Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

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Kim that's gorgeous!!! Your kitchen looks identical to ours! :haha: really happy you've found 'the one' and hopefully yours sells soon! That's such a sweet little garden I'm sure lil'monkey is gonna have great fun out there! :D
Kim that's gorgeous!!! Your kitchen looks identical to ours! :haha: really happy you've found 'the one' and hopefully yours sells soon! That's such a sweet little garden I'm sure lil'monkey is gonna have great fun out there! :D

Thanks! I do hope it works out. How funny that our kitchens would be identical!?!? If it does go through, I will always think of you when I'm in the kitchen! And yes, I think the "garden" is perfect for Lil' Monkey to play safely! I think it's so cute you guys call them gardens. We call them yards, which just sounds dumb and not cute at all. So if our yard is a garden over there, where are flowers and vegetables planted at your houses? That's what we call gardens. Not everyone has vegetable or flower gardens at their homes, mind you, but when they do that's what they're called. :flow: :flow: :flow:

What are houses like there compared to here? Does the house we want look like any houses there? I want so badly to visit one day!

Awww, Louisa, thank you for asking about the job. I still haven't heard anything, but I'm not feeling very confident anymore. One of my co-workers applied and interviewed for it, as well, and he has more experience than I do. But we'll see what happens! I'll keep a positive attitude, and if it was meant to be, it will be. (That's one of my life philosophies, by the way. Seeing as how I've already used it twice today! :haha:)
Haha aw! 'Yards' :haha: not many people grow things in their actual gardens (yards) mainly flowers in spring ready for Summer but fruit and veg is mainly grown in something called an allotment which is like little plots of land that you rent :D or some people have green houses in their yards which are little glass sheds (really hot!) for food!

houses are all different here really, we get ones that look just like the photos but we also have much smaller ones in more built up areas! Then we have town houses too and massive country houses, cottages, pent houses especially in London, but there's also some really shabby blocks of flats in London too!

Hahaha awww thats so cute that you'll always think of me when you're in the kitchen, I'm gonna be the same now! :rofl:

Oh that kind of sucks I hate it when that happens! There's always going to be people with more expedience that apply for things that you want to go for too, I've had that a lot of times! I'm still hopeful for you <3
I just had to share my chart quickly :haha: look at the zig zags my temps have given me since O! :rofl: only I would do that hahaha, on the other hand is it looking like a good patten if I ddi conceive or? (Don't be afraid to say it honest :D) I have no idea what looks good and what doesn't :shrug: I did hear that it's good if they stay elevated but they're not exactly high are they :haha:


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Oh and just one more photo :rofl: I have to share!!! We went to the pond yesterday with jess and sofia, and cody had a paddle for the first time! He looked so tiny in that water <3


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I think the differences between here and there are so cool! Whenever you are ready to trade places, just let me know! :haha: Have you seen the movie "The Holiday" with Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law and Jack Black? Wouldn't that be so much fun to trade houses for a couple of weeks (or even a month!)? I wish I had the kind of job where I could take off that much time to travel! Anyway, that was such a cute movie, I loved it.

We have greenhouses here, too, but I don't think they're very common. And we have allotments, too, but I'm not sure what they're called. Community gardens, I think. I pass one on my way to work every day, I've just never really paid attention to what it's called. Sounds like your houses are much the same as here, there are many varieties! There's just something about England, Great Britain, etc. that is so much cooler than the US, at least to me!
Louisa, your chart looks GREAT! And I promise I am not just telling you what I think you want to hear! It's OK if your temps go up and down a little from day to day. The important thing is that they've stayed above your coverline! I'm pretty sure Celsius is similar to Fahrenheit as far as temping goes, but I can tell you that with Fahrenheit, the temp is to stay at least three tenths above your previous 6 temps before you O'd. I know that probably sounds so confusing, but trust me, your chart looks AWESOME! If it makes a sharp decline or dips back down something below your coverline, AF will show soon. But for now, those temps look fab, I promise!!! I'm so proud of you for keeping up with charting!!! :hugs:

Oh my, if Cody isn't the cutest, sweetest thing!!! <3 :dog: <3 I can't believe I have forgotten to ask you about him! I love him so much and just want to cuddle with him immediately!!! He looks so sweet and handsome! And you are so adorable with "he had a paddle"...that is just too cute! How'd he do with his first paddle? Did he love the water? Did you play fetch at all?
I know you asked about a new bump pic Friday, and I never got around to doing it! Here is one from today. Can you believe I'm 19 weeks? That's almost half way! :baby:


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Believe it or not I've turned into a BIT of a charting obsessive :rofl: I hated it at first!!! I've heard so much about it too. I've heard that if they temps stay up then it could mean pregnancy, I've also heard that if it dips that AF is on her way OR it could be an implantation dip?! What on earth, there are so many possibilities!!! I've also heard that temps can stay elevated even if you're not pregnant and vice versa that they can dip when in actual fact someone is pregnant lol, so I'm only gonna believe the statistics to a certain point and let my HPT tell me the rest :D I do love hearing that it looks good though, that is encouraging !!!

Oh I loveeeeee your bump, little blue monkey is growing GOOD! <3 I love him already, and you of course ;) gorgeous photo!!! You look amazing and have that pregnant glow!

Haha aww don't worry, he's doing so good though thanks! He goes to doggy day care with Bailey on the days I do day shifts which is normally only 2 days a week, only for a few hours but it saves them being alone and eating half our house :rofl: they go on great walks there so he already knows the water a little, he's such a cutie!!! It sounds funny but he's fine in the shallow water until it touches his tinkle and then he's like 'OH NO YOU DONT' and RUNS straight out of it :haha: he is just learning to fetch the ball back, we give him a little treat each time so he knows that's what we want him to do and now he is getting there! We are lucky to have a lot of canals and ponds where we live and he loves running up and down the big hills, in and out of he leafs :haha: he's super active!
It sounds funny but he's fine in the shallow water until it touches his tinkle and then he's like 'OH NO YOU DONT' and RUNS straight out of it :haha:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You just made me laugh so hard!!! I can just picture him, I really can! He's such a little cutie. He and Bails get along well? I'm so glad you got him! <3

I was obsessed with charting, too!!! And I'd get so frustrated because my charts were extremely hard to read because I drank wine :wine: quite a bit before getting pregnant, so it always skewed my chart. I still take my temps every morning, even though I don't need to. I guess it's habit now. You are right, there is tons of confusing info out there, so you just have to do the best you can and let your HPT tell you the rest, just like you said!

Aw, you're so sweet. Would you believe someone just told me yesterday that I have the pregnant glow?!? :) I guess it must be true! Either that, or because I don't wear makeup, my face is shiny! :rofl:
I hope Shara's MS isn't too bad. I'm guessing that's why she hasn't been back on. :nope: I'm really surprised about her not being pregnant with twins. I just KNEW she was! And I wonder where Jodie's been? Hopefully just busy with the move. I think about all of my SSMs every day, but I miss y'all when I don't hear from y'all. I know Tara and Kika are taking a break, but I miss them something terrible. It just sucks that they aren't here to share our good news with: Jess and my and baby genders, Shara's sweet bean pic, your upcoming BFP... ;) I do wonder how Kika is doing with the loss. If I understood correctly, she was going to wait for her body to recognize the miscarriage instead of having the D&C. Bless her heart. She is a stronger woman than me, because I just couldn't bear the thought of seeing proof that my baby was gone. I'm getting emotional just thinking about it. :cry: Anyway, I hope all of our MIA ladies are doing OK!
Bails and cody didn't get along well at first but they love each other now! :haha: <3 :dog:

Oh, I know! Tell me about it!!! It has gone super quiet and obviously as you said we know why poor Kika is taking a break, tara too! But it seems strange again that jodie is so absent I guess it's to do with moving house and packing up, and I'm guessing it's MS with Shara, too! :sick: bless her. It will all be worth it in the end! Oh god the thought of kika having to go through that is heart wrenching! :( I too wanted to go through it naturally last time because I was so scared of the D&C (yes I faint at the sight of blood, needles in MY arms .. I'm ok with sticking them in others would you believe :rofl:) but I'm glad I didn't witness my baby leaving me in that way, so I have to agree Kika is one brave lady to do that and I am thinking of her :cry: (have been every day anyway of course) I love my girls and I miss them too. :(

I also love your hopefulness towards a possible BFP tomorrow or in the coming days :haha: I'm so hopefull too, although trying to not set my heart on it like I do every freakin month! What's good is that I had cramps for 2 days, from 6-8 dpo, and I expected to see The start of AF shortly after those cramps but still nothing which is actually unusual for me and then straight after the cramps my boobs started feeling BRUISED and still do :nope: although sore boobs is normal for me (straight after O!) I like the fact that they got sore later on this month after the cramps because they could possibly mean something?! But I'm doing what I always do and thinking into things too much so I'm gonna stop lol however time will tell! My tests had just better turn up tomorrow :wohoo:
Morning ladies :wave: hope you're good. <3 I'm so nervous. One box of my tests atleast should turn up today, I'm hoping it'll be the FRER's but on the other hand I'm not really feeling good about it either! I've had slight cramps all morning and a pressure sort of feeling right down low and I'm sure that's AF on her way! So I'm not sure whether to waste a test and feel like shit over a bfn. :nope: I'll see what happens I guess! I'm gonna wrap up warm and take the dogs to the beach with Jesse after I've tested anyway, and we will have fish and chips or something. I love the beach in the winter! It's so refreshing. So either way I don't have time to sit there getting sad over the worst outcome you know? but my postman is rubbish and doesn't turn up until 12/1 in the afternoon!!! :( I'll make sure I post here before I go anywhere though xo

I'd love to hear from shara today, I feel so bad for ANYONE suffering with MS with how I saw jess suffer lately so I hate the thought of one of my SSM's feeling that way! I'd also love to hear from tara or jodie today, even both! And I would love even more to hear from our sweet kika. I really miss those girlies. <3

Edit -- my frer's turned up, :bfn: but I'm ok. It's still early and it wasn't fmu but I couldn't resist but test still stupidly
Aw, Lou, I hate that you had to see a :bfn: today! I wish you could've waited, but it sounds like you're not too down about it, so I'm proud of you for that! If at all possible, wait for those FRERs and test tomorrow morning! :hugs: I'm glad you and Jesse are taking the dogs to the beach. Sounds like fun! Good for you for keeping your mind on other things, sweet lady. <3

I hate to rush off, but I have a meeting in just a bit. Looks like today is shaping up to be a busy work day, so I may not be on as much as yesterday. :( I sure do hope one of our other SSMs makes it on just to check in! It'd be wonderful to hear from one or more of them!

Love you, girly. Keep that chin up! <3
It was the frer's that turned up but I just think I'm past the point of feeling down about bfn's now because it's happened each month (without sounding morbid lol) so I'm just use to it, like we all are/was until it eventually happens <3 I'll test again but if it's meant to be then it'll be. If not then we try again :)

Aw, sucks that work is busy! No worries about not being on as much, I have work tonight too. have a good day (as good as it can get lol) don't work too hard!!!

Love you and monkey-boy :hugs: <3 xx
Hey Ladies!!!

Sorry for my absence but yeah my morning sickness is still crappy :( I mean, it's controlled more than before, but not to the point of being comfortable/deal-able at all :nope:. It's like it's inadvertently affected my breathing because every since it's gotten like this I've had this hiccup like breathing. It's like my body's always ready to puke at any moment. Work; huh, it's been horrible. I just can't wait til second Tri. I've heard it's should diminish or decrease a great deal then. Anyway

So happy to see that bump Kim!!! You look so georgeous lady. HOPEFULLY I get the courage to take pics with my baby. I'm thinking 14 weeks maybe lol. I was thinking twins, and hoping twins, too love, but I'm happy with whatever the good Lord blesses me with.

Awwww Louisa! Cody- I mean what more can I say, he's super adorable. Good to hear Saskia is doing great too. That's my girl!
Kim's right. Anything over that coverline is promising til it drops. And I have everything crossed that it doesn't. Sorry about the bfn, but it's still early like y'all said and I'm praying that seed is planting as we speak, or type :haha:

Love you lots, TTYL Ciao!
Shara!! <3 oh girl. Sorry to hear you're still feeling rough but I'm glad to hear it's more under control than before :hugs: thanks for your promising words sweet :) my temp is still well and truly above the cover line today but unfortunately another bfn although I'm definitely more gutted about it than yesterday even though it's still early. Reason being is that I was sat on the loo and normally dip my tests but today I did the midstream thing and I actually sat there watching the pee go across but for a split second it created a line where a BFP would be, but then carried on moving across the whole screen and of course BFN. But again I'm positive still and I'm ok, I refuse to get down in the dumps about it anymore. I'm still cramping mildly and boobs are still sore, no sign of AF or even spotting so hopefully it's just too early but as I said yesterday if not then it's not the end of the world :) I have every reason to believe my time will come. Anyhow

Have a good day beauties <3
I'm so glad to see you're being so positive, but I'm still sorry about the bfn. A lot of women don't get a bfp til af day or the next because of late implantation, so I'm still praying that that sticky bubba is getting all nice and snuggly in there. 11 DPO is still quite early so as long as there's no :af: the cramping and sore boobs are a good thing. Do you still have creamy CM with it? If so, I'd be preparing for bfp soon unless these are all normal for you.
Funny thing is though, I still have a lot of creamy CM. It just makes me feel weird, like I'm bleeding or something. I think once I get past 11w 2d, I'll stop being so paranoid lol...we'll see about that

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