Yay, Tara, 10 days till testing hey!! Fingers crossed for you this cycle and counting the days till testing day with you. Can't wait till Shara, Kim and Jess tests either!!
Shara, I've not a scan date yet hon

as of eating I think I eat because I just get crazy hungry and yes I've an excuse to eat now

I really hope I'd start eating less soon cause I don't want to put on crazy weight (which I'd probably do anyway Grrr).
Tara, these are my questions (also Kim and Shara can answer if they know):
When I get on dh's insurance who do I call for prenatal care? Is it the GP? Or nurse? At the doctor's practice? Or do I have to research midwifes and call one? Or is there a pregnancy centre? Where do I start from?
So you'll call the receptionist!!!!

At least in my practice, they will set you up with a nurse practitioner at first who will give you loads of information. She will weigh you, take stats, give you a huge binder and outline your options and answer all your questions. At that visit they will set you up for your first scan. They like to do them early in Rhode Island. My first scan was offered at 6 or 7 weeks. I think I did it at 9 though. Then they set you up with your monthly visits with your OBGYN (doctor).
[/QUOTE]I totally agree about the cultural differences. I never really given it much thought until I did my MSc Psychology and during one lecture of social psychology the professor gave an example about some tribe where all boys upon entering puberty had to do perform something oral to the tribe chief. I'm so sorry if it's tmi and if someone gets offended, but the point was that most cultures punish such deeds while this tribe had it for centuries and it was normal!! Anywho, lecturer then say that everything we think we know and everything we think it's true it's only culture boundaries that have been set by the government/ chief/ boss so they can exercise their duties/ power/ etc.[/QUOTE]
So true, how you're raised is what you know. Although, I do a lot of research and base my decisions on that. I gather you do to.
[/QUOTE]And what an eye opener! I know do consider cultural differences and I'm very open to such! I'm not scared to learn anything different BUT I also would like to have the freedom to choose for myself!
Things I'm scared of in USA: I've heard ppl don't get assigned one midwife to go through the process with and many doctors/ midwifes/ etc could come and go and be there in the room while giving birth which kinda spoils the intimacy of the moment. But not a biggy for me.[/QUOTE]
You can go through your whole pregnancy with one midwife. You just need to ask. In my doctor's office, you can see multiple people. I usually stick with one.
[/QUOTE]#2 I've heard they bathe the baby unless you give instructions before hand but even after birth according to whoever happens in the room as might not be the one who you received the instructions you got to be vigilant and make sure the instructions are followed. That's kinda stressful and I realise that my baby won't be washed if I said so but I don't like stressing about whether or not they'll follow instructions
In the UK they never wash the baby after birth so less stress about that I think.[/QUOTE]
So here, you just write your birth plan. Make sure you have multiple copies. I had my husband stay with the baby and make sure our wishes were carried out. (I had a C section with Lucy).
[/QUOTE]# 3 giving baby eye drops in the USA unless you have instructions or remembered to tell/ remind them after you gave birth (and what if it's a c-section)...as it's not an option in the UK again less stress I think.
Vit K and hep b/c shots are mandatory in the USA and opting out is really difficult while they are optional in the UK.
And last but not least, I've heard they draw blood as soon as baby's been born to test for diseases and this blood test in the UK is done a week after the baby's born. So that stressed me too.[/QUOTE]
I don't believe Lucy had the eye drops - but other stuff I believe is standard BUT I also know you can push things off.
[/QUOTE]Oh and also in the UK the second health assessment for baby in the UK is done 72 hrs after birth and I didn't find any info about such assessment in the USA...[/QUOTE]
We saw our doctor within 72 hours of taking the baby home. I think that's standard here. Some wait a week. It's up to you though.
Hope this helps!