I use to have my tongue done but I use to swallow the bars in my sleep and I woke up to it completely closed up one day, I was NOT going through the after pain of a fresh tongue piercing again for no one

aww bless you Jodie

I can see why you feel like that but you've tried a new method this month plus O tests, positive thoughts girly

my mum and dad started trying for me at 18, they had their own place obviously etc etc and they waited 10 years for me. My mum has pcos though and was told she would never conceive but she didn't stop trying. She had 6 operations and treatment each month and after 10 years she fell pregnant with me and went on to have my little brother 10 years after that!
I often feel like me and Jesse should go to the doctors and see if they can do some tests, not really for me as much but mainly Jesse.. When I was pregnant before it was with my ex so although I KNOW I can get pregnant I'm worried that I can't by Jesse

but I would never ever go to the doctors purely because of my age, Jesse's 23 so he isn't a problem but I would feel embarrassed walking in there.. It's silly. It's the way were made to feel by people saying 'it's kids having kids' and all that BS. Raaah