Jess, that is WONDERFUL!!! And so exciting!!!

Good luck and please let us know how it goes as soon as you can!

P.S. Great work on your siggys, by the way!
Oh, Louisa. Claire's situation makes me want to cry. I cannot imagine knowing my child would be sleeping when delivered. Just like you said, to think of all the pain she will go through just to deliver little Amelia, and then not have her to take home?

My heart is absolutely broken for Claire. Have you heard any updates from your mom? How is Claire doing?
I am so so SO worried about Shara. Why hasn't she been on to share her good news?!? I can't help but wonder if something went wrong.

Why else would it take her so long to post? I'm praying that is NOT the case, and that everything went perfectly, she just hasn't had a chance to get on yet. I'm so nervous, and wish she'd let us know what's going on!
I wish Jodie and Tara would check in, too. I'd love for them to find out about my little

monkey! I hope they are doing well, and Kika, too, but I'm not expecting her to check in for quite some time. Just like you said, Louisa, the board has gone dangerously quiet, and I don't like it one bit at all!