Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Aw, Kika, I'm sorry you had a bad experience with the Boston doctor. :( How far are you from New York? I hate that you're having to go through so much in your TTC journey, but eventually it will pay off, my sweet. :hugs: Have you already had your camping trip to the Cape or is that this weekend? That sounds so nice! :thumbup:

Louisa, I love Kayla and Lilia! Such adorable names! I'm glad to hear Jess is doing well. Where are you and Jesse going on holiday? :plane: Give us the details! Are you still loving your new job? Isn't it WONDERFUL having weekends off?!?

Things have been crazy busy lately for me. I started my new position at work on Friday (:D) but am still doing my old position, too, until my replacement starts (:(). And even then, I will be training her. I'll be so glad to finally wash my hands of all the stress! Also, we had planned to move in to the new house over this past weekend, but couldn't book movers because it was the weekend college students move home for the summer (remember, we live in a big college town), so we had to push it back to this upcoming weekend. My poor mom and mother-in-law will be spending Mother's Day weekend helping us move. I can't wait to be in the new house, though! And there's still so much left to do! :?

As far as my health goes, I had to be put on insulin for my gestational diabetes. I am able to control it with diet and exercise during the day, but while I sleep, my levels get too high. :( So my OB prescribed a shot of insulin every night before bed. It sucks, but I'll do whatever it takes to keep little Connor happy and healthy. However, now I have to go to the maternal-fetal medicine specialist once a week until he's born to make sure the insulin isn't causing him distress. There are slight risks to taking the insulin, but not as bad as what could happen to him if I don't take it, so... He is measuring big already (which happens to babies of mommies with GD), 32 weeks + 2 days and 3 pounds, 11 ounces as of last Thursday's appointment (at that time, I was only 28 weeks + 6 days). Both my OB and the maternal-fetal medicine specialist say they won't let me go past my due date, July 17th. The maternal-fetal medicine specialist actually recommends inducing me at 39 weeks. Neither doctor wants him to get too big, but the problem is that babies of mommies with GD, their lungs don't mature as quickly as babies with non-GD mommies, so they'll have to do amniocentesis to make sure the substance he expresses when his lungs are ready is present in the amniotic fluid. A lot of info, and I find it a bit worrisome, but I'm keeping faith that everything will continue to go fairly smoothly and he doesn't have to be delivered too early.

I hope my SSMs are doing well. Miss you all and lots of love to everyone! <3 <3 <3

I was so excited to see someone post!!!

Kika, I just went to an amazing RE right in Providence. They are a wealth of information and so helpful. 401-453-7500 if you want to call them.

As for me, I went to the RE and they were more hopeful than my OBGYN. While my FSH was slightly elevated, they also tested my AMH which was also slightly off. In the low range, but super low range. :wacko:

I'm still plugging along...each cycle is a surprise at this moment.

I wrote this long long letter yday it was so long that I got logged off while typing and it didn't post :/

Kimmy, I'm so happy little Conner is doing well and coping with the meds and the condition, I'm sure the doctors will know when's best for him to have his birth day :) have you got any birthing preferences and what are they?

How exciting to move in to new house? Does it have a big yard, my dream is to have a house with big yard--> for now I live in an apartment :p

Tara, as far as I researched egg quality and off fsh and amh --> it means that even when the ovaries stop producing eggs every month --> and that's when women stop having periods every month --> they still can get pregnant on the month they do release an egg. And from the very first off results to the irregular periods TAKES YEARS. So just relax and do what you're doing and it will happen :)

There's docotrs who are able to put you on meds and lower significantly FSH giving chance for better eggs but I think your levels should be above 17 to qualify for such treatment. But you can still research if you're worried. But there's plenty options out there so may be just do what you do and it will happen.

AFM--> I'm scheduling a free 10 min phone consult with the doctor in NYC, he wants me to have a full immune assessment cause he thinks my LOW levels of IgA are pointing to a significant problem. I got a bit worried of the word he used --> significant, but hopefully he'll know how to help.

I'll write again when I know more :)

Love you all <3

Kika, I hate when that happens! How are you doing, dear? I'm still so upset over you and Shara's losses. I know you don't want to talk about it, but just know that I love you and think about you daily. <3

As far as birthing preferences, what do you mean? I know I will be giving birth in a hospital, and I definitely want an epidural. I have an unnatural fear of the pain, and the closer I get to Connor's anticipated arrival, the more it stresses me out. So I'm pro pain meds all the way. Other than that, I don't have much of a birth plan. We are going through childbirth classes now, every Tuesday for 5 weeks. Tonight is our 2nd class. So maybe after the 5 weeks, I will have more of a "plan". :blush:

The new house is definitely exciting, but a lot of work. We are moved in, but there are boxes everywhere! I exhausted myself this weekend during the move, so I have decided my new plan of action is to only unpack a box a night. Shaun will help, but he has so much outside work to do (pressure washing, yard work, etc.) that I told him to focus on that, and I will focus on the inside. It does have a nice-sized yard, but as I said before, it needs quite a bit of work. The previous owner was an elderly man who was put into a nursing home, and so the yard was just let go. Lots of overgrowth. It'll be nice once Shaun gets it fixed up. :)

Have you scheduled your consult with the NYC doctor? I hope he will be able to help you figure out what's going on. I'm praying for you. Please keep us up to date! :hugs:
Where is our Lou Lou?!? :cry: I meant to put that in my post below, but posted before I remembered to add it. I miss her and hope she's doing OK.
Good morning, sweet ladies.

Kim, I hope you're not exhausting yourself unpacking and working in the house too much. Run down yards are my fav cause one can do anything and everything :)

Ya birth plan means planning on pain relief, hospital, home, birth centre, water birth, placenta keeping, etc, everything to do with the birth :) and Ya I was wondering at what point the decisions are all made :)

I wonder what the other girls are up to, I'm so sad for Shara's loss too. I was surprised by my loss cause I honestly believed my baby was going to survive against any odds. But then deep down I knew I had a condition so when it happened I kinda new why it happened. But Shara's loss is beyond comprehension and I really hope she pulls through and I'm sure that we'll all be mamas soon. Just have to keep trying... But ya, it's easier for me to just pretend the last few months never happened than trying to deal with the emotions and the what's and why's...

AFM we did go beach camping on the Cape, it was cold, it was a private beach not a site, so no facilities, but the friend who invited us has a cottage there so we used the cottage facilities and only slept on the beach. There was plenty of room in the cottage but it's an annual beach camp even so all 20-30 ppl who turned up slept tented on the beach. Some never went to sleep and drank and laughed by the fire till following noon...

Now that the weather warmed up we purchased bicycles and we go biking after work (we live on a state park bike path so miles of path). We also found a lake some 4-5 miles from us and we started going kayaking there on the weekends.

I don't know how far from NYC i am and I still don't have appointent but I have a 10 min consultation with the adviser next Monday so they'll explain where I need to go for blood tests and stuff and they'll explain the process as they wont just talk to me on the phone. It has to be a consultation call when they'll answer my questions. So I'll know more next Monday after the consult. Web site says appointments waiting list is approx 6 weeks after the phone call discussion. So I'm hoping to have some answers by mid summer.

I also started a AIP diet without the meat, it's so so hard but this time I'm determined to give it everything I possibly can. Also if the diet helps improve my blood test results it means I may not need treatment?! I hope so! So eating fruit and veg while waiting on the consut and the instructions for blood tests...

Lou Lou, Shara, Tara, Jodie, Jess sending love your way and hope to hear from you soon sweets <3

Kim you to my lovely, give Conner a little pat from his auntie Kika and can't wait to see some new house pics, oh and bump pics too xxx
Ok ladies I'm back with news from the doc :D

For him to order blood work and analyse the results it's a flat fee of $3000 + copay and the blood tests are paid separately!

Then if I do need treatment (which he thinks I do and so do I) he needs to prescribe the meds. The way it works is he would send the prescription and instructions to my local doctor. But for him to send my doctor the prescription and instructions it's another $3000. And then then meds are about 5k and so roughly it's about 11k of self pay to make the problem disappear...
Kika, that is insanity!!! $11,000?!? Who has that kind of money?!? What are you going to do? I mean, maybe you can afford that, but I certainly couldn't. :nope:

It sounds like you had a good time on your camping trip! How is married life treating you and hubby?

Here is my most recent bump picture (31 weeks):


  • 31 Weeks - 05-15-2015.jpg
    31 Weeks - 05-15-2015.jpg
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Here are a few pics of our new house. It needs some work, but we're pretty proud! :cloud9:


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Aw Kika, sorry to hear about the pricey bills for your treatment. New York City is about 2 hours away from Providence btw.

And Kim, your house is awesome!! Congratulations!!
Hey ladies!!! Xxx

It's so exciting to post here right now :D so sorry for the absence. I've been so busy planning for the twins and running around after a toddler whilst I feel like an elephant is obviously hard work too lol. I haven't actually read previous pages but if I've missed anything I'm sorry , I just haven't read back! But I did need to post as its been so long, Ive missed u all! kimmy you can't have long left now, ?! this is totally flying for me this pregnancy, I can't wait to have the girls ! I've renamed them so many times already, one of them is definitely Kayla May but we can't decide for sure on the other baby :( Kim have you named yet , and do we have any more bfp's ???!!!! Love you all. Xxx
Jess!!! It's so good to hear from you!!! :hugs: :kiss: I completely understand you not being able to get on more often. I'm super excited you remembered your login info, though! If I remember correctly, Louisa said you couldn't remember it, so yay for remembering!

I love Kayla May, it is gorgeous! We have decided on Connor Shaun for our little boy. And you are right - not much longer for me! My 3rd trimester seems to be going the fastest! 7 weeks left as of tomorrow, but my doctor may induce me up to 2 weeks early depending on how large he's measuring. I have gestational diabetes, so he's already a little on the big side even though I've been controlling it with diet and exercise. He's measuring 5 pounds, 5 ounces as of yesterday's visit (not sure how much that calculates to be over there...). My chunky monkey! I don't mind if he's on the big side, I just pray he arrives healthy!

So very glad to hear from you, honey! I hope you are able to get on every so often to keep us updated, but totally understand how busy you've been, so no pressure. I'd love to hear more about how your pregnancy is going! Love you, girlie! <3
Just wanted to share my most recent bump pic, 33 weeks. :blush:


  • 33 Weeks - 06-01-2015.jpg
    33 Weeks - 06-01-2015.jpg
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Woohoo kim you're looking GOOD lady! Pregnancy suits you!!!! <3
Sorry for not posting much, we have been busy getting ready for holiday. we are going tonight :wohoo: We leave home at 3am to take off at 5:15am from London.. So excited!!! So I'll talk to you guys in 2 weeks. Love you all x x
Just wanted to share my most recent bump pic, 33 weeks. :blush:


Woohoo kim you're looking GOOD lady! Pregnancy suits you!!!! <3
Sorry for not posting much, we have been busy getting ready for holiday. we are going tonight :wohoo: We leave home at 3am to take off at 5:15am from London.. So excited!!! So I'll talk to you guys in 2 weeks. Love you all x x

Have a wonderful vacation! Great to see your post!

Hey ladies!!! Xxx

It's so exciting to post here right now :D so sorry for the absence. I've been so busy planning for the twins and running around after a toddler whilst I feel like an elephant is obviously hard work too lol. I haven't actually read previous pages but if I've missed anything I'm sorry , I just haven't read back! But I did need to post as its been so long, Ive missed u all! kimmy you can't have long left now, ?! this is totally flying for me this pregnancy, I can't wait to have the girls ! I've renamed them so many times already, one of them is definitely Kayla May but we can't decide for sure on the other baby :( Kim have you named yet , and do we have any more bfp's ???!!!! Love you all. Xxx

Hey Jesss...great to hear from you! You're looking wonderful as well.
Tara, aren't you forgetting to mention something important, my dear?!? ;) :kiss:

Louisa, it is so good to hear from you! I miss you tons! I can't wait to hear all about your holiday! I know you'll have a fab time. :thumbup: Love you, lady!
Kimmy, you and Connor look great!

Lou Lou, enjoy vacation and can't wait to hear all about it!

Jess, oh how exciting for you and the twinsies.

Hope everyone is doing well... I'm in and out of depression, just taking it one day at a time... No more specialists and appointments, we can't afford the NY guy and we have no plan :/

I've good days and bad days but working on having more good than bad days. On the good days we go to beaches and ride our bikes. On bad days I stay home and cry all day...but then I do try to pull myself togehter and have a possitive attitude and I've left it all in God's hands...

Oh, Kika, I'm so sorry to hear you are depressed. :hugs: Have you seen a psychiatrist for counseling and/or medication? I hate it for you, my sweet friend. I suffer from depression (and anxiety) myself, but take a daily medication and haven't had an episode in 3 years. I also have a counselor who I see - I strongly encourage you to at least go talk to someone about it. Depression is a serious illness, just like heart disease or any other affliction of the body, except it affects the mind instead. I can only imagine how hard what you're going through is, but please take care of yourself, honey. I love you and am here for you! :hugs: :kiss:
Hey guys I'm home :-) had the most amazing time. Tara- massive congratulations love!!! <3 can't believe it, fab news. Kika it hurts me to hear you're struggling with everything right now. Jesse and i's plans are also on hold as we are seriously considering moving abroad for good.. So I don't wanna do anything just yet because all those chances would be gone. Kim how are you?? How's connor doing?? I am so so so so so excited to see this little boy!!!! <3 I love him like a family member. And same for all you ladies. No more holidays to deal with, so I'll be signing in again daily woo woo wooo love you all xxx
Kimmy, thank you for sharing your experience with depression. I don't know if I can talk to a counsellor, I come here to tell you all my problems and I feel better so a bit like having group counselling but from home :) a chatted a bit on Facebook with a friend of a friend --> friend connected us cause she's had problem with recurrent miscarriages and thought she and I could share experience. So her advice was keep trying --> she's had 10 miscarriages (due to kariotype problems with either her or the husband, I forgot, so they had to keep trying until they conceived a baby with the right chromosomes, so a bit different problem than mine but still an obstacle in the way of becoming parents) and then a baby girl.

So we decided may be we'd try again and again until it sticks... But now we are faced with another challenge --> husband can't ejaculate...it just doesn't happen and it's so frustrating for both of us. I hope we have better luck next month and if he still has the same problem may be see a specialist for him. Blah...

Lou Lou, so excited to hear about your holiday and plans to move countries. Where did you guys go and which country you want to move to? How's the puppy doing?

Lots of love to all my friends <3

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