Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

You know what, I brought that up because I think I may have convinced myself I may be having a little :blue: after all!! Well, because here in the states, they say if you carry your pregnancy high than it's a boy, and if you carry low, like in the pouch part of your abdomen then it's a girl, well I had a dream about me being 7 or 8 months preggers and my belly was sitting HIGH honey! So to me that was enough to convince myself I could just be getting a little :blue:....so we'll see in about 12 weeks, but I'm NOW thinking you may be 1 out of 5.....

Yes! Louisa, the Super Bowl is the ultimate championship for our American Football! They have a celebrity half time show, which happen dead smack in the middle of the game, like an intermission, and they have all these new commercials that are introduced for new products, or just new commercials for old companies, but they are normally really comical and funny, like the one that really made me think my TV blew out :rofl:, people have tailgate parties and drink and talk crap. It's like a most popularized non-Holiday over here :haha:

And I'm sure Kika's aim wasn't to hurt my feelings, but I had to set the record straight. Yes, if it doesn't work out, we as women should be strong on our own for our kids' sake as well as our own sake.Yes, men do have the power to walk away at anytime, but that's not the idea I want in my head for MY marriage because if I have that in the back, that this might not work, than it's gonna make me act and feel like one day it might not work! Our belief is that Marriage is sacred and it's a Bond that is meant to last, and that's how I'm going to approach it. Not setting myself up for a possible failure, HELL NO! My mindset is We are forever, and as long as his ACTIONS tell me the same thing, I won't think any other way. Everyone else can keep their way of thinking, but I'm approaching my Marriage as if I KNOW we're gonna die together because that's why I married him. Yes in 10 or 20 years, I'm sure ANYONE'S view will be different because you would've experienced so much in that time, but I'm not gonna say that I'm gonna be divorced because someone else's didn't last. I'm not thinking about being a statistic, because just like you have people that divorce, you have people who are together FOREVER, and that's where I want to be. Romeo and I do believe that as long as you BOTH are WILLING to work on the issues, then regardless of how bad it gets, because it could get bad, you will get through it. When that stops, then I'll consider the latter, but for now, I can't think like that. I'm sorry, if you marry someone, the only thought that should be in your mind, is "I hope they bury me next to you", not "Well if it ends then this is what I'm gonna do"....unh, unh :nope: not for me.
Oh yessss, woops. I took it out of my sig because the days were wrong and then forgot to make another one (because I found that big one and liked it :haha:) will have to make a new one and see if it fits. Either way my fertile window starts on Friday so I'm gonna start doing opk's today and they should start getting darker :D
Shara, the whole last paragraph of your last post is literally 10000% perfect. THAT is true and exactly how I think and feel about mine and jesse's relationship and soon to be marriage! Imo entering a relationship in a state of mind where something could go wrong then in my eyes you're expecting it to go wrong. So I am right there when you say you entered the relationship--> then marriage with the hopes that it will be forever. That's the way it's meant to be. ever since meeting them I always said I wanted to follow jesse's parents foot steps! Together at 15, married at 20, kids came along, and they're still going strong. Just an example, i know many couples who have lasted years and years, and it's great. That's just what I want to be like. I think if ANY of us had any doubts that their OH is forever, then we would never have tried for these babies right? Nobody wants to be a single parent but if any of us thought for one second that we would be (in a years time,5,10 years time) then we wouldn't be trying to conceive I'm sure :D from everything I've ever heard about our other halfs, especially Shaun and Romeo (nothing personal, just because shara and kim have spoken about DH's more than the rest :)) then we should all be just fine and the main thing - happy!

Shara, the carrying high and low thing applies here too and that is such a coincidence that you dreamt it! I honestly think :blue: I would be just absolutely shocked if you told us baby was :pink: either way, as you've said many times, blessing! And will be a gorgeous one at that :baby: I always seem to convince myself that I wouldn't want to find out the sex until birth, but it's just so convenient to know isn't it? For clothes, nursery colours, more time to choose names. Kika, shara, are you both planning on finding out early? :pink: :blue: it's pointless me even thinking about it yet, I know. But I can't help but think how magical that must be, to be told when it's born! So not only have you just given birth which is life's most amazing gift but THEN finding out what gender you've been cooking these last 9 months! I bet it's just amazing! :baby:

Super bowl sounds cool! I heard about Katy Perry being there and also loads of people here were going on about Seahawks is it?! I thought super bowl was basketball. :rofl: i'm surprised it was Katy Perry there though, I thought it would or been someone new like meghan trainor with her super catchy annoying song lol! :haha:
...To be honest, we never start BD'ing straight after AF. Reason being is that my cervix is really low and closed until O time, and :sex: isn't nice. I won't say it hurts but it's uncomfortable to say the least. I have no idea what the dip was :nope: but I really doubt it's due to O!

I decided today that I need to book a docyors appointment for my anxiety. It is getting ridiculous, ever since those idiot boys the other day! In actual fact they're hanging around right outside my house right now (house is just outside the college entrance!) and I'm shaking like a leaf and feel sick. I feel like I need to constantly stare out the window. It's so bad that I seem to re-run things over in my head, like they're gonna go in a minute, and how these set of 'pupils' (scumbags) will be finished the college soon or hopefully kicked out. :( it's really crappy and sounds ridiculous but whenever something like this happens it changes my overall mood and outlook of life for however long, I don't know, a few weeks or whatever. Theyre just idiots who love to get up to no good which is fine if that's what they want to do, but not right outside my house :nope: it's an invasion of privacy and space, right? :growlmad:

Yeah, :sex: right after AF is the same for me Louisa! Low, low cervix and it feels like he's pushing it back in my damn uterus the whole time! I definitely understand....

And, I'm so sorry I missed this post!!! I know it can be hard dealing with anxiety, so to have an incident like that happen is just more weight on you and I'm so sorry to have to go through that stress and TTC at the same time. I'm glad you have someone to go to though to help with easing that because you don't need when TTC, yet it's not exactly something you could just "get over" either. Anxiety is real and I'm glad you're getting help with it. Not like you're insane or anything lol, but I know firsthand how hard it is to deal with so I just wish you the best of luck sweetie, and someone still needs to kicks those kids' asses BEFORE school lets out:ninja::grr::trouble::gun:......Just sayin'
Thanks shara you sweet woman! It's nice that you all understand. Most people would think I'm crazy for going so mad over it but I really hate week days right now when they're at school. I am like a nervous wreck all the time I'm here. And then when I'm at work and jesse isn't home, I'm scared they're gonna get in here which a lot of them have actually been done for things like burglary and theft etc! It's just wrong that they put this damn college there with no consent from residents that live on their doorstep. We were here first ffs and the worst part is I loved it here before these started their crap! We never really had any trouble or anything so before long I am gonna take a little walk over to that college and explode if they carry on.

Right. Change subject before I go off on one again :rofl: thank you for caring sweets <3

About the low cervix, oh my! How much does that suck! I thought it was just me, because I know my womb tilts back and yes they're different body parts but I wondered if it had any effect on sex after AF but I guess it's common :thumbup:
Louisa, I'm so sorry about your UTI. I've never had one, but I can only imagine how you're feeling. I hope you're able to get something from your GP over the phone! :hugs: I totally understand you wanting to keep your hips up, but is it worth the UTIs? :( Totally your call, but I have read a lot of things that say elevating your hips after BDing is not proven to help the :spermy: get there. Just food for thought! ;) As far as the dip in your temp goes, did you wake up cold, like you needed extra blankets or socks on your feet? If not, I have no other explanation about it, unfortunately. :nope: It sounds like a pre-O dip, tbh, but you say it's too early? What day are you on? Maybe your cycles have gone back to the way they used to be? I'd start BDing just in case, hun! Those stupid jerks are still hanging around?!? Can you call the police when you see them? I definitely suggest you go see a doctor about your anxiety, hun. It is not healthy (although totally understandable!) for you to have such a reaction! :(

Tara, bless your heart! You HAVE been dealing with so much! I hope the kiddos are getting better and hubby is done with the crazy work schedule!

Yaaaaaaaaay, Jodie's back!!! <3 We missed you, hun! And congratulations on your baby girl!!! :pink: I'm glad everything's OK, though. :hugs: And I love your new avi - so sweet!!! Is she sucking her thumb?!? How stinkin' CUTE!!! How exciting that you've been to purchase gender specific outfits!!! And I'm super glad to hear that Kyle has mostly straightened his act out. I really like that he's given himself set hours. I think you'll be hard pressed to find a guy who isn't at least a little obsessed with his games, but it's good he's being better about it! And how sweet that he's being so protective of you AND that he's terrified about having a little girl because he'll be protective of her, too. She will have him wrapped around that pinky finger! <3 And from here on out, we (that means all of us) have to make each other the following promise: we will ALWAYS post our LO pics ASAP!!! These LOs are our "nieces" and "nephews", so no need to ask if we want to see! We're chomping at the bit to see!!! Now that I've said that, SHE IS SOOOOOO SWEET! I am so very happy for you guys! She is already beautiful like her mommy and will continue to be after birth!!! <3

Ohmigosh, Shara, I can hardly wait for your appointment on the 25th!!! I really feel like you are baking twin buns!!! I totally remember the sensitive nips stage. Every morning after brushing my teeth, when I'd lean over to rinse my mouth out, they'd brush the countertop (like every other day of my life before that) and then stand to attention just from that regular every day thing! I totally forgot about that until you mentioned it. I actually found those little nuisances exciting because it meant "I'm pregnant!" I hope you're enjoying every minute! <3 I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so emotional, but as you know, it's totally normal. As women, we go through a lot of feelings and emotions starting from the moment we find out. Anxiety about the future and crying about everything are very common, but I know it's frustrating not to be able to get your feelings "resolved". There have been times I have felt absolutely alone, even though I have Shaun, my friends (including SSMs) and family! There are things about being pregnant that suck, but I know none of us would change it for the world. Just know that we are here for you to vent to and we have your back whenever you need us, sweet ladybug! :hugs: Keeping my FX for your appointment to be moved up to 2/18 (the same day as mine - wouldn't that be AWESOME?)!!!

AFM, I had a wonderful weekend with Vicki (my best friend). We went to the outlet mall in Destin, had PF Chang's for lunch and had pedis when we got back to Panama City (that's where we're from and where she still lives). I also got to spend time with my "niece" and "nephew" (her & her DH's children), who are 4 and 6, and I absolutely adore them! The best part about the shopping trip was that I bought Lil Monkey his/her first gender neutral outfits (at Carter's, Shara ;))!!! I got some more maternity clothes, too, which was also exciting, but not as exciting as those sweet tiny baby outfits! I'm just so in love with my little munchkin already! <3
I know Kika didn't mean anything by her post, but I do have to say I agree with Shara. Shaun and I married for life. That's part of the reason we were together for 10 years before getting married. His parents were divorced when he was 5 years old and he wanted to make sure (to the best of his ability) that this relationship was going to be for the long haul. I feel equally as strong about making our relationship work. As long as we're both WILLING to work things out and not give up on each other, we can make it through anything. I also agree with Shara about being unfaithful, as that will not fly with me, either, nor will he EVER put his hands on me in a hurtful way. Those 2 things I consider deal breakers, but I married Shaun knowing in my heart that he is not that kind of a guy, so unless he changes, we will be buried next to each other! Every marriage will go through good times and bad, that's a given. But it's up to the couple as a team to work things out and make the marriage work! <3
:rofl: OMG LOUISA, you crack me up! I actually kind of like Trainor's songs haha....You're so silly!

OMG, Kim that would be Awesome!!! I only chose the 25th because I would 8 exactly, but she wanted to do 7 weeks on the head to see if we could see anything, as well as how many sack were in there, and maybe see a HB or HBs :haha:! That's the gender scan, RIGHT??? How exciting
Kim! Hey lady! <3

It sounds like you had a fab weekend and even better that you got baby monkeys first outfit! Whatever that outfit is, it has to be the one you bring her/him home in!!! It completely makes sense ;) aww!
About the UTI, it really isn't that bad and I'm not in pain it's just annoying and I'm more worried that it will affect chances of conceiving this month if it hasn't cleared by O time. I normally prefer to just let things go in their own time, or by using home remedies because I sometimes react bad to antibiotics or regular tablets in terms of blood pressure and headaches which is just the way some people are, and I know some antibiotics can delay O or completely counteract it that cycle so I really don't want that. Actually, legs up in the air and hips elevated is a ridiculous idea I know. I know 100% there are no studies to prove that it helps :spermy: get there at all, it has just always made me feel better but it hasn't worked these last 5 cycles and I've gone through 2 separate uti's because of it, so no more :nope:

Yep I'm gonna try and get this anxiety sorted kim. The way they have made me feel (and still feel) isn't healthy you're right but I have always been the same when it comes down to burglars etc etc. That's the only time my anxiety shows, other than that I am the most confident person ever, just struggle to deal with things like this happening. Either way it needs to be addressed :)

About my temp dip, I always wake up boiling. But some nights I forget to shut the window and i do feel the need to pull the cover further over me but I don't think it was that bad the other day. I really don't know why it could have been. I'm on CD11 and my fertile window starts on friday at CD15 ready to O around CD19/20/21. :)

Shara it's so true! Her first song is good but ridiculously annoying! :haha: all about that bass, really? There is NO bass in her song lol! I do like the future husband one of hers though, it reminds me of jesse :rofl:
OMG, Kim that would be Awesome!!! I only chose the 25th because I would 8 exactly, but she wanted to do 7 weeks on the head to see if we could see anything, as well as how many sack were in there, and maybe see a HB or HBs :haha:! That's the gender scan, RIGHT??? How exciting

I have a feeling we're going to see 2 sacs and 2 HBs! I will be VERY surprised if you have a single LO in there, honestly. And yes, 2/18 is the gender scan!!! :wohoo:
Girls, I think we can make it to 2,000 posts today! I know y'all talked about it last week and I never got around to commenting on it, but we are so close!!!
But how do you see the number of posts? I can only see number of pages :( which IS 200 right now - yay! :wohoo:
In the top right corner of each post. This one is 1,993! Do you see it?
No I don't see it. Boooo! I can't see the post numbers. Just page numbers here :shrug:
Boooooo indeed!!! I wonder if any of the other ladies see them?
I can see it, but she has to be on an actual computer, or put her mobile devile on desktop version!! This one is 1996 Louisa!! WE CAN DO IT
Oh yeah if I switch to desktop version then I can see! This is 1997.. Do you know what shara :rofl: when you just said this is 1996, I thought you meant your PHONE is from 1996 meaning if yours can do it then mine can :haha: :wohoo: laughing hard right now. I'm so dumb. I just remembered the time you said your phone is super old hahaha I was about to say it can't be that old!!!:rofl:
:rofl: I am gonna get fired I just laughed so hard Louisa!!! NO not THAT old hahahahaha. OMG I wish we could webchat on here, that would so freaking awesome so that you could see how I am dying with laughter right now :rofl:
HAHAH bless you :wohoo: :rofl: you crack me up and this thread *makes* my day! Webcam feature on here would be amazing!!!

6 minutes until my deadly night shift starts! Yawnnnn. It's weird to think we are all at work at the same time but it's day there and to me its a night shift, not day :haha:

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