Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

I just have an android, but it is so awesome. I love this phone. I will still be upgrading next month because my hubby wants us to have the new iPhone 6, the brick I know lol...

I have a ? ladies, I'm sitting here at work and I am feeling very crampy as if AF is coming again, but I know that's not her for sure. I don't recall ever experiencing O pains before but I heard they do exist, sooooo I pose the 1st question: Have you ladies ever experienced O pains? and 2: If so, how long did it take you to actually O? I know every woman is different but I just want to make sure I'm not ov today!! Even though we BD today, I don't know if we can make it 3 days in row if I am
I do most months Shara. I nearly always know when I ovulate, although sometimes I do get niggly pains for no reason too but I definitely had these last month around O time. I would say the day before ovulation is when i've had them, as a rough guess anyway! I often feel like AF is coming way before her time when it's just not possible so it only makes sense to be O pains. Where do you work Shara, what do you do- if you don't mind me asking :D
I wish I could say I've had O pains, but I don't believe I ever have. I think I would know if I did, right?

I love your new pic, Louisa! It looks very pretty and tropical. Where was it taken?
You would know about O pains Kim, although it's more of an annoying niggly twinge sort of pain than an 'ouch' pain. Aww thank you honey, it was taken in Antalya :) Where my dad lives in Turkey - beautiful part of the world! <3

If you're wondering if I've got two dads, yes I do haha. It's a complicated story but my real dad is the Turkish one. My step dad is English obviously but I see them both as equal as each other and love them both the same. They have both given me just as much. It's just unfortunate that my mum and real dad didn't work out otherwise maybe I'd live in the sunny Turkey right now :haha:
Also .. Please excuse me if I sound weird :haha: I'm in two minds whether to go and get checked out or whether it's to do with being a woman who's bodies constantly change. But for the past few months, I keep getting weird little twinges of burning sensations, that sort of pulse(as in, come and go) mainly all over my body. It feels like it's in my veins if anything, is that normal? Considering it's day 1 of AF, I'm not too worried but have you ever had anything like it? I seem to get it a lot :shrug:
Oh Kim that is such a sweet picture of your little Jacks! They look so cosy haha AW I want them! Xx
BTW, I'm sure you'll notice my new avatar, but if you want to see another picture of my babies, go to my profile. You can see their faces in that one. :)

<3 :dog: <3 :dog: <3
OMG, I am so jealous of both of you!!! Your updated pics are soooo cute! You look so pretty and relaxed in that pic Louisa, and I wish I had my dad, :( but he passed away when I was 9 so obviously that's not going to happen. I know you feel so loved..

Your fur babies are so adorable in that pic Kim! I feel so boring!!!!!!! I have no fur babies, no tropical beauty weather to vaca too. Just me and my hubby and my spider infested house lol, oh and my car which I love! FML
But you will have a little bundle soon shara. Isn't it such an exciting feeling? To think that within the next few months, we should all have our bfp's and then finding out who's having little prince's and princesses! discussing names and everything - AH! Can't wait :D talking of names, have you discussed? Me and my OH have (who's name is Jesse by the way) we have discussed names even down to middles :haha:

So sorry to hear of your dad shara, you were so young :cry: must have been so hard and confusing for you flower :(

Our Kim has done her disappearing act again ;) haha
Louisa, I simply HAD to google Antalya as I love beachy, tropical places...and I'm so glad I did! Now I want to go there!!! You weren't kidding about it being a beautiful part of the world. And yes, I was kinda wondering about your two dads, lol. That's great that you have such a wonderful relationship with both of them!

I have never experienced the whole body twinges like you're talking about, but I do have weird, unexplainable twinges every so often. Do yours pulse all over your body at the same time? Or do they happen in different spots at different times? I'm not sure if it's normal or not, but it never hurts to visit your doctor just to be sure!

And thank you for the compliments on my "beebies" (that's what I call them, it's my baby talk for the word "babies", in case it wasn't obvious). They are our pride and joy! So I'm sorry, Louisa, but you may not have them. :nope: ;) The avatar pic is what they do pretty much all day until we get home from work. The profile pic is what they do once they're tired of digging, sniffing around, barking, etc. when we're in the fenced in back yard (usually while my hubs does yard work and I read or play games on my Kindle).

Oh, I totally forgot to reply about your fear of insects, Louisa! Bless your heart, you poor thing, I think you have it worse than Shara or me! I can't believe the specialist wanted you to release a spider in your house and just be OK with it. You made me laugh when you said you put it in a bush and drove off without it, though. I would've done the same!
OMG, Shara, you literally made me LOL with your comment about your spider infested house! Seriously, while I'm sitting in my cubicle at work! Not laughing AT you, just the way you said all of that about me with my fur babies and Louisa with her lovely Turkish home away from home. :rofl:

Now you have to tell us about your car, so we can be jealous of you! My car evens out the fact that I have 2 cute fur babies: I have a 2005 Chrysler PT Cruiser. Yuck! Does that make you feel better? :haha:

I'm sorry to hear about you losing your dad at 9 years old, too. I can't imagine how tough it must've been on your mom, you and your sibling(s) (if you have them). :cry:

It really would be so great if all 3 of us could hang out in person. I bet we'd all get along famously!
It's a great place but I must say I've never really seen many American tourists there. Mainly English :D you'd become a HUGE fan the second you stepped off the plane, it's just one of those places with a huge buzz everywhere! A couple years back just before I met Jesse, I stayed with my dad for a few months out there and could have stayed forever :D he would love that but you have to be realistic :( it's lovely seeing the grandparents and everything too.. Although a pain in the butt having to talk Turkish the whole time which is still a little bit of a chore for me :haha:

Haha Kim, I can look back at the spider situation and laugh now too. But I was so embarrassed at the time!!

Cubicle at work?! Where do you work haha sorry you both keep mentioning work and I'd love to be able to picture where 'work' is :D I'm in bed right now THANKGOD, it has only been recently that I could sleep at this time. I'm a care assistant and use to work nights(22 hour shifts) absolute killer! But with ttc, sleep is so important for proper cycles so I recently changed over to days and it's so much better. 8 in the morning until 8 at night is still pretty hard going though and it scares me for when I do fall pregnant because you're exposed to their infections and diseases in a place like that. And then there are the ones with dementia who lash out at you and bite you, could be so dangerous so I'm thinking of a job change to something less risky until I go back to work in the future!
But you will have a little bundle soon shara. Isn't it such an exciting feeling? To think that within the next few months, we should all have our bfp's and then finding out who's having little prince's and princesses! discussing names and everything - AH! Can't wait :D talking of names, have you discussed? Me and my OH have (who's name is Jesse by the way) we have discussed names even down to middles :haha:

Reading the above made me so excited for the three of us!!! Louisa, you're absolutely right. In a few months, we'll all be sharing preggo stories and feelings and weird things that are happening to us because of all the preggo hormones! Oh, you guys, I can hardly wait!

Louisa, you may not remember, but you and I also started out on a baby names board together (I haven't had time to go back much, it's too much fun talking you both of you here!), but we haven't heard Shara's names yet. I remember liking yours, but I can't remember what they were now. Maybe Jada, pronounced Jar-da? Was that you? There was another one of yours that I liked, too, but it is escaping me.

My favorite girl's names are #1 Waverly Grace, and #2 Caitlin Marie. Shaun is not all that fond of Waverly Grace (he says Grace is too Southern - his family is from New Jersey), but I think it is very cute and would transition nicely from a little girl to a grown woman. We have some work to do on boy's names, though.

Louisa, I forgot to say that I agree with Shara - you do look so peaceful and beautiful in your new avatar photo!
We posted a minute apart Kim haha! Cross ties.. Oh no :nope: :haha:

Oh how exciting!!! I just hope it happens at a similar time for us all, how great would that be? Yeah for a girl we've basically decided Jaida Lily pronounced jade-uh though :D for a boy were clueless too, but we also have Bella Mai for a girl which we love. Girl names seem to be so easy compared to boys, I really don't like many at all! :shrug: I don't normally get these wrong, but I think Shara will be :pink: and Kim :blue: for some reason, I can feel it!

Aww thank you! My dad took that picture and then posted it on Facebook saying how proud he is of me, I didn't even realise he took it :D I like how tanned I look so thought I'd use one of me instead of the ponies for a change!
Louisa, you're bilingual?!? Now I'm really jealous! I wish I knew another language. Besides the obligatory Spanish I took in high school and now can only repeat a few phrases and words.

I would rather not tell you exactly where I work since these boards are public and I really shouldn't be doing this at work...unless I'm doing it on breaks! ...which of course, I am... :winkwink: If you look me up on Facebook, it's on my profile there. For the purposes of this thread, I'm simply an administrative professional. :)

Well, ladies, my hubs is on his way to pick me up (we carpool to work as our offices are right across the highway from each other). It might be tomorrow before I can get back on, if so, have a good evening!

Haha OH i see ;) naughty naughty :haha:

Nighty night lovelies! <3
Hey girls! Sorry I posted after you were all gone to bed :( I still wanna say thanks for the condolences ladies. My dad was definitely my best friend at the time. I was his only child so we did everything together. He is the one who raised me (hence the sports addiction lol). I just really got close with my mom when I moved to Wisconsin 3 years ago, but I could tell she was a little heartbroken over his death maybe more so because of me, idk :shrug:.
Luisa even though I would never tell anyone to change jobs, I would advice you to relax when u do get preggers because you do become more fragile health wise and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you hun. And stay from spiders too lol. I think Kim's right you are probably worst than us although I truly think I would've done same or just never took it from the man to begin with. It's so funny too that you say I'm gonna have a girl because that's exactly what my husband says all the time. Mind you ladies, he swears by it okay lol. I, myself, would love a little :blue:. I had his name picked out and everything Roman Andre Carter and if by some weird chance I have a girl Roma Royal Carter same initials as her dad. I can't wait til we get preggers :happy dance: That's gonna be an awesome day for all 3 of us. Luisa I think it'll be :pink: for you lol...

Yes Kim OH=BD so get to it lady!! Haha. We need a bfp here lol. I'm sorry but I am not on Facebook. Mainly because I truly don't see the reason behind it. The people most closest to me don't have one so its really no need for me. As I'm TTC, BNB has become my Facebook lol. I have heard too many dramas stories about it and rather not partake in that. I know, I suck lol..

Afm- I just got back from date night with the hubby since everything's cheaper to do today. Plus this was BDing day :blush: Soooooo here I lay with my legs in the air making sure I get :spermy: this time, as my husband lays here snoring like he's trying to wake the dead, honestly. This is crunch time ladies because I took an opk this evening and I'm pretty sure I'm O'ing soon. If by tomorrow then we will BD again tomorrow night if not we'll go another day then BD Thursday. Wish us luck. Goodnight Kim and Luisa..
Hey girls! Sorry I posted after you were all gone to bed :( I still wanna say thanks for the condolences ladies. My dad was definitely my best friend at the time. I was his only child so we did everything together. He is the one who raised me (hence the sports addiction lol). I just really got close with my mom when I moved to Wisconsin 3 years ago, but I could tell she was a little heartbroken over his death maybe more so because of me, idk :shrug:.
Luisa even though I would never tell anyone to change jobs, I would advice you to relax when u do get preggers because you do become more fragile health wise and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you hun. And stay from spiders too lol. I think Kim's right you are probably worst than us although I truly think I would've done same or just never took it from the man to begin with. It's so funny too that you say I'm gonna have a girl because that's exactly what my husband says all the time. Mind you ladies, he swears by it okay lol. I, myself, would love a little :blue:. I had his name picked out and everything Roman Andre Carter and if by some weird chance I have a girl Roma Royal Carter same initials as her dad. I can't wait til we get preggers :happy dance: That's gonna be an awesome day for all 3 of us. Luisa I think it'll be :pink: for you lol...

Yes Kim OH=BD so get to it lady!! Haha. We need a bfp here lol. I'm sorry but I am not on Facebook. Mainly because I truly don't see the reason behind it. The people most closest to me don't have one so its really no need for me. As I'm TTC, BNB has become my Facebook lol. I have heard too many dramas stories about it and rather not partake in that. I know, I suck lol..

Afm- I just got back from date night with the hubby since everything's cheaper to do today. Plus this was BDing day :blush: Soooooo here I lay with my legs in the air making sure I get :spermy: this time, as my husband lays here snoring like he's trying to wake the dead, honestly. This is crunch time ladies because I took an opk this evening and I'm pretty sure I'm O'ing soon. If by tomorrow then we will BD again tomorrow night if not we'll go another day then BD Thursday. Wish us luck. Goodnight Kim and Luisa..

Aw, Shara :cry: i'm sure he's watching over you so damn proud of the person he raised! I am dreading the day I lose my parents, i'm SO close to them both especially my mum but I think that's a girl thing!

The thing is, you obviously don't even know you're pregnant for the first couple weeks so I really am worried about the job situation. My job really is pretty tough going, I do 3 days on and get 4 days off though but that's not the point, is it? it's dangerous and i'm not risking it for anyone when I do fall preg :nope:

Your names are cute Shara! my next door neighbours little boy is called Roman. I think Kim's are super unique and pretty too. I love the whole naming thing! Haha EVERYBODY thinks i'll have a girl :haha: literally, not one person has ever said they think i'll have a boy when my time comes. I would <3 LOVE <3 a girl. I think probably because i'm the typical girly girl myself but honestly you can't be picky I guess. As long as our babies stick this time and are healthy then that's really all that matters. Everyone has a preference deep down though I think ;) Jesse likes Landen for a boy but I really don't like anything for a boy at all! it's so difficult naming a little lad. I don't like the fact that Landen starts with the same letter as my name, silly I know :haha:

I'm glad you had your legs in the air girl!!!!
best way to do it. some people say it makes no difference but I feel like it does so if it makes us feel better then it's all good, huh?! :happydance:
It really is SO long until I ovulate, feel like my chances are so far away right now :( I'm going to get some OPK's today, I just hope this cycle is a bit more regular compared to what's just happened. UGH who'd be a women?! :shrug: :haha:

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