Hi, ladies! Another busy day in paradise.
SHARA!!! I was so happy to see you and Romeo's pic when I brought up the thread!!!

I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling so crappy, though.

That MS is serious business! Were you able to find the Preggie Pop Drops? If so, did they help? Are there any foods that are helping you deal with your nausea or does the thought of food make you sick? I completely understand where you're coming from about being stressed until that 11 week 2 day mark passes. God needed our first little ones in heaven with Him, He had a greater plan for them from the get-go. However, this little one you have now was meant to be, we have every reason to believe that!

I know it seems like it will take forever for the next 3 weeks and 2 days to pass, but you'll get there, my sweet. Just keep hanging in there and being strong like you always are.
Louisa, I hate that you got another BFN, but Shara's absolutely right. It's still very early and your little bean may have implanted later than earlier. I didn't get my BFP until 14 DPO, so try not to worry too much just yet. It is a very good thing that you haven't had the slightest sign of AF and that you're cramping and have sore boobs AND creamy CM!!! I'm feeling very positive about this cycle for you, and I'm keeping EX for that wonderful

AFM, I had my 3-hour gestational diabetes consultation today. It went really well. Shaun went with me and y'all should have seen him. He was the only husband in the class and he kept asking questions like a good little student. It was so cute and sweet. He's going to make a great daddy, I just know it!