Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

So glad you checked in! I have been thinking about you. I'm spotting and think AF will be here today or tomorrow. :( Wharves! I know the feeling .... BnB can be overwhelming when TTC and I'm needing that same break.

Congratulations on the puppy!!! What wonderful news. I'm crossing everything for you for this cycle lady! Love you! :hugs:

Hope everyone is doing well!! Been thinking about all of you! Any scan pics Shara? :)
Good morning, my sweet SSMs!

Louisa, how wonderful it is to hear from you! I have missed you tons! Don't get me wrong, I completely understand needing a break from BnB. I am super proud of you for not using OPKs, not charting, etc. My best friend said that it was when they stopped trying and just had fun with it that they got pregnant with her first. So you're doing the right thing by listening to your gut. :hugs:

I hope work gets a little less busy for you! Last week was crazy for me and this week is shaping up the same way, so I commiserate with you. Are the new residents settled in now? 9 sure is a lot at one time, goodness gracious!

I know what you mean about no pup being able to take Bailey's place. He will always have a special place in your heart. Yay for your new puppy, though! :dog:

Tara, I know how rough this journey has been for you, sweetie. Do what you have to in order to hang in there and make things easier on yourself. You know your SSMs are here for you through thick and thin! :hugs:

Shara and Jodie, where are you girls? I miss you both terribly! :(

My uncle is still hanging in there, but probably not for much longer. It is very sad. I guess the good thing (if there is one) is that we've had time to prepare ourselves and been able to say goodbye.

I have 2 more appointments tomorrow morning, one with the maternal fetal medicine specialist (hopefully I'll get more scan pics!) and the other just a regular check up with my OB. I'll let y'all know how it goes. <3
I missed you ladies, too <3

Tara, did she arrive? :nope:

Kim, hey!!! It's so good to hear from you aswell. I hate to hear that about your uncle, I had to wait my step dads mother go in the same way who was obviously like a nanna to me, so I feel you right now! It is HARD! :(

Good luck at your appointments tomorrow xx
My uncle passed away late last night, ladies. Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers.

On a brighter note, my appointments went really well. Lil' Monkey is doing great, everything looks perfect. <3

Happy 11 Weeks, Shara. I do wish you'd check in just to let us know you and baby are OK. Miss you.
So so sorry kim :cry: terrible news, poor man. I'll be thinking of him/you guys.

I'm so glad to hear lil'monkey is doing so good, that is soooo good to hear! I bet bump has popped aswell by now, pictures please!!! <3

Yesss shara happy 11 weeks to you, Romeo and Roman/Royal. I also wish we would hear from you!

Sadly we only managed to BD once around the time that I THINK I was fertile (I don't know since I havent used opk's or been temping or anything else come to that) so I doubt we have much chance, I have just been so tired I've literally been eating showering and sleeping within an hour of coming home from work. It's been crazy.. So I'm a bit gutted. We did almost manage twice during my 'fertile window' but then when it came to it, jesse couldn't ... (He's also been mega tired lately) so its been a bit disastrous this month. However getting Sky has been almost like bringing a newborn home, she is so baby like! She sucks the side of her bed like a dummy (pacifier) to get her to sleep. Shes amazing .. I'll have to change my photo :D
Thanks, Louisa. His "celebration of life" (a.k.a. funeral) was Saturday, and it was beautiful. My aunt and cousins seem to be holding up pretty well, all things considered, so it was a lot easier for us extended family not to dissolve into tears because they were being so strong.

I can only imagine how frustrating TTC continues to be for you, sweet lady. But I am so glad you didn't temp and chart and use OPKs, etc. You needed a break, and this way, maybe it won't be so gut wrenching if you don't get a BFP, because you're already kinda expecting not to. So if you do, even better! But if not, you won't really be surprised. I hope that makes sense. Anyway, I can tell your spirits are down and I wish there were something I could do to make you feel better! :hugs:

SKY IS SOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! How do she and Cody get along? I bet they are the best of friends!! <3 :dog: :dog: <3

How is Jess? I sure do miss all our girls. :cry:
Sorry to be quick. This is NO reflection on you girls but I am having a really hard time.

Here is my journal update. I was delivered some bad news today. :(


Kim, I am so so sorry for your loss. That makes me so sad.

Lou Lou, I'm so glad that little puppy is bringing some joy to you right now. :hugs:
Oh, Tara, I'm so sorry, honey. FSH is follicle stimulating hormone, if I remember correctly? So what exactly does it mean? I'm guessing it is harder for you to get pregnant because your number is higher than normal? I would definitely go to a different practice and get a second opinion. Maybe they'll be a little kinder to you. I can't believe he said no to retesting. :nope: What is an HSG? I'd keep that appointment, too.

I wish you didn't have to go through this. I know how bad you want another baby. Hopefully your second opinion will come out better. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, sweet lady, and sending you lots of love and hugs. :hugs: :kiss:
I just read more of your journal and I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better about it. One of the ladies commented how 20% is still good because odds are 25% at the highest each cycle, and I totally agree. So keep your head up and good luck finding a new OB. I have started following your thread so I'll know when you post updates now. :)
I am so sorry to hear that you're taking a break, but I do understand. Just like Kika's decision to break for a while, I'm sure it'll be sad without you, but you have to do what's best for you. I still will be praying that you guys get your bfp soon. No words can express the sadness for Bailey so I won't even try, but I am sorry for your loss. There HAS to be a rainbow after this storm I'm sure. Love you..

Tara, I'm so glad to see you back in the TWW!! I won't say too much because I know how hard it is to NOT be anxious lol...soooo FX!!

As for me, I'm doing well. Baby's very well. Went back to the Dr today for the ms and an u/s and they said everything's progressing perfectly. Baby's body is full distinguishable now and hb measured around 169 bpm, and crl measured 9w1d, so :thumbup:

Love you ladies...ttyl

Shara!!! The last time you posted was on March 3rd!!! That's over 3 weeks ago! Where are you, ladybug? I miss you and want to hear how you, baby, and Romeo are doing! Please write back. :cry:
Shara I am so so so sorry sweetie :cry: I can't believe it. I am heartbroken :nope: love you and romeo, so sorry :cry:

Please no! I am so heart broken for you! :cry:

I am so very sorry. I am without words. Sending healing thoughts your way.

Love you.
Thanks you loves so much. I'll be back on in a few days. I just need this to settle in my mind and heart first. I'm happy to see you ladies on here again. Ttyl :kiss:
Shara I haven't been able to stop thinking about you and romeo today, I can't believe it! I'm so sad beyond words and you just don't deserve this again :cry: I just wish you were close right now so I could hug you so tight. An e-hug will have to do, but just know we care for you so much and we are always here, despite the thread being quiet lately for various reasons, that will never chnage and that applies to all of you <3
Oh, Shara. I am at a loss for words, honey. I am so very sorry to hear the terrible news. It just isn't fair. You should not have to go through this again! :cry: I know you need time to process, but just know that your SSMs are here for you, whatever you need. I love you so very much, sweet lady. :hugs: Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers your way.
Hmm :( crappy times.

Shara I know you haven't been on here in a couple days but I've been thinking of you and hope you're holding up okay. My heart is breaking at the thought of your pain right now. Someone with such a good heart doesn't deserve this for a second time (nobody deserves it of course) but it hurts me when it's one of my SSM's :(

I really don't want to seem rude for going into another topic so please don't take it the wrong way anyone :( but my cycles went back to 28 days. So I'm hoping we have more chance now :) it is hard to keep motivated though and I lost all of my mojo last cycle (AF turned up today) but I'm not surprised. :)

Tara I remember reading your last post too- I can't remember all of it but I do know that at the time I thought 'get a second opinion!' I would say that to anyone in almost any situation because I've seen cases like this so many times, you may well get a completely different answer next time around but either way we are still in this together and coping huh! :hugs:

Kim, love you and lil baby boy, too <3


Totally thinking of you Shara! xoxo

Lou Lou, I was told I have a high FSH level. One doc says hi, one doc says borderline which means low ovarian reserves and given my age...low quality eggs making it less than 5% chance to conceive naturally. :nope:

I'm going to give it another 6 months and stop.

I think I'm out this month given the HSG procedure I had done.

Where are you in your cycle?
So sorry to hear that tara! That is terrible news but still look on the bright side, 5% is still a chance right? I'm hopeful for you still.

Well i don't really know! Today Is cd29 and its my second day of spotting .. So it started yesterday at day 28!!! So I'm thinking my cycles are back to normal length again but it's very strange how its just 'happened' so suddenly.. I genuinely thought this could have been IB since I thought it was way too early for AF but testing negative so I'm putting it down to cycle length changing back to what it use to be :) which isn't a bad thing!

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