Good morning, my dears! I'm sorry I was off the radar yesterday evening. We had dinner out with my mother-in-law and her boyfriend and didn't get home until late. I had 3 (!!!) glasses of

and was beyond ready to go to sleep once we got home.
What sites did you guys use for the gender predictions? I used the one on Countdown to Pregnancy and it didn't ask for a due date, just the mother's age at conception and the month she conceived. So according to that one, you WOULD get your little Roman, Shara! You are 28, correct? And yes, Louisa, as long as you don't O today or tomorrow, it says you'd have a girl! If Jodie conceived in October, it says she'd have a girl, too! (I think I remember her saying she's 21, but even if she's only 20, it still says girl for October conception.) That's just based on the one I looked at, but I'd like to try the ones y'all used and see if mine comes out different. I know we can't really hang our hats on it, but it's so fun to think about!
Why are boys names so hard??? Y'all know I love Grace, as Waverly Grace is my front runner for a girl. So I guess you're right about Grace being popular as a middle name, Louisa. But Grace is beautiful regardless of whether it's a first or middle name.

I think Grace Ann is pretty. Don't worry, though, if you use Grace, you'll find something you love! And of course I love Royal, Roma and Roman. They all start with Ro (like Romeo) AND they all sound great with Carter! Have you guys thought about middle names, Shara?