Jodie, hun, I sent you the monitor pics!
Let me know if you get them?
I am so sorry to hear about those terrible parents who live next door to you and their unruly rugrats. Just like Louisa said, they can't help the way they're being raised, but it certainly doesn't make things any easier on you!
Actually, Louisa, I thought how you described them being dragged up instead of brought up was very clever but also true. It's sad to see, and my heart goes out to those little ones because they will probably never know better. It is SOOOOO ANNOYING that people like them can have multiple children (7?!?!? Are they out of their minds?) while the rest of us sit here pining to have just a single child! Anyway, I'm sorry you have to deal with all that drama. Do you rent your house? Have you guys considered moving?
I am completely on the same page with y'all about the mistreated animals on Facebook and the TV commercials that come on... I'm like Louisa and have to turn the TV channel or else I will start crying. Hell, I start crying just thinking about if something were to happen to my own fur babies! And Jodie, I couldn't agree more about sometimes prefering animals to people!
Animals are so simple and loving and people can be so mean and complicated. One of the best feelings in the world is when I come home from work and our dogs greet us at the door, tails wagging and jumping around like crazy, as if they haven't seen us in days.
It makes my heart feel so full of love! And WTH is up with that lady cutting tails off cats in the neighborhood? OMG, that is so terrible!!! If it were up to me, people like that would be hurt somehow in return! Ugh, that just sickens me to no end.