Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Sorry Kika somehow missed your post aimed at me earlier :)

I only said about grossing people out because on other threads some women are like 'me and my husband used preseed for the first time last night sorry for tmi' lol .. It makes me laugh :haha: what on earth would they think of half the things we talk about! I do think turkey basting is a good idea for the beginning of cycle when it's uncomfortable so if we don't get a bfp this cycle then it's an option :D

Sorry for my hiatus yesterday. I was doing a lot of Church activities there trying to stay positive and also getting prayer for my baby(ies) and their wellbeing. I just needed that mini revival. It was necessary, and it worked of course. Ladies I am such a peace in my heart that I haven't had for a while, and i am just so thankful. I can't do anything but believe that this is my miracle. Thank you Jesus! Woohoo

Anywho, Tara I have my FXd for tomorrow :bfp::bfp::bfp:

Thanks Kika! You're so right! Our pregnancies will be successful and healthy. :rofl: at the turkey baster reference because I've thought about that. That has worked plenty of times for women, so yeah, I totally agree

Louisa, I didn't have the pre-filled tubes. I had to actually fill them, which I only filled it to 2 most of the time, but directly after af I would fill to 4 as directed on the instructions since I was always dry after af lol. I would say with the pre-filled one, you should use what you know works and discard the rest. CP is highly recommended though, i just chose PreSeed because this one story i read on twoweekwait.com really like intrigued and convinced me, and they used PreSeed too so I went with that.
As far as the "peekers/stalkers", lol, I've seen TTCers who actually post their bloody/brown/yellow CM, so Kika's right when she says nothing is tmi in this TTC life lol
Hi everyone :) x
Sorry for being so quiet recently I haven't forgotten about you :D nausea hit me like a tonne of bricks on Friday and I have been violently sick every morning :sick: it truly is horrible!

Shara + kika I hope and pray your babies will both be healthy. It is always a worry so I know why you feel like it especially after your losses before and with your situation kika but the man in the sky will look after you I promise x <3 and yes Louisa I agree with shara. Please do some serious baby making this month because I reallly want a niece or nephew woman!!!!! Xxx
Awe, it's nice to see everyone's doing good and overcoming challenges thrown our way. Shara, I agree --> I too have a feeling my baby is sticking...and I do worry sometimes, mainly because last time I had some symptoms and this time is different, but then again--> the difference makes me believe it will be a happy ending <3

I have a phone now and Monday im going to call the doctors and see what they say. It'll be so awesome to be able to at least have an appointment set by the end of the week and a scan around 12 weeks...

Guys I have been knowingly pregnant for a month now!!! And then just one more month until I see my baby and start planning for birth and stuff :)

Ladies on the pregnancy board are already planing their prenatal yoga and birthing classes and choosing doulas and midwives...ah :)

We are trying to make valentines plans ... I'm already so heavy and whale-like I don't feel like doing anything...

I see a lot of ppl stalking our thread but they too shy to say hi :/ anyway :) have an awesome day/night everyone and see you guys tm <3

Good morning, loves! I'm surprised no one else has posted yet today. Where are you guys? I hope you all had fantastic weekends!

Jess, I'm sorry to hear MS has gotten you. :( Are you a stay-at-home mommy with Sofia? I don't know if being at home with a child is better or worse than being at work as far as when morning sickness strikes. Either way, it sucks! :hugs:

Shara, your mini-revival sounded awesome and I'm glad you were able to get what you needed from it! <3 I love to hear about the peace you have in your heart now because of it. So happy for you! :kiss:

Kika, I'm so proud of all this postive talk coming from you lately, lady! It's so good to hear it! I really, truly believe in my heart that all of our babies are going to be just fine! I think back to how I was certain my 1st pregnancy was going to be fine and it wasn't, and then this time how I was so anxious during my 1st tri (and sometimes even still!) yet everything has been great this time! I honestly believe this is it for us, the babes that we'll actually get to meet and hold and kiss and smell and go gaga over! <3 And I think that for you too, Louisa. So catch that egg, girlie!!!

And Tara, I can't wait to hear about tomorrow's test! FX and lots of :dust:!
Ooops, I totes forgot to tell y'all about my weekend! :wacko:

We went house hunting on Saturday but it pretty much ended up being a bust. We had a list of 13 houses we wanted to see. Our realtor told us Friday afternoon that 5 of them were already under contract. And get this: 4 of those 5 were in our top 5 favorites. Of the 8 left over, a few were OK, but we never got the "this is the ONE" feeling. It just wasn't meant to be. However, someone came to look at our house yesterday, so hopefully they liked it better than the person that came last Sunday and will want to make an offer. Ugh, all this selling/buying a house stuff along with trying to plan for a new baby is pretty stressful! I'm an organized planner type of person, so not knowing where we'll be and how to plan for the future is very frustrating, especially when it comes to child care for after I go back to work. :nope: Now I wish we'd started trying to sell our house sooner!
Good Morning Ladies!!

Tara, 10 dpo tomorrow!!!! :test: lol (had to edit it I forgot it was tomorrow :dohh:)

AWWW KIMMMIEEE!!! HELLOOO. So nice to hear from you today. How long now before they tell you if you got the job??? I'm praying for your success love
Ooops, I totes forgot to tell y'all about my weekend! :wacko:

We went house hunting on Saturday but it pretty much ended up being a bust. We had a list of 13 houses we wanted to see. Our realtor told us Friday afternoon that 5 of them were already under contract. And get this: 4 of those 5 were in our top 5 favorites. Of the 8 left over, a few were OK, but we never got the "this is the ONE" feeling. It just wasn't meant to be. However, someone came to look at our house yesterday, so hopefully they liked it better than the person that came last Sunday and will want to make an offer. Ugh, all this selling/buying a house stuff along with trying to plan for a new baby is pretty stressful! I'm an organized planner type of person, so not knowing where we'll be and how to plan for the future is very frustrating, especially when it comes to child care for after I go back to work. :nope: Now I wish we'd started trying to sell our house sooner!

Boooo to not find the "one" :haha: but I hope you find it soon. I have feeling you will a buyer sooner though.

Sorry for my hiatus yesterday. I was doing a lot of Church activities there trying to stay positive and also getting prayer for my baby(ies) and their wellbeing. I just needed that mini revival. It was necessary, and it worked of course. Ladies I am such a peace in my heart that I haven't had for a while, and i am just so thankful. I can't do anything but believe that this is my miracle. Thank you Jesus! Woohoo

Anywho, Tara I have my FXd for tomorrow :bfp::bfp::bfp:

Thanks Kika! You're so right! Our pregnancies will be successful and healthy. :rofl: at the turkey baster reference because I've thought about that. That has worked plenty of times for women, so yeah, I totally agree

Louisa, I didn't have the pre-filled tubes. I had to actually fill them, which I only filled it to 2 most of the time, but directly after af I would fill to 4 as directed on the instructions since I was always dry after af lol. I would say with the pre-filled one, you should use what you know works and discard the rest. CP is highly recommended though, i just chose PreSeed because this one story i read on twoweekwait.com really like intrigued and convinced me, and they used PreSeed too so I went with that.
As far as the "peekers/stalkers", lol, I've seen TTCers who actually post their bloody/brown/yellow CM, so Kika's right when she says nothing is tmi in this TTC life lol

:hi: Tomorrow I am 10dpo and will test then! Thanks for checking in with me. I am hopeful and not hopeful all in the same minute. I have never been so nervous!!!

So glad you were able to immerse yourself in the church and something positive Shara...that's wonderful.

Hi everyone :) x
Sorry for being so quiet recently I haven't forgotten about you :D nausea hit me like a tonne of bricks on Friday and I have been violently sick every morning :sick: it truly is horrible!

Shara + kika I hope and pray your babies will both be healthy. It is always a worry so I know why you feel like it especially after your losses before and with your situation kika but the man in the sky will look after you I promise x <3 and yes Louisa I agree with shara. Please do some serious baby making this month because I reallly want a niece or nephew woman!!!!! Xxx

Jess, hope you're feeling better! xoxo

Ooops, I totes forgot to tell y'all about my weekend! :wacko:

We went house hunting on Saturday but it pretty much ended up being a bust. We had a list of 13 houses we wanted to see. Our realtor told us Friday afternoon that 5 of them were already under contract. And get this: 4 of those 5 were in our top 5 favorites. Of the 8 left over, a few were OK, but we never got the "this is the ONE" feeling. It just wasn't meant to be. However, someone came to look at our house yesterday, so hopefully they liked it better than the person that came last Sunday and will want to make an offer. Ugh, all this selling/buying a house stuff along with trying to plan for a new baby is pretty stressful! I'm an organized planner type of person, so not knowing where we'll be and how to plan for the future is very frustrating, especially when it comes to child care for after I go back to work. :nope: Now I wish we'd started trying to sell our house sooner!

Yay for house hunting though!!! That is so much fun!! I hope you'll post photos when you get closer to an offer!!

Kika- so glad you're pursuing an appt. In Rhode Island, they want to do scans early. I am positive you'll get one right off the bat!

Kim- Thanks mama for all the encouragement. Hoping if not tomorrow - sometime this week I'll have good BFP news.
Hoping if not tomorrow - sometime this week I'll have good BFP news.

You will, I really think you will! Even if tomorrow is too early, I think you'll get it this time, hun! :hugs:

And yes, I'll share pics of the new place for sure! :D
Hey Ladies!!

Hey Jess! welcome to BnB!! Congrats on your pregnancy!

Hope everyone is ok!!

Louisa we used preeseed also so can definitely vouch for it, we only used a tiny bit in the applicators and inserted right 'up there' lol.

Ok so I need opinions and advice no matter how negative or positive because honestly I don't know how to feel about all of this.
Ive not posted for a few days because we were staying with my parents.
Now our tenancy ends 12th March, and due to all the issues at our home with the drug obsessed disrespectful neighbours, the horrid kids who trespass and damage our property and the whackjob window cleaner who has threatened me on more than one occasion because I asked him to leave my garden, we have handed in our notice to leave at the end of this month.
We are also a few thousand in debt and I cannot work until after the baby is born. Living off of OH's income is impossible and we just cant afford anything at the moment.. we have £800 to pay a month for bills/debts more than what we have going in to our bank.
So my Parents have offered us to move in with them for as long as we need, to clear debts and save for a nicer house. No rent to pay will just be contributing to electricity and buying our own food. So we will have a good few hundred spare to pay off debts, save and enjoy ourselves whilst getting everything we need for the baby.
We will have our own bedroom, living room and bathroom.. just sharing the garden, garage and kitchen. All sounds good and we move in at the end of this month.
But im/we are terrified! Im scared we will regret it, we have lived with them before and it went well.. but now we will have our baby there too when she's born. Ill miss having our own house just us two/soon to be three. I know its for the best we will be safe away fro the trouble here and will have the chance to clear debts so its all a good thing, im just seriously worried. me, husband, baby and my parents ugh just seems like a struggle!!!
Jodie, I sooooo understand!! When I had my MC last year, I'm pretty sure stress was a major factor because we were going through the same thing almost. We were going to have to move in with my mom because Romeo changed jobs and the pay decreased, then I had a foot injury on top of it with medical bills up the yingyang, my car broke down and Romeo had to end up buying me a new one because I wouldn't have a way to work! And on top of that I was pregnant! I thought the same thing because my mom has a 3 bedroom, and my little sister and her daughter, as well as my nephew all live there now, so that would be 7 people in there with me having the baby! I stressed everyday worrying about if doing that would tear our marriage apart since my mom and sister are ALWAYS fighting and Romeo hates that! But we really didn't have any other options, or so we thought (which is another story)!! Anywho, one word of advice...stop worrying, second piece, do it! Yes, it may be a damper for the time being, but if this is what's going to get you guys back on your feet and help with taking care of your daughter's future as well your own, then do it! Just try to make it as pleasurable as humanly possible. If it worked before, I don't see why not this time, just an added bonus :winkwink: FXd it works out for your family honey!
Thank you shara! <3 Its all set in stone and no going back now, and I know its for the best for all of us. If we were to stay put I think t would be pretty stupid, not to mention get deeper into financial issues. Ugh I just hope it all goes smoothly!!
Its comforting to hear from people who have gone through it! xxx
Jodie love! :hi: I was missing you, girly!

I 100% agree with Shara. To be totally honest, living with your parents for a while sounds like the perfect scenario to me! It's getting you out of a bad situation, allowing you and Kyle to work on your debt and have extra leftover for baby <3, and I'm sure having your parents in the same house will definitely come in handy more than a few times! That being said, I know it won't be easy because it's never easy to live with your parents again once you've been out on your own, but it is a temporary solution to a pressing issue! Do what you have to for your little family. I think it's wonderful that your parents are happy to have you live with them for a while! How does Kyle feel about it? I'm sure if you guys have done it before with good results, this time wouldn't be any different. Besides the fact that your sweet baby girl will be there now, too, but I think having your parents in such close proximity is a great thing for you and her!!! :hugs:
And Shara, you amaze me. You just do! I love how you are always so positive in the face of adversity and never complain. You have been through so much and are still such a wonderful, AWESOME person. A lot of people would let all their life hardships get to them and make them bitter, but not you. I highly admire and respect that. Love you, girly!

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