Hey and thanks for all the sweet posts and prayers and concern. It's sad and horrible and unexpected but even if it was expected it would still be sad and horrible. I felt so sad for my first angel up to the point of my second pregnancy positive test...then I felt hope and purpose and although I still remembered my first angel I was kinda focused on the wellbeing of the second. I know that I'll be sad and devastated until I get my next bfp...
So...baby measured a week behind and they thought at 8w5d there should be a heart beat and if not then it's a MMC. This baby lived longer than the first but still not long enough. The tech was a stone face and heart, she made no comments during the scan, she gave no feedback during or after the scan and I wasn't allowed to see the baby
The first time at least they told me that there was a yolk sack and baby had implanted high and it looked fine except for the lack of HB. This time I know nothing. The OB I think was a bitch too. She called me a few hours after the scan and said "so, no heart beat at this point means the inevitable. Do you want to wait it out or shall I send a meds prescription to your pharmacy?" I told her I'd think about it and call her back. And she said if I bleed more than 45 min I should go to the hospital and if all goes well then I should book a check up appointment a month after I've passed everything.
And that's all she said.
Last time the EPU had apparently called my GP cause a day after my scan GP called me to ask how I was doing and if I needed any help or advice. And the EPU receptionist called me every morning at 9am until my miscarriage was complete.
Anywho... I think the OB would be of no help-->she didn't ask to see if my cervix was dialated and they didn't tell me how thick the endometrium was like they did the first time, so thank goodness for payed healthcare as I'm going to search for a fertility specialist and go see them once I'm done with the miscarriage.
I do need a specialist as I do have issues...I kinda wanted to believe in miracles...
I don't want you guys to talk about me any more or to feel bad about me. I need you to focus on your babies and give them love and care and support each other through TTC and pregnancy...
...I'll take a little break...and I'll come back when I'm ready to TTC again hopefully before or around Kim's little monkey's bday
I may need to ask you guys questions on health care and/or need support and stuff but let's use messaging rather than post sad stuff here. I need it to be happy and baby friendly here so keep it that way till I come back.
I love you all and I couldn't have done it without you