Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Hi, girls! Can you believe I have had the page up ALL DAY and haven't had a moment to even look at the posts? :nope: It has been a crazy work day for me, so I'm going to try to get caught up now, but may not be able to respond until tomorrow. xoxo
Jess, I wondered if it WAS actually my sister that had joined our thread, with your first post! 'I'm pregnant with my second baby' haha, second AND third babies don't you mean! :rofl: I know it will take some getting use to (she keeps saying 'baby' to everyone!')

Kim! <3
I wondered when you was gonna pop up :hugs: Jess this is another awesome lady. Infact they all are, I can't fault these women in any way <3

I hope work dies down for you as the day goes on, sounds hectic but catch up when you can! Just know that we miss you ;) my turn is just about to start, my shift starts in 5 minutes. I am really not feeling up to working tonight so I know its gonna drag. Have a good evening ladies xx

I'll preface my entire post by saying that I started with the oldest post and worked my way to the newest so some of my comments may reflect that. Hopefully that made sense? :shrug:

I totally 100% plan to breastfeed. There are so many benefits, the first being that it is the perfect nutrition for baby! One of my girlfriends told me that it is a bonding experience between you and your baby and there's nothing quite like it in the world! So besides it being the perfect nutrition for baby, it also helps baby's immune system and makes them strong and healthy, it's less expensive than formula (it can't get any less expensive than free!), can help you lose your pregnancy weight and I've heard it even helps shrink your uterus back down to its normal size quicker, as well. I have friends who've had extremely hard times with breastfeeding, too, like one didn't produce enough milk. So I know it's a possibility that I may not be able to, but I am definitely planning on it. Like Louisa said, I will try, try and try again before giving up. And I agree with Shara about length of time. Ideally, I plan to breastfeed to about a year, if possible. Shara, what did you mean about since you have big boobs, it's either going to be really easy or really hard? I'm so curious! We've had the boob size discussion before and if I remember correctly, you're just a size above me, so I'd really love to know what you mean. Big boobs can make BF hard for the baby? I'd have thought it'd be easier. I love the idea of pumping for the entire year even if the actual BF doesn't work out. That way they still get the best milk possible even if they can't feed directly. Thanks for sharing the idea! OMG, Louisa, I adore you! "B'donkers" and "biggens"! You are so stinkin' precious!!! <3 Jodie, honey, if you can't BF, don't beat yourself up. My friend who didn't produce enough milk said she was so upset at first and felt like a terrible mother but her doctor told her that sometimes it just doesn't work out and not to be too hard on herself. All you can do is try and give it your best, my sweet! :hugs:

Yay for quality CM, Louisa!!! You better get ready, girl! :winkwink: Go catch that egg! :sex: :spermy: And Tara, I'm keeping EX that you've caught yours and we're just waiting for that precious ball to implant, nice and snuggly! :dust:

Shara, I'm so excited we get to have our appointments on the same day!!! :wohoo: What time is yours? Only 2 weeks and 1 day left to go! Not that I'm counting or anything... :blush:

Louisa, I hope Jess does join! (I believe I remembered her name correctly?) That would be exciting to have her as an SSM, too! Just like Jodie said, we will welcome her with open arms! :friends: Not that we wouldn't welcome anyone else, but she's already got a foot in the door because she's your sister. Awesomeness tends to run in the blood! :haha: And I am so very sorry to hear the terrible news of your mom's best friend's daughter. How tragic. My heart is breaking for her. :cry: Bless her and her family, what a terrible time they are going through. I absolutely cannot imagine the emotional turmoil and hurt they are feeling right now, and I feel horrible for them. I second your statement, may all of our babies be SAFE and HEALTHY. <3

Louisa, what a sweet little "bump" pic!!! You are going to be such a cute little pregnant lady! <3

Oh, Shara! Thanks for letting us know about Kika. Bless her heart. I absolutely agree with you, though - we are all SSMs here and if we can't tell each other how we truly feel, even if it's being upset about what one of us said, how can we call each other SSMs? I hope she realizes that we still love her and will miss her and want her back when she's ready to come back. I do think your post was respectful and I hope in time she will see that you being able to tell her how you feel shows how much you care! TBH, I would've been offended if she'd used what she thought was my situation, too, because she definitely misunderstood you and Romeo's relationship. As humans, I believe we're the most honest and up front with the people we care the most about! That's why our spouses get the brunt of it! And Tara, I totally agree - if one of us can speak our minds, can't we expect the others to, as well? That being said, I do hope Kika returns soon. We love you, Kika!!!

Welcome, Jess!!! So glad to have you on the thread!!! We've heard tons of wonderful things about you (and little Sofia, of course)! And congrats on your pregnancy with twins!!! We're thinking Shara may have twin buns in the oven, too. Wouldn't that be AWESOME if 2 of our ladies had twins?!? Louisa will have to help you upload an avatar picture and some signatures so we can track your pregnancy along with you! <3 I am sooooooo excited that you've joined and really look forward to getting to know you!!! So again, welcome to our crazy, lovely, fun group of SSMs (soul sister mates)! :hugs: And now I see you've added a siggy! So proud of you, hun! :happydance: You're coming right along and will fit right in, I can already tell!

Louisa, I hope tonight's shift goes quickly for you! One of my favorite sayings is "Better busy than bored!" so maybe you'll have a busy night and time will fly! :hugs:
Good morning girlies. My eyes are HANGING out of my head so I apologise now if any of what I say doesn't make sense :rofl: I need sleep.

Kim:wohoo: that's what we like, huge long posts from you as usual :happydance: haha. I 99% knew you'd say BF. There really are so many benefits that come with it and the bonding must be unreal. It must be magical <3 like jodie, I'm a little bit jubious for when my time comes because my mum also struggled to BF me, and only managed a week! And I know you struggled with Sofia jess... So I hope I don't find it as hard as my mum and sister. And I would love for Jess to be able to BF the twins too, one on each boob! Perfect. I have a sneak feeling Shara may be having one on each boob too! Sooo many bells are ringing with this woman right now ;) :oneofeach:

Shara, kim :happydance: I am so excited that you both have a scan on the same day! That's amazing. So we get to find out the gender of Lil' monkey and also how many jellybeans growing in Shara! What a day that's gonna be, double bubble!! :wohoo: I'm so excited for you two.

Lol kim :rofl: it absoutely sucks that you all live so far, you would get along with me and Jess so well! B'donkers and biggens are all part of being English (especially common English - london :haha:) hahaha! We would roar with laughter if we all lived close! We most certainly did get our :sex: on last night (goodness I am so glad me and jess are mega close and talk about this stuff day to day! How awkward would it be if not :rofl:) it was our first time using pre-seed and oh my I absolutely hate the stuff! But if it helps then I'm happy :haha: I also peed straight after - NO more uti's! :nope: :haha:

Kika, come back :hugs: there is no need to do the disappearing act over one small misunderstanding. Shara said her part which is the best thing she could have done as a SSM, we need to say how we feel. You're pregnant, you need us and we need you! We need to know that baby bean is growing big and strong and you need our American ladies for advice now you live there. Nobody hates you we all still love you so when you're ready we will be waiting chick. <3

I'm gonna get a few hours of sleep and then heading to Jess's so I'll help her change her picture :haha: bless her. That being said, I remember being the same when I first came back to BnB! I was SOOO confused :rofl:

Have a good day. I love you ladies

hi guys, and hello kim! Likewise. I have heard a lot of lovely things about you too :] all of you in actual fact. Thankyou for the congrats on these little baba's it took me by surprise and my husband too but we are so grateful that he picked us to bless twins with. I bet you can't wait until your gender scan ! My pregnancy with my daughter was a living nightmare and very nearly put me off any future babies. I spent numerous weeks in hospital with unexplained bleeds and then they thought they could see a shadow on her heart so I am very cautious of this pregnancy especially with 2. Birth was much easier would you believe it. no issues and she's a happy healthy little girl. I can only give my opinion on breast feeding based on my experience with it and Louisa is right it didn't work out with me and Sofia. Despite trying and crying over it because I felt like I failed to give my precious newborn what she really needed but it's not a very common thing for it to not work. Chances are you will all hit it off with your bundles straight away. I would love to be able to this time also :)

Thank you for welcoming me with open arms. You are a great bunch and I'm happy that Louisa mentioned this forum. I'm pregnant, most of you are pregnant. all of us will be soon. Pregnant ladies in one place what could be better. I love it . Jess :) xx
Welcome Jess and congrats on twins, wow, how exciting!!

Lou Lou --> nice bump with first preg, I'm surprised it wasn't twins!!

Shara, happy 5 weeks, girlie, how's the symptoms progressing. I've a new one now --> after all the ones I didn't even have disappeared, now I'm napping for the last couple days and I can't do without a nap, I just get really really tired. Good thing I don't have a job to go to and can take naps :)

I did take some time off because I felt so bad for offending Shara but I was always planning to return. I just didn't want to say more things that could hurt anyone else, BUT reading all the posts before, I do want to say this: I married for life the first time...and I married for life the second time and I don't think there's anyone who marries just for the sake of it, or may be there are, but certainly not any of us and none of the ppl I know really :)

Anywho, I do plan on finding out gender early if I can. For now I don't even know if I'll have any scans, prenatal appointments or care at all before I give birth...and may be I'll end up giving birth in a barn, but as long as I have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby I'm ok with not having prenatal appointments and scans...

I also am thumbs up for breast feeding and I tried to find out info about giving birth in the USA, it seems very different from the UK, and some of the things they do to babies born in hospitals really scared me :/

So I'm thinking fingers crossed for a healthy baby so I could try home birth :)

I also am against any kind of vaccination ( it's only my opinion so I'm only mentioning but not trying to force it on anyone--> feel free to ask questions though :D) and turns out it's almost impossible to opt out in the states :( but I'm determined and I have time to decide but if it doesn't work out for me and baby here I'll be going back to the UK.

Dh, bless him is so busy making arrangement for his dad, but as soon dad's All set, he'll start looking for jobs in London. The idea is to move to the UK in 3 years time, so I think the sooner he starts the process the better as it isn't an overnight process and also if it happened to find something earlier then we'd move earlier :)

As for his not working on my health plan or doctor's appointments, I don't know if I should be getting mad at him--> I don't feel rushed to do it so I don't really feel mad he's taking his time. On the other hand at 8weeks I should have at least talked to someone and had an appointent set for the near future... I'm thinking in the olden times ppl just got pregnant and gave birth without any scans and appointment so I still got a chance of having a healthy baby...

Hope everyone's doing great and wow you girls have been chatty <3
Oh I also wanted to say that my fav pregnancy app is pregnancy +

It's free and I've tried a few but this is my fav. Is anyone else using it, if not you should give it try, it's such fun and also very informative ;)
I have also just weighed myself!!!!:wacko::dohh: I have put on 5 pound since mid December :/ I think a lot of it has got to do with Christmas and the fact that I was planning on dieting after Christmas but then I found out I was pregnant and dieting was out of the picture...

I do also need to eat a lot and every two hours. I'll tell you what I ate yday and you tell me if you think Im overeating... Well I remember what my sister used to eat when she was preg and she used to eat 1/4 of what I'm eating now but have in mind im a big girl, BMI in the 30s :( so I eat a lot by default.

So yday: an egg roll with some onions and mushrooms at the side... I know!! And that for breakfast!! Not lunch :haha: two hours later I had half romaine, half avocado and one vine tomato salad. Two hours later I had one baked potato plain and 1/4 of eggplant rice tomato cheese bake left over :dohh: then two hours later I had an apple and then I napped for two hours, woke up so hungry so I had another Apple and two hours later I had a granola bar (couldn't wait for dinner to cook that's how hungry I got) and then dinner was gluten free pasta pesto and cheese. Then just before bed I had a packet of crisps.

I've appetite for cheese and salty greasy food :wacko:

I drank 5 bottles of water...
Kika it's great to hear from you!!! The past is in the past right? I'm sure Shara will say the same :hugs: welcome back lady <3

I agree; you should ATLEAST have a set date for your first midwife appointment or first scan even. You're right in the past I'm sure there was no way to prove pregnancy maybe just thermometers but times have changed and I would personally if it was me feel much safer to have professionals in place. I bet you're missing home SO MUCH right now bless you :(

Woooow you are eating so much, but it's for the babies benefit right?! So I don't blame you - eat away!!!
Ya, I feel terrible about my overeating :( I'll try to do better today :) I think they say once the baby grows and fills up the tummy there's less space for food so may be I'll be able to eat less in 2and 3 tri due to lack of space...

I also wanted to say to Shara that her instincts are right! My sister always thought she's having a boy until one day she had a dream the baby was girl and it is a girl. So whatever thoughts yo had before sweetie, trust your dreams!! High bump is a boy! Unless you're having one of each twinsies :)

Jess, what's you feeling about twinsies gender and do you have any preferences? Your daughter must be so excited it's twins!!
Tara, or anyone else who is a charting pro! I'm just gonna screen shot my chart so far and see if you think that dip could have been my pre-O dip, even though I think it was way too early at CD10 when I dont O until 19/20/21. I'll screen shot it and see what you can make of it when you're next on :D

Kika I don't think the over-eating at this point is a problem hun! I wouldn't be worried. It must just be a little harder to lose the weight after little ones born! :thumbup:

I'll leave Jess to answer the question about her preferences/feelings towards the twins gender(s) of course but I just have to say one thing.. I would LOVE a nephew!!!! (Just saying) ;)


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Good Morning Ladies!!!!

Absolutely Love Kim's 10 mile posts!!!!!! :wohoo: It's been a long time Kim, I was starting to get worried about your chattiness :rofl: I love that you've caught up with the convo, because it's been pretty "busy" 'round here! And Yes! having big boobies can be a challenge for some babies because it makes the "latching" process a little harder, depending on how small their little head and mouth is. So Huge boobs +little mouth = Big problem, Huge Boobs + Big mouth = easy, schmeezy! And if it's hard for them, then best believe I will PUMPING!! Breastmilk in a bottle...hahaha. Wohoo 2weeks!! I can't wait to see my baby's HB :cloud9: and you're baby's GENDERRRRRRR :yipee:

Absolutely LOVE Kika, and I even told her that in my PM, I just wanted to express how I felt, that was all. I still love her to pieces, and aside from that post, I don't have any hard feelings toward her at all. I do agree, the past is the past as you stated Louisa.

Kika, I'm doing well! It's so awesome to see you back here with your SSM's. You know you couldn't stay away too long. Nevermind the small potatoes, we're bigger than that. Happy 8 weeks to you LOVE!!! When is your scan again?? I think I may have bypassed it
Yeah Kika, overeating is not a bad thing at this stage, especially battling what you are. Like you said, that's the only way right to make sure you're baby survives in that environment so I don't blame you at all. At least you have a reason, I'm overeating just because I can use the excuse "I'm eating for 2" :rofl:

Yaaaay for Pre-SEED Louisa!! I know it's meeeeesssy, but it does help the :spermy: I have to say. The worst part for me,tbh, was having to apply it, and then applied TOO much to where I was super wet + the preseed, and it literally felt like I was gonna slide off onto the floor :rofl: yeaaaaaah, good times!!
Yeah Kika, overeating is not a bad thing at this stage, especially battling what you are. Like you said, that's the only way right to make sure you're baby survives in that environment so I don't blame you at all. At least you have a reason, I'm overeating just because I can use the excuse "I'm eating for 2" :rofl:

Yaaaay for Pre-SEED Louisa!! I know it's meeeeesssy, but it does help the :spermy: I have to say. The worst part for me ,tbh, was having to apply it, and then applied TOO much to where I was super wet + the preseed, and it literally felt like I was gonna slide off onto the floor :rofl: yeaaaaaah, good times!!

:rofl: slide off onto the floor! :rofl:
Welcome back Kika!! :hi: I can help with all the US birthing stuff in Rhode Island but maybe the stuff that scares you is our cultural differences. :shrug: I have to say I support vaccinations - I just do. And unfortunately, the Measles which used to be nonexistent is back and I just don't want to risk my little ones. I know this is a heated topic so I'll leave it at that. I hope you get your home birth though...I know they are super popular here in the states as of late. My friend Wifey in my journal may try it if you wanted to reach out to her. She lives in Florida.

So just so you know only 12% get the pre-O dip but you certainly can be one of them. I use Fertility Friend so I have a hard time interpreting yours. But if that is the pre-O dip, you'll now want 3 days of higher temps and you'll get what they call cross hairs which will pinpoint the day you O'd. :)

Welcome again! And thanks for sharing your story! I hope you have a healthy and safe pregnancies with your babies!

Shara and Kim
How exciting to get your scans at the same time!!! Yay for us. :happydance: Kim - I like your post organization so I'm stealing it for this post. :haha:

Didn't want to leave you out! Thinking of you!:hugs:

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