Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

You're right Kika, patience. It is a virtue from what they say, and it can only bring good things, so our fingers are crossed they don't cancel Monday and we get to see a beautiful baby in there!!
Can you say Metallic Taste!! I have had this weird test in my mouth all day! I didn't know it was real because I never experienced it before, or at least I don't recall. It's the weirdest taste every! I can't REALLY enjoy anything right now because the taste is so......out there. I just want some pickles LOL...that was my favorite my last pregnancy
Oh no I hope they don't cancel! It's actually at an ultrasound place, not at the doctor's office. It's a place only for scans...so i don't think we'll have a "I'm stuck at the hospital, a lady's in labour" scenarios... I'm actually not sure If they'd have done a scan today...but then again I only saw the receptionist --> she said we have an ultrasound office next door but they don't have availability for today, so let's try another place and see if they can do Monday. And that's what happened --> they gave me appt for Monday :)
Haha no I don't have metallic taste but I've heard it's normal and lots of women have it. Mine was more like a feeling --> wanting to swallow all the time and dryness in my mouth :)

Haha pickles is very common but didn't have that either...the only think that satisfies my hunger is lots of cheese and crisps --> bad, I know, lol
Shara you never told us who knows about your babie(s) besides us and Romeo.

Jess did you have any feeling it's twins before your early scan? Awe, I'm excited about twinsies gender scan :) and all the scans next week?

I'm on Monday, Shara, Kimmy, when are yours?
Are crisps like US potato chips?? If so, that's not bad at all lol...I love chips. As a matter of fact, I'm eating dill pickle flavored potato chips right now :rofl:
I just logged on and saw this
Last post: Kika7
So I couldn't click on this page fast enough in hope of seeing a beautiful little scan picture :( xx
That's pure torture that they're making you wait another 3 days which will seem like forever but it's another 3 days of baby growing , that's a good way to think of it right??? :) will be looking forward to Monday for you

:rofl: I DID THE SAME THING JESS!! :rofl: As soon as I saw her as the last poster, I damn near broke my finger pressing enter, thinking I was gonna see the scan lol...you're too funny. I love it

Haha, I just saw that, you guys are so funny and I love you so much <3 oh I was equally disappointed when they cancelled ...

I've moved on now :) I miss our Lou Lou...

What are you guys doing on Valentine's day?
Are crisps like US potato chips?? If so, that's not bad at all lol...I love chips. As a matter of fact, I'm eating dill pickle flavored potato chips right now :rofl:

Haha, ya Shara in UK crisps is all dry crispy snacks --> it could be Doritos, potato chips, cheese puffs/balls or whatever they are called --? They are puffy and made of some corn or potato starch thing. I'm crazy about some sticks they sell at stop and shop --> they are crispy and salty and they are made of some vegetable and Starch mixture. They claim to be vegan so no cheese in them. I hate the green ones, only like the yellow and orange once but they put orange yellow and green in the same pack :/
Yes crisps are chips :D xx except chips here are proper potato if you get what i mean. So many scans coming up within the next couple weeks!!! Shara i had metal mouth with Sofia so I know exactly what you mean and that's a good thing cos lots of women get that :) x
Kika I honestly didn't even know i was pregnant I don't know how much detail louisa went into but we wasn't trying (and that's what upsets me for lou because she is trying so so hard ! ) As you all have !
But no I didn't have a clue but something made me test not so long ago and I booked an early scan to reveal the 2 little beans. Louisa and my mum came since my husband was on call that day and my appointment was the only one they had that day. I feel like I'm having a boy but there's double the chance of either sex so it's harder to guess lol. I will be jumping around with excitement for the gender scan.

Tara bless your sweet heart honey :( I'm so sorry for that negative test and for the cruel evap. If you feel anything like Louisa does at the moment then a break wouldn't be a bad idea. as someone said yesterday I think it's getting to you both a little bit , it's a tough ride and can rip you apart inside if your not careful :( stay strong ! <3 xx
Hey I've had some of those before. As a matter of fact, we DO have Veggie Crisps here, they'e actually called Veggie Crisps, and you can actually get the flats ridged ones that come in orange, green, and yellow crisps or they have the sticks, which I don't like really those, but they do have the apple sticks that I LOVE LOVE LOVE. Woooow I didn't know you guys had that. It's made by Popchips or Popcrips or some stupid play on name lol
Wow, twinsies without even trying!!!

Baby making was starting to get to me a little bit too. I've been trying for years with my ex without any success...then after my miscarriage in August, hubby and I decided we'd start trying in November/December. Then he said december and we stacked on condoms and that's how we spent November. Then December was more condoms and no baby making at all :( I was so disappointed, I cried to my friends here, it was not a nice Christmas (I was ovulating Xmas eve but we didn't BD), followed by a sad New Years... I did talk to hubby about him saying we'd make baby in December and then didn't :/ and we both agreed we'd make it in January, I was due to ovulate around our wedding day/week.... I got so angry that AF was late cause it would delay my Ovu and because I didn't want to deal with AF on/around wedding day, ugh. So I tested and I got a second line...I've no idea how it happened!

Oh, I just remembered Kim asked a question on how hubby's dealing: he's so cutely looking after myself and doing cooking and being patient with my moods and stuff. We have agreed not to talk about the baby until we are sure it's well and alive... So Monday couldn't come quicker...
Sorry, I skipped right over these lol....

Shara you never told us who knows about your babie(s) besides us and Romeo.

Jess did you have any feeling it's twins before your early scan? Awe, I'm excited about twinsies gender scan :) and all the scans next week?

I'm on Monday, Shara, Kimmy, when are yours?

Only my immediate family for now, mom, brother, sisters, that's it. And you guys of course.
Wednesday is my appt, and so is Kim's gender scan :yipee:

.....What are you guys doing on Valentine's day?

I'm planning on resting. Doctor's orders. I had another spotting episode yesterday, but I wasn't too frightened by it because I had the same thing last time and baby was fine. Nipple still hurt, nausea still on....yep, everything's in order lol, but they did recommend me rest the weekend since I have to work during the week. So I guess I'll be getting pampered by my Valentine this weekend. He promises he's going to clean the house and order Chinese food :rofl: works for me
Our plans were to go to the show and ice skating here in freezing Wisconsin, but since that can't happen, he's okay with staying in <3
Shara me and my hubs also planned on ordering a Chinese takeaway too haha! My mum offered to have Sofia for the weekend so we could do something together but we want her with us , she's our little Valentine :D xx
The whole family were suppose to be going for a Valentine's meal but one of Louisa's horses has come down badly ill again so that has probably drained their pockets poor pony. its one thing after another for them ! :( xx
Shara I don't like to hear of spotting , it's my biggest fear also :( but 9 times out of 10 it's normal and nothing to worry about so I'm proud of you for taking that attitude toward it , your gonna be a top class mumma <3 xx
LOL! How weird is that Jess! Chinese Food....wow out of all foods, not steak or shrimp, or something Valentines-y, we're both having Chinese Food. I think you fit right into this SSM kindred spirit family just fine lol. Yeah, we just decided this yesterday after they put me on rest though. And I have to be positive about it. The last time I freaked out every single time I had a bleed, and everytime except the last time of course, my baby still in there. Growing properly, heart justa beating away lol. And since this was not a lot of blood at all I didn't see the reason to alarm, that's why I didn't mention it, but Romeo wanted to call my doctor's and they said just to be safe I need to lay down so I did that all evening and will do the same this weekend. As long as God allows me to have these symptoms still, I know everything's okay
Kika I somehow bypassed your last post about your struggles :( xx
It makes me realise how lucky I've been with both pregnancies in terms of not even trying although the actual prehnancy with my daughter was generally a nightmare x I am so truly grateful that God gave you this gift a true gift ! After waiting so long and going through so much to get there. I bled with Sofia Shara and also louisa too with her first pregnancy and my mum did with both of us too it's something to do with womb stretching to accommodate growing baby which can sometimes cause a little bleed. No fear sweetheart :) how old are you all by the way? Xx
I am a young, wise, exotic 28 year old that loves walks on the beach, holding hands under the moon light ..........:rofl: jus kidding! I'm 28, will be 29 in April

Don't ask Kika though, she never tells us anything!!! HEY HEY HEY LOU LOU AND KIM, remember when we all first met and I told you guys my job prohibited me from posting where I work and y'all thought I was a Black Ops :rofl: I think Kika works for the FBI!! She never tells us anything lol. No offense Kika, we love you still
Shara, good for you keeping a positive attitude and I'm so proud of you being brave and having no doubts! I should stay in bed, watch movies, laze around do nothing all weekend if I were you.

I demanded a stuffed crust Pizza Hut for dinner/lunch and Pizza Hut free salad bar. hubby wasn't excited :/ but I won't change my mind :rofl:

He wanted to drive to the beach and see what it looks like in the winter but after being 5 hours out in the cold today, and I walked back home after doc cancelled appointment: about 2.2 miles and it was 8°F I don't want to go to any beaches! He doesn't know yet :grin:

The other option is to go to his sisters who's house's been invaded by squirrels and she wanted hubby to set squirrel traps and catch them pests, him having been in the navy and knowing survival tricks and traps :rofl: Not a very romantic way to spend the holiday but it could get exciting <3

Then we have a movie we've decided to watch on Valentine's day. It's called Horns, anyone seen it?

Awe, Shara, I bet immediate family is very excited about you and babie(s). I'll see how things go on Monday and then I'll tell my mom and my sister... I'm not sure about friends...may be I'll tell them when baby's born :rolf:
Ya, jess, what I was saying... I tried so hard for so long and then miscarriage was a bit unlucky...and then I fell pregnant when I least expected it --> we were using condoms and had agreed to try following cycle... So that's what I mean for Lou Lou and Tara... It will happen even if they don't time it, pee on sticks, etc... Or at least that's how it happened for me :) and you <3
Hubby called scanning place and tried to get us an earlier appointment... They couldn't do tm --> blah, but it's now Monday 10:45 instead of 6pm :) yay

I think he's excited about it <3 :)
Haha Shara you are exoticly beautiful you cannot deny that ! Xx
You are your hubs make a dead handsome couple and your baby is gonna break hearts ! <3
Ha ha ha you are crazy and hilarious, fbi :rofl: I did wonder if kika's real name was Kika , I think I asked actually the other day without trying to sound stupid. I only just realised it was my sister that wrote the very first post on this page lol I accodently clicked first page and I saw all the extremely old comments how cute ! You're right Kika it does happen at the most unexpected times I'm proof of that twice now and so are you . Both my pregnancies were unexpected but from the moment I knew i was pregnant I loved my baby more than anything ever before , same this time. I can't wait for you all to be able to hold your babies , it's so magic ! I can't explain it. am I right in thinking that tara is the only one with children already on this page ??

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