Hey my favourite ladies.
So so so sorry for being so quiet

I have still been coming on here but mainly to read the threads with the occasional comment here and there, this month has just hurt way too much to be my normal self I guess. However I'm feeling better a little, I'm just about to O and for once I have abundant EWCM! And some more good news, we got another labrador puppy today! A cream girl called Skye

shes 8 weeks and absolutely tiny compared to cody! she will never fill the hole in my heart that Bailey left me with, no dog could! He was one of a kind but my labs are gonna help me heal I know it.
Kim I am so truly sorry for you, your poor uncle. This world is so cruel in so many ways it's sickening. I'm thinking of you and want you to know we love you lots!!! And we're here. I haven't been for a few days, work has been crazy busy the last couple weeks as we've had 9 new residents come in within the same week which is so unusual so it's been a lot of adjusting but it has sort of taken my mind off babies so it's not a bad thing I guess. I cannot believe you're over half way!!!! That is SO crazy, I remember the day you tested and posted that picture! I can't believe it. How have you been, how's baby boy?
Shara, how are you? I've missed you!!!!

are you showing yet?! Nearly 11 weeks where has the time gone!!!
Tara, how are you? Have you tested yet? Love you lady.
Kika(whenever you are) love you too sweetie pie and we haven't forgotten about you! Please come back soon!

with hopefully some answers.
I've missed you girls, I did lose the knack for BnB this cycle, I just wasn't feeling up to reading anuthing TTC related/baby related (besides my SSM's babies, always got time for those!!!

) but I'm back to my chatty self! This month we have taken the chilled approach to ttc, I haven't used a single OPK, I haven't been charting nor have we been using any preseed or the like, and I haven't even looked at my apps to remind me of my fertile window! We've literally just been

when we feel like it (but regularly) because we wanted it not because it felt like we had to, so I hope this might have a good effect on us.
Jodie has also been non existant too

hope she's alright!
Kim, thanks for asking!! Jess is ok, she forgot her password for this and since I was taking a break she didn't bother making resetting it as she didn't know how so I guess she didn't want to ask me either but she's doing gooood, Those girls are GROWING!