Just need advice


New Member
Apr 27, 2013
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Well, sorry in advance for the long message:

I am 20yrsold and i have had severe stomach cramps for the last 4yrs, pelvic pains, pains from my lower abdo down in my vagina. I have had a few tests and currently going through tests and meetings with consultants to check further what could be wrong. I have periods every month, quite heavy periods and at this time the pains i get are even more severe to the point i have to take tramadol to calm them down. I dont have any STI's as i have been checked already. Me and my partner have had unprotected sex for 2yrs and not once become pregnant. He does have a low sperm count, which obviously has not helped, however we have had alot of unprotected intercourse and so that should have helped things! I have had unprotected sex with other partners in the past and not fell pregnant either. I try eating healthily and try doing different things which i have read about to try and get pregnant as that is what we both want but nothing has happened!! I get very depressed and down about the whole situation and the tests i am having are taking forever. There may be nothing wrong with me and it may just be his low sperm count, if this is the issue can anyone anyone at all please give us some advice on getting pregnant, different techniques or different things to try! I often sit and cry because it hasnt happened yet and its all that i have ever dreamed of to be a mum and i think constantly that it is not going to happen and it gets me really depressed. My partner doesnt like discussing it so i have no one to really talk to who understands.:cry: Please can someone give me some advice or someone in the same boat please just have a chat so i know i am not alone and that there is people out there with the same problems as me.

thank you in advance. :thumbup:
Ok first thing is your partner can't drink, smoke or do any drugs- they all lower Sperm count!
There's are also prenatal vitamins for men to that increase his fertility.

Good luck!
Hi hun,

I would ask your OBGYN or RE or whatever practitioner is running your tests about Endometriosis. Your comments about pain, heavy (but regular) periods and needing to take medication could have been written by me. My partner also has some sperm issues (motility) and we have been actively trying to get pregnant for 2 years now.

I had a laparoscopy in December because my RE suspected endo, afterwards he told me (on several occasions) that he was shocked at how severe my endo was. I wasn't even in *that* much pain.

Our DS was conceived naturally after 6 months of trying, but after he was born the endo took over.

Try not to freak out too much, but I would definitely at least ask your doc if it is something they can look for. There is no way to test for it except for doing a laparoscopy (key-hole surgery), but it is a day surgery. I did mine on Friday and was back to work Monday (although in hindsight I should have waited to go back until Tuesday).

I agree was thinking endo also that is tough one to deal with hun , Hope you get some answers and it ends up not being endo :hugs:
Yea am thinking endo too or probably a fibroid but who knows wish they where a little faster with the results
exactly same as me except I am 3 years+ ttc (hopefully you will get pg soon :) )
I suspected endo due to my symptoms and maternal family history, had laparoscopy recently but they didnt find anything but i do have pcos. They only find the problem in 50% of women on the 1st laparoscopy. Endo can be tiny amount and cause severe pain or vice versa, amount doesnt always correlate to pain level so if it is endo you could just have a small bit but large pain level and they can quite often blast it away during laparoscopy, then when you arent ttc they can try and control it by manipulating oestrogen as i believe (correct me if i'm wrong girls have read so much online it comin out me ears lol) that the endo feeds off the oestrogen (simple 1hour op day case but recovery depends on individual and what is done during) Endo can be totally manageable and not become problematic again once treated but then some women with endo have awful time of it and are never free of it but
I still believe i have endo in a muscle wall or something or they have missed it.
I also have PCOS and strong maternal side history of this.
HAve you had laparoscopy hun? coz can rule out few things
any ladies probs run in the family? xxx

What tests have you had so far? xxx
also just a quick note re the tramadol -i normally manage pain with cocodamol 30/500 and morphine tablets when severe but had to switch to tramadol some months ago, feeling less pain at the moment so wanted to switch back on to my cocodamol so straight away stopped the tramadol but the gp didnt advise me about this (stupid me should have thought to check first) then when getting into bed at night if i havent had tramadol at all for that day i get awful almost like restless leg syndrome in my arms legs n chest so if u hopefully in the future are able to reduce painkillers coz better etc, just be aware of that incase happens to u as i am not psychologically addicted at all so was bit of a shock that me body has decided to be!

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