Bails and cody didn't get along well at first but they love each other now!
Oh, I know! Tell me about it!!! It has gone super quiet and obviously as you said we know why poor Kika is taking a break, tara too! But it seems strange again that jodie is so absent I guess it's to do with moving house and packing up, and I'm guessing it's MS with Shara, too!

bless her. It will all be worth it in the end! Oh god the thought of kika having to go through that is heart wrenching!

I too wanted to go through it naturally last time because I was so scared of the D&C (yes I faint at the sight of blood, needles in MY arms .. I'm ok with sticking them in others would you believe

) but I'm glad I didn't witness my baby leaving me in that way, so I have to agree Kika is one brave lady to do that and I am thinking of her

(have been every day anyway of course) I love my girls and I miss them too.
I also love your hopefulness towards a possible BFP tomorrow or in the coming days

I'm so hopefull too, although trying to not set my heart on it like I do every freakin month! What's good is that I had cramps for 2 days, from 6-8 dpo, and I expected to see The start of AF shortly after those cramps but still nothing which is actually unusual for me and then straight after the cramps my boobs started feeling BRUISED and still do

although sore boobs is normal for me (straight after O!) I like the fact that they got sore later on this month after the cramps because they could possibly mean something?! But I'm doing what I always do and thinking into things too much so I'm gonna stop lol however time will tell! My tests had just better turn up tomorrow