Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Good morning, my precious SSMs! :flower:

Shara, I understand where you're coming from with the abandonment issues, and I'm sure Kika would understand somewhat, too. :hugs: I am totally pro-counseling, so if you're thinking of going that route, feel free to ask me any questions about it if you want!

Louisa, yay, I'm so excited!!! Share that chart, girlie! I wanna see!

Shara, I miss our Jodie, too. Hopefully it's just the packing and moving that has her away from the thread for so long. :(

And y'all will have to help me remember what Tara's last post said. When was she testing for the last time? When was AF due? I know she said she'd take a break if she didn't get a BFP this time, but unless I missed her post, it's been a while since we've heard from her. :(
Hey Kim, so what happened with you lady??

Yeah, Kim that's what she said too. I think she said she would be posting in her journal still, so I'll need to go check back again today to see any updates, but she tested again on Friday and got a BFN and Af was due today Tuesday, so if she got it today she was taking a break for a month but will still pop in ever so often to stalk lol
Shara, I am SOOOOOOOOO excited for your appointment tomorrow!!! Mine, too, but I really can't wait to see your beautiful baby(ies)!!! What time is your appointment? We both have to come back here and post as soon as possible! I would love nothing more than for you to have your little Royal and Roman in there! However, I know we'll all be happy with simply healthy, whether there is one baby or two, and same sex or both sexes if two. :happydance:
Sooooooo Kim??? Are you gonna share what happened?? We are kind of worrried you know...what's going on

Nothing on Tara's journal since the 13th so I don't know what's going on with her either :shrug:
Shara what do you mean there's more to it? Ima little lost haha!!

Good morning kim!!! I'll share my chart in just a sec, I did have 2 big spikes over 2 days so I hope it looks good :) and YES shara is right we are worried, still! Lol

Shara what do you mean there's more to it? Ima little lost haha!!

Good morning kim!!! I'll share my chart in just a sec, I did have 2 big spikes over 2 days so I hope it looks good :) and YES shara is right we are worried, still! Lol


I just meant that I edited it and added the rest that I had to say because I wasn't done I hit the submit button by accident, so when you posted your reply I wasn't sure if you saw all of it, that's all lol, but it's all good. I let it out, I'm over it..
Oooooh I see!! And YAY omg huge smile on my face right now, I CAN O :wohoo:

I also miss jodie it sucks how she stays away for so long but I get why, what with their move etc. Hope she's all good

OK, like I said yesterday, it seems totally silly in light of Kika's situation. After doing quite a bit of thinking and processing last night, I actually said a prayer of thanks that my problem is what it is and my baby is and will be OK.

My OB's office called with the results of my 3-hour glucose test during my lunch break yesterday: I have gestational diabetes. My hormones are already in overdrive, so hearing the news immediately put me into tears. I'd prepared myself that this would be the outcome, but hearing the truth of the words were a huge blow. I was absolutely gutted. After she said that, I completely blanked out while she was talking and had to ask her to go back and repeat everything following the part where she said I have it.

Because I'd already told myself to expect it, I was under the impression I'd be managing it with diet and exercise (my mom has type 2 diabetes and that's how she manages hers). That is the case, but I will also have to prick my finger 4 times a day (as soon as I wake up, 2 hours after breakfast, 2 hours after lunch and 2 hours after dinner) to check my glucose levels and record them. All of that throughout the rest of my pregnancy. I was extremely bummed out yesterday and to be perfectly honest, I'm kinda scared. I don't like the sight of blood and now I'll be seeing it every day, 4 times a day. Hopefully since it'll just be a drop, I'll get used to it pretty quickly. The nurse sent a referral to our local diabetes center, and they'll be calling me to schedule my first consultation, which will 2-3 hours long. She sent the prescription for my diabetes testing equipment to my pharmacy, so I'll be picking that up today. She suggested that I go ahead and start checking my glucose (aka pricking my finger) and recording the readings as soon as possible so I'll have some data when I go in to the diabetes center for my consultation.

The good news is the nurse said it is not because of anything I did, and I couldn't have done anything to prevent it. For some reason, pregnancy hormones just don't allow my insulin to regulate glucose like it did pre-pregnancy. She said gestational diabetes is quite common, and should go away within a couple of weeks after the baby's birth.

The bad news is that having gestational diabetes means I am more prone to getting type 2 diabetes later in life. And remember, my mom already has it, so I felt like I was being sentenced to a life of diabetes yesterday. I know that sounds so melodramatic and somewhat pathetic now, but I was just so upset. And nobody likes being told what they can and can't eat, especially when they're pregnant! I'm starting to come around now, though. I did some research last night, and the food part won't be hard. Most of the foods I can eat are ones I already do (fruits and veggies, whole grains, fat-free dairy products, etc.) I'll just have to watch my carbs and sugars a little more carefully. The carbs are gonna be the hardest part, because I love my pasta, bread, potatoes, etc. But OBVIOUSLY I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep my sweet Lil' Monkey safe and sound.

I know this was an extremely long post, and I appreciate y'all reading it and letting me vent about it. As I said before, I'm coming around and have accepted that it is what it is. The first week or so will be tough, I'm sure, but I'll get used to it and be an old hat before long.
Well, my mom has type 1 diabetes, which makes me more receptable to the disease so I understand exactly where you're coming from. I know in light of the siutation with Kika, it does seem minute but that would be a big deal to me too! We totally understand your logic and feeling behind it, but as long as you take care of yourself accordingly then you should be rid of it by the time peanut can officially see your beautiful face. It's no easy task or nothing pleasant to think about , I know, because I watch my mom take insulin EVERYDAY, but it will be okay love. I'm sorry you did get it but I hope it doesn't make this pregnancy a bad experience for you going forward <3
Oh no way :( I was really hoping that uour results would come back clear kim. That sucks :( im sorry to hear it but as shara said, all will be ok. and i get you, I absolutely hate needles too! one of our residents in the care home has diabetes and I have to prick her finger twice daily, also inject her, and she nearly cries each time bless her she has a real fear so I'm a little gutted that the results came back like this. But like you said you'll do anything for your lil' monkey <3 my mum and dad both have diabetes (real dad in Turkey) so I always have to watch what I eat but luckily every time I do the finger test it comes back ok.

Thanks for the kind words about O! Yay!!!! Rather happy that my SSM's reassure me like you do! <3 however I hope I didnt O yesterday as that was the only day we didn't BD, but we did EVERY day for the days leading up to it.. So I hope we did enough!!! Feeling really positive this cycle, a bit too positive! :wohoo:
I don't know what I'd do without my SSMs. Y'all always know how to make me smile and put sunshine in my life! Shara, I hate that your mom has type 1, but I'm glad you shared that. I hope this doesn't sound twisted, but it actually makes me feel better about gestational diabetes. My levels weren't high enough to need insulin, so I feel very fortunate about that after hearing what your mom has to do every day. And my SSMs know me - I don't stay down for too long. ;) This will in no way tarnish my pregnancy experience. I have been blessed with a growing, healthy baby and fairly easy pregnancy thus far, so unless something goes seriously wrong with me or my LO, I will keep a positive outlook and continue to enjoy as much of it as possible. In a weird kind of way, I'm actually thankful for having a good reason to make certain I'm eating healthy all the time. It's better for me AND Lil' Monkey! And it'll probably help me get rid of my pregnancy weight and possibly some of my extra afterwards. I always try to find the good in a undesirable situation. I mean, what else can I do? Sit around and sulk? :sulk: No thanks! :flow:

Louisa, I honestly think that even if you did O yesterday, it's OK that you guys didn't :sex:. :spermy: can live for up to 3 days inside you, so those little swimmers were already in there waiting for your egg! :thumbup: Are you planning to BD one more time today? Or have you already?
Actually Louisa, if you didn't Bd yesterday, that's perfect!! A lot of "experts" lol, recommend that you BD every day BESIDES the day of O due to the fact that it may be too late anyhow, but just in case it's a late drop than you do skip a day and Bd one last time, so you're right on track! You BD'd when you got the positive opk right? If so, you're right in the game ladybug. I'm rooting for ya
That's the attitude we LOVE kim!!! 'Sit around and sulk, no thanks!' Haha love it and so proud of you! You're right in so many ways - as long as peanut is growing and healthy which he OR she IS (we will find out which one tomorrow hehehe!!!) then that's the main and most important thing <3 go go go girly you're doing so good :hugs:

I have heard that BD'ing on the actual day doesn't make much difference either so I'm ok with that, and hope that :spermy: from the other days have made it!!! I'm just relieved that I do actually oculate and charting/temping seems to be the only thing to prove that besides ultrasounds and the like! Only issue is- when to test?! :test:

Aw, love you girlies millions. <3 :kiss: <3
I love you girls tons, too! I can't tell you how many times I've wished we could all get together for hot chocolate/tea/coffee and just chat and spend time together. <3 Friends for life! :friends:
Same here kim, I hope one day somehow we can! Dreaming &#128151; <3 &#128151; definitely friends for life, I didn't think this thread would last 2 minutes but it has become a huge part of daily life - fact! ;)
I'm just out for a roast dinner so will talk to you guys later :hugs:

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