I'll preface my entire post by saying that I started with the oldest post and worked my way to the newest so some of my comments may reflect that. Hopefully that made sense?
I totally 100% plan to breastfeed. There are so many benefits, the first being that it is the perfect nutrition for baby! One of my girlfriends told me that it is a bonding experience between you and your baby and there's nothing quite like it in the world! So besides it being the perfect nutrition for baby, it also helps baby's immune system and makes them strong and healthy, it's less expensive than formula (it can't get any less expensive than free!), can help you lose your pregnancy weight and I've heard it even helps shrink your uterus back down to its normal size quicker, as well. I have friends who've had extremely hard times with breastfeeding, too, like one didn't produce enough milk. So I know it's a possibility that I may not be able to, but I am definitely planning on it. Like Louisa said, I will try, try and try again before giving up. And I agree with Shara about length of time. Ideally, I plan to breastfeed to about a year, if possible. Shara, what did you mean about since you have big boobs, it's either going to be really easy or really hard? I'm so curious! We've had the boob size discussion before and if I remember correctly, you're just a size above me, so I'd really love to know what you mean. Big boobs can make BF hard for the baby? I'd have thought it'd be easier. I love the idea of pumping for the entire year even if the actual BF doesn't work out. That way they still get the best milk possible even if they can't feed directly. Thanks for sharing the idea! OMG, Louisa, I adore you! "B'donkers" and "biggens"! You are so stinkin' precious!!!

Jodie, honey, if you can't BF, don't beat yourself up. My friend who didn't produce enough milk said she was so upset at first and felt like a terrible mother but her doctor told her that sometimes it just doesn't work out and not to be too hard on herself. All you can do is try and give it your best, my sweet!
Yay for quality CM, Louisa!!! You better get ready, girl!

Go catch that egg!

And Tara, I'm keeping EX that you've caught yours and we're just waiting for that precious ball to implant, nice and snuggly!
Shara, I'm so excited we get to have our appointments on the same day!!!

What time is yours? Only 2 weeks and 1 day left to go! Not that I'm counting or anything...
Louisa, I hope Jess does join! (I believe I remembered her name correctly?) That would be exciting to have her as an SSM, too! Just like Jodie said, we will welcome her with open arms!

Not that we wouldn't welcome anyone else, but she's already got a foot in the door because she's your sister. Awesomeness tends to run in the blood!

And I am so very sorry to hear the terrible news of your mom's best friend's daughter. How tragic. My heart is breaking for her.

Bless her and her family, what a terrible time they are going through. I absolutely cannot imagine the emotional turmoil and hurt they are feeling right now, and I feel horrible for them. I second your statement, may all of our babies be SAFE and HEALTHY.
Louisa, what a sweet little "bump" pic!!! You are going to be such a cute little pregnant lady!
Oh, Shara! Thanks for letting us know about Kika. Bless her heart. I absolutely agree with you, though - we are all SSMs here and if we can't tell each other how we truly feel, even if it's being upset about what one of us said, how can we call each other SSMs? I hope she realizes that we still love her and will miss her and want her back when she's ready to come back. I do think your post was respectful and I hope in time she will see that you being able to tell her how you feel shows how much you care! TBH, I would've been offended if she'd used what she thought was my situation, too, because she definitely misunderstood you and Romeo's relationship. As humans, I believe we're the most honest and up front with the people we care the most about! That's why our spouses get the brunt of it! And Tara, I totally agree - if one of us can speak our minds, can't we expect the others to, as well? That being said, I do hope Kika returns soon. We love you, Kika!!!
Welcome, Jess!!! So glad to have you on the thread!!! We've heard tons of wonderful things about you (and little Sofia, of course)! And congrats on your pregnancy with twins!!! We're thinking Shara may have twin buns in the oven, too. Wouldn't that be AWESOME if 2 of our ladies had twins?!? Louisa will have to help you upload an avatar picture and some signatures so we can track your pregnancy along with you!

I am sooooooo excited that you've joined and really look forward to getting to know you!!! So again, welcome to our crazy, lovely, fun group of SSMs (soul sister mates)!

And now I see you've added a siggy! So proud of you, hun!

You're coming right along and will fit right in, I can already tell!
Louisa, I hope tonight's shift goes quickly for you! One of my favorite sayings is "Better busy than bored!" so maybe you'll have a busy night and time will fly!