Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

:rofl: I had to take a picture of my bump pic and realized you can see my reflection taking the pic in the pic. :rofl:
Kim I don't use Pinterest but I always hear people talk about that! I've never actually properly known what it is?! :haha: ooooh I love the whole topic of birth announcements and gender announcements!!! I have seen some pretty cute ones. I told you about the cutest one I saw didn't i? When the piñata gets smashed and blue or pink confetti falls out. I bet that's a really common one. Have any of you heard of a YouTuber called gabeandjesss? When I was young, stupid and pregnant before I followed her as she was also young and pregnant with her first (not as young as I was- not quite). She lives in Modesto, CA and seems like one of the nicest girls ever! she's only 21 or 22 now and has her 4 year old first born DD lilia, then went on to have twin boys Kyson and kaden and then another boy landen. I've followed her for as long as I can remember, she's constantly posting! just thinking for our preggo ladies some of her videos are so inspiring and she posts some really helpful vids including her home water birth that she had with her last boy, and her natural birth with her twins (jess and possibly shara ;)) She puts some great vids on her YouTube channel and I know she has a Facebook page too! just a thought x
Tara I did see that and wondered if you would have realised!!!! :haha: :rofl: you are hilarious hahaha
Tara and her girls ---> gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!

Kimmy boo, I did read your post late Wednesday night and had my fingers crossed for you yday for the interview. Glad it went well :)

Jess, I agree that bump in the end looks awesome and the fat disappears somehow somewhere, can't wait to see your collage :)

Shara, I had weird feeling down there the first time and it was very reassuring --> meant something's developing down there <3 so keep hydrated, eat well and count the days thill first scan, awe, im so excited :)

I was wondering if the reason I'm not having any weird feelings down there was cause may be it's still too stretched by my first attempt? And now it's growing kinda easier cause it's still loose kinda? Shara's twins woukd explain why she's havung it --> she has to grow even more than first time :) I've also watched you tubes of pregnancy test taken on the day AF was due and neither was so dark as shara's :)

Anywho :) I meant to check in yday but I got so busy baking brownies for the in laws...they were coming for dinner, also did a lot of cleaning a d cooking and in the end they didn't come :/ I only found out at 6pm when I was already WTHeck?!

Lou Lou, I've said it before ladybug I think you need to Start BD earlier ...let's hope you won't have to BD for the next 9 months after this cycle but even if it's too painful you got to find a way to put/push some swimmers in there earlier on even without intercourse --> I hope it doesn't gross you out... I've never had discomfort sex so I don't know what it's like but both times I seemed to have fallen pregnant very early in the cycle (against all odds) so worth trying...

Afm --> im on the health insurance plan! There's still problems tho :/ I don't have a phone and can't call for appointment. And I don't have a doctor either :( so Saturday we'll get me a phone so I could start calling doctors and receptionists on Monday ...I wish I could call today ...and have app booked in for Monday...but oh well, I'm glad there's progress :)
Ladies I'm feeling very Blah today, like yesterday so forgive me please for being so vague and non-responsive, but I must say TARA that bump pic is so adorable (even with your face in the middle haha, you're still beautiful in the glare) I will be doing something like that when I get about 7 to 8 months preggo...

Kika, that sucks you don't have a primary care physician just yet, but being on DHs insurance now should make one pretty easy to find, hopefully you like them lol. Hooray for progress!!
Hi ladies.

Kika honestly if I could start BD earlier without it being so uncomfortable then I would because believe me i hate the fact we have to leave it so late but I don't get positive OPK's any earlier than this, nor EWCM so I hope that's not the reason it hasn't happened get. My fertile window only started today and according to apps etc I'm not O'ing until next Tuesday :shrug: I'm sure shara will back me up when I say it's just not nice just after AF.

I'm glad you're on the health insurance kika! A phone is only a small issue :D so once you've got one, do some ringing around and make some plans! Fab news :hugs:

Shara oh bless you. I'm sorry you feel crappy. Sucks for you but also a good thing in a way because shows that everything is going in the right direction. Get well gorgeous girly. Xx
Ya Shara, feel better soon my sweets <3

Lou Lou, I meant kinda have swimmers up there without havng had the intercourse :p if you know what I mean :)
I've been feeling very negative lately and I know it's all in my head and I've the power to change/reverse it but also the negativity tends to stick around once it's been triggered --> it's the way the brain works, it fires up the negative transmitters and sets a negative route and then it becomes very easy for the brain to just use the established path --> which in my case is the negative route... I'm trying to break the negative connections in my brain and to work up a positive route but it's so damn difficult. I sat down with a pen and paper and wanted to write down the things I like and I'm pationate about...and I came up with none :(

I have to work hard on that...

I'm also counting the days --> last time I started spotting at 9weeks1 days and I'm now convinced that if I keep the baby past that time it'll be ok and it'll live. So just a week from today... I'm terrified to wipe and every time I go to the toilet I'm scared to look at my panties... So far it's good news ...but it'll be a long long week...

How's ttw treating you Tara?

Jody, did you try the baking soda gender test? Oh Kim you got to try that too for us :)

Hugs all
Oh I see what you mean kika! Hmm, I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea but remember I dont O until much later than the average woman so I'm not sure if it would be worth the effort :shrug: my OPK today isn't half as dark as it needs to be, I reckon by Sunday/Monday it'll be positive.

Right.. I've known you 5 minutes technically and I haven't even met you and I can already think of things that you like/passionate about! You like baking and cooking (especially from scratch ;)), walking and generally being outdoors and you're passionate about this baby! So that's 3 things I can think of without even trying. Please don't be negative :( :nope: I hate to hear that. I don't doubt that it's hard for one minute I'm not saying that. But as we've all said and you have even said that this baby was conceived out of the odds. This week will drag but you will be fine and you're not gonna see a spot of blood, watch. I can relate to you because I'm not even pregnant and I already know that when I am pregnant next time- around 9 weeks (which is when my baby died) I'll be a wreck! I've said it before and I'll say it again. Infact wreck isn't even the word. The thought of that EPU at the hosproal and that scan room sends chills down my spine. Those words echoed in my head for months after so I guess that's how you feel with the spotting and we all understand you <3 we've all been through similar. All we can do is hope and pray (and eat- lots!) that it's gonna be different this time. Just like kim did with peanut and jodie too, and like Shara is doing and my sister although she's never been through a mc/mmc but I can guarantee she still feels the worry too because she went through hell with my niece :( be strong my love you CAN do it and you can be positive. Sit there and think of your reasons to smile and then think of your reasons to be negative. I bet you have MANY more reasons to smile so please relax and do just that! <3 don't ever feel like you can't tell us how you feel but don't expect us not to pick you back up with force after! ;) we love you lady xx
^^^^^DEFINITELY AGREE with Louisa, KIKA! Try to stay positive. My dear, it is hard because I just went through some light bleeding and of course I lost my mind, but it didn't last long at all and of course I had that with my last pregnancy and my baby was still good to go at that time, but I had to keep my mind on positivity and my belief that this baby WILL make it, no matter what I have to do......you're gonna be fine chickadee
Completely agree shara.. I also had a bleed at 7.5 weeks but at 8 weeks my baby was fine and good to go as shara said. By all accounts I think it's pretty normal ATLEAST that's what a midwife would say! :hugs:
Oh dear,Shara, your baby(ies) will make it and mine too and Lou Lou's and Jess's, the way Kim's and Jody's did!

I'm so proud of the way you dealed with your spotting! I actually cried when I read it, I can't imagine being in your situation, I'm just so glad so far I hadn't spot... I know you will be fine and especially if you had it with your first pregnancy. My sister bled for weeks with her 3 and I know that some ppl do! Also bleeding with twins is very common so may be do a weekend of bedrest and stay positive...I just couldn't help crying --> I'm not sure if the thought of any spotting happening to anyone of us scared me or because of the determination and bravery you handled the situation with...pregnancy hormons, go figure...

Lou Lou, I know we all will have to deal with some doubts and scare as we approach that time of pregnancy it ended last time...it's horrible but we will be brave and we have each other for support and we'll be just fine :)

As of negativity --> I think it's mostly because I miss my job(s). I've never been out of job and when I worked I used to do 60+ hrs a week doing 2 sometimes 3 jobs and if I had a free half day or so I'd do volunteer jobs... I'm just so used to high speed, demand and efficiency I don't know what to do with my free time. I feel like I'm high on adrenaline yet locked in a cage and can't do anything, I'd scream all the time if I could but even that won't be enough. My dh says I should enjoy it while it lasts as it won't last for long but I'm just too hyper for anything but work work work. It sounds crazy but I've had enough of doing nothing and you're right I do things around the house and keep active and cook but I NEED a job!!! Argh...
I can understand that totally... I couldn't be without a job I would go insane so I guess it's because you've got so much time on your hands as to why you're stewing over everything. I guess if you had a job then your mind would be on other things. I get you :( not long :hugs:
Hey girls, :wave: <3

Have been busy today and have work in a couple hours but just wanted to say hello quickly :D hope you're all having a good weekend! :thumbup:

Whilst I'm here, shara I have a question for you whenever you're next on here (and anyone else this applies to, only Shara as far as I know) I just started using preseed this cycle but read some awful things about it and heard that conceive plus is the one to go for so gullible old me went and picked some up today. I personally think it's the same stuff but I thought I'd give it a go anyway. I know both preseed and CP offer the same variations of the product like a plain bottle or pre filled applicators. My question is .. Did you guys use the pre filled applicators? And if not how did you ensure enough was up there/far enough? I just bought the normal bottle but struggling to get it 'up there' :rofl: so thinking of using a medicine syringe to ensure it goes far enough and coats my walls (I do hope nobody peeps in to have a nosey on this thread! :haha: I bet they are grossed out at our conversations hahaha)

Speak soon m'loves. :hugs:
Nothing is gross when it comes to TTC...I've read ppl using Turkey basters and syringes to put swimmers up there (and it what I was suggesting for you to do in the beginning of the cycle when BD was uncomfortable). Lou Lou to be honest...when it comes to making babies trust your instinct and try everything! I've tried assisted conception for 10 years and it fertilised ovulated eggs and placed them in my uterus and tons of swimmers during Ovu and nothing --> and the two times I got pregnant was weeks before Ovu and with little to none swimmers and with condoms... I really would like my doctors to explain that ...but then explanation isn't the most important thing :) baby is <3

So I would say go for it! Anything and everything! And catch that egg gorgeous girl!
^^^^^DEFINITELY AGREE with Louisa, KIKA! Try to stay positive. My dear, it is hard because I just went through some light bleeding and of course I lost my mind, but it didn't last long at all and of course I had that with my last pregnancy and my baby was still good to go at that time, but I had to keep my mind on positivity and my belief that this baby WILL make it, no matter what I have to do......you're gonna be fine chickadee

Great attitude! So sorry about the bleeding - that has to be scary!! :hugs:

Both you girls will be fine!!!
Louisa, when are you gearing up to O??

I am going to start testing at 10 dpo. :)
Yay for testing at 10dpo!!! Not long ;) do you use any sperm friendly lube (in case you can answer my question from earlier:p)

Erm I think tuesday tara! Opk's are getting dark but CM is still sticky so hopefully that will change to EW but we're using so much conceive plus anyway haha :sex:
Yay, Tara! I've a feeling you'll get your bfp this cycle <3 you too Lou Lou!:dust:

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