap? DH & i are trying to compose a list. just a little bit of info on us, we have been trying 16 months to have a little bundle of joy of our own. i know that doesn't seem very long in the big picture...but it was long enough for me. i have been poked and prodded and things seem to be fine with me. DH has minor mobility issues, his count is just fine. we tried 3 rounds of unsuccessful IUI's, with clomid 50mg & 100mg. the TTW is simply awful. we are hoping and praying that IVF is the baby ticket for us. any suggestions or feedback you ladies have to offer would be GREATLY appreciated.
Honey cheeks I transferred on day 3 1x textbook 8 cell
And 1 x six cell slightly fragmented but still good. So I had two back and now I am pregnant I am wondering how many lol

BIG CONGRATS! such exciting news for you & hopeful news for us :happydance:

do you mind if i pick your brain a bit? i think i read you had success with the first round of IVF right? awesome! how did IVF treat you? hope well. how many eggs were they able to take from you & how many did you let them implant? i hope i didn't ask too personal of questions. i am just utterly curious about this whole thing. thanks & congrats again!!! :baby:
hey ladies, i was referred here by miss honeycheeks herself (thanks by the way). i feel sort of lost in the IVF world. i am hoping that our appointment/consultation thurs. will help clarify somethings. can you ladies think of some questions that i would need to know the answers to asap? DH & i are trying to compose a list. just a little bit of info on us, we have been trying 16 months to have a little bundle of joy of our own. i know that doesn't seem very long in the big picture...but it was long enough for me. i have been poked and prodded and things seem to be fine with me. DH has minor mobility issues, his count is just fine. we tried 3 rounds of unsuccessful IUI's, with clomid 50mg & 100mg. the TTW is simply awful. we are hoping and praying that IVF is the baby ticket for us. any suggestions or feedback you ladies have to offer would be GREATLY appreciated.

Heya, tobefruitful, i am excited to see you on this thread. Welcome on here.I am glad to hear that you have your appointment soon. Make a list of all things you want to know and update us on your appointment.16 months is a long time...but it all wont matter when you finally have your BFP and Im sure that is pretty soon. Sorry that 3 IUIs dint work for you :(

Well from what I have read about IVF, you might want to find to discuss these with your doc.
whether they follow the long protocol or short protocol?
how many eggs are they looking forward too
what day transfers do they do?
how many embies to transfer?
what technology they use for freezing extra embryos? it will help you understand how good a chance they have for survival upon thawing.
what are the entire course of medications which you will have to take?

Well i cant think of anything else yet. I havent even had my first appointment yet. So i really dont know much.

Oh yeah, you asked me on the other thread, if I am good at giving shots to myself. It is something both me and DH have never done before. But my DH is a strong wall of support, we will do it together. 27 months ago, when we started TTC, I knew nothing about it, now I can proudly can proudly say that I know enough to offer the best advise to anyone. We will all become IVF pro's and half nurses and docs by the end of this journey.
good luck girl, keep us updated.
hi tobefruitful, welcome and thanks for joining the thread. Yes IVF world is overwhelming and its easy to feel lost. 16mths is a long time for be trying for a baby so it is good to hear you and your Dh are taking the plunge towards your baby. Honeycheeks questions are really good and seem to have covered everything. I didn't know what to ask during my appointments and I wish i had thought of some of these!
Some other things to consider:
What the medications are and why they choose them?
Any other tests to be done before cycle? e.g. for chromosomes or genetic abnormalities or sperm DNA fragmentation, etc
Where you will do the monitoring/blood tests?
Will your FS be doing the EPU and transfer?
Is FS due to go on holidays during your cycle! (funnily enough it happens as these doctors seem to have commitments everywhere!)
How the clinic will contact you for updates..

They will probably go through all this stuff at your appointment. GL and looking forward to hearing how it goes.

honeycheeks you are very knowledgeable about all things ivf and your wise words are very supportive and helpful xxx
Thanks Aleja, I think I should ask about getting tested for genetic abnormalities and sperm DNA fragmentation. Will discuss with DH first and decide if we want to get tested.
FS going on a holiday during your cycle sounds so irresponsible and indifferent, but that sure happens . I have see a lot of women rant about such happenings here on BnB.

Yay!! 3 weeks for my appointment.
Hi honey cheeks yay !! 3 weeks ... I think I will be deep into my first iCsi cycle by that point as my af finally started arriving today!!! Excited but also scared .
My FS is actually going to a work conference in May so it's not really his fault. I think it will be ok though now that I am starting this month. I noticed that the clinic had a sign outlining each doctor's holidays and work schedules (eg some still doctors deliver babies so they might be called out to a private patient's delivery) I guess patients can work around this but i agree I would be very upset if I found out my FS was not available for the EPU and transfer
Aleja- I am equally excited and already started feeling nervous too. Though tww always seemed like an endless wait, the next 3 weeks will fly by and I am getting too anxious and nervous and excited all at the same time. Wish you good luck. When does your medications start?
When each of us start our medications it would be helpful to list them in our siggy, so each of us can have a quick reference of the medications and dosage and how we respond to them.

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