Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Aww bless him I'm glad he's starting to change a bit! And him getting more protective is so good :) that's what I would hope jesse would be like :)

Aw thank you!! Bless you haha :hugs:

Yessss post 4D picture pleaseeee!!!! <3 :baby:
Here she is :)

Aww I bet he will! Im glad he has too.. hopefully it stays that way!xx


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Just noticed the writing on your ticker. Have you felt her kick yet? :)
I have!! But only every now and then, feels like little flicks/muscle spasms! xx
Awww! Super cute! :baby: where did you get her first pink outfits from?! :p I saw some really nice bits in tesco the other night! I'm always so tempted to buy. Not a good idea lol
Awe, Jody, she's adorable!!!

I always pee after sex and I cannot fall asleep until I pee and wash down there or take quick shower...

Lou Lou I think may be measure in F for the American girls to be able to advice? I think a dip means you've Ovulated already and hope you BD'd which may explain the pressure and peeing wih conception?!

Shara "surgery" means the doctors office or whatever it's called in american. It also means operation :)

Shara, from my experience, a lot of ppl think they're ready to become parents but they are not. Mostly men. Evolutionary men are there only until the baby's born and a little after... Marriage works on mutual expectation. If you're ready to settle for whatever because you're not greedy for attention or for progress or just because you're grateful for what you have or think it could be worse and so on --> you'll be fine. If your other half changed and became initiative and selfless and so on--> you'll be fine too. You have all your life to figure it out --> you don't have to decide now.

For ppl who separate it works like this --> in the beginning it worked, it was enough, they settled for what they had, etc; and then they decided they wanted more... Both is fine. There isn't a wrong way. So please don't try to decide now. It's normal that you want the dad to be as excited and as involved as you are. But you are the mother and this baby will always be yours and husbands come and go.

I honestly wish for all of us that we stay with our husbands for the rest of our lives and never have to go through separation. But I also wish neither of us had to settle for the second best or have to compromise over wuality and quantity just do they stay together... And I may sound from but I'm telling you this because once you're a mother it's the baby and baby's best interest that matters the most.

I think for now try to enjoy pregnancy and voice your concerns...and be patient about change but don't be blind or stupid about it either... You'll be fine my dear, one way or another...we'll all be fine. I don't know if this was a good advice letter or a bad advice letter or if it makes sense at all--> pregnancy hormons here too ...


Kika, this is wayyyyy too early for me to O though, it's never until around day 21 and no we haven't bd to catch it if this was O! But I've had not even a hint of a positive OPK yet but it's getting darker. Oh noooo please don't say I've missed it :nope:

That post was super sweet! You bring such a positive lovely vibe to this thread Kika! :hugs: I really hope that none of us have to go through separation. Based on how our men seem then I think we will all be fine, it's good that Kyle has started to buck his ideas up too! I think people (not anyone on this thread!) would automatically be the most worried of mine and Jodie's relationship/marriage not working due to us being significantly younger but jodie and Kyle have made it far already and I'm not gonna jinx anything for me and jesse but I don't know what could break us that hasn't tried already lol :haha:

Who's Olivia? And oh then what's the dip then all about im confused :/ I think ...you should start getting covered as soon as AF goes. PPl got pregnant on cycles when OPK showed no O. And I just don't know it's something to do you haven't done so far... But let's hope you make a Valentine's baby and you won't have to pee on ovu sticks for the next 9 months <3

Ya I hooe our men stay the best and become the bestest too...

Any valentine's day plans yet my sweet ladies? We've none yet. We wanted to go to NY for v day and ice skate but I don't think ice skating is a good idea in my condition but we made the plan in December when the weather was nice and when we didn't think we'd be trying till end of jan (ovu was 20th jan and we weren't even sure if it'd work if I had to go back to London and come for v day) ... Anywho now with the weather so wintery we aren't doing winter stuff, may be we stay at home and cuddle by the fire instead :) it would be lovely to see my baby on/around/by v day...

That's really weird! Someone called Olivia posted saying welcome(nice but a little late ;)) and now she's removed so it looks like I'm talking to myself :haha:

No we haven't made any plans yet, it does suck that it falls during winter. I'm pretty sure I have winter depression :rofl: no joke, you know when you absolutely hate a certain time of year SO much? I'm like that so I never know what to do for valentines! Maybe a meal or spend the weekend in London or something! But our main plan is to baby make :sex: hahaha

Aww ice skating would have been so lovely AND in ny too!!! I wish we could do something like that. There is just hardly anything to do here this time of year don't you agree? If it was summer we could go for a beach day and walk along the beach at night and stay in a little hotel/BnB but that wouldn't be so romantic this time of year :rofl: I think we might be considering Paris again now all the trouble has died off but I'm still very jubious!

To be honest, we never start BD'ing straight after AF. Reason being is that my cervix is really low and closed until O time, and :sex: isn't nice. I won't say it hurts but it's uncomfortable to say the least. I have no idea what the dip was :nope: but I really doubt it's due to O!

What you up to today kika? Do you just get to be a lady of leisure and potter round during the day considering you can't work over there, or can you now that you're married? :D

I decided today that I need to book a docyors appointment for my anxiety. It is getting ridiculous, ever since those idiot boys the other day! In actual fact they're hanging around right outside my house right now (house is just outside the college entrance!) and I'm shaking like a leaf and feel sick. I feel like I need to constantly stare out the window. It's so bad that I seem to re-run things over in my head, like they're gonna go in a minute, and how these set of 'pupils' (scumbags) will be finished the college soon or hopefully kicked out. :( it's really crappy and sounds ridiculous but whenever something like this happens it changes my overall mood and outlook of life for however long, I don't know, a few weeks or whatever. Theyre just idiots who love to get up to no good which is fine if that's what they want to do, but not right outside my house :nope: it's an invasion of privacy and space, right? :growlmad:
Thank you Kika :)

And yes Louisa I agree.. I do think people worry more about younger couples. We get it all the time.. especially with LO on the way, we've had family members telling us it wont last which is rather disrespectful IMO. But there we are! what will be will be :) I agree with Kika too, mommy and baby are priorities and there is no need to settle for less than you deserve for the sake of being together, its not healthy! That being said sometimes men do change when baby arrives, they seem to 'grow up and mature' SOMETIMES.

For valentines day I think we are going for a meal OR possibly order in and stay at home with a movie. Depends how we both feel.

Louisa have I missed something?! what happened the other day?:/ sorry about he anxiety! I get it like crazy too, especially since the new house. we get a lot of trouble here, which is why we are looking to move AGAIN. People constantly breaking in to the garden, damaging our property. I even get abuse as I walk outside my front door if they are hanging around :( I know how you feel <3
Good Morning Ladies

I had such a loooooong night; SUPER BOWL SUNDAY. I felt soooo freaking nauseous last night, I thought I wasn't gonna be able to sleep. This morning the brushing was better though, as well as the cramps, so I'm just in limbo until 2/25. FX she's gonna call me with good news today that my appt is moved up to 2/18

Kika, please don't take this the wrong way because I loved the words in your post, because no one wants to seperate from their spouses, but we were NOT on the verge of seperation!! I don't know what you got from what I said but it was just a misunderstanding between his feelings and mine, but I have no doubt in my mind that's the man I will be with for the rest of my life, and he continues to prove to me that he feels the exact same, so an argument about how he feels about my unappreciation for him was something that needed to happen in order for me to see what I could've have done different, if necessary. My husband doesn't just runaway from his kids, so I don't know how that came about, but his kids' mom moved to another state to marry another man, which she's still married to today, that's why he's not with them, yet that still doesn't stop him from being a great FATHER! I have no doubt he'll be any less with this baby.
Not that anyone needed MY explanation, but I was truly offended. If women aren't prepared to go through trials with their spouses then you might as well stay single, but relationships get stronger that way, when go through those tests. Now had it been ADULTERY then all bets are off because that I won't tolerate nor stand for that BS, but a misunderstanding of feelings is what you go through as a couple, and immediately saying things like that makes me feel as if I'm supposed to get prepared to be a single mom or something. At least that's how it sounds to me, or maybe it is my hormones. Now I don't know what you guys are going through personally, but my husband loves and wants his baby, and yeah men do change but I chose to trust him as a hubby and a father, nothing else, regardless of statistics! He gives no reason to doubt him, and though I understand what you went through, boo, that's not us. He just thinks that me crying all the time means he's doing something wrong. And he's very sensitive so he took that as he wasn't doing what he need to do to make he happy, nothing else. So I don't know what you read, but this wasn't that. Your point of view was knowledgeable, and I completely respect it, but I want you to know that I came into this pregnancy as a married woman, and I'm going to give birth and raise my child that exact same way, with his/her father! End of story.....
Ooh Louisa, I wanna how clairvoyant/accurate you really are. Now you did say last week that Jodie and I will be the only one's having boys, so I'm gonna keep score and see how many you get out of 5, right now you're 0 for 5...Let's hope Kim's having a girl!!! Where Is She????

....Believe it or not; I'm not normally wrong at these but I think:

Kika- :pink:
Kim- :pink:
Tara- another :pink:
Shara- :blue: without a doubt!
Jodie- :blue:
Ooh this will be fun! Imagine all wrong lol! I cant wait to see the results overall! <3
Jodie we are in the exact same boat here! Me and jesse have been doubted so many times but I am now so determined to prove people wrong. We have never had a reason to split so why should it change in the future, which is why I get mad at people for thinking that AGE is the problem when it isn't a problem at all. It was only last Thursday that nan said 'come on Lou, don't Rush into things, go on holidays first!' Ugh!!! How does anyone have the right to say that? We provide for ourselves, both work good jobs (not that jobs really come into the equation!) we have been on holidays and this is what we want. When she said 'don't rush into things' she meant a baby. Yeah hun, I think you may have missed the post. I'll cut it short, basically we have a college footsteps from my front door (right outside!) for all the kids in this area and surrounding areas that have been kicked out of schools and colleges, so it's a college for all the ADHD's, ASBO's, etc etc. It has been built since we lived here so we didn't move into this house knowing that this college was already there, we've watched it go up, and I won't lie we've never had any trouble with these kids as of yet! they get cigarette breaks several times during their day and they have a bad habit of getting way too close to people's property which immediately pisses me off but I dealt with it because they hadn't done anything wrong .. Until Friday when I happened to look out of my window and saw 2 of them nailing a piece of wood into next doors wooden shed, and lit it! Smoke absolutely everywhere and luckily it didn't spread it just went out but that man who lives in that house is 84/85 and just recently had a stroke! So I called the college and gave it to them with all guns blazing. But like you said, now I am literally petrified to walk out of my own house if they're out there, and jesse one day I know is going to kill one of them who seems to instigate the trouble they cause! Most of them over there are okay and respectful, but it's this one group of boys. Today I saw them staring into someone's parked car, talking upon themselves. Probably planning to come back early hours of the morning or something and that's where my anxiety comes out because I haven't slept properly since they did that! It changes my whole mood when scumbags do things like that. There have been numerous occasions where they have climbed straight into my garden to get a football (so they say, was probably coming in to see if anywhere was unlocked!) and that petrifies me, what gives them the right. As I said before, I'm a nervy person but ONLY with things like this, due to people getting up to no good etc! Any other time, I'm not like this at all in a regular arguement or whatever. I just can't wait until their time is up!!! Their terms don't last as long as normal primary and secondary schools luckily but I haven't been seeing them for long so I hate to think but they are probably quite new.

Shara!!!! Ok, Is super bowl some sort of sport??!! EVERYONE here went on about that yesterday! The English version of Super Bowl is cereal :haha: it seems huge over there though. See, america is better in every way! American ladies. You don't wanna move here I *promise* you that! :nope:
Bless your heart :( <3 I have never once doubted that Romeo loves the bones of you. I have to admit I was a bit confused as to where kika's post came from, I persumed she was trying to be kind upon a random subject but I 100% agree that arguments are all part of being in a relationship and its actually healthy to argue sometimes. I understand how it made you feel girly, but I doubt Kika meant to upset you or any of us for that matter. We know Romeo is gonna be an amazing daddy just like he is to his kids already. Big hugs :hugs:
Oh my goodness!!! :rofl: oh NO! I did say jodie :blue: but I could NEVER imagine her with a boy so I have nooo idea why I said blue for jodie! I always said I thought she was having a girl - dammmmn! 0/5 it is then ;) haha!
Shara, im sorry if my post offended you I dint mean to sweets:hugs:

I also didn't like to prepare you for single parenting and didn't mean that Romeo was a bad dad or left his kids. I never said that. I was generally talking about men and that in life men duties and desires are different from women's. I sure agree that couples should work on their relationships but sometimes the relationship doesn't work and in such cases it's better to have an open mind about the options than stay in a relationship for the sake of it. And I didn't mean you and Romeo or any of I meant in general.

I might have also said it cause when I first married I thought it was for life and I was ready to endure anything and everything for the sake of it... And then I changed my mind. It lasted for more than 10 years and although it's not a competition I feel in the end it's just had to end. It's all about everyone being as happy as possible and not about how many years a couple made it together. Now don't get upset with me sweetie, I honestly never meant my post to be offensive :dohh: but if you whoever read it remembers it it'll be good to see how they feel about it in 10-20 years. And i mean not about splitting with their loved ones but generally about the dynamics of the close friends and relatives and of course our own families... That's all :flower:
Lou Lou I love your new siggy but now we can't see how many days to ovu girlie...I don't know about bd being uncomfy before O :/ temp'ing will know when you Ovu'd for sure but then Kim said may be it won't --> im confused...but I woukd think better get as many days covered as you can cause you never know...

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