OK, my dears, I have decided I am staying logged in indefinitely so the same mistake doesn't happen again! That frustrated me soooo much!
I'll do my best to say what I said last time and try not to forget anything.
Aww, Jodie, honey! Bless your sweet little heart! I hate that you're ill AND are not feeling positive about this cycle! You know what I think? You'll be the first to get a BFP BECAUSE you feel not good about it this time around. (There we go again, Shara! I really did say this the first time. It's those SSM wavelengths again! lol) And you'll start the domino effect for the rest of us, like Shara said.
That's what happened to me, actually. I kept getting Low readings on my fertility monitor, so I thought I never Od. On CD 20 it finally gave up on me and stopped asking for test sticks. And guess what? That's the cycle I got pregnant! So chin up, girlie, it's going to happen for you!
FX for you and I'm blowing lots of baby dust your way!
I'm not sure you saw my previous post from a while back, but I did the same as you and created lists on Amazon while I was pregnant. It's just so much fun looking at and searching for all things baby related!
Shara, I forgot to comment earlier on what you said about the four of us remaining FF SSMs during pregnancy and as new mommies. I am 100% down with that plan! I think we will all need each other, even if we aren't at exactly the same stages at the same time. I truly feel like the four of us will be friends for a very long time!
And God bless whichever one of us gets pregnant first because the rest of us will be leaning on you for all the answers! (Jodie!