
happy late valentines gorgeous girl! I can't believe I posted yesterday and forgot to say that.. Forgive me lol!! Aw, I missed my girl too!! All of you
That's SOOO strange haha we had steak!!! We were suppose to go out for a meal with the family first but then those plans fell through so me and jesse decided to go to the shop to get loads of junk food and we planned on watching movies (plans are limited when you've got BD'ing duties

) then we came across the meat aisle and there was 3 packs of sirloin-steak for £10 so we froze two packs and jesse cooked us a valentines dinner which was steak potato onion rings tomatoes and then I couldn't resist making some cheese sauce to go over my steak (which I eat with most things btw

) it was nice! And we had a fab BD'ing sesh too

ooooh!!! I also finally got a darker test line than the control line on my OPK and I found something kinda interesting out.. I don't know if I mentioned before but the sonographer at my last scan told me that I have a tilted uterus which she said isnt an issue however I read that lying on my stomach rather than back after

can maximise chances of

making it the full way. I also read that it benefits to feel around whilst bd'ing to find the cervix and make sure that your partners thingy basically pokes it each time (mine is super sensitive around O anyway!) and bless him last night when he did his business, he was pushing so hard trying to force those

as far up as he could, it literally made my eyes pop out my head and took my breath away I could of cried it HURT

little sh*t!

anyway, we have gave BD'ing our all so I hope something comes out of this cycle

however I don't have a clue what dpo I am so that's the only issue I won't know when to test
Jess might not post until tomorrow, i had sofia today and took her to see the horses, she had a walk around on saskia it was super sweet. She pulls them around and basically hangs off their tails but they are so soft with her! Horses are unpredictable and potentially life threateningly dangerous animals and normally when a 2 year old comes close to a horse I'd be like BIG NO NO but I'm lucky that saskia use to be ridden by disabled kids in a riding school so I trust her with my life when it comes to my niece. she is a dope on a rope lol. My other 2 not so much. Jess had a midwife appointment today

it's so close to her gender scan now!!!

and Kim's and shara's and kika's TOMORROW eeeeehhhh!!! You guys pregnancies are keeping me going right now!
Hahaha shara I totally remember when it was just me you and kim on this thread and you just wouldn't tell us where you worked

we thought you were a secret agent! either that or me and kim just didn't shut up talking (rofl) but then kika turned into the secret agent now lol I'm only kidding. I completely understand what she said and respect that 100%
Anyway how were all your Valentines days?!?!
Love to you all its good to be back